MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 825 Tool Wizard

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"Fake Squid! Fake Squid! Justin! Fake Squid!"

A Chuan's roar echoed in Trushao's ears.

"Why did you mention my name! Why did you mention this name!"

After receiving the conversation between Kant and Trushao, Achuan burst out before he could be happy.

Because when Kant asked, "Who introduced you to come to me?", this stupid second-generation politician, who was eating his father's old money, sold him without hesitation!

"Walter?" Trushao was still at a loss, "I...I don't understand what you mean, I..."

"God **** it! How can I have a neighbor like you! You dirty Quebec piss!" Ah Chuan became angrier as he thought about it, and roared, "Eat shit, you son of a bitch!"

"Wait, Donald, wait..."

Before he finished speaking, A Chuan hung up the phone angrily.


He smashed the microphone to the ground, his eyes changing.

The plan of arranging to test Kant was actually exposed by the clueless idiot of Trushao, will it arouse the vigilance of the other party? What will he do?

Let me think.

Yes, just like I was investigated for tax evasion, I have to act nonchalant and do what I want to do, at least I won't be exposed now, and I won't be caught by the **** media.

Kant is now also afraid of being caught by me.

He raised his hand and pressed the button to continue playing, listening to the conversation between the Chinese boy and Trushao.

Hearing Kant say "A Chuan and you both agree with America First", he laughed out loud.

For Kant's offer, he just smiled and even applauded.

Trushao said that Canada cannabis is a country with an independent judiciary, and Ah Chuan also burst into laughter.

But gradually, A Chuan's eyes became serious.

"Times have changed..."

"Rescue you from a dangerous transcendent invasion..."

"It's me, it's us..."

"A new dad..."

The old commander slowly showed a twisted expression of surprise and anger, and suddenly stood up.

"Monkey Reichette," he murmured, "this guy is trying to steal business with Murray..."

As a businessman, he sees himself as the chairman of the big company Murray.

There are only two most important tasks, first, to coax the shareholders, and second, to take advantage of the opportunity to enrich their own pockets and arrange for their relatives to get as many benefits as possible from the company.

But that doesn't mean he doesn't do anything else... He wants to build his own political family, he wants to continue and expand his core interests, and even deep down, he does agree with that slogan and vision and is willing to pay for it Practices—He wants to make Merrill great again.

And now, Kant has crossed the line.

He seems to be taking the opportunity of this Canadian cannabis nuclear power plant to show the world one thing.

That is to say, even the most protected Jiama University, on the side of Murray, has to rely on China's protection and help in the increasingly fierce, dangerous and frequent extraordinary invasion incidents.

A Chuan shivered suddenly, and sweat appeared on his forehead.

Yes, if found out by NATO allies and other allies, even if the Canadian marijuana is attacked, the mercenary can't protect it, and instead go to the China guy...Fake!

He slapped his forehead: "Why the **** didn't I think of this!"

Achuan had previously suggested to Mr. Trudeau to test Kant, just to verify whether the Chinese boy was related to the Titan incident. Who knew that this cunning boy did not hesitate to drag China's Gawomente into the water, and would "invite AWSL" company" directly became "asking for help from China"...Damn!

He rubbed his old face, gritted his teeth, and his face was ashen.

Because Achuan thought of a more outrageous possibility.

If this is really what Kant did, it would be even more despicable! He created the extraordinary invasion incident by himself, and then offered the solution to the victim country, not only took the money for nothing, but also showed his strength and value to the whole world, so as to obtain more political benefits...

It's just... It's just...

"That's exactly what we've been doing!"

A Chuan said angrily: "Is the Chinese guy playing this game too? I will never allow it!"

He picked up the handset, dialed the number, and shouted, "Go to Jiama University and find Master Trudeau! Quick!"

After a while, Mr. Trudeau answered the phone, and his voice was a little wrong: "Donald? If you are continuing to humiliate me, then I suggest you..."

"...Justin, you have given me a recording." A Chuan's tone was firm, "According to our agreement, I will immediately instruct the army to launch a joint operation and ask for your cooperation."

"Ah? Really?" Trushao was obviously relieved, but his tone was a little hesitant, and he said cautiously, "Can it be solved, Achuan? I mean..."

"Yes, the brave American traitor army can defend the peace of the whole world." A Chuan said coldly, "The whole world will see our strength, including that rude boy..."

"OK, OK, Donald, if nothing else, I..."

"and many more!"

A Chuan said suspiciously: "Your attitude of hanging up the phone in a hurry reminds me of my second wife, that beach actually got involved with one of my bodyguards, and her perfunctory attitude towards me after cheating reminds me of The way I was doing with my first wife behind my back, so I wonder if she betrayed me, and she did - Justin Trudeau!"

Agawa, who was immersed in the crisis brought about by Kant and subconsciously made his inferences, glared angrily.

He said sharply: "Are you in contact with Gawomente, who is demolition! Are they telling you that Kant's price is too high, and they are willing to reconcile and offer a price acceptable to both parties?"

