MTL - Commander in Chief’s Flash Marriage-Chapter 12 : Awkward Guan Shao

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While holding the surrounding products to disguise herself while shopping, she looked at Guan Zhentian with her eyes and watched him enter the café she had agreed with Feiying. When she looked carefully, she saw that she was wearing a peaked cap by the window. Man, that person is her partner Flying Eagle.

Seeing Guan Zhentian slowly walking towards the direction that the flying eagle was sitting, she suddenly felt that her heartbeat was accelerating. An Qi was nervous and grabbed the things in her hand, but she was also surprised that she had undergone special training for so many years. Ever? Why is she nervous just to meet her today?

"Miss ... Miss ..." Someone patted An Qi's shoulder.

"What?" An Qi glanced back.

How can someone bother at a critical moment.

The girl who sold things was frightened by An Qi's fierce look. The fingers pointing at the things in her hand were a little trembling, and trembled, "You ... do you still buy things?"

Looking down at the merchandise in his hand, An Qi immediately lowered it, walked a few steps to the post outside the cafe and hid, and when looking at Feiying, he found that he was no longer in the shop, and Guan Zhentian was gone. .

Strange, it takes less than a minute to disappear, but is it still empty?

As I was thinking, the phone rang, and answered the phone impatiently, "Who?"

The first follower was lost, and An Qi was very upset.

"What is so fierce?" Guan Lingchao's tone over the phone was inexplicable. "Where are you? Why did you leave Xia Fei alone in the wolf's den, speed, three minutes to appear to me, otherwise, hum." "

The latter two hummed without threat.

"Okay, I see." Rolling her eyes, An Qi was not afraid to be found. She swayed into the cafe, and found two people who didn't find her. Then she left, and sent a message to Feiying when she left. where is he.

Flying Eagle quickly returned a message saying that diarrhea was in the bathroom.

An Qi almost swears.

"I don't know if there is a problem with their coffee. I had three or four cups of coffee when I was waiting for you. I didn't expect to have a diarrhea." It seemed to know that An Qi would get angry, and Feiying's phone called immediately. I have to go back to the organization to get some medicine, or I'll be dead. "

"You don't ask me what I'm looking for."

"Okay, you say it."

"I want to know who gave me the task that lurked beside Guan Lingchao?"

"My young lady, you are not unclear about our rules, and we will never disclose the information of guests."

An Qi said silently: "You have to be clear, he is in the dark, I am in the bright, I appeared next to Guan Lingchao and flash marriage with him, that person can easily guess that my identity is an agent, this is too unsafe, I can not be exposed."

"Who told you you were exposed?"

"Isn't that equivalent to exposing me?" An Qi raised his voice, "Is there still a problem with your IQ? Okay, people give the task to our action team to send agents to Guan Lingchao, and then I appear beside Guan Lingchao and I He got married, did you say that my identity was revealed? "

The eagle over the phone didn't speak.

"You must tell me who this person is, or I will evacuate immediately," An Qi said coldly.

"Sorry, I refuse to tell you." Flying Eagle said lightly.

An Qi froze, a tinge of pain in her heart, more shocked, she sneered: "What do you mean to sacrifice me?"

Feiying said helplessly: "Angie, I hope you can understand."

After talking, the call was hung up. Looking at the call that had been hung up, An Qi froze.

Is this the organization by which she was born to death at the expense of her own organization? Actually abandoned her at this time and let her die. No wonder Lin Xiao threatened Long Jingteng to quit the operation team with death. It turned out that in front of the task, the lives of these agents were worthless and thinner than paper.

Oh, An Qi sneered.

Standing in front of the escalator, I saw Guan Lingchao standing in front of the hairdresser's shop, looking like a sister-in-law.

After sorting out her emotions, An Qi stepped down the escalator and came to Guan Lingchao.

"Ah, mom." Guan Lingchao stepped back two steps when he saw An Qi, his eyes stared at the boss, Nima, just changed a suit, how it feels like a daughter-in-law.

