MTL - Code Farmer Comprehension-Chapter 894 robbery

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  Chapter 894 Tribulation


  Accompanied by another heartbeat, the entire crystal suddenly collapsed into countless light spots and disappeared into nothingness.


   And this disintegrating force, wrapped around the petite figure lying on it, disintegrated together.

  The ups and downs and beating heart that was originally on the petite figure seemed to be broken together. At the critical moment, it was affected by a strange emotional force, the force was very weak, obviously only a little remnant.

  Nothing normally, but probably the ritual was too delicate, and the timing of this thing's release was too critical. In the end, when the heart beat, the other two things collapsed, but only the heart remained, jumping in the battlefield.

   Affected by this emotional power, a drop of golden red blood oozed out and dripped from the heart. The blood happened to fall on a carbonized skeleton in the center of the crater below.

  Among the rays of light, a perfect man born with golden and red wings gradually took shape. He hugged his heart and gradually floated up into the air.

  In the battlefield, the remaining people knelt down slowly in a daze, and sent out countless prayers. Along with his worship, a white ring was born from the man's head.


ha? Is this the birth of an angel?

  The original origin of the Holy See?

  So the angel’s surname is Lu, so it’s not wrong to say that they are the descendants of the demon emperor?

  Looking at this scene, the thoughts in Zhang Deming's mind couldn't help but diverge. But then circumstances began to change again, attracting his attention.


   With the birth of the halo, Zhang Deming once again entered the screen jump. This time it is no longer a world change, a battlefield change, but a rapid time leap.

  Everything around is moving quickly. This place has changed from a relic to a place of a temple. Countless people have come in to worship from generation to generation. Popes, one by one, have their final baptism here and are constantly born.


   I don’t know how many years have passed. Suddenly, a bird chirping broke through the whole world and stopped the fast-moving time for a moment.

  At this time, the crystal heart that had been beating continuously suddenly stopped for a moment like a cardiac arrest, and trembled slightly, as if responding to something.

   Such a change seemed to be noticed by others, and a figure appeared. The pope of that generation searched for a long time, but he left without finding anything.

  As he left, the time that had stopped began to flow away again, but Zhang Deming found that the heart began to change, constantly illusory, and this process seemed very fast because of the rapid passage of time.

  The abnormality was not discovered until the heart became transparent.

  Afterwards, countless people came in and out, performed a lot of ceremonies, and finally seemed to get an answer. Several people who presided over the ceremony finalized a plan here.

   But because the loss was too fast, Zhang Deming didn't even have the time to check it carefully. He only saw the reincarnation of God, and the emperor's blood appeared, and it was lost in the blink of an eye.


  With a soft sound, as if the phantom's heart was broken at first, everything around him began to disappear, and Zhang Deming returned to the crater.

   Obviously, what he saw just now should be everything that the heart has experienced.


  The moment he escaped from his heart vision and returned to reality, a startling bird song rang out throughout the space, echoing for a long time.

  Zhang Deming suddenly looked up, and found that at some point, all the light in this space gathered in the sky above his head.

  Including the light that entangled and merged with him before, turning him into an angel of light and shadow, all disappeared.

  Countless rays of light form a huge light bird in the sky. It has a huge body, extremely long tail, three parts like a phoenix, seven parts like a crow, and three bird claws.

  Although it is a light and shadow image, it can be clearly seen that this is an extremely orthodox three-legged golden crow!

  When Zhang Deming looked up, the Light and Shadow Golden Crow seemed to look down at him while screaming, then spread his wings and flew up, violently breaking through this miniature space, and appearing in the sanctuary.

   Immediately afterwards, it didn't stop moving, and spread its wings again. Under the astonished eyes of countless disciples in the sanctuary, it violently broke through the secret realm of the sanctuary again, and appeared in Tianyu.


  Tianyuxing, in Baiyue City, a startling bird song pierced through the entire world.

  Countless people looked up and saw a golden crow covering the sky, which seemed to cover the entire sky, gorgeous and sacred, illusory but lifelike.

   Countless overhauls seemed to have noticed something, his complexion changed drastically, and he was about to make a move. But without giving them a chance to react at all, the Light and Shadow Golden Crow lowered its head and swooped down while screaming, turned into a streamer, and crashed towards Baiyue City.

   While countless people were terrified, the entire bird of light collapsed the moment it hit the ground.

  Countless people were submerged in the world of light. After they came back to their senses, they found that no buildings or people had been destroyed. The people in Baiyue City, who broke out in a cold sweat, came back to their senses.

   On the side unknown to countless ordinary people, with the impact of the light bird, great changes have taken place.