There was a shaky voice on the other end of the phone.

Trushao denied: "No! I didn't do it!"

"Your tone is exactly the same as that watch!" Ah Chuan roared, "Back then, that old guy from your father dared to be the first to establish diplomatic relations with Zhana, but now you dare to betray Murray and mess with Zhana!"

"I didn't! And don't mention my father!" Trushao said coldly, "Also, what is betrayal! I am the Prime Minister of Canada, and I have the right to do anything for the interests of the country!"

"Oh yeah, bastard! Go check up your wife and her fitness trainer! She's an independent woman and has the right to do anything for her own coolness and happiness!"

"Donald! What do you mean?"

"I mean!" A Chuan said sullenly, "You'd better look at the map, see where Jiama University is, see where Murray is, and see where Demolition is."

Trushao is silent...I don't know what I'm thinking.

"Milijian will solve everything, you are not allowed to look for the Chinese, otherwise..." the commander said savagely, "I heard Kant's offer, I don't care what you talk about with the demolition, as long as Kant enters the scene, then the Milijian Get the same number of copies—at the price that Kant gave you."

He spoke into the microphone, his tone cold and fierce.

"You know what we can do."

After Achuan finished speaking, he hung up the phone again and picked up another phone.

"Prepare to launch a covert operation."

Trushao sat in the office, his face was pale, his hands were trembling, and his breathing was short of breath. His hand holding the microphone had blue veins. As his father said, this was never an easy job.

take it down... take it down...

Ah Chuan's roar and contempt still echoed in his ears.

Kant's more explicit humiliation also runs through his mind.

Although the official words from China are really friendly, polite, tolerant and patient compared to the two, the ridicule hidden in the words and the happiness hidden in the smile cannot be concealed.

Only now did he react.

He is not stupid or a waste, but lacks experience and talent is not amazing, but in the world, practice makes perfect, he has finally become a prime minister, and some things can be thought clearly even if they are hindsight. Think about why Ah Chuan's attitude is so aggressive and furious.

It's Kant.

Kant deftly changed the definition of the matter.

After other Chinese companies went overseas, they all tried their best to downplay their origin, background and political factors, but Kant ignored his official background and replaced a business activity with a state-to-state affair. , which caused Achuan's extreme vigilance.

Otherwise, things could be simpler.

Kant, either as a person or as the chairman of the company, came to help Jiama University, just to collect money and do things... But he didn't, he imposed political meanings, and he didn't care that he became a tool of the country , and dismantling that also naturally cooperates.

Trushao was full of remorse and let out a wry smile.

If we had maintained a good relationship with Zana, what happened today would not have happened.

Kant won't charge such a high price, he won't say those words, and he won't contaminate this matter with political factors. He doesn't want to do this business at all, he just wants to see a joke about the cannabis...

I knew so...

He rubbed his messy hair, and his eyes were gloomy and cold.

Whose fault is it.

Who castrated and suppressed Canada's road to power.

Who is forcing Canada to have a bad relationship with China? Forcing us to lie every day, to have a conflict with an important trading partner across the Pacific Ocean, to talk about the dangers...what's our business?

Who is not satisfied while enjoying the sacrifices, concessions and compromises of Canada in a grand manner, and even wants to tear up the agreement and impose tariffs?

So that the enemy invaded and fulfilled the defense agreement, they had to push back and get benefits, until the Chinese showed signs of interfering, then they hurriedly promised to help, and they still maintained the arrogant appearance of being aloof for decades, harassing me. humiliation?

This is your duty!

The phone rang again.

He took it indifferently, and A Chuan said coldly: "Justin, I forgot to tell you, don't agree to any conditions for the demolition, because Kant may have made it himself! This is a conspiracy to demolition! "

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone again.

Dudu Dudu busy tone echoed in Trushao's ears.

The young prime minister was indifferent for a long time, showing a look of hatred and resentment.

"Fuck you, Donald," he gritted his teeth. "Fuck you."

In the white house, Achuan, who hung up the phone, started his next work and command non-stop, and did not feel that there was anything wrong with the attitude of the conversation with Trudeau.

After all, whether it's Trussauer or Yue Zhongtang, whether it's Macaron or Mammy, these so-called allies, in his opinion, are all stinky idiots who **** American blood, get cheap, and babble. They only want rights. If you don't know how to take responsibility, you're just playing lightly, you're just a cheap bone.

Trudeau is insignificant, what matters is Kant.

A Chuan's face was solemn, and he almost understood a big conspiracy.

A big conspiracy to dismantle that wants to use the extraordinary invasion incident to take the opportunity to expand its influence and steal business with Murray, the Chinese boy has been completely mixed with his country.

I have to admit that in the transcendent realm, Murray does not have an advantage for the time being.


He looked at his mobile phone, and there was a mysterious number in the address book.

"...Fuck you." Ah Chuan shook his head fiercely, "This is not America, and I am not you either!"

