MTL - Close to You-Chapter 14

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"What did you say?" Lorraine looked at Fang Xiao with an embarrassed smile in front of him in disbelief: "Who told you that I want to share a tent with Xia Fu?"

Just now, Xia Fu ran over and pinched him with a blushing face, causing Lorraine to feel pain and confusion.

Xia Fu glared at him angrily: "We haven't been together for a long time, I won't sleep with you!"

Lorraine is far from clear about the situation: "I share a tent with Fang Xiao."

Xia Fu gave him a sideways look: "Then go to Yu Han's place to cancel the registration! I will squeeze a sleeping bag with my sister tonight!"

Only then did Luo Linyuan know which tent to sleep in at night and still need to register. He didn't understand the situation throughout the whole process, and he didn't know why he registered with Xia Fu.

Lorraine Yuan went to find Fang Xiao, but Fang Xiao was already playing cards with his roommate. Both of them had their sleeping bags spread out. Obviously, there was no place for Lorraine Yuan.

Fang Xiao saw Lorraine Yuan, and said cheaply: "I will never forget tonight, good night and a good dream~"

Good night! What a dream! Luo Linyuan scolded Fang Xiao Yitong hard, and in the end he could only go to Yu Han to cancel the registration.

Yu Han was busy with his mobile phone. Hearing his intentions, he pulled out the registration form and wrote a few times: "What about you, who are you going to be with?"

Luo Lin Yuan wanted to talk about Fang Xiao, and thought that Fang Xiao was already with others, and Li Yujie was also with Xuchang. He doesn't have many friends, and he's not familiar with the rest of the class, so there's really no choice.

Lorraine felt embarrassed for a while, so it seemed that he had no friends.

Lorraine wanted to explain, but felt that it was too deliberate and wanted to make it clear.

He put on a young master's face: "I don't like being with others, can I have a tent by myself?"

Yu Han counted the number of tents, and some wondered: "It may not be possible, almost all of them are already there, or I will arrange you in..."

Lorraine interrupted him in a hurry, he really didn't want to live with strangers: "Forget it, I'll find a homestay, don't bother."

Yu Han glanced at the sky: "It's already so late, how are you going down the mountain?"

Lorraine Yuan: "Don't you have a car?"

Yu Han: "The itinerary is scheduled long ago, and the master only makes two trips."

Luo Linyuan said irritably: "Then I will give him the money, no matter how much, he can't refuse the money."

Yu Han also lowered his face: "It's not about money, it's a collective activity. If you leave suddenly, everyone will not know what happened, and the impact will be bad."

Lorraine was in a hurry: "It won't work either, so what do you want to do!"

Yu Han asked again: "Would you like to ask your friend, is his name Fang Xiao, let me see which tent he is in?"

Yu Han found it, Fang Xiao had already shared a tent with another boy, Yu Han paused his fingers, he wanted to ask if he was living with Lorraine Yuan, but Yu Han Han quickly realized the problem. He took a closer look at Luo Linyuan's expression and noticed the embarrassment in this man's brows.

Lorraine didn't look at him anymore, his eyelids were pink and his jawbone was biting tightly, looking awkward and uncomfortable.

Yu Han thought that Lorraine was far from disgusting the environment on the mountain, so he wanted to go down the mountain, but it turned out that it was just because he couldn't find someone to live with at night, so this was awkward.

Lorraine lowered his eyelids: "Don't ask him, he lives with others."

He thought for a while: "Forget it, I'll go down the mountain by myself, I should be able to look at the map." He took out his mobile phone and seriously thought about the possibility of going down the mountain. Maybe he has to have a cane and a flashlight. Although he is a little cowardly, he is not ashamed because the world is big and the face is the greatest!

Yu Han put away the booklet: "It's okay, there is a place for a tent."

Lorraine Yuan: "I don't want to know..."

This time it was Yu Han who interrupted him: "It's my tent."

Lorraine Yuan: "…"

Yu Han's tent has not been set up yet. He was busy helping others before, but his own has not been set up yet. I thought it would be okay to take it later. It would be nice to live in one by myself, but I didn't expect a little princess Luo to fall from the sky, and it looked pitiful.

When Lorraine went back to get his backpack, he happened to bump into Fang Xiao who was waiting there: "Who do you live with if you don't live with Xia Fu?"

Fang Xiao also understands that this time he seems to have gone a bit too far, and he takes it for granted.

He saw Lorraine Yuan Leng's face with a backpack: "Would you like to come with me?"

Lorraine glanced at the tent that was already crowded with two people, and said in disgust, "It's too crowded."

Fang Xiao was anxious: "Then what are you going to do at night!" He couldn't drive the people out of his tent either, everyone was classmates.

Luo Lin Yuan waved his hand: "I live with Yu Han."

Fang Xiao: "???"

Before Fang Xiao asked, Lorraine Yuan carried a bag and walked away. He walked to the position Yu Han told him, and Yu Han was taking off his jacket, rolling up his short sleeves, exposing his sturdy arms to set up camp with a hammer.

Lorraine looked at the bulging muscles from a distance, and saw the delicate luster of the skin reflected by the firelight, he found the tattoo again.

He really wanted to see the full pattern of that tattoo. He felt that he really couldn't understand Yu Han. Although he is a good student, he goes to work in a bar at night. Mingming looks gentle and polite, but he has tattoos on his body. He is so good to girls, but he is entangled with a boy.

Seeing him standing aside, Yu Han took out a small stool for him, and stuffed a piece of bread and milk for him to eat: "You didn't eat much at the barbecue just now."

Lorraine sat down from afar, opened the package and took a bite. The bread was filled with red beans and was sweet, and Lorraine narrowed his eyes with satisfaction.

Yu Han looked back at his expression and smiled: "Is it delicious?"

Lorraine Yuan was busy: "It's okay, it's normal." Then he secretly marked down the bread dealer, and planned to let Uncle Wu buy it for him when he got home.

He inserted the straw into the milk bottle and gulped.

He was eating slowly, Yu Han was setting up the tent, and when he had finished eating a mouthful of milk and bread, Yu Han, who moved quickly, had already set up the tent and laid out two sleeping bags. One head and one tail, heads facing each side.

Lorraine Yuan took out a small blanket from his backpack. This blanket was a little old. It was bought for him by Lin Shu when he was a child.

Yu Han didn't laugh at him when he saw the blanket that was obviously used by a child, but went to the water source to wash his hands, washed his neck and face, and then rinsed his hair. In the end, he walked back with a wet face, which made Lorraine Yuan's heart almost stop.

He didn't dare to look at Yu Han, but Yu Han wanted to provoke him. In fact, Yu Han didn't do it on purpose. He also had a part-time job as a tutor for a child. Yuan was just as squeamish, and before he knew it, he treated Lorraine Yuan as a child.

Lorraine is far away from eating a piece of bread and can touch a bit of it to his mouth, this virtue is as good as a child.

Yu Han didn't think too much about it, he raised his hand and pressed the corner of the man's mouth with his hand with water beads, trying to squeeze the man's bread crumbs down, but Lorraine wanted to stick out his tongue. Licking the corners of the mouth.

When the tip of the tongue touched the finger, both of them were shocked.

Lorraine only felt that he had just licked something cold and rough, like Yu Han's finger.

Yu Han quickly retracted his hand, feeling a warm and smooth touch still remaining on his fingertips, his face was cloudy for a moment, and finally turned around to wash his hands again.

Lorraine Yuan: "..." He hasn't even had to rinse his mouth yet! What does Yu Han mean!