MTL - Civilization: Beyond Two Worlds-Chapter 803 Remember, don't use spells

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City of a Thousand Laws, Turashaye.

Standing in the center of the city, the All-Seeing Tower is the headquarters of the Austrian Council. It is a majestic building with a total height of more than 400 meters. It is a combination of a palace and a tower. This is the most majestic palace of the Austrian Council. It is also the most powerful and magnificent mage tower in the world.

At the top of the tower, the 75-meter-high Statue of the Celestial Titan is a symbol of power and wisdom of the kingdom of mages. It is not only an awesome landmark, but also a legendary strategic magic tool.

The mighty titans have stood silently for countless years, guarding and watching the tower of all-seeing work with precision and grandeur, along with the temples of the Six Sisters of the Elements, located throughout the city.

The world's most talented spellcasters and brightest minds work here.

Together, they ensure that the Arcane Council walks the difficult and mysterious path of Arcane with prudent wisdom and decisive courage, and walks side by side with all aspiring spellcasters.

until today.

The holy pendulum swayed, the moon wheel turned, the element pool spurted dazzling spring water, the arcane arcane was refracted, and the melodious bell made all the staff who came and went stand still, because it means that the House of Representatives will reopen, the senators The issues and conclusions of the Star Court will be heard, and differences and doubts will be resolved in the traditional way.

The busy staff just stood silent for a moment to show their respect and respect, and then re-engaged in the tedious work. This is the administrative center of the council and naturally the busiest place.

The closed room, the hidden basement, the unoccupied office, the huge ventilation ducts... a figure moves his body, confirms the time with the star orbit, and the mission is calling.

They looked at each other and understood the enthusiasm and determination in each other's eyes.

The Tower of All-Seeing has the most comprehensive and complete security system in the world, using many alchemy instruments containing the most cutting-edge knowledge of arcane law, but the most comprehensive and perfect is only for this world, and it still has the limitations of the times... The machine can guard against foreign enemies, but cannot guard against internal ghosts.

In particular, the inner ghost is in the supreme position, and has obtained a lot of authority from the core members.

After nearly a month of patient preparation, I finally put together all the elements of the stage play. All the actors are in their proper positions. Today's script has been polished to perfection.

The fanatical fearless people nodded to each other, and there is no need to say a thousand words. They offered loyalty and sacrifice to the great gods, and fought desperately for the great world. Even if they died here, they would definitely be resurrected by the gods in the star palace. In a new body that is eternal and indestructible, forever serving the great gods.

This matter has long been recorded, there have been prophecies, and there have been legends.

All expectations and fanaticism turned into final exhortations.

"Remember, don't use spells."

The Senate, the Mysterious Sanctuary, with hundreds of senators seated as nonvoting delegates.

The host shouted silently for three times, and rang the thunder gavel. In the silence, all eyes were on Griffin, the speaker, and the dispute in the Starry Court was placed in the Senate for adjudication.

Griffin was expressionless, looking at each of the core members' faces one by one.

Some people avoided their eyes subconsciously, while others looked back with a sneer, their eyes full of demonstration and pleasure.

At that time, the core members of the Starry Court couldn't stand Kant's endless public opinion wars and smears and rumors, and felt that there was no chance of winning the war, so they wanted to force the grand speaker to make peace.

In this way, a political transaction is involved - the Speaker feels that admitting defeat to Kant is tantamount to the end of his political life. He wants to avoid this from happening, so he wants to create a strong attitude before the negotiation and exchange for the core The political commitment of MPs.

The deputies agreed to a number of conditions for the Grand Speaker, and temporarily ceded some of their powers. After the Grand Speaker was arranged, they went to negotiate with Kant to end the current embarrassing confrontational status quo.

Everyone was happy about this at first, but who would have thought that the Speaker did not talk about martial arts, and after taking the benefits, he stayed still.

At the same time, it started to sanction Goethe, launched a trade war with the far port, mobilized resources, expanded the army and increased production, and in terms of international diplomacy, fully confronted the far port and provoked provocations everywhere.

The legislators were getting more and more uneasy, because if it went on like this, Kant would call first.

They gradually lost patience, and found that the Speaker was getting closer and closer to the military. In desperation, they took out the documents made by the Speaker and launched the Senate Assembly, trying to force the Speaker to bow his head and perform Promise to end this increasingly dangerous farce as soon as possible.

After all, after a few months of tossing, everyone suffered a lot. In addition to the continued corruption of their respective reputations, the market vacated after the sanctions against Goethe was actually swallowed by the West Goethe Company, and even the Dragon Island and the Moonlight Dynasty made a profit. For one thing, the family estates of the members of Congress have suffered a lot.

Coupled with the fact that the Speaker of the Great Council has made all-out efforts to expand the army, and a large amount of wealth has been cheapened by Qiu Ba and the military industry, as they come and go, the balance of power is once again unbalanced, and everyone is really unbearable.

Simply, as usual, put the speaker on the high platform of democracy and solve the problem in this way.

After all, the core members and senators have huge industries in their families, and most of them are outright pacifists. Even the members of the military industry, they just want to expand their armaments and defend peace, not to fight with Kant. Have a big fight.

