MTL - Conan’s Magical Girl-Chapter 64

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"You don't lie, do you?" Shuangyue asked suddenly.

This is an unsolved question, and no matter how Kyuubi answers, she will never get an answer from it.

[Yes. 】

Kyuubi answered in the affirmative.

"Will you stay with me?"

【I will accompany you, no matter what you want to do. 】

Shuangyue touched the bandage on her chest and couldn't help laughing.

Kyuubi and Kayo will believe her and accompany her, and she will be suspicious of her obedience to Karasuma Renye.

Matsuda and Hayami respect her character and choices, while Karasuma Renye just wants a "thinking" puppet.

"I want to... destroy the world." She raised her lips recklessly, "This is my wish when I signed the contract."

[Together. 】

Little Kyuubi's fluffy tail brushed Shuangyue's ears lightly, making her feel a little itchy.

[In a short while, the memory of your first life suppressed by the world will be restored. 】

"This is also done by the world consciousness?" She raised her eyebrows, "You just said "get rid of the fate of magical girls"... What do you mean? "

[You will not become a witch. 】

[Your soul will return to your body. 】

[Your mana belongs to you, not to the Soul Stone. 】

She looked down at her hand, a body that had been used for ten years.

The latter two are actually not important to her, the first is not to become a witch.

At least she won't hurt her pure land one day.

“…what about you?”

【There is only one magical girl named Frost Moon in this world, I am your Kewpie. 】

She was stunned for a moment, her water-green eyes flickered slightly.

"...I like you, Cupid."


Shuangyue's original identity is very red, red to black.

The mother is Grenache, who longed for the light and rebelled against the organization, and was originally a good friend with Belmod.

My father was an undercover agent of MI6 in the organization, who instigated Grenache and brought out key information about the organization.

I was fostered to my father's comrade-in-arms at birth, that is, the Akai family. The parents were hunted down and killed by the organization.

The turning point of her life was when she was taken away on Wednesday at the age of five, and was torn between human traffickers. At the age of seven, she tried her best to kill a human trafficker and escaped, on the way Shuangyue got her body only after an accident.

Why would she know this?

Because the opposite of her is sitting Shiliang Zhenchun.

"Is that you? Ge Wei?" Shiliang grabbed Shuangyue's shoulder excitedly, "Your eyes have never changed."

She would call each other Shuangyue at first, but after Adeberge and Grenache died, her mother changed her name to Akai Utami for Shuangyue and asked her to change her name too.

Shuangyue was silent for a moment: "Maybe."

[World recognition: 93%]


The identification report in Amuro Toru's hand was wrinkled, and a pair of purple-gray eyes shone brightly.

He tried his best to suppress his excitement and contact Kuroda Hei.


Compared to confronting himself, he still needs to confirm with his superiors before that.

In case this was a trap for the organization, although he knew it was very unlikely.

There is no need for the organization to test his traitor teammates three years ago. He has encountered many such things three years ago, especially now that he is a popular man under Rum.


Shuangyue, surname Shuangyue, is an ordinary child.

She has an ordinary, not harmonious but decent family, simple interpersonal relationships, one or two superficial friends, ordinary growing up experience, and has three views of integrity and kindness.

Xing Shuangyue, surname Xing, name Shuangyue, is a child whose life is controlled by his parents.

Shuangyue's impression of the autopsy corpse came from here, from the autopsy room where her father took her to the research institute.

She has a dual personality, and her soul is also split under unknown circumstances. The depressed personality signs a contract with Kyuubi, and her wish is "I hope the next child who makes a wish can live a happy life. ”, and then the ego dissipates, a very strange wish, that Kewpie’s definition of happiness is not the same, and everyone’s definition of happiness is not the same.

Shuangyue came to her body, so Chubby used the so-called wish of happiness on her.

Another indifferent personality of the original owner watched Frost Moon run away, pursue hope, and finally fall into darkness, calmly allowing the other party to make a wish with his soul.

Because of this, Shuangyue can make two wishes.

The happiness that Kewpie gives is to have magic, become a magical girl, and break free from the shackles of devil parents.

Shuangyue recognizes Chubby and understands what a magical girl is, so the first wish she made was "I want a lot of causal power".

A very nonsensical wish.

The greater the wish of the magical girl, the more potential and causal power needed to realize it, just like the power of causality that Madoka has entangled in countless reincarnations of flames, can she finally become a **** of circles.

But what is the frost moon? There is only one reincarnation at most.

But she made a wish with another personality of the original owner, and the witch she defeated after becoming a magical girl was herself.

Her second wish is "Let this world be destroyed".

Kyuby decided that she wanted to destroy herself, so she gave her the power to destroy.

After the appearance of the ring principle, there were some conflicts with her wishes. Under the unknown reaction, it came to the new world with Frost Moon.

In order to guide Frost Moon's emotional ability to recover enough powerful energy at the end, it wants Frost Moon to feel the warmth before being betrayed and fall into the deepest despair.

"Songtian was pushing it because of you, right?" Shuangyue calmly listened to Little Kyuubi's words, but she was not angry at the idea of ​​making herself an energy in the first place, "At that time The degree of recognition is very low, I directly changed the mortal fate of a mainline character, and should directly incarnate as a witch, Matsuda should have died due to other events later."

