MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 829 first army, first army

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Turashaye, the tower of all-seeing.

The smell of blood in the air has not yet dissipated, and the purge of the henchmen who defected to the Grand Speaker Griffin Williams soon began, and the Security Committee carried out a comprehensive purge of the entire administrative center.

With the support of the Security Committee and the academic faction, the executive officer Kalius invoked the stellar code and took an emergency oath to serve as the temporary grand speaker of the Austrian Law Council, temporarily acting as the head of state.

In exchange, Oxington, the only remaining member of the Star Court, took over as the executive officer of the Senate and started to promote the reconstruction of the Senate.

Behind him stood the former parliamentary forces, the Magic Engineering and Alchemy Manufacturing Department, and the military, and there was a faint tit-for-tat with the interim president of Kalios. According to secret information, Senator Oxington was seeking to form a party - a Political parties with the same interests, the same ideas, and the same goals.

And a secret that everyone knows...that is, the Oxington Senator, who once resolutely opposed Kant, has changed his position and even changed his family after the Battle of Iram-Tyre.

Now he can return to Turashaye, take over the situation, and gain support from the industrial and military departments, precisely because the legendary Dragon of Aurora stands behind him.

The various forces of Tulaxiaye are already in danger of confrontation, but the real threat is still in the north. Griffin, who defected to the north, returned to the base camp, and has become self-reliant.

After all, when the world's powerful countries are happy to see a divided Austrian law council.

The cloud of the civil war is lingering, and the countries may interfere at any time. The division of the country is imminent, and the new forces supported by Kant are rising rapidly. The figure and plan of the Dragon of Aurora are hidden in the shadows. The council's time is running out.

In the new office that was cleaned up, Grand Speaker Kalios was reviewing the documents. His face was still very pale. The dark wound at that time required careful treatment and rest, but there was no time now.

"Your Excellency the Speaker."

The door was opened, and the Arcane Chaser of the Security Committee invited the visitors in. The Oxington Executive came in person, holding a volume of documents in both hands: "Please sign."

Callius said lightly: "What is this?"

"A request from the far port." The Oxington executive took the word of request very seriously. "The Shogunate and the Ministry of Peace have asked us to assist a full set of tactical equipment of a magic corps to meet the challenge of Griffin."

The interim chief speaker raised his eyebrows and said, "The Dragon of Aurora is unparalleled in the world of alchemy. Your Excellency Oxington should know this better than anyone else. Does he also like the army equipment of the Council?"

The newly promoted executive officer didn't take it seriously and smiled slightly: "Yes."

He unfolded the scroll: "Armor, enchanted crossbow gear, small tactical magic tool, heavy support magic tool, quick reaction chariot, and triple alchemy puppets, and an officer training team."

"Finally, the Magic Engineering and Alchemy Manufacturing Department have already agreed. There are many outdated and outdated alchemy puppets in their warehouses, which just happened to be given to Far Harbor. In addition, I also hope that you will coordinate with the academy, the interim president. We will also take out a batch of prototypes and concept machines that have not been put into production."

The Oxington executive emphasized: "The Duke of Kant is of great use."

Grand Chancellor Kalios looked at him coldly: "It's like the Azure Fleet."

The other party was startled: "What?"

"It's not something from your family." The interim executive said coldly, "I don't feel bad about selling it."

Oxington is thick-skinned and said lightly: "There is nothing that can't be traded. Duke Kant never takes anything for nothing, and it is fairest. He asked for these equipment to study the military tactics of the council, so as to fight against Georgia. Riffen's rebels, this is part of the condition of Far Harbor's alliance with us!"

Kalios looked at the list on the table, patted the table, and said coldly: "These things have been handed over, which means that our army equipment and tactics are completely transparent in front of the far port! Within ten years, we will be in Kant. There are no military secrets in front of you - do you know what this means? There are also these alchemy weapons and magic tools, if Kant gets them, they can decipher and analyze them..."

"You're almost there!"

Oxington interrupted him impatiently: "The Titans have been robbed by him, you tell me this!"


Karius closed his mouth, a look of unwillingness and a morbid flush appeared on his face.

"The times have changed." Oxington eased his breath, "The civil war is imminent, and for the sake of the deceleration field and for their own interests, the countries are trying their best to support Griffin and the Secession Council. Looking at the continent, Except for those servants abroad, only Kant is willing to support us... Is there a choice?"

Karius clenched his fists reluctantly.

He took over a country that was once powerful, but was in danger overnight. After taking this position, he suddenly discovered that under the surface of prosperity and prosperity, there were hidden dangers of social disintegration and unequal interests. As soon as it blows, it crumbles.

The temporary grand speaker glanced at Oxington, and his tone became weak.

"Are you willing?" he asked dumbly, "this may be just the beginning. I can see Kant's greed and demands. He wants to draw on the essence and background of the council for thousands of years to strengthen himself... He may firmly cooperate with him. Griffin is the enemy, but it won't bring us back together easily."

"—I can't beat it."

The indifferent voice sounded, and the temporary grand speaker of Karius raised his head in surprise.

