MTL - Comprehensive Manga: a Journey Through the Supreme Being-Chapter 55

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It's just that Nangong didn't expect this important information to be hidden under that document that month.

The reason why the girl Lan Yu Shallow has such talent and huge computing power is because she is Cain's shrine maiden.

"'"Let's go, Xiao Nayue... there's nothing to see here."

Xixiang said to Nangong Nayue, and he extended his hand to Nangong Nayue.

The holy annihilation system has not been activated, it is just some elusive spell symbols, and there is nothing new.

Nangong nodded that month. Her little hand was placed on Xixiang's, and she stood up with her strength, and walked out of the stone room with Xixiang.

As soon as he left the coffin of the God of Blame, Xixiang saw Aurora looking inside eagerly.

After seeing Xixiang and Nangong coming out that month, Aurora was startled and jumped back to her sisters like a rabbit, pretending to be serious.

Seeing Aurora's timid expression, Saigo also laughed secretly.

"What are you doing, Aurora."

Xixiang said with a straight face.

"I...I didn't do anything."

Aurora won't lie, she blushed and said timidly.

"Ha, you little girl has also learned to deceive people. This is not a good behavior. Your ice cream is gone tonight, so let No. 6 and No. 7 eat it!"

Hearing this, Oluo (Zhao Hao) became anxious, she jumped up and said: ", you can't do this, I'm still so worried about you, but you want to confiscate my favorite holy object, nectar! "

"Aurora, you don't need to pay attention to him."

Nangong was holding a parasol that month, and she stepped forward and took Aurora's hand to comfort her a few words.

It was like a mother comforting her daughter who was bullied by her father.

At this time, Ming Ji's Rainbow Flame and Yemo's Black Sword said, "...Master Yuan Chu, is Aurora's ice cream tonight really ours?"

Aurora didn't expect that her two older sisters would 'betray' her. She was dumbfounded and said anxiously: "...How can you guys do this!"

"...This is deception, this is betrayal, this is different from what we said before!"

Six and Seven turned their heads away, pretending they couldn't see Aurora's expression.

Seeing this, Xixiang laughed and felt that such a life was really warm.


"Mr. Lan Yu, congratulations on becoming a city councilor of Itogami City."

In the residence of Lan Yu's family in Itogami Island, Mr. Zarathustra, the newly appointed chairman of the artificial island management commune, is visiting the newly appointed Senator Lan Yu Xianzhai.

Chapter 84 I am Nangong's husband that month

Lan Yu Xian Zhai is a man in his thirties with a refined face, looks like a university professor, and gives off a peaceful feeling.

The Lan Yu family's house is not big, not as vast as the Yaze family, but it is also a small courtyard with a single house.

In the reception room on the first floor, Lan Yu Xian Zhai entertained the arrival of Xixiang. His tone was enthusiastic, and he also had the hypocrisy and philistine of those politicians.

Xixiang didn't feel too much about this. People who can go into politics should have one thing on the surface and one thing behind.

"Mr. Zaratu, you are the chairman of the management commune, and I am really afraid to ask you to come and run in person."

Lan Yu Xianzhai poured tea for Xixiang and said politely.

Although he has been elected as a councilor of Itogami City, Lan Yu Xianzhai clearly knows what the power structure of this artificial island is.

The so-called city councilor is actually for the 560,000 people. The institution that really runs the island is the 'Artificial Island Management Commune'.

The political system of Itogami Island is a standard political system controlled by the big chaebol, and all the staff of the agency are serving the chaebol.

Therefore, Lan Yu Xian Zhai understood that he was still far from climbing into the real power center.

Unless he becomes the spokesperson of a certain chaebol and enters the management commune, that is the real power.

Lan Yu Xianzhai did not know Xixiang, and with his status, it was impossible to know the information of the demon Zarathustra.

He only knew that Xixiang was the chairman of the newly appointed management commune 073. Regardless of the distribution of power behind the scenes, Xixiang was the highest officer of Itogami Island on the surface.