He was born in the first year of the end of World War II.

Back then, some things weren't over yet.

Demolish that, Beijing.

"Young Master Tru is calling into the sea again." Colonel Tian said in a low voice, "Listen to the tone, there is some hope."

Kant smiled when he heard this.

He doesn't think so.

After all, he has already given Achuan enough hints - if Lao Tzu enters the venue, he is here to dig your corner on behalf of the Republic, or to sleep on your side. Aren't you in a hurry?

Ah Chuan must be anxious, because if Kant solved the nuclear power plant crisis, then...

Hearts are about to dissipate.

Therefore, Ah Chuan will not only send troops to fight the Titans as soon as possible, but will also show his true skills. If I put some pressure on it, it will greatly improve the consensus and efficiency of Mei Lijian to solve this matter.

It will fill up scientific research, quickly deploy various special attack weapons, and even formulate special offensives according to the battle situation and situation... Let the invincible US military become Lao Tzu's cash machine.

As long as the war with Griffin lasts, the nuclear power plant matter will drag on.

The big speaker was cool.

That sea monster just ate a wave of fire from the naval and air forces, but he had to face the full-scale attack of the entire combat system of the United States, and the number one power on earth served him. Is this a small blessing?

As soon as he thought of this, he said with a smile: "If there is anything you need me to do, even if you say it, don't forget to give me a share of what the country can squeeze out of Cannabis."

"of course."

Colonel Tian hesitated for a moment and said softly: "It's just... Comrade Kant, if you have such an idea in the future, it's best to communicate with the top first. Trump knows what you said, and he won't take a break."

"It's as if the relationship between the two countries is the same as that of the United States and the United States."

"So we don't object, we just hope to say hello in advance next time, otherwise we will be caught off guard." Colonel Tian said in a low voice, "You are right, the more you are at this time, the more you must maintain a strong or even offensive in a certain field. You are willing to stand up and serve as the salient department to relieve the pressure of the US imperialists on the country in other fields. We are very grateful... I am really grateful."

"If you are grateful, give more discounts and support." Kant waved his hand, "Help me continue to build Komora and Jurban... The army, infrastructure, people's livelihood, industry, all of them."

"Of course, domestic overcapacity is also considered mutually beneficial. Comora is too small, and its total population is not as good as that of a larger county, let alone a city in Jurban... With the full support of China's construction, it will Built it superbly in a short period of time, just Comrade Kant..."

Seeing that Kant was in a good mood, Colonel Tian asked carefully, "What is the purpose of doing this?"

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not interested in letting a group of **** who have nothing to do with me live a good life for no reason." Kant said lightly, "Actually, I wish Juerban was full of Chinese..."

"There is no other idea to build there. The main and even the only reason is that someday in the future, when some unknown event and change occurs in the world..."

He said solemnly: "We can have a solid strategic fulcrum in West Africa."

Colonel Tian took a deep breath.

He said anxiously, "Can you be specific?"


Because I'm talking nonsense in all seriousness.

Kant's expression remained unchanged, and he shook his head and said, "This is just my personal conjecture, you know, I'm a pessimist, I have many secrets, and I don't know how to explain some things. Jurban is an idea of ​​mine, A hand of idle chess, a little preparation laid out in advance, that’s all—I can only say that the water here is very deep, and I can’t explain it to you, so don’t ask, it’s too involved…”

Colonel Tian pondered for a moment: "Prepare... Do we need to do some preparations?"

Kant smiled: "What do you think the previous Patriot Covenant was for?"

The other party suddenly realized.

Looking at the appearance of Colonel Tian, ​​Kant felt a little ashamed in his heart, but he quickly dismissed the idea - he was selfish, but the spiritual runes, training programs for superhuman beings, and enchanting skills were handed over to the country. It can be regarded as one of the most important scientific research directions in the new century.

Because that is a new path beyond the limits and endpoints of existing science and technology.

Debt that has nothing to do with history and backwardness during the sinking period, this time I can finally stand on the same starting line with Western countries... Although the referee is him, it is purely accidental.

"Hey! Do you have a conscience?"

The parrot's cry rang out from the secret communicator: "I am the late emperor of a powerful country in another world, who came to your earth. It stands to reason that the heads of state of the world should line up to visit me, but you actually asked me to be a tool elf and a substitute. You drive a Gundam? I'm very scared, will Ah Chuan hit me with a nuclear bomb?"

"Come over here for me, I want to change shifts, I don't want to be in UC, I'm going to LA to raid the Humane Lab! I'm going to Washington to put a mental beacon! I'm going to demolish that to see Wang Xiaoman!"

Kant's face darkened.

He set up a hidden barrier and whispered: "After this is done, I'll play with you on Earth, it's fine—and you're not allowed to see Xiaoman! At least not now."

"What's wrong, I won't do weird things, so let me meet your parents, right? I'll turn my ears into human ones, don't worry, I'll never say Tina's I won't say that you are in another world... Oh hastily, F35 is here! It's really fat!"