MTL - Co-renting Immortal Doctor-Chapter 7246 I want to change my fate

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"Do you think you are sealing zombies?"

Seeing Zhuge's sacred fortune, Tang Yu suddenly laughed, his whole body moved in an instant, his palm suddenly stretched out, pinched directly on Zhuge's sacred fortune's neck, and directly lifted Zhuge's fortune!


Seeing Tang Yu in front of him, Zhuge's spirit was tense, and a wordless fear instantly surged into his heart, staring at Tang Yu, and shouted in amazement: "No, it is absolutely impossible. After multiple seals, how could you still be? move?

what happened? What is going on with you? This is unreasonable! "

It is impossible for the gods to take the initiative to lift these seals after being hit.

However, Tang Yu...

The opponent not only lifted it instantly, but also counterattacked himself.

"Don't you want to seal me?"

Tang Yu looked indifferent: "In this case, I will return these seals to you!"

But seeing Tang Yu's one-handed seal, all the seal runes squirmed from the surface of Tang Yu's body, as if they were alive, they were all transported to Zhuge's body!

Zhuge Shensuan looked terrified, and watched as all the seal runes that had sealed Tang Yu returned and landed on him.

He wanted to refuse, but he was firmly grasped by Tang Yu, his Dantian energy was even hard to operate, let alone avoiding the seal rune in front of him.


Tang Yu spoke lightly.

Under the erosion of many seals, Zhuge God was directly stuck in place, just like Tang Yu who was just now, unable to move a finger.

of course.

Tang Yu was in disguise, but Zhuge Shensuan really couldn't move now!

After doing all this, Tang Yu gave a chuckle and said lightly: "You said the game is over, why is it just beginning with me?"

"Tang Yu, why? How did you do it?"

Zhuge Shensuan shouted in a deep voice, the corners of his mouth trembling constantly.

Next to him, Zi Yao, Zhou Zichuan and other four were equally tense, staring at Tang Yu fiercely, condensing energy, for fear that Tang Yu would suddenly take action and directly kill Zhuge Shensuan.

"Your seal did not touch me."

Tang Yu said lightly: "The power of time and space, reaching the current level, is generally in the five-dimensional space. Of course, the East may have just touched the six-dimensional space.

But, unfortunately, what I use is the absolute defense of six-dimensional space. In short, the me you see is not in the same space and time as you, so the so-called seal only seals me in the five-dimensional space, and cannot seal me in the six-dimensional space. You understand ? "

Hearing these words, the five people in front of them looked dumbfounded.

They absolutely couldn't understand what Tang Yu said.

Even in the east, he didn't touch this level.

"Forget it, with your IQ and comprehension ability, it is estimated that you can't understand it."

Tang Yu grabbed the seal paper in Zhuge Shensuan's hand, and said lightly: "Anyway, it doesn't matter. Get you all done first, I'm going to deal with the **** of nothingness.

After all, if he wants to kill me, I can only resist. "

With that said, Tang Yu was about to stick the seal paper directly on Zhuge's head.


However, at this moment, a flame burned directly.

This seal paper burned directly and turned into a fireball.

Tang Yu narrowed his eyes.

Behind him, the flame power of Zi Yao and Zhou Zichuan burst out, igniting the seal paper.

"You guys, it's really annoying."

Tang Yu sighed slightly, "Why are you so stubborn at this time?"

The corners of Zhuge's mouth twitched.

This should be what they said.

Now, Tang Yu is anti-visitor-oriented and said what they should say.

"Tang Yu, you are the one who is stubborn!"

Zi Yao shouted in a deep voice: "Now, no matter how much you resist, it doesn't make any sense. Why don't you understand? Do you have to let yourself die without a place to bury you?

It's not easy to cultivate to this level. If you are dead and no longer exist, then you will have nothing! Our master can leave you with a spirit, it is kind enough. "

"I bother!"

Chen Chong couldn't help but cursed at this time: "You little people, how do you say such shameless words? Boss, I really have enough.

Leave these five guys alone. I know, you definitely can't do it, otherwise, you would have solved them by now. That being the case, our brothers start.

As enemies, we will not let go, especially they are still targeting you! "

Tang Yu was slightly silent.

Can't you do it?

Tang Yu looked at the sky and smiled helplessly.

Perhaps, I really do.

Otherwise, how could he keep his hands like this when dealing with other enemies?

Although Zhuge Shensuan and others are not simple, but as long as you think.

At the very least, Zhuge God is bound to die.

"Those before, just treat them as severing the past."

Tang Yu slowly said, "In the follow-up, I won't keep my hands anymore.

Chen Chong, go and deal with the other guys. Leave these five to me. After all, it was from my side that I had to settle the grievances with them. "

"Where is there any other guy?"

Chen Chong frowned.

"Yes, and it's coming out soon."

Tang Yu said lightly.

Chen Chong and others were embarrassed.


Lean less. Above the sky, eight lights of various colors really appeared, shining on the world, extremely bright.

Observing it carefully, Chen Chong and others felt violent.

And the Hellfire among them looked at this scene in amazement, shocked and speechless!

The eight figures that appeared in front of them were extremely similar to the appearance of Hellfire.

However, the body is surrounded by the natural energy of the other eight attributes in nature.

"These ones..."

The corners of Hellfire's mouth kept trembling: "Are these things like **** water, **** wind, etc.? What's the matter? What's the matter?"

Coupled with the hellfire, the **** creatures with nine natural attributes just appeared.

Hellfire's head is a little messy.

In this case, isn't he also part of the creation of the **** of nothingness?

"Brother Hellfire, don't doubt yourself too much."

Tang Yu’s voice arrived as expected, as if Hongzhong: "These guys may really be combat weapons created by the **** of nothingness. But you are different. You have your own spiritual knowledge and you have your own will. No one can change you. , Only you can control yourself.

Whether it is a puppet, a human, or other creatures. Although we live in the inner world of the Void God, we are not created by him. We are just us, an independent individual. Don't forget, what is happening to me now.

Perhaps, along the way, the future was planned and guided by others, my destiny is death. However, I don't want to die, I want to change my fate! "