In the face of the personal visit of the highest official, Lan Yu Xian Zhai was naturally flattered and entertained with all his heart.

"The management of the commune is to make judgments on the general policy of Itogami Island, but in the more subtle and specific work, it is still up to the city councilor such as Mr. Lan Yu to personally implement it, and can accurately inform the public of the policy."

"...The population of Itogami Island is not large, and there are only so few members. For every election of the parliament, the management of the commune attaches great importance to it."

Xixiang said politely.

Lan Yu Xianzhai has been in the political world for so many years, so he naturally understands that Xixiang's words are just polite words.

After all, running councillors and iron-clad management communes, councillors can be replaced at any time, and the management commune is where the political game takes place.

"Who is this?"

Xixiang's eyes turned to a woman in business attire who was making tea for the two of them, and he clearly asked.

"This is my second wife, Lan Yujin! She used to be my driver in the past."

Lan Yu Xianzhai did not believe that Xixiang hadn't investigated the specific situation of his family, but seeing Xixiang ask such a question, he answered quickly.

"It turned out to be Mrs. Lan Yu."

Xixiang nodded, he glanced at the time, stood up and said: "...this time I'm just here to visit Lan Yu's first (ahfi) student to get acquainted with me, I still have work to do, so I won't be here It's been a long time."

Lan Yu Xianzhai also got up quickly and said respectfully: "...The chairman is busy with things, and I don't dare to let the chairman stay here for a long time. Please forgive me for the poor reception!"

Xixiang waved his hand indifferently, and with the farewell of the Lanyu couple, he left the Lanyu mansion.

Lan Yu and his wife, who had been bowing at the entrance of the mansion, did not straighten up until Xixiang got into the car at the entrance and left.

Lan Yujin looked at the direction where Xixiang left, and said with a sad face: "...What's the matter with the chairman of the management commune who suddenly came to you?"

Lan Yu Xianzhai and his wife walked back to the house, after thinking for a while, he shook his head and said, "...I don't know, this chairman suddenly became the chairman of the management commune, and I didn't know it before. Heard about this guy."

"...The position of the chairman of the artificial island management commune is very important. Those big chaebols will never introduce a puppet to come to power."

"Either the power behind this chairman is strong, or his own ability is extremely strong, and he has won such a high position at a young age."

"...But no matter what the reason is, this young man is not an easy-going person. I guess he should just take office, so he will visit all the members politely."

"But we can't be fooled by his superficial politeness. No one knows what his methods are."

Seeing her husband so awake, Lan Yujin also felt relieved. She asked tentatively, "...Could it be that this chairman needs some cronies just after taking office, so he found you?"

Although he was a driver in the past, he has been following Lan Yu Xianzhai's activities, and Lan Yu Jin also knows a lot about politics.

Lan Yu Xianzhai nodded and shook his head: "...There is a possibility, but as long as the new chairman doesn't know what to say, we can only guess."

"...The political struggle to manage the commune is turbulent. It is not something we can intervene casually. I will also be careful not to become a victim of other people's struggles."

"For you, for the sake of the onion, I also have to be careful."

Lan Yu Xianzhai sat on the sofa a little tired, don't watch him outside, but being a member of parliament is really stressful.


The limousine drove out of the street where Lan Yu's house was. After reaching the road, Xixiang who was sitting behind suddenly said to the driver, "...Stop the car on the side of the road."

The driver who received the order hurriedly stopped the car and saw Xixiang getting out of the car. Another person sitting on the co-pilot, like a housekeeper, also got out of the car quickly and opened the door for him.

After Xixiang got out of the car, he tidied up his suit a little and walked to a bench by the side of the road.

Sitting on the bench is a young and beautiful girl. She looks young and her face is a little immature, like a junior high school student.

But the girl's development and dress are very mature, and she looks like a high school student.

The girl has light golden and yellow hair, delicate facial features, a plump figure, and beautiful earrings on her earrings. It shows that the girl is good at dressing up, and if she is an idol.