Because Kant really has weapons of mass destruction, which is fundamentally different from the countries in the southern archipelago.

This guy's way is too wild, murderous, ruthless, completely reckless, who knows if he will smash the forbidden spell everywhere if he is crazy.

Peaceful, still peaceful.

Whoever dares not to make peace, we will make peace with him.

Glancing at each other, the members looked at the Grand Speaker together.

Everyone has finished their private discussions - this old madman is clamoring for war, and he is too hostile to Kant. He has almost lost control in the past few months, and it is extremely dangerous. After this negotiation was over, I just found a reason to force him to resign and retire. The method was also very simple.

It is said that the speaker pleaded guilty to Kant and asked for peace.

Then do it.

The executive in charge of presiding over this great council said loudly: "Speaker Griffin-Williams, our great teacher, the holy Austrian guide, following the great tradition passed down through the ages, we..."

Griffin interrupted aloud: "Your Excellency Executive, we are well aware of the issues convened in the Senate today. In this great ancient temple, there are hundreds of gentlemen and wise men with outstanding morals and prestige. Intent to persecute their supreme leader to bow down to a shameful aggressor and conspirator in exchange for the chance of wealth and a moment of peace, while turning a blind eye to the risks and threats ahead!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was in an uproar, and some congressman shouted: "This is a serious slander!"


The speaker said sharply: "Kant confiscated all the cultivated land around the Far Harbor, and replaced the labor of hundreds of thousands of peasants with alchemy machines and a small number of personnel!"

"He initially trained these people who were supposed to work in the fields all their lives, and then put them to work in workshops and mining areas, and put them into military service."

"His ghostly spinning machines, alchemy machines, and other monstrous things can be used by a few hundred people! And he makes everyone operate those machines! That is to say, the production efficiency of Far Harbor, Leaping at a terrifying speed we can't understand! Do you know what that means?"

"Is it reasonable that there are agricultural and manufacturing machines that greatly improve efficiency and save labor, but they are still diligently recruiting and hosting people? If I had such agricultural machines, I would have let the farmers who farm for me get out of the way. Stealing and cheating, hiding food, it's not easy to manage!"

"And Kant didn't do that. Do you think this is his kindness? No, it's because he needs people! He needs people to go to workshops and mining areas to collect ores, smelt metals for him, send them to workshops, and produce products— Even, build more **** machines! Machines! Machines!"

The members were stunned, they had never seen such a gaffe and roar from the elegant and powerful Speaker.

"It's a cycle."

Griffin's voice was very calm, but there was a trembling in it.

His wisdom is not enough to see the essence and full picture of this phenomenon, but he vaguely feels that it is the most destructive enemy this world faces.

Even better than natural disasters.

"It's like a powerful, terrifying beast that devours everything and reproduces itself." He said coldly, "As time goes by, it gets stronger and stronger, and it never ends."

"There are only a few hundred thousand people in the far port."

"But there are millions of people in Bibo province."

"Goethe had nearly 20 million people."

"When Kant's agricultural machinery penetrated into every farmland in the Goethe Great Plain, leaving the more than 10 million Goethe people bound in the farmland without land to grow, do you know what this means?"

"It means at least two million young laborers! These people go to the army, that is two million soldiers! Two million soldiers equipped with Kant's alchemy weapons! These people go to the workshop, and it is the two million who operate the alchemy machines. Workers! Do you know what that means!"

"It means that on that day, a small country with a population of less than 20 million in the Goethe district will be able to easily smash the Holy Empire to shreds! It means that on that day, the continuous flow of goods from Goethe will sell you at exaggerated prices. The products of the family workshop are too overwhelming to sell!"

His eyes were quiet and frantic, like reason desperately restraining a murderous beast.

It's like courage desperately suppressing fear and making the right judgment.

"and also."

The Great Speaker slowed down.

"Do you think that if Kant swallowed Goethe, he would be satisfied? Goethe is just a small country, less than one-twelfth of the size of the empire, and its population is incomparable, and this continent is more than an empire. What sweet flesh and blood, Kant's monster has grown to this point, has fierce minions and invincible might - what do you think he will be like then!?"

Speaking of this, the voice was sharp again, and murderous aura was revealed.

In the past three months, the intelligence and news from the Far Harbor, the intelligence that spies desperately spied on, and even the imitation and reversal of many of Kant's ordnance... all failed to dispel the hostility of the Great Speaker.

On the contrary, it made the heart of war more and more determined.

"This is the last chance."

He said coldly: "If you want to exterminate alien beasts and avoid future disasters, the best way is to resolutely kill them when they are young. This is the last chance."

"The current Kant is very difficult to deal with, but with all his strength, he will join forces with other countries, and there is still a chance. When he annexes Goethe and controls the entire territory of the duchy, when the fierce beast begins to devour the flesh and grow strong... At that time, everything will be It's all too late, and we can only hopelessly ask each other for mercy."

"This is not what the council should have done, and our glory must not be so tarnished."

The Speaker took two steps forward and bowed deeply to the hundreds of senators who were present.

