MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 833 go to war

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"So, Kant is willing to return the Titan?"

The business of prostitution on Earth is in full swing, and the diplomatic work of the other world is also unfolding in an orderly manner.

After a quarrel that night, the relationship between the temporary grand speaker and the executive officer of Oxington actually eased a little, and it seemed that Carius, who was in danger, had already compromised with reality.

In the afternoon of the next day, they drank tea in the office of the Grand Speaker and enjoyed a rare rest.

In the past few days, we have to constantly meet with people from all walks of life, from the real power in China to the foreign diplomats. The core appeal of the meeting is only one - please stand on our side.

The effect is not ideal.

Because the Kant issue is the primary issue of the entire continent, Griffin holds the divine agency that restrains the forbidden spell, which is enough to make any monarch bet heavily.

Still, the council's stalwarts will do everything they can to gain any possible advantage.

Even bow to former competitors or even enemies.

Today, Kalios got good news from Oxington, which is probably an important reason why he is willing to let the other party drink tea. After the turmoil in the Tower of All-Seeing, Kalius, who was in control of the situation, has been working hard to sweep away the influence of Griffin in Turaxiaye and try to recover the losses.

One of the most important is to take back the Optimus Titan.

This long-standing strategic magic weapon is not only powerful enough to reverse the situation of a war, but also a symbol of the power of the Austrian law council. It has become the spiritual totem of this country.

It's gone now.

The top of the Tower of All-Seeing is bare, and the Star Titan is nowhere to be seen. This is a huge blow to the confidence of the people, and it will even give the provisional government of the Austrian Law Council an unjustifiable sense of pseudo-government.

-Public opinion, people's hearts, these things are invisible and intangible, but sometimes they are real, and can inadvertently have far-reaching and complex influences, which cannot be ignored by Carius and others.

So they tried their best to try to get back the Optimus Titan.

According to folklore, after Griffin's conspiracy was revealed, he took the Optimus Titan to teleport and fled, that is to say, the Titan was in the hands of the former Grand Speaker who defected. Griffin ran off with the Titans, **** Griffin is not a human being."

The simple people believe this, but Carius and the others have a clear mind. The Titan is so big, its energy level is so high, and it has your mother's teleportation module - looking at the continent, it can take the Titan away without any resistance. , in addition to Kant, do not think second person.

Go ask Kant, the **** admits it without shame.

The Tower of All-Seeing was helpless, and could only swallow his voice to ask for the return, but was fooled into saying "what will be returned will be returned", and the result has been disappearing without a trace, the spies searched Valentine, Far Harbor and In the Broken Isles, no trace of Titan was found.

Today, however, Oxington brings good news, saying that there are already signs of easing on the far port side.

"The duke said that he didn't return it now because he took into account Griffin's evil ability. If he returned the Titan and was kidnapped and taken away by Griffin, it would be a capitalist enemy."

Karius' face sank.

- This is equivalent to pointing at the nose and saying, you **** can't even see a Titan, and if you hand it over to you, you will only be hacked in by Griffin, and I should keep it for you.

He said slowly: "We will carry out the Titan..."

The Oxington MP interrupted him: "The Duke said that it is expected that the Titan will be returned to us after Griffin has given the head and the situation is under control, but this is conditional."

As expected.

Kalios felt sad in his heart. These words were completely the opening remarks of extortion, but if the Titan could be redeemed with money, technology and materials, it would not be unacceptable.

He said calmly: "The Star Titan was stolen by Duke Kant from Griffin. It is his trophy. The Duke can return the Titan, and we are generous with rewards and gifts."

Oxington nodded lightly: "You can think so."

Kalios glanced at him: "Make an offer, what do we have to pay."

"The specific conditions, the Duke has not fully thought out, but one is a prerequisite."

"I am listening."

"The Duke said..." The Oxington executive said with a strange expression, "He can return the Titan, but in exchange, the Council will build an identical Titan and give it to him."

Karius said displeased: "Titan casting technology has long been lost. Even if the ancient golem factory is restarted, it will take a long time to collect data and accumulate experience if we want to build another one. If we can build another one at any time, why should we pursue it? The one he took away? Is this the one you don't want to return?"

Oxington shook his head and said: "Look, I just complimented you, and you have become like this again. The Duke said, you only need to build an identical one, and you don't have to have all the functions of the original Titan, specific indicators and details, He will deliver it to us, and our task is to build one as quickly as possible."

Carius was stunned.

"He..." The temporary speaker said uncertainly, "What does he want to do?"

"It's said to be a souvenir," Oxington replied. "It's good to brag about it later."

Callius glared at him.

"...I didn't lie, the exact words." The new executive took out his mobile phone with a wry smile and opened the chat software, "Look, that's what the Duke said."

Kalios saw the original reply from the light-emitting screen of the amazingly small magic tool. He glanced curiously, looked up, and murmured: "The mortal love?"

