MTL - Cold Palace’s Abandoned Consort-Chapter 2378 Will people die because of fear?

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The account fell, and the tent became a little darker again, but after Pei Yuanzhang walked in, I didn't know what was going on, and it turned brighter in front of me. I only knew that he brought a lamp.

When he came to the prairie, he started to do many things himself.

I looked at the dying light group and groped to the bed. He looked back at me, silenced, and said, "You're used to this life soon."

I said calmly: "There are things that, if the ability can change, try to change; but if it is difficult to change as much as possible, try to adapt."

He thought about it and said, "It's a lot like his mentality."

"Yes, he taught me."


He looked at me silently for a while, and seemed to want to see how I would react to him when he mentioned the person, whether he would cry, whether there would be loud sorrow, but I just sat there calmly, and my face was Like a frozen lake, there are no ripples.

His voice seemed worried: "Lightness ..."

I looked up at him: "There seem to be many people coming this time."

He knows that I'm digressing, looked at me for a moment, sighed lightly, and said, "Yes. Although-after all, it is Shengjing, I won't take it lightly."

"How long will this battle take?"

"It will be fast."

I looked at him, silenced for a moment, and then said softly, "I don't know what kind of thunder will your Majesty use, but there is one thing I want to ask His Majesty."

"what's up?"

"If you can win Shengjing in a short period of time, the people inside should be too late to escape. There is a person, please do not hurt him anyway."

"Huang Tianba?"

"Yes. No matter what he is or what he has experienced, Losh has no time to take care of him these years. He did not go south to use soldiers, and he has made great contributions."


"Your Majesty, please don't hurt him anyway."

He was silent all the time, because I could n’t see his expression, and I did n’t know what kind of thought he was. After a long time, his voice was husky and said, “I am in your eyes. Are they extreme people? "


"Do you think He will hurt him, do you think He will send someone to kill him in order to destroy his mouth."

I took a deep breath and said, "It doesn't matter who your Majesty is, I just ask Her Majesty not to hurt him."


"I have experienced war once, and the sword has no eyes, and no one knows who is the next to fall in the flames of war."


"No one is privileged in the flames of war."


"I just want to protect him."

He was silent, and after a long time he said, "I promise you."

"Thank Your Majesty."

Although things were settled, the atmosphere in the tent was not better. I could feel that Pei Yuanzhang was a little angry, but facing a blind man, he probably couldn't get angry.

I just sat quietly, reached out and gently beat my own sore knee.

After a while, he suddenly said, "Did you think about it, what if he came back?"

I looked up at him: "What should I do?"

"Xue Muhua."


The name choked my breath.

Pei Yuanzhang said, "Xue Muhua even has her daughter. She and Yuanfeng have such a good relationship. You have also seen it with your own eyes."


"Huang Tianba is back. What will happen to them?"


"Did he let go?"

My mood was calm enough, but when he mentioned it, I still felt a familiar dull pain in my chest, and after a long silence, I said softly, "I have told him something about them, But some, not yet. "

"They have a daughter. You haven't told him yet."


"Will you tell him?"


"Still, let him see it for himself?"

My throat got a little stabbed before I said, "People, will they die because of fear?"

My inexplicable sentence made Pei Yuanzhang's breath take a breath, but the next moment, he said, "It depends on what this person is."

I can't speak.

I know that some people can be hard-hearted and can even give up in the face of their love, such as Pei Yuanzhang. It is also because of such a strong heart that he can go all the way to today.

But Huang Tianba, he is not.

He has the softest heart in the world. Because of this heart, he will have compassion on all those who are suffering, and he will hurt himself because of such compassion.

I still remember now, when I told him that Xue Muhua had married Pei Yuanfeng, and lived well, and had become a brand new person, he shouted sternly.

What will happen this time?

I've experienced that kind of almost painful heart pain, and I can survive it, but what about him?

Pei Yuanzhang's voice sounded dull: "You said you want to protect him, have you thought of this?"

I sat there in a daze, not knowing what to do.

