MTL - Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort-Chapter 2380 So she left

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My eyes are broken, and of course I can't see my changes. I thought I didn't reveal anything on the surface, but I didn't expect--

Why didn't anyone around tell me?

"How can this happen? Miss, you left yesterday. Why?-Both sides of your hair are so white!"

Susu's anxious voice rang in her ear.

I felt my two uncles, and after a while, I couldn't help but smile.

Light cold ...

I thought those who had left, it turned out that they still remained on me.

The emotions that I thought were buried deep in my heart and not known by anyone, were so mercilessly exposed to everyone's eyes.

Susu had been unable to control herself at this time, and she grasped me and shook it vigorously: "Miss, what's wrong?"

Feeling that her hand was twitching unconsciously, she almost pinched into my flesh while holding my shoulder. Before I had time to speak, Qimu behind her said softly, "Miss Yan's eyes are invisible. "


Susu was shocked and hurried to me: "Miss, how can this be?"

I felt something shaking in front of me, it should be her hand shaking in front of my eyes, to test whether I can see, I reached out and held her hand, facing her calmly, and said, "Don't make a fuss, I just -Just can't see clearly, not completely blind. "


She called me again, and her voice was already crying.

I ca n’t see other people and things, but this barracks has already been set up. Now Pei Yuanzhang is here. It should be a matter of immediately negotiating how to conquer Beijing. We are still standing here to say my eyes. Out of date ".

I stretched her hand and said, "I'll tell you later about this ... you don't cry."

However, the comfort at this time is no longer useful.

Su Suwa burst into tears, and the cry seemed very abrupt. Many people around were facing this side, and seemed to be whispering something. Then, I heard Pei Yuanzhang came over, he looked We obviously already understand what happened.

But he only said to me, "OK?"

I said, "I'm fine."

"Then, you go back to rest first."

"Yes, Your Majesty," I said to him, "My Concubine Nangong is also in the camp. Her Majesty, would you like to come and see her?"


Pei Yuanzhang was silent, then said, "Let's talk later."

I nodded, then turned to Su Su and said, "Don't you cry and patronize, take me back to rest first, do you want me to stand here?"

She cried almost to pass, or Qimuge helped me, holding a cane, and carrying her, slowly walked back to our camp.

Susu has never been so sad.

This girl has been following me since Uncle Ai's death. I am her master, more like a loved one. I also know that she paid her whole body to me, and now looking at me like this, of course she is Liver and bowel are broken.

I sat on the bed, feeling that she was lying on my knees, tears had soaked in my clothes, and I couldn't comfort her. I just stroked her hair gently: "Silly girl, you can make me cry Does your eye come back? "


"What if you cry like this and break your eyes?"


"Who will take care of me?"

"Miss ..." Even though I said so, she couldn't stop crying, and the whole man was convulsing: "Why is this happening? Why did you become this all at once?"


"It's only been one day, you've only been away for a day, and that's it."


"What's wrong?"

I opened my mouth, but didn't say anything, just made a gentle smile and said gently, "Nothing, don't ask me."


"I'm fine, I'm fine."


When she heard me say that, she cried even more sadly.

It took me a long time to completely calm her. After all, this change was a bit too big for her. She cried till the end, her voice was crying. I was worried that she would really cry her eyes, so let She lay crying on my knees.

After a while, the crying gradually faded, I know, she was tired of crying and fell asleep.

At this time, someone walked into the tent: "What's wrong?"

I heard Pei Yuanzhang's voice, and immediately stretched out her hand and shouted on her lips: "Be quiet, she fell asleep."

He just stood there, asking people to come and help, lift Su Su from me, hugged me to bed, and fell asleep. I heard her muttering in my mouth, probably in a dream, also Worried for me.

I sighed.

He fumbled and pulled the blanket over her, patted her gently, then turned and walked out.

Pei Yuanzhang walked beside me and said softly, "Aren't you taking a break?"

I shook my head: "I can't sleep."