"This is called 'nickname', which is the code name given to myself in this chat technique." Oxington laughed, "It's very useful, and it can almost complete real-time communication."

Kalios's eyes became sharp, and then, he was a little dazed and dazed.

The newly promoted executive glanced at him: "What's the matter?"

"I probably understand why you think Kant is invincible." The temporary grand speaker said slowly, "The application of this technology and equipment to the army means that the battlefield situation is no longer chaotic..."

Oxington said silently: "This thing is sold to us, as long as the employees who work in the shogunate have one, they have better ones, from DD boys to telephone watches."

The two were relatively speechless, and Carius was silent for a while, then asked, "What's your nickname?"

As if his hand had been scalded, Oxington grabbed the phone back into his pocket and stared, "Of course it's Oxington, the executive officer of the Senate of the Austrian Law Council!"

"Kant didn't write down all his titles, but kept them short." Callius said sharply, "How dare you give such a long name in front of him when you respect and obey him so much?"

Oxington's face was a little red: "Shut, it's none of your business! We're talking about the Titans!"

With a calm expression on his face, Karius said lightly, "The Magic Engineering and Alchemy Manufacturing Department has been trying to restart the Titan production line a long time ago, but unfortunately the craftsmanship is lacking, the experience is not enough, and there are not many results."

"After the Titan was robbed, we also had plans to discuss internally, to find out the failed products of the Titan production line, and use the technology that has been reproduced to create a replica with the same appearance to stabilize people's hearts. Finn and the opposition have pierced the lies, and the damage to the prestige of the interim government is still huge, and we will be ridiculed by all sides."

He looked at Oxington: "It's rare that Kant made such a proposal, just to repair the fake and deliver it to the Far Harbor. This idea is really good."

The newly-appointed executive looked happy.

Kalios said coldly: "If you show me your nickname, I will agree to this proposal."

Oxington was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly said: "Is there something wrong with your brain? This is a national event, how can it be such a child's play! What's so good about it!"

"I'm just curious." Carius said lightly, "You've been suppressed enough these days, and being able to recover a little bit will help me calm down. So, do you agree?"

Oxington stood up suddenly, turned his head and left: "I don't agree! I don't believe it anymore. Would you agree to something as important as the Titan?"

"If you don't agree, then I'll have to contact Kant in person—by the way, that nickname can be changed, right? Don't try to change it secretly. I'll tell Kant, just tell me your initial nickname , I agree with his plan, presumably he will not refuse."

The new executive officer's body froze.


Sitting behind the desk, Kalios leaned forward, propped his elbows on the desk, crossed his hands, put them on his lips, and said calmly: "Let your beloved and adored Duke Kant know that you rejected mine for a mere nickname. The proposal has led to the blockage of the Titan return plan, what will he think of you?"

"...Kalios! Why didn't I find you so annoying before!?"

"Heh." The temporary speaker said neither yin nor yang, "If you yell at me again like that day, intimidate and reprimand, I promise you will see something more annoying."


Oxington gritted his teeth and threw out his phone: "See for yourself!"

Kalios took a closer look, and in the upper left corner was written "The Wolf of the Council of Solitude".


"—You're laughing at your mother!"

Kalios imitated Oxington's movements and slid his fingers curiously. Suddenly, his eyes moved slightly because he saw a strange name in the clear-cut dialog box.

"The Lonely Frost Dragon Girl".

Before the name, there is also an avatar. It looks like a little girl carved in pink and jade, with long blue hair as pure as the sky, and her face is innocent and beautiful.

He tapped lightly, and the chat bar popped up, with a string of text conversations in an uncomfortable tone, and Kalios swiped his fingers with disgust until he turned to the top.

"Are you GG or MM?"

"—what the **** are you doing!?"

Oxington took back the phone with his hands, glanced at it, blushed, and said angrily: "Shameless! As the temporary speaker, you are so shameless to spy on people's privacy!"

"Sorry." Kalios said calmly, "It seems that this is the source of your majestic nickname, and he looks like a strange person like you."

"You were just laughing! And you are not allowed to say that to her! She is not a human, but a dragon!"

The temporary grand speaker said strangely: "Oh?"

"Yesterday, I added a friend of His Majesty the Dragon Emperor." Oxington said softly, "I found her in the space message of His Majesty the Dragon Emperor. She is so beautiful, ice and snow, and I added her as a friend. She actually passed it immediately, saying that I was the first person who took the initiative to add her, and chatting with her, she said that she was a frost dragon who had just grown up, waiting for a job on Dragon Island, and no one had hired her yet..."

"Both her parents died, and she has a younger brother to support, so she came out to work..."

"She's the purest and kindest girl I've ever met... I'm going to be her dragon knight..."

Kalios said lightly: "It sounds suspicious."

"I don't allow you to say that about her!" Oxington couldn't hold his face, and raised his **** towards Kalios. This common gesture between the two worlds was passed down to the other world by Kant, cultural exchange, cultural exchange.

"Remember about the Titans! If you don't do it well, I will never finish with you!"

