MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 857 Spies and Wheels

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"May the blessings of the gods be with you, great queen! The most powerful and beautiful monarch of the dusk moon! Your charm eclipses the flowers, and your strength makes the world surrender!"

In the trench safe house designed and built by a famous dwarf craftsman, the majestic and handsome elf wrinkled his nose, put down his pen, raised his hand and bent his fingers, and performed an air purification technique with silent gestures.

The light wind picked up, the air valve was reversed, the spell model stimulated the elemental response, filtered the air in the safe room, the odorous substances were stripped and condensed, adsorbed by the earth element, and condensed into a black ball.

The elf pressed the ball into the soil with her palm back, took a breath of fresh air, and continued to write quickly.

"Once again, I salute you, Your Majesty the King, Derela, your most loyal servants are still performing their duties and keeping themselves intact in the midst of the fierce battle."

Writing this, the elf sighed silently, and even the brave and fearless warrior of the Moon Moon couldn't help showing fear when he recalled the battle of the past few days.

Even if the deceleration force field was deployed and the dense magic interception system was used to resist the incoming artillery fire, the alchemy weapon of the Aurora Dragon brought great oppression and deterrence to the elven warrior.

"This is due to the protection of the Moon God, and it is also the Queen's Glory Watch."

"Allow me to omit the long eulogies and words of praise, but please believe that this is not because my loyalty and respect for you have faded in half, but because this is not your original intention to send me here. Your servant will use more The brushwork and energy describe and report the battle situation of these days in detail, as a reference for my king, and please allow me to humbly indicate that my loyalty to you is as always."

The elf raised the tip of his pen, pondered for a moment, and continued to write: "It has been three days since the official battle between the Dragon of Aurora and the Northern Council, and both sides unanimously launched a huge long-range confrontation based on the two positions. Wisdom is like you. I will definitely remember the history of the war. From ancient times to the present, such large-scale mid-to-long-range spell battles are not uncommon, but I am sure that this time is different."

"In the many battles of the Magicalized Legion that were evenly matched in the past, even if the spellcasting forces of the two sides fell into a stalemate and the winner could not be determined, it did not mean that the battlefield was static. The troops will strike decisively, fighting like the armies of the old days."

"The advance of the army, the cover of the arrows, the restraint of the rangers, the charge of the heavy cavalry band... Even without the support of the mage group, the soldiers will chase the glory of victory. In fact, several legendary battles in the history of the dusk moon battle are all fearless. The elven warriors who fought decisively in the absence of spellcasting support, forged a legendary epic with fearless sacrifice and courage, and their deeds continue to inspire us to this day."

The military observer from the Dusk Moon Dynasty let out a breath and shook his head slightly.

"And the Far Harbor and Northern Councils have been deadlocked for three days."

"Soldiers on both sides hid in the trenches, allowing the long-range attacking forces and defensive interception forces of both sides to fight each other, like spectators sitting in a dangerous auditorium. Neither Kant nor the Great Speaker Griffin were organized. Any ground offensive is just being beaten."

"This situation has never been seen before, and the military observers are stunned, but there is no doubt that this is probably the most sensible choice ... sensible, but ridiculous."

"What I have to stress again is the surprise brought to me by the Far Harbor Army."

"I thought that the army, which was founded shortly after its establishment and had a patchwork of spellcasting power, had a fatal shortcoming in arcane power, so that it was completely unable to resist the magic attack of the trump card of the council, but what surprised me was that they Seems to be doing a good job. They have extremely limited spellcasting channels and elemental capacity, far less than the council in numbers, but they use almost all of their strengths accurately and effectively."

"I even have to be discouraged to say that it seems that it can't do better if it is replaced by the Dragon Banner Chapter of the same size... Most of the high-threat spell offensives are well intercepted, as shown by the Far Harbor Mage Group. The arcane literacy of his, impresses me deeply."

"And on the other hand... the council army is also doing well."

In the past few days, the mighty momentum of the two sides' shooting has made the arrogant elf uneasy.

He witnessed the scene with his own eyes. The river of flames flowed from the Far Harbor Army to this point and poured out to the vanguard position like a meteor shower. Especially at night, it is even more terrifying. The sky is full of shining electric lights, screaming whistles and terrifying roars, like the end of the day.