   Immediately afterwards, the sky seemed to suddenly darken, trying to swallow all the light. This kind of darkness is not only affecting Baiyue City, not even Tianyu, Hongmeng is also affected at this moment.




   At a level that ordinary people don't know, each of the bosses suddenly woke up and shot all at once.

  Books, strange beads, golden lotus flowers, white rings, etc. suddenly appeared in the sky everywhere in the world.

  Like a solar eclipse, the darkness that tried to swallow the light of the world failed in the end, and gradually receded. But Tianyu and Hongmeng started to mess up.

   Various monsters began to appear in various places, and some monks also suddenly mutated, becoming monsters that devoured people one by one.

  The most serious thing is Tianyu. Monsters appear all over the world for no reason, and countless people have mutated without warning.

   Hongmeng was not easy. In various secret realms, countless mutants suddenly woke up, with weak sanity, or as if they had received some instructions again, rushed out from the entrance of the secret realm, rushed towards Hongmeng, and continued to wreak havoc.

  And some people who practiced the life rune together suddenly roared and turned into powerful monsters with sanity, and became the commanders of countless monsters.

  Fortunately, under the influence of Tianlingmen, the life rune is now divided into two factions. The magic technique realized by the "Life Twins" at the meeting is one school, and the other is Zhang Deming's modified and perfect version.

Over the years, under Zhang Deming's intentional or unintentional promotion, as his reputation rose, his version became the main one. Therefore, such a catastrophe may seem serious, but in fact the impact is not large, and it is still controllable. Not many people.

   What is shocking is that not only people are mutated, but also artifacts. As long as all the magic weapons inspired by the life rune to inspire mechanical intelligence, as long as they are not artifacts made by Zhang Deming, all of them have rebelled.

   As each object deformed, it instantly swallowed the owner of the device and devoured everything. All of them mutated in the direction of the mechanical mother nest, and the speed was extremely fast.

  Many of these broods are not of high energy level, but they can breed many types of arms. They are mobile arsenals one after another.

   Such a change is a long story, but it happened almost at the same time, so it was only a short moment.

  When the darkness failed to submerge the world, after undergoing a change like a solar eclipse, the light shrouded the earth again, Hongmeng and Tianyu, and disasters broke out completely. Both worlds were in chaos, but to varying degrees!


  In the temple, Zhang Deming was stunned as he watched Guangniao break through the space of the temple, break through the sanctuary, and rush directly into Tianyu violently.

   "Damn it!" Zhang Deming was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses, swearing loudly, and said frantically, "Can you inform me, you did this all of a sudden, isn't this cheating me!"

   Frightened, Zhang Deming couldn't care less. If such a big movement is not discovered, the Holy See is really a display.

  Don't do what he thinks at all, he just waved his hand and wanted to open the door and run away.

   It was only after I started to find out that the entire space on the top floor of the temple was probably because the Light and Shadow Golden Crow was too powerful, or its actions were too rough. Not only did it break a hole, but the space was already crumbling and extremely unstable.

  Don't even open the door, this place is about to collapse. Zhang Deming didn't want to have another bad experience of the collapse of the Monkey World once.

   Without any hesitation, he spread his wings behind his back and soared into the sky. Regardless of whether it is eye-catching or not, he rushed out directly along the space hole that the Light and Shadow Golden Crow hit before.

  Rushing out of the temple space and arriving in the sanctuary, he didn't stop, and continued to rush upwards, trying to pass through the space hole in the sanctuary space and rush to the outside of Tianyu.

   What made Zhang Deming's complexion dark was when he rushed out of the temple space. Just colliding with a wave of divine sense that came to investigate, Zhang Deming also felt a familiar aura.

  This is... the angel of light and shadow in the black bird forbidden area?

   So that guy is really the Pope?

   But isn’t he in Hongmeng?

   Could it be that Chi Qianyu beat him badly?

   So much so that he ran back to his own territory when he was running? '

   While his thoughts were spinning, Zhang Deming did not stop in his movements.

   And the master of that divine sense, after feeling Zhang Deming, because Zhang Deming's aura is Lu Congyuan, the other party failed to recognize him.

  However, Zhang Deming's actions clearly showed that he was the culprit, which made the master of the divine sense obviously angry.

  But the other party seemed to be doing something at the moment, and failed to release his hand in time, so that Zhang Deming successfully rushed out of the sanctuary and came to the sky above Baiyue City.

  The moment he came to the sky, Zhang Deming reached out his hand lightning, without thinking about it, he opened the door directly, intending to run away.

   "The Lord said: sinners, do not flee far away!"

  (end of this chapter)