"Are you my daughter-in-law An Qi?" Guan Lingchao looked up and down An Qi, "how is it like changing a daughter-in-law?"

A small fresh fan, Qi Liu Hai, straight hair, instantly changed from charming girl to pure girl, Guan Lingchao patted the heart, and felt that he could not bear it.

This change is too great.

"What's wrong?" An Qi was a little curious. "Xia Fei said that it looks good, do you think?"

"It doesn't look good, what's her look?" Guan Lingchao's face was stinky. She thought that she was too exposed to wear those clothes, and let those soldiers look at him to lose, thinking that it would be better to be more conservative. Now, a lively teenage girl.

It was him who suffered the loss when he entered the army.

Guan Lingchao felt that he was losing.

Looking at Guan Lingchao, whose expression was quite tangled, An Qi couldn't help but feel funny: "What are you doing? The expression is so ... painful?"

Originally, she wanted to talk about twists. But when you think about Guan Lingchao's character, she is a little perverted and twisted. In order to avoid unnecessary troubles, she changed her euphemism.

"It's okay." Guan Lingchao waved his hand and decided to talk to Bai Yufei's beast and talk about his life. It was more practical to talk about his ideals.

Guan Lingchao turned and left, subconsciously holding An Qi's hand, and An Qi froze.

"What's going on?" Guan Lingchao turned to look at her.

It is the first time that he has held a woman's hand in public, and he is not ashamed. The woman who slept with him will be ashamed.

"Are we waiting for Princess Xia?" An Qi whispered.

"Leave and be taken away by the second brother, you, wait, throw Xia Fei alone in the wolf's den, waiting for the second brother to peel your skin."

"Ah?" Guan Lingcheng also came?

"Ah, what?" Guan Lingchao raised an eyebrow. "Don't be afraid. I have your husband. Let's go to the army now. Hehe, he and I are not in the military region, so don't be afraid of him."

Talking, pulling An Qi away.

"Don't go home to pick things up?"

"Why is this woman so wordy? The army has everything and what to take?" Those clothes were so ugly that he would throw them away even if he got the army. He thought about it clearly, and when he entered the army, he asked An Qi to wear those ugly green uniforms, and then whoever dared to hit his wife again.

But when the troops let An Qi wear uniforms, Guan Lingchao really cried.

Nima, a woman with an ugly body and a bad body can cause headaches. I did not expect that a beautiful body with a good body is more headache.

Looking at An Qi in a green military uniform and wearing a belt, Guan Lingchao had the urge to hit the wall. If An Qi's figure is so hot, it is simply a uniform temptation. Chi Guoguo is seducing him. This is in the army OK? It's a scourge.

"What's wrong with you?" Frowning, An Qi looked at Guan Lingchao, who was very abnormal.

"Get off."

"What to take off?"

"Take off your military uniform."

"Why take it off? Isn't that great?" An Qi proudly turned around in front of the mirror. Well, she showed her figure superbly. She never knew she was so beautiful in military uniform.

"Are you a soldier? Who asked you to wear military uniforms?" Guan Lingchao raised an eyebrow and glared at An Qi.

"You are ill. The person who told me to wear it is you too, and now I am taking it off, so what am I wearing? Streaking?" After being tossed about, An Qi was also very annoyed. She found that Guan Lingchao was not even one. Normal people are all thirty years old and still so mentally disabled that they cramp at every turn.

The person who arranged the task for the organization was too dear to Guan Lingchao, and he regarded him as an enemy.

"There is so much nonsense. If you ask you to take it off, you take it off." For so many years in the army, Guan Lingchao has always been a reprimanding person. No one has ever dared to disobey him, dare to say goodbye to him, An Qi is still the first, and immediately he Just not happy.

Woman, you have to pack.

"Take off your sister." An Qi threw her military uniform on Guan Lingchao, put on a big t-shirt, and left the room. When she left, she closed the door with great force, so that Guan Lingchao almost thought that an earthquake had come.

This is hot.