This even reminded the elf of the several disastrous defeats of the expeditionary force in the Song Moon War. Today, when he was there, he knew that it was not the expeditionary force that was incompetent, but that the Aurora people were terrible.

But Griffin's army stood in the way.

Under the action of the deceleration force field, Kant's lightning-fast alchemy artillery fire was indeed greatly reduced in speed, even to the point where the sergeant of the Elf Arrow regiment could capture and intercept it.

As a result, the point defense magic device threw a large number of missile spells into the sky, chain lightning pulled and circled, the atmosphere was deflected, and the freezing sprayed... The long river of flames was blown up one after another, and the Austrian troops responsible for interception and defense showed A very high quality, fast and precise.

It's always right to deal with the big ones first and then intercept the small ones.

"Almost all the large-scale alchemy projectile weapons were blocked. Although the remaining parts were not successfully intercepted, their power and threat were very limited. Especially, the soldiers used trenches and safe houses as shields, which were very effective. Dwarf craftsmen The safe houses they built were extremely strong, and they were very good at that."

Writing here, the elf pondered for a while and seemed to be hesitating.

Then he sighed and resumed writing.

"In other words, Kant's alchemy weapon, which used the weak to defeat the strong and the army to defeat the enemy, was indeed fully restrained by the magic tools and tactical tactics of His Excellency Griffin-Williams. The invincible scenery of the song-moon war is already invincible. No more... After all, for Kant, who has shallow roots and unpopularity, stalemate is tantamount to failure."

"Because the observers of the various countries are here, and the eyes of the whole continent are gathered here, Kant has not made a breakthrough on the frontal battlefield. The longer the time goes, the more eager those who harbor dissent will be."

"And the alchemy weapons in Far Harbor have not made any achievements, but the Northern Council's troops are getting stronger and stronger. They continue to learn from every attack and defense, improve their tactics, and formulate and improve related defense regulations, and they are effective. Outstanding. Every time they attack, they do better than the last."

"It is said that a new defense system was also equipped yesterday, which is designed to resist the impact and damage of the air element driven by the explosion of the alchemy weapon. The effect has not yet been verified. After all, the subject is an elves. Although the northern council is all open and transparent, it is still secretly guarding against me. The pointy ears."

When writing the word "pointy ears", the elf snorted, showing disdain.

The short-lived seed is so uneasy, looking ahead and looking back, hesitating, and very stingy.

Either they would directly refuse me to participate in the field observation, or they would directly kill me with black hands. Now they neither dare to kill me nor drive me out, but they are just watching secretly, which is really useless.

- This spy is really annoying.

As soon as the elf thought of this, he let out a sigh of relief.

Dog days of Kang... ugh, can't say that, can't say that.

Loyal pointed ears thought about it, and finally came up with a proper curse.

Damn Kant, may you realize the perfection and charm of Your Majesty as soon as possible, and you will be overwhelmed by the unparalleled appearance of our king, so that you will be deeply rooted in love and regard Your Majesty as the only love in your life.

- and then get cut up by knives for abandoning your old lovers!

—And then slowly forgotten by His Majesty as a trivial footnote in a long life!

The elf spit on the ground with a grim face.

He knew the purpose of His Majesty sending him to serve as a military observer under Griffin's command as an officer sent by the Council. The Phoenix King needed the information of the battle situation from the perspective of the Council.

The helpless pointed ears sighed heavily, and he hesitated fiercely for a while before continuing.

"In view of the fact that the observers of the countries have continuously sent back the detailed battle situation to the countries, and seeing that Kant's alchemy weapons have been fully restrained, the countries must take action. In the foreseeable future, Kant will gradually fall behind, and the situation will get worse and worse. Your Majesty dares to make a trivial suggestion, please consider it carefully..."

He gritted his teeth, his face became more and more distorted, and his writing was like a thousand strokes.

"...If Duyue intends to win over the Aurora Dragon and tie it to the elf's chariot, the near future is the best time to lend a helping hand. Please, Your Majesty, put national affairs first."

Oh shit.

Shit Aurora people.

Get killed by Griffin before that, bastard!

The fierce-looking elf spat on the ground again.

The strength was so heavy that it even smashed a small hole in the ground.