[Yes,] Little Kyuubi opened round red eyes, [I negotiated with the world consciousness, once the witch appears in this world view, only the "witch" can affect it, He also did not want to see such an outcome. 】

The second witch is a magic inheritor like Koizumi Hongko.

Shuangyue leaned against the telephone pole by the roadside and closed her eyes gently.

[Frost Moon's wish is destruction, it is easy to fall into darkness, but it is difficult to feel the light and warmth. 】

[I originally hoped that after feeling the care of others, they found your identity and chose to give up. 】

"Then you should know later that they will not let go of "Frost Moon Saya" because of this. "

Whether it's Matsuda or Hayami, or Shinichi and Xiaolan, not to mention Kayo and Gin, who are already in the same dark place.

She raised her hand to cover the coating of the telephone pole, and sighed softly: "...Kyubi, knowing that feelings are not a good thing for you."

[Not all. 】

[I disappeared when the main node of the world line started, did Shuangyue miss me at that time? 】

It really doesn't look like what the Kewpies would say.

"I searched for it several times at home and on the street," Shuangyue looked at the back of her hand, her eyes wide as if she was looking at her lover, "I'm not used to being without you."

【But you will get used to it later. 】

【No one can live without anyone leaving. 】

The uneasiness in her heart became more obvious, Shuangyue frowned: "What did you do when you disappeared? Are you... going to die?"

[I went to fight against the consciousness of the world and let him relax his control over the world. 】

Like when Matsuda was rescued.

So her recognition has grown by leaps and bounds during this time.

【My "life" in this world will also come to an end. 】

Kewpie will die?

This is a possibility that Frost Moon has never considered.

The Kewpie family shares a network, and it doesn’t matter how many people die, but the little Kewpie is a special individual who has feelings, and has cut off the sharing with other Kewpies in this world.

[Your special, Frost Moon. 】

[The body makes you qualified to be recognized by the world, and the soul allows you to continue to move. 】

[But there is a transparent "pure land", they will not let you fall into despair. 】

"'re leaving me."

【I will not leave, I will accompany you. 】

Shuangyue lowered her head, resting her forehead on the back of her hand, her hair falling.

【Thank you, Frost Moon. 】

[Although the disease called emotion brought me pain, I also felt joy and happiness. It turns out that the child wished for happiness...]

[The existence that Frost Moon calls the "Kewpie system" is my gift and will not disappear because of my "life"...]

"No wonder you talk so much today."

Frost Moon interrupted it in a low voice.

"Are you in a hurry to tell me everything and die in peace?"

Kyuubi huddled quietly on top of her head, closing her ruby ​​eyes.

【I will accompany you, Shuangyue. 】

The weight on the top of her head gradually became heavier, and Shuangyue immediately realized that something was wrong.

"You're a liar."

[I don't lie. 】


"Do you have a name? Except for Chubby and Hatcher."

[The name has no meaning to us. 】

"There is now, you are the only most special Kewpie."

[Like a human name? 】


"You have a name now, special little Cupid."

【Ruby...? 】

【Shuangyue, I am very happy. 】


“…are you still there?”

[Faction choice: red or black? Kazdelli and Utsumi Akai, you have high hopes from both sides, or what choice did you make? 】


"...Really, I haven't had time to call out more."

She used to say "Kyuubi must die", but when her little Cupid disappeared, she felt her heart twitch.

Shuangyue raised her hand and gently hugged her soft pink body.

Little Cupid's eyes were closed, his whole body was soft and warm, but lifeless.

"What kind of choice... I'm not just Kazdelli and Utomi Akai, I'm Shiromuki."

"Of course I choose to have it all."

"You'll be with me...right? Ruby?"

[Achievement: [Wind and Rain]]

[In the darkness of the storm, are you the blazing sun that cuts through the sky or the dark night to come? 】


The author has something to say:

1. The reappearance of Kyuubi means disappearing! Did not expect it!

2. Try to write as sad _(:3"∠)_, it's almost dead, this little Kewpie is really sincere, it's just Kewpie.

3. "Kewpie must die" has been agreed by everyone, but Kewpie is special, it is the Kewpie of Frost Moon.

4. Ruby, or ruby, also refers to ruby ​​port wine, as beautiful and shiny as the eyes of little Cupid. (Although the name is Vision Stone Pet)

5. Because Chubby will leave a body after death, so Ruby's body is also left to Shuangyue.

—The following has nothing to do with the text—

7. Everyone seems to be resting these two days, and the teacher's punch-in reminder has become "wake up and remember to punch in".

8. Kyuubi is so cute and I want it too (x.

9.npy asked me what to eat, I said it was not spicy, and it was Brad_(:3”∠)_ when I typed it.

Vampires don't eat spicy food because they eat blood.

10. We who scan the code every time: we are noble 24h negative!

11. Who will be the first to discover Frost Moon in the next chapter? (Actually, I can’t think of it _(:3”∠)_)

1. Conan


3. Matsuda

There is no Jingguang cat and gin, they are busy with red and black.

There is no Xiaolan and the others, Shuangyue does not intend to involve them.

No Bourbon, Frost Moon doesn't like Black Heart Bourbon_(:3"∠)_.

1d3=1, go to Conan, it will be you.

(7.3 stay)