"Can't beat it." The Oxington executive said softly, "We can't beat Kant."

Kalios whispered: "Forbidden spell will be..."

"The forbidden spell will be restrained by the deceleration force field? That's because you didn't see the scene of the Broken Isles sea monster when it died. Do you think the forbidden spell is just this one?"

Oxington gritted his teeth and said, "Do you think I was imprisoned in Far Harbor for three months, and was only in prison all day? No, Kant let me go out, let me go out and look around!"

He took a step forward and pressed Kalios's desk: "Do you know what the Far Harbor has the most?"

Callius looked at him without speaking.

"—It's a barracks! Barracks!"

Oxington's voice trembled involuntarily: "What kind of charity home, what agricultural-to-worker vocational and technical college, what scout camp, what youth training brigade... Actually, they are all **** military camps!"

"Kant's alchemy army has completely occupied the Far Harbor, thousands of farmers have lost their land, as well as coachmen, winemakers, textile workers, fishermen, porters... These people have no jobs, because Kant's The alchemy machine is a hundred times stronger than them! Kant's goods are a hundred times better than they do!"

"These people have no livelihood and no money to make, so what should I do? Become robbers, kill if caught, go to the streets and become hooligans, and send them to the kiln when they are caught—the original livelihood is gone, and there is a dead end. , when there was no way out, Kant told them, do you want to work for me?"

"If you want, get training!"

"The refugees who come from other places are welcome to come! Whether it is a farmer or a hard worker, all are welcome! But you must sign an agreement. Before starting work, you will receive three months of training, food and drink, food and drink, clothes, accommodation, and more. Money - do you think this kind of good thing, which pariah would refuse?"

When Oxington said this, he took a deep breath.

"I saw it with my own eyes."

"Three months, three months, the instructors appointed by Kant used salted whips, honey-smeared bread, and dozens of corpses gnawed to death by rats to teach these desperate pariah three things ."

"Abide by the rules and live."

"Diligent, you can get more."

"Kant's words never count."

Karius' eyes flickered, but he didn't say a word.

Oxington smiled coldly: "He let me watch it... From the beginning to the end, a grade, hundreds of untouchables, graduation ceremony. The best performers are awarded medals, and benefits are announced on the spot... Among this group of untouchables , the worst performers, the dumbest, the most hopeless, do the least mindless work."

"Those who have potential, have flexible brains, and are more intelligent should do more flexible work, and even continue to receive skill training to do better work in the future."

"And the smartest ones..." Oxington showed a complicated, absurd, and scared smile, "Officially joined the army and became a new recruit—it's actually a **** soldier."

"-do you understand?"

"Do you understand what I said?"

"Kant's army camps and so-called military training that are all over the place, and so-called military training, is a big sieve! He used his alchemy machine to smash everyone's jobs, then kicked them all into the army camp, taught them to behave! Then screened them Give them work! The stupidest won't starve to death, the smarter ones will work for him to make money, and if necessary, they can be hired as soldiers, and the smartest - actually become soldiers!"

"The people who came to the Far Harbor from Bibo Province did this, the refugees from the Broken Isles did this, and the people from Valentine did the same - I'm afraid the entire Goethe people will do this in the future!"

"I've even seen women being trained! Because women receive medical, birth and combat training, they get stipends and food, and if they perform well, they can get better jobs, children are trained, meals are free, and they perform well Yes, there is a chance to recommend admission... He! Mom! Of!"

During his prisoner days in Far Harbor, he had never seen any cutting-edge weapons.

I have never seen any surging power.

But he saw things that were magical, bizarre, twisted.

Everyone will line up.

The grown men walked on the street, their bodies straight, their eyes fixed, their eyes firm.

The youngsters take pleasure in the neatness of their steps.

Children use tactics and formations when they play with wooden knives and wooden guns.

Crude women are familiar with medical matters in the field.

There was an astonishing fervor and advocacy for joining the military throughout the city.

It's only been three's just the degree to which the first batch of trainees graduated.

There are also an unknown number of people who Kant collected and abducted to receive training in his military camp.

So magical, so bizarre.

It made him… terrified.

Oxington's tone was hoarse: "I don't **** know what Kant wants to do, all I know is that the Aurora Dragon, who holds the invincible forbidden spell and the invincible alchemy army, is preparing to train everyone under his rule to become Soldier! The thing that scares me the most...I think Kant is scared!"

When he said this, his eyes were horrified, revealing shivering fear.

"I thought about it more than once. I wanted to rush to him and ask him out loud, what kind of war are you preparing for, and who the **** is your enemy?"

"But I don't dare, I don't want to know the answer, because I know that the council doesn't deserve it, the empire doesn't deserve it, and the elves don't deserve it... Going further, I don't dare to think about it. But I only know one thing."

The Oxington executive looked indifferently at the temporary grand speaker in front of him: "That is - after the war with Griffin is over, the Far Harbor and the Austrian Law Council... There will be no more wars."

"Kant follows the rules, so I took it, I accepted it, and I accepted his proposal."