He continued to write with a displeased face: "In short, the battle is at a stalemate, but the scale of victory is gradually tilting towards the northern council. Under the limitation of the deceleration force field, Kant's alchemy weapon did not achieve the expected results. It doesn't match the reputation of the Chinese. Perhaps the effect of the deceleration field is unexpected, but there is also a small possibility that Kant is deliberately controlling the output of the weapon..."

"- Having said that, it's not very likely. Because I have been thinking about it for a long time, I can't deduce the meaning and purpose of Kant's actions. After all, the political situation is like this. People's hearts, only a quick victory can maintain deterrence."

"Otherwise, it will be dragged to the far harbor, the people will fluctuate, the Goethe nobles will outright rebel, and the empire will send troops to intervene... The situation is worse than it is now, and it does not conform to logic and interests."

The loyal courtier once again used the elf's high emotional intelligence to remind the queen bewilderingly, and his heart became more and more sullen, shaking his head, and continuing miserably.

"I'm afraid I have to remind you again that Kant is losing ground."

"This is not alarmist, nor does it stem from the hostility of the ministers to Kant. Although the current strategic situation is still stalemate, the council is constantly replenishing reinforcements and materials, with the support of the entire north, and the constant supply of new equipment of unknown origin. Installed, the Northern Council is getting stronger every day."

"After all, as you know, the population, area and material resources of the Northern Council are far greater than that of a city in the far port area. Griffin has been preparing for this war for several months, and at this moment, a steady stream of supplies are being sent. The same stalemate , Griffin's day is completely different from Kant's day."

"Furthermore, if the ministers expect well, the stalemate will soon be broken."

The elf glanced at the tactical sketch he had posted on the wall and shook his head slightly.

"My minister believes that now the two sides are in an awkward stalemate, only long-range forces are fighting each other, and conventional troops have been hiding in the fortifications, which should be a desperate move."

"For example, the council troops intercepted Kant's powerful alchemical weapons, but this mainly relies on the magical effect of the deceleration field and the protection of the trench. Once Griffin's army broke out of the trench, left the protection range of the deceleration field, and launched an attack on Kant. Attack, there is no doubt that alchemy weapons with no limits in power and speed will repeat the results of the Battle of Song Moon, and will easily destroy the council's army."

Again, beating around the bush and casually reminding the queen that "Kant has a grudge against us", the elf still had to pinch his nose and blow Kant fairly due to his duty, which made him feel extremely awkward.

"Similarly, the ability of Kant's army to resist the Arcane attack of the council is of course the outstanding performance of its magic troop, but it also fully relies on the convenience of static defense."

"That is to say, once the Far Harbor army leaves the position and starts to attack the council, I think his magic troop will not be able to complete the cover of the regular army in the dynamic attack. Especially the Griffin position has a deceleration force. The protection of the field, once Kant's army enters the deceleration field, its combat capability will also be greatly weakened, and the consequences can be imagined."

"So, the embarrassing stalemate between the two armies now stems from the change in the war situation. The strong defensive capabilities and terrifying firepower projection of both sides determine that the advantage of defense at this moment is far greater than that of offense, so Griffin and Kant chose the same choice. They took the same countermeasures and did not launch any tentative attack at all, because these two excellent commanders at the same time foresaw that the consequences of launching an attack would be tragic."

Even if shrewd enough time, this situation has also never been seen.

Such attack strength and suppression ability are no longer enough for conventional troops to make up for with courage and tactics... Who would have thought that this war could be fought like this.

The brave elf sighed secretly and made a judgment based on his military experience.

- In this war, there will be no legendary epic.

Brave soldiers can only hide behind the walls of heavy fire and fight bad battles conservatively and cautiously.

"But this stalemate cannot last long."


Dusk Moon's military observers slowly wrote: "Because Griffin can advance the position, the new deceleration force field mechanism has arrived, and his army is escorting the motorized deceleration force field mechanism. Bringing Kant's position into the range of the slowing field, making all weapons in the position weakened... If Kant has no countermeasures, he will obviously be knocked back."

"Every time he is forced to retreat, it will weaken his prestige and deterrence, and tempt the hearts of the nations. This is my judgment, Your Majesty, I have to remind you..."

When the elf observer was writing, he did not know that two cold eyes broke through the thick soil and protective layers and fell on him.