After saying that, he kicked the door angrily and left.

Callius sat where he was, frowning thoughtfully.

After a while, the executive returned and roared, "Also! Do you want a cell phone!"

Kalios thought for a while, and said lightly: "Forget it, I can't trust Kant's things."

"Love or not!"

After the other party left, the temporary speaker tilted his head and muttered to himself, "What does he want a fake?"

He stretched out his hand and took the astrolabe placed aside, and checked it again with his own hands. The result was the same as before, and Karius frowned: "It's still not here... The Star Titan is no longer in this continent, Kant, you send it to Where are you? What secrets do you have?"

He recalled the feeling of using the mobile phone again. The information about Kant has already been piled up, his mysterious origin, mysterious power, mysterious creation...all of it, as well as the lifting of the ban on the battle of the Broken Isles, he was there Lethal force in World War I.

Whether it is forbidden spells or conventional force.

"Is this really an achievement that can be achieved by one person?" Callius whispered, "Or..."

After all the impossibility has been ruled out, even the absurd conclusion is correct.


He gave a bitter smile.

"Even if the guess is correct, so what? Kant has almost no resistance in the mortal world, even if the whole world unites, he can't force him to reveal the secret... And for the current council, to explore this secret is also It's too extravagant."

He shook his head sadly, and overnight, the council was already facing the worry of splitting or even subjugating the country.

"Griffin... I will never allow the council to die at the hands of you and me. No matter what reasons and difficulties you have, I will kill you and make you pay the heaviest price for it."

The temporary grand speaker took out a scroll and began to write spiritual words.

This is the order of the supreme decision maker, ordering the Magic Engineering and Alchemy Manufacturing Department to start executing the order.

Copy the Titan and deliver it to Kant.

"Fake... ah, fake."

As he wrote, he sneered: "Collecting souvenirs... What a joke. I have never heard of using fakes to deceive myself, only I have heard of using fakes to deceive others."

"Then Kant..."

Signed, signet ring, signed, cured scroll.

Kalios closed the order in his hand: "Who are you going to deceive with this fake?"

The order was issued, the ancient Titan production line was restarted, and the long-established golem factory began to rumble. This counterfeit trade was only a part of the turbulent state of the council, and as time passed, the turbulent undercurrent hidden in the dark side of the continent It is circulating, conspiracy is fermenting.

About an hour or two later, the explosive news from the north of the council shocked the world again.

In front of the envoys of the various countries, Griffin, the former president of the council, who finally appeared, once again accused Kant, Kalius and others of plotting the murder of the Tower of All-Seeing, and vowed to seek justice for the victims and "seek and contribute equal to the North power and status", vowed to continue fighting for the council's interests.

He accused Kant, who appeared out of thin air in the past year, as the culprit that caused all the murders, turmoil, and turmoil, and called on the entire continent to unite, expel the Aurora, let him return to his homeland, and return the order of the continent to what it should have been. , and called on the wise men of the elves, the empire, the council, and even the nobles of the whole continent who were offended, challenged, disrespected and humiliated by Kant to unite.

The heroes seek health.

To this end, he promised all countries that any force willing to stand on his side and join the just cause can get the support and help of the God-era agency that is strong enough to resist the forbidden curse. Those who have contributed greatly and have a firm stand can even transfer technology. , share the results.

If you are temporarily afraid of Kant's lewd power, you can also secretly support and help. As long as you oppose Kant, then everyone is a good friend, and you must not let the oriental people shamelessly humiliate the master of this continent!

At the end of this announcement that shocked the world, Griffin announced that his loyal army had been mobilized, and he was about to act as a vanguard against Kant, stripping off Kant's disguise and mask in front of the whole world, revealing his weakest side, Use the most hearty victory to prove to the world that once Kant's forbidden spell and alchemy weapons are blocked, the so-called power of the Aurora Dragon is nothing!

And, an ultimatum to Goethe.

Urge Goethe Archduke Reknos to return from the lost, to draw a clear line with the Aurora people who split Goethe's territory, interfered in Goethe's internal affairs, and meddled in Goethe's power, and joined the great cause of the heroes to seek health.

If they are stubborn, the army will destroy all the Goethe cities along the way, punish all the nobles who do not resist Kant, and let everyone see the end of the Aurora people.

He also called on all Goths, if the Archduke is stubborn, then every Goethe has the right and duty to overthrow the rule of House Teldaril.

If a nobleman could control a city and declare himself free from the rule of the Grand Duke, he was assured in the name of the council that he was the master of the city.

If a noble can overthrow the rule of Reknos and declare that the entire Goethe is cut off from the Aurora people, then in the name of the council, he is guaranteed to be Goethe's new Grand Duke!

The declaration ignited like wildfire and swept the world.

Five minutes later, the Far Harbor side summoned all the diplomats and announced it to all the people on the radio.

The Far Harbor Shogunate and the Griffin rebels have officially entered a state of war.