After a while, footsteps came from outside, and an attendant asked him outside, and Pei Yuanzhang got up and left, but before he left, he turned back to me and said, "Just that guy--"

"He is the King of the Iron Knights and has been protecting me since Wuwei. Now my eyes are inconvenient, and it's okay to have such a moving person around me."

"What about Susu?"

"She was injured, and she was resting in Tieqi King's camp. Since she set off tomorrow, she probably will see her tomorrow."

He was silent for a moment and then said, "Okay."

After speaking, he turned around and went out.

I was still sitting by the bed, and I did n’t move again for a long time. The wind outside was louder, and there were many people shouting, their footsteps, and horseshoes. All these sounds merged into one A mess, stuck in my head.

I can't think of it.

Pei Yuanzhang asked me what to do if Huang Tianba was rescued, I never thought about it.

I told him before that there are some things that I can do and I have to work hard, but the whole thing is not within my ability.

I do not know what to do.

He is already the only person in this world that I can't put up with. What should I do to keep him from suffering like that?

Is this really unsolvable?


In the dark, time flies.

The sound of horseshoes came and went, and Qing Han and I once guessed Pei Yuanzhang's people countless times. The direction of his money is now a little bit white, but I did not expect it to be In such an environment.

In the evening, he came to accompany me for a meal. Because of the invisible relationship, someone must help, and he even fed it into my mouth.

After dinner, I drank half a bowl of hot soup.

When someone came in to clean up the chopsticks, he asked me, "Are you going out?"

I heard the whistling wind outside, and the sound of snowballs hitting the tent, shaking my head: "I won't go out tonight."

He said immediately: "That's fine, you can take a good rest here. Tomorrow-almost early in the morning, we can go."


"Yes, I asked them to prepare something for you."

Then, he ordered someone to take it in, and someone immediately brought in something, and he handed it to me.

I touched it, it was a crutch, it was long, it should be just polished and very smooth.

He said: "I can't be by your side all the time, you hold this and it's easier to walk."

I nodded. "Thank you."

"Then you rest early."


After he went out, I heard him tell people to tell Qimuge that they do n’t need to stay with me at night. I ’m going to rest, and then they all left. I went back to the bed silently and put the crutch To the bed.

That night, I went to bed early to rest, but I kept thinking about Huang Tianba over and over again, and barely slept for a while just before dawn.

However, after not sleeping for a while, he was awakened by a strange sound.

Seems to shake the mountain.

I subconsciously reached out and touched the crutch on the bed to get out of bed to take a look, but when I sat up, I remembered that my eyes were invisible.

So I sat on the edge of the bed without moving.

The sound outside is not particularly loud, or even noisy than the sound of horseshoes, but it gives a great sense of oppression, as if the mountain is about to move over.

I silently listened to those voices, but instead slept in this environment.

I don't know how long after that, Pei Yuanzhang's voice came to my ear.

"Light, wake up."

I was shocked and opened my eyes, but I couldn't see anything. I was stunned for a while, then slowly remembered the fact that my eyes had broken.

I don't know how many mornings I have in the future, I need to think about it like this.

Pei Yuanzhang said, "We should go."

I turned my head to him and nodded: "Oh."

This time when I rushed around, there were only wonderful words. As soon as she left, there was no woman around. The emperor had to do it even to get me up. It was a little weird to spread it out. He reached out and helped me slowly. Sit up slowly, because the eyes are inconvenient, and you can only wash it with his assistance.

Without anyone to help, I can only pull my hair back into a bun, and he has been sitting beside me quietly watching me. After I combed my hair, I turned my head and said, "Will you go?"

"Huh? Huh."

He seemed to be fascinated and responded to me after a moment of stinging, but just as I slowly walked out of the tent with him on a cane, a servant came up suddenly and said to Pei Yuanzhang: "The emperor, and The news followed them. "


He seemed to have taken something apart and looked at it, and then remained silent.

I stood next to him blankly: "What's wrong?"

He was silent for a while and said, "Yuanguan was breached."