Seeing Xixiang who got out of the car coming towards him, Lan Yu Qiancong looked alert.

She held the schoolbag on the side in her arms and raised her **** slightly. As long as something was wrong, she would run away quickly.

Because his father has been working hard towards the position of a member of parliament, there are many political opponents, and Lan Yu Asana was even kidnapped when he was a child.

Naturally she was very wary of strangers.

"Miss Lanyu Shallow?"

Xixiang looked soft and came to Lanyu Shallow, and there was still a distance from her, which was a safe distance between the two.

Xixiang knew that if he took a step forward, the girl would be more vigilant towards him.

"excuse me, you are?"

Lan Yu Shallow did not let her guard down, she stared at Xixiang closely, preparing to escape.

Although Nishigo is very handsome, and is the type that girls of this age like, but this does not mean that this will turn Lanyu Onion into a nympho.

"Introduce myself, I'm Zarathustra. Now I work in the man-made island management commune. I'm your father's boss."

After a pause, Xixiang said again: "...But I think my other identity will make you feel more at ease."

"...I'm your head teacher Nangong's husband that month. If you don't believe me, you can call your head teacher."

Seeing that Xixiang said so, and he didn't invade his warning distance, Lan Yu Shallow actually believed it a bit.

But just because she believed Xixiang's words, her reddish-brown eyes flashed a bit of strangeness when she looked at Xixiang.

"Haha, I know what you're thinking, Miss Lanyu."

"...I'm really not a lo*ic*n. It was just for some reason that month that her body couldn't grow, but her real age was already twenty-three years old, and she was the age to get married."

"I don't like loli, it's just that the person I like is loli."

Xixiang laughed and said.

It's good that he didn't explain, but his explanation made Lan Yu Qiangong feel that this person has no silver here.

Chapter 85 Blue Feather Shallow Onions

Lan Yu Shallow is precocious and intelligent. Although she slanders Xixiang as a lo*ic*n, she doesn't say anything on the surface.

The vigilance in her heart also relaxed a little, at least she had some trust in Xixiang.

"Mr. Zarath, what are you doing with me?"

Lan Yu Shallow was also a little puzzled, why would a big man like Xixiang, an artificial island management commune, park his car here to see her as an 'ordinary' junior high school student.

"It's not a big deal. I just saw Miss Lan Yu sitting here and suddenly thought that the network system for managing the commune was set up by Miss Lan Yu with your help."

"...And you are my wife's student. Seeing you sitting here alone and not going home, I came over to ask because I was a little curious. You should treat it as an elder's concern."

Xixiang's face was soft, his expression was sincere, and his eyes were full of worry. He didn't know when he had already sat beside Lan Yu Shallow, like an elder who was caring for his younger generation.

At this time, Lan Feather Shallow's vigilance against Saigo was completely gone, and she allowed Saigo to invade her safe area.

"I just came back from your house, Miss Lanyu."

Xixiang said.


Lan Yu Qiangong was still holding her schoolbag. She sat next to Xixiang and said "um". She didn't pay attention to Xixiang's words at all, and she didn't know what she was thinking. She seemed a little distracted.

"Miss Lanyu, why don't you go home and sit here?"

Xixiang asked again.

"I don't want to go back, I want to sit here and be quiet for a while."

Lan Yu Shallow gently gathered her hair on the temples with her hands, revealing a pair of beautiful hairpins beside her ears.

"Your father is very capable and has a high approval rate among the people of Itogami Island. He just became a councilor of Itogami City."

"...Your mother is also very nice. It can be seen that she and your father are very affectionate, and she has always been helping him as a good helper."

Xixiang has a lot of experience, so how could he not see what the teenage girl Lanyu Shallow was thinking at this time.

After he eased the tension with Lan Feather Scallion with a few words, he immediately got the topic down to the essence.

Sure enough, as Xixiang's voice fell, Lanyu Shallow, who was still in a state of dismay before, immediately flushed her fair face. She looked sad and angry, and her voice increased in vain: "...that's not my mother!"