"Whatever he wants, I will cooperate. If this country conspires against him, I will fight for him. I know that the imaginary enemy that Kant is preparing for is not the council. I also know that before confronting the enemy he feared, Kant also I don't mind sharpening a knife with someone who doesn't have long eyes."


He said coldly, "Fuck you better sign it for me quickly."

Looking directly into the eyes of the temporary grand speaker, Oxington pushed the scroll forward.

"Griffin is dead, even with the support of all countries, even if there is any deceleration force field to restrain Kant's forbidden spell and alchemy, Griffin is also dead... The specific method of death only depends on whether Kant wants to or not. Sharpening, and judging by the fact that he asked for council equipment, he wanted to."

The hand that pushed out the scroll clenched into a fist and smashed it against the table.

"So, he gave us face - we have to pick it up."

Kalios's expression was always flat, and at the end, he leaned back, showing a sneering look.

"It's really unexpected." The temporary grand speaker sneered, "I guess Kant doesn't know either. He sent back Tulaxiaye to contain my captive, and he was already extremely fearful, obedient, and extremely loyal to him."

Saying this, he shook his head: "Unfortunately, you may not know that Kant specially saved my life, and then proposed an alliance with me, I know more than you, in his eyes, I The're just a dispensable tool."

He stared at Oxington with a sneer, then picked up the pen and stared at the poor dog in front of him, signed his name as the temporary grand speaker stroke by stroke, and then put the seal on it.

"I know."

Oxington retracted the scroll, confirmed the signature, and turned to leave.

In front of the door, he stopped and turned his head slightly: "Because he saved your life and made you and I restrain each other in the Tower of All-Seeing, it means that he doesn't mind what I did against him before. , intends to keep me alive. And since he made such a decision, from now on, if I do not make mistakes, but treat and respond to him with all my sincerity, then I can live forever and even get more."

"I feel both reassured and grateful for that."

With that said, he pushed open the door and left the office.

Behind him, Kalios stood up suddenly, full of anger, and immediately showed an unwilling look, and slowly sat back.


In a low voice, he gritted his teeth and said, "Bastard."

Leaving the office, Oxington walked in the cold and awe-inspiring corridor of the Tower of All-Seeing.


He looked back at the direction of the office, silent in his heart.

- You are not reconciled to the Council becoming a subordinate and subservient to Kant, and I am also the same, but the times change and often come suddenly, and sometimes we can only try to accept it calmly.

Oxington took out a cell phone that Kant had given him as a souvenir when he left.

—Ah, I hope this thing has a monitoring function.

He swiped his finger across the screen, sketched a string of text, and sent it.

Soon, the reply came.

"Please place the beacon." It said, "We will arrange for the jump to receive, hard work."

Oxington replied with a polite remark, then took back the phone and said to the eight top guards in full armor behind him: "Let's go, let's go there in person and transfer a team of family guards."

The murder of the Tower of All-Seeing shocked the whole country, and personal safety has become the primary demand. Taking advantage of the situation, Longdao Defense has launched a giant dragon personal protection package, which is specially designed for high-end people in the council. The dragon image and gender are optional. Open the Longdao Defense APP , you can choose your favorite dragon guard.

- This advertisement, Oxington first saw it from the advertisement push in the background of the mobile phone, and also came with a voucher.

You can really think about it.

He played with his mobile phone and clicked on the chat software.

If you place an order and introduce a few businesses to the Dragon Emperor, can you add friends to His Majesty the Dragon Emperor? I don't know what will be in the space of His Majesty the Dragon Emperor?

Oxington took a deep look at a friend who had been put on the top by him. His name was "Sage of Love in the World". He knew who it was. For this adult, he was full of awe, fear and gratitude.

Shall I say hello to the duke and tell him it's done?

No, just a small thing, no need to bother.

Let's spread the mobile phone in the new Senate, and let's announce the good news.

He put away his phone and left with the guards.

White mist world.

The suspended paradox holy pillar projected the field of leap, where Kant's will was, and equipment and boxes of all sizes leaped out and landed steadily.

All the extraordinary equipment equipped by a first-line magicized army unit of the council is here.

The sergeants who have completed training, assessment and review in the past few months are lined up. They have implanted paradox crystals. As Kant's most trusted warriors, they wield and use the most powerful weapons in more secret and dangerous battlefields. Fight for the leader they swore allegiance to.

"Master and manipulate these weapons and equipment at the fastest speed, especially the alchemy puppet."

The soldiers responded: "Yes!"

They marched in an orderly manner, under the command of officers from the council, and began to distribute.

Kant nodded and returned to Earth.

The next phase of planning will soon begin.

"Comrade Kant, the latest design plan is a drone swarm. Low-speed drones will not be disturbed, and they will win by quantity. They are equipped with high-energy explosives, and are controlled by AI. They are pervasive, shuttle in all directions, and launch suicide attacks on targets.

The staff officer in military uniform greeted him with a folder: "On this basis, high-power laser interference and the support of chemical energy weapons can work together to fight..."

Kant took a few glances and nodded again and again: "Okay, okay, but..."

The staff officer asked, "But what?"

"A little suggestion." Kant smiled innocently, "Have you considered the airship?"