"That's what I stand for and what I intend."

"Appeasement is a dead end. It is meaningless to negotiate with Kant. It can only make the Aurora people intensify their expansion... I hope that you can uphold the rationality of the wise and the responsibility of the brave, abide by the sacred duty and great mission of the Senate, and make decisions that are in line with this country and even the decisions on future interests.”

"Use war to limit Kant's expansion, suppress Kant's ambitions, isolate Kant's position, and then force him to share technology and make an oath... Before achieving these goals, we need a battle of courage."

He maintained a bowing posture and said solemnly, "I am here to ask you all."

In the boundless silence, he slowly straightened up and raised his head.

The faces of hundreds of senators were clearly visible.

Those faces were full of contemplation or confusion.

As a wise man with a long history and time, the speaker of the Great Speaker understood their mood and demeanor.

The thought is - what is the purpose of the grand speaker? What's the plan? Did it fall to the military?

What's confusing is - even if you say that, I don't really feel it.

The executive officer's astringent voice slowly sounded: "Since the speaker has finished speaking, then we will simplify the process and start the voting. Before that, the core members, do you have..."

Griffin closed his eyes.

- No need.

He said so in his heart.

These remarks were not for the senators, because he knew the result.

He just said it to himself.

This is his explanation for himself, his justification.

Because today, he will commit a serious crime against the council.

Fate is unpredictable, the future is chaotic and unpredictable, and he has his own considerations, he always has to do something.

Out of a million people, perhaps only a thousand people are wise enough to see what will happen in the distant future.

And among these thousand people, nine hundred and ninety-nine are smart enough to keep silent about what happened next, so as not to affect themselves... After all, it is indeed difficult to change anything.

There is only one person who will move forward despite knowing it.

In any case, Griffin-Williams' future fate is by no means regretful in the face of the irreversible general trend, nor is it not as the ruler of a country, bowing down to Kant who has already achieved the general trend.

He didn't want to be trapped in his family's business, he just sat and watched Kant grow up, and then he faced the strangulation and crushing of the terrifying monster without any twists and turns, without any ripples, and then surrendered to Kant and followed the left and right sides. There is silent remorse in the humiliation, remorse for not making a decisive move and letting go.



No matter who you are, no matter what your purpose is.

Let's take a big bet.

See if I'm worthy.

See if you are worthy.

Just when the executive officer's voice was not finished, a loud bang came from outside the church.

The senators turned horrified: "What's going on?"

Above the nine heavens, a roaring and roaring iron bird swooped down.

The people on the street heard the strange noise and looked up. The rune obelisks everywhere condensed the primordial light, the flying dragons roared and took off, and the news of the eagle-eyed officer quickly passed: "There is a UFO in the airspace of Tulaxiaye. , steel wings, the wings have two wheels, and they are descending rapidly!"

"Received! It is being transferred to the army-far port air force to enter!"

The eagle-eyed officer who reported the report was stunned for a moment when he heard the words of his superior, and hesitantly said: "This doesn't seem to be Kant's aircraft. I have seen it before..."

Communication has been cut off.

The tower of all-seeing roared endlessly, and the blood flowed into rivers. Everyone screamed and fled. The terrifying warriors in heavy armor and armed with guns buzzed and roared, shouting: "—For Kant!"

They skillfully stuffed ammunition with a huge caliber that was close to artillery shells into the chamber, bombarded it, ejected it with mental power, loaded it, detonated the shot with mental power, and went on a rampage all the way. A's gunner pushed the organ-like cart to the front of the defense line of the Ministry of Justice guards.

"The Tower of All-Seeing is under attack!"

The spellcaster, covered in blood and embarrassed, rushed into the venue: "The enemy appeared out of thin air, wearing heavy armor and using powerful alchemical weapons!"

The congressmen burst into anger and exclaimed: "-Kant!?"

The Tower of All-Seeing is the power center of the council, a holy place in the eyes of spellcasters all over the world. After its completion, it has never encountered any attack, let alone relevant drills and preparations. Hearing this shocking news, the senators were in their hearts. There was a great earthquake, panic, and all of a sudden.

Only a few people quickly calmed down and wondered why Kant did such a thing, but in the chaos, what is the wisdom of a few people?

"To protect the safety of the parliamentarians - find a way to contact the Temple of Elements and transfer the First Division of the Star Vault and the Sky Rangers!" The executive officer shouted to the Grand Speaker, "Speaker Speaker, please issue an order immediately!"

Then he was startled.

Because the Speaker looked at him with an apologetic smile.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he noticed the cloaked man in the corner. The man stepped forward and took off his hood, revealing blue-blue eyes and a cold bloodthirsty smile.


When such a thought flashed in his mind, he only felt fierce light and heat surging out of the mysterious human body, like a volcano, like a meteor, blasting and bursting!

In an instant, the terrifying impact roared and roared!

And above the sky, the huge aircraft continued to accelerate, avoiding the interception of the bipedal dragons, and under the stunned gaze of countless ordinary citizens, it flew towards the Tower of All-Seeing, like a meteor flying down, rushing down!