"This pointy ear is a problem."

"I know, he said it was a young officer sent by the Dusk Moon Council, but it is estimated that it is the queen's dog. Came here to be a spy and sent the information to the queen, and Kant turned his head and knew... After all, she is Kant's concubine."

Hearing this, Faersson said: "Then I will kill him."

Griffin frowned and said, "No! You can't touch him. I'll warn you again. It's not a joke. Don't shoot at him."


"Do you really think the elves are easy to deal with? Do you really think that the queen doesn't care about anything, so she sent a dead man to inquire about information? He probably has some life-saving things or secret techniques on him. If you send something back to Duyue, the elf will definitely take this and accuse us of killing the members of the investigation team, and the queen will even directly interfere in the war for this reason."

"But is he a spy?"

"We can't catch him - I'll bet that the report written by this guy must be well-behaved, and no one can pick out any mistakes."

Griffin sneered: "These pointed ears are very clever. I wanted to arrange several times to let Kant's artillery fire kill him, but I didn't expect him to be very vigilant... shit."

"Then directly..."

"Did you forget what I said? Don't give the Queen a handle." Having said that, the Grand Chancellor looked at the God of Star Palace, "Do you want to push the elves to Kant's side?"

Hearing this, Phaersson shut up angrily.

The Fire Thief was his only weakness, and Griffin's panacea to persuade him.

He said dissatisfied: "I have already learned about the situation in the mortal world. Among the elves, is there no one who is dissatisfied with the Queen's affairs? Although a mudblood king in the mere goes to serve the fire thief, no matter how he thinks it is a high climb. But you Mudbloods are so ignorant, stupid and narrow-minded, is it normal to be dissatisfied?"

…what the **** is Dior.

Griffin frowned, "What do you mean?"

"Let those dissatisfied elves stand up against the queen and overthrow her! Since the elves are likely to join the fire thieves, they should be divided into infighting to eliminate the calamity."

Phaeson thought about it: "How about capturing this elf spy, forcing him to ask him for a confession, and then sending it to those Silvermoon Councils to let them overthrow the Queen?"


"what happened again?"

"...You don't understand politics." Griffin sighed, "I know about the Queen and Kant, and the elf also knows about it. If you go outside and ask, even the lowest-ranking soldier knows. The Elf's Silver Moon Council Yes, the commoners of the elves know it, but… the Dusk Moon Dynasty doesn’t know.”

Phaerson blinked.

The star palace even has a **** social structure that is roughly equal to nothing, where does it come from so many twists and turns.

Griffin explained patiently: "Let's put it this way, we took the so-called evidence to accuse their queen of having an affair with Kant, and the elves would not only deny it, but also get angry because we insulted their queen, It tarnishes the honor of the Dusk Moon Dynasty. Even the parliamentarians who are fighting against the royalists will openly say that this accusation is a humiliation to the country, and it will be washed away by war..."

Phoebus was stunned for a moment, then called out, "Mudbloods are so weird!"

"Don't think about conspiracy and intrigue." After Griffin finished speaking, he felt that his emotional intelligence was not enough, and added, "After all, you can destroy everything with your overwhelming strength advantage."

The God of Star Palace nodded and said: "It makes sense, the elves are not worthy."

"After three days of supplementation and adaptation, the new deceleration mechanism has also been put in place. I think we can try to launch a round of offensive. These days of stalemate, the morale of the soldiers has also dropped somewhat, and it will take a big fight. Victory boosts morale... In addition, the countries can also see Kant's weakness from the stalemate these days, and Goethe's friends should also make up their minds."

Griffin's eyes turned to the distance, where the enemy was.

"The Far Harbor army has been beaten for a few days, and its morale should also be much lower. After all, seeing with my own eyes the invincible Kant was hindered here, and the myth was shattered... Ha."

The Great Speaker said: "It's time to shatter their beliefs."

At this moment, at the Far Harbor position, Kant scratched his head.

"Is Griffin going to move too?" He looked at the map for a while, then raised his head and asked, "Horus, has the regular force's anti-stress round finished?"


PS1: Update... The specialist will confirm the operation plan tomorrow. It should not be done on the same day, so it can probably be updated before the operation. Let’s talk about the specific situation tomorrow.

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