He didn't speak, but I could feel him looking at me, maybe looking at my hair. No wonder he didn't talk before, no wonder he made me cry.

He looked at me for a while, and said, "You have a little more rest. I'm afraid I don't have much time for you to sleep."


I looked at him, and probably understood what he was talking about, and nodded slightly.

I said, "Will your Majesty not go and see Nangong?"

He hesitated.

I said, "Anyway, just go see her."

He said to me, "How about you?"


"Do you have anything to her?"

This sentence is somewhat ambiguous, but I understand what he means. Nangong Lizhu used to be in the danger of light cold. If it wasn't for her to stay here, maybe the light cold could be detoxified early, and not--

Even after I came to her, she still treated me like that and forced me to take such a vow. I could only obey, but now, Qing Han has gone.

Maybe, I can shatter her to pieces.

But just thinking about it this way, I felt exhausted for a while. Now it seems that any feeling is a burden and heavy for me. Just thinking about it, I can't bear it.

Even anger and hate.

I sighed and said, "Nothing, and I have no intention of doing anything to her. Your Majesty need not worry."

He looked at me for a while and said, "I'm not worried about her."

I was silent, but he looked up and looked forward: "Is this here?"

I came here with my memory, and I knew that we had reached the tent where Nangong Lizhu lived. Someone was going to pass the pass and was stopped by Pei Yuanzhang. He reached out and raised the curtain to help me walk in.

The dull, cold breath in the tent shook me all over.

Pei Yuanzhang suddenly snorted.

I turned to look at him, and looked forward again, for unknown reasons-what happened?

Pei Yuanzhang walked in immediately, I heard his footsteps hurried and messy, walked around this tent, and then walked back to me.

I could hear his breathing disordered, and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong?"

"She's not here," he said.


My heart sank suddenly, but she immediately said, "Did she go out to meet you? Or, she went out to relax? When I was here before, she kept herself in this tent for a long time. I'll go out and meet someone. "

He was silent and didn't speak. It took a while before he was called in, and he said, "Go to the camp and get back Princess Nangong."


The attendant turned and went down.

I was standing in this dull tent with him. Because there was no light, my eyes were dark. This feeling of deep darkness became more depressing. I faintly felt that I was having difficulty breathing.

Pei Yuanzhang said, "Would you like to go out and stand?"

I shook my head and said, "Or, ask Master Huo, wasn't he ordered to come here to prepare?"

Pei Yuanzhang thought about it, this time, he thought for a little longer, and then called another person to come in and asked him to call Huo Liancheng.

At this time, I just remembered that I didn't seem to hear Huo Liancheng's voice among the crowd who just picked up at the camp gate.

What will happen?

After a while, the first attendant ran back. He panted and reported: "The emperor, I have sent people to look around, and I have not seen the concubine of Nangong.

My brow frowned.

I asked, "Would you like to go outside the camp? Maybe she--"

Pei Yuanzhang slowly walked to the front. I heard his footsteps stop, and then suddenly said, "No need."


He didn't speak, but walked back to me after a few moments of silence, and stuffed something into my hand. I squeezed it a little, and then I could barely recognize that it was a bottle, and the shape was special. It seemed to be special. After shaking it, the sound of gurgling water came.

I said, "What is this?"

"is blood."


I was shocked, and squeezed the bottle tightly again, suddenly understood what came over: "She--"

"she left."



"So, what has she left? In addition to this bottle of blood, does she leave anything else for you?"

Pei Yuanzhang was silent for a while, and seemed to be looking at the tent, and then said, "No, nothing."


"She probably had nothing to tell her."

My heart suddenly felt as if being held by a black hand, and there was a feeling of shakyness.

Nangong Lizhu went away, leaving this bottle of blood, and then left.

And she left nothing to Pei Yuanzhang, not even a word.

After thinking about it for a while, I realized that she forced me to take such a poisonous oath, forcing me to promise to return to Pei Yuanzhang. Maybe for her, she had given everything she could.

So she left.