MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 1119 Hard times (2)

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A round of black and white tai chi pictures enveloped the void, and four chaotic swordsmans flew in the sky.

The huge sword array enveloped half of the Mu continent, which is also the limit that Wutie can do today. Even if he had reached the ultimate peak of the "Tao Change" realm, he shot with all his strength and the sword array he released could only protect half of the continent.

The black and the vassal vassal descended from the sky. They roared and roared, like a group of unintelligent walking dead, and rushed down to the mainland.

Over half of the Mu continent protected by the witch iron, these vassals, like countless flesh, took the initiative to throw into the meat grinder.

Blood mist splashed, blood rain poured.

As the uncountable vassal group was strangled, a purple gas on top of Wu Tie's head rolled down and continued to pour into the golden wheel behind him.

The continent's will will tremble, growl, and frantically roar.

The will of heaven and earth is chaotic, ignorant, he is very strong, but his self-consciousness, or his IQ level, is probably no different from that of a newborn baby dog.

The consciousness of heaven and earth condensed beside Wu Tie, urging crazy.

A great force haunted Wu Wu, invading his body a little bit, and a little stronger his body. In the condensed witch iron, there is already a congenital aura of the size of the ocean, and the images of countless mountains and rivers on the mainland of mainland are flashed away.

Wutie forcibly suppressed some impulse.

He stood above Wudu, looking up at the wildly invading aliens, whispering to himself: "I don't know what I did is right or wrong ... But at least I ask for a smooth idea!"

A huge killing boat rises from the outer sea where Wudu is located. The black-pressed, stretching thousands of miles is a small piece of land.

Countless martial arts courtiers of the Wu Kingdom, carrying the oracles of Wu Dashan, rushed to the Quartet with all the killing boats.

Migration, migration, forced migration.

In Wuguo, those best alchemy masters, best refinery masters, best refinery masters, best Fulu masters, etc ... there are also the best farmers, the best herdsmen, the best readers , The best student ...

As for the top talents from all walks of life, even those with gelding, steers, shaved heads, and sewing clothes, as long as they are capable and top-notch, they, together with their immediate family members, are immediately moved to In the killing boat.

In addition to these top talents, in the Wu Kingdom, a group of young men and women with the best talents and physical qualities have been carefully selected, and they will also be sent to the killing boat for the first time.

Wu Tie learned the method of learning nine ... but he was ready to run at any time.

In the past thousand years, the Wu Kingdom has spent countless savings and built a total of 13,000 giant killing boats.

Calculated, these 13,000 giant sacred boats, all the space inside is extended to allow one thousandth of the people of the Wu Kingdom to enter, and it is enough to provide a perfect ecosystem, so that one thousandth People comfortably multiply and inherit civilization in the killing boat.

One thousandth ... but one thousandth.

Wu Jian's sword array was fierce, and within a few days, he killed numerous creatures. Among them, there are even masters of the **** king and even **** emperor level, and the unified charge is also cut under the sword by the witch iron.

The other half of the continent, which Wu Wutie could not protect, was a raging fire with countless deaths and injuries.

Before the Wutie annihilation observation outpost, and before the Wutie splitting the sky, a huge **** array under the ancestors of the Etheric tribes laid over the entire Mu mainland and was the last line of defense for the Mu mainland.

But when the witch iron split the sky, there are many ancient relics of the ancients in this giant array of gods. They tried their best to help the witch iron break through the sky. They exhausted the last trace of strength, some of the smoke disappeared, and some were completely sleeping The power of the Divine Array weakened by more than 90%.

Countless vassal groups paid a certain price. In the process of rushing into the atmosphere of Mu mainland, they lost a lot of manpower. Then they finally broke through the heavy interception of that Divine Array and landed on the surface of Mu mainland.

There are the Bear Department and the Jiuli Department. The cities built in the past thousand years of fierce battles were quickly surrounded. The numerous fortresses hidden in the mountains and forests also fell into the encircling circle of people.

The warships and fortifications built by the two camps in the past millennium have taken off, countless wild **** soldiers are roaring and charging, countless war beasts and birds are roaring and fighting, and thousands of human races trained through thousands of years of fighting are fighting to kill the enemy ... …

In large and small cities, large groups launched, blocking the advent of tributaries outside the city.

There are the Bear Department and the Jiuli Department, which displayed unreserved magical supernatural powers that have been cultivated over the past millennia, and the thousands of miles of supernatural supernatural powers killed countless enemies.

In this way, seven days and seven nights flickered after the gods returned.

There was almost no war damage in Wu Guo.

There are Bear Department and Jiuli Department, and the casualties are extremely heavy.

The first wave of attacking enemies were all vassal groups treated as cannon fodder. Their numbers were huge, but their strength was generally weak. Only a very small number of Divine King-level and few Divine Emperor-level masters were mixed in.

Rao is their low strength, they have too many, too many, too many, they also have warships, also have large combat gear, under the urging of the gods behind them, they are madly killed by the crazy rush to sacrifice, after all, it has brought huge to the human race. Loss.

The eighth day of the second gods.

At the moment when the red sun rose, on the mainland of the dozens of life fields occupied by the human race, the hundreds of giant cities at the core of the two major camps of the human race, all the city defense arrays shattered instantly, and all the city defense bans were destroyed instantly. .

It was not destroyed by foreign enemies, but it was directly destroyed by some high-level human races from within.

Countless vassals cheered and roared, as if a black flood rushed into these huge cities that are most important to the human race, as important as the heart.

Ji Hongde, Chi You, and other high-ranking human races who were fighting under the unified army heard the news and immediately vomited blood.

When the aliens entered the city, some tribes laughed all over their faces, dressed in burlap linens, holding a descending watch made of colorful brocade, and tributed to the gate of the city with triumphant smiles.

It is not surprising that a high-level Protoss descended from the sky, and took over the descending watch in the hands of these humans, and laid a vivid mark on their foreheads, and then sealed these humans who opened the door and surrendered to-"herd 'That's what the ranch command means.

On the ninth day of the return of the gods, an amazing army of ‘pastoral leaders’ has been formed.

Regardless of the number of people, the equipment, or the strength, this army of ‘pastoral leaders’ serving as the minions of the gods is no weaker than the army with bears and the Jiuli Department fighting against aliens.

Those ‘pastoral leaders’ who had turned to foreign races, when they organized the army, only said one thing: ‘join the army of pastoral leaders, and the whole family can live’!

The army of ‘pastoral leaders’ armed to their teeth gave the bear army a fierce knife from the back on the ninth day of the return of the gods.

There is a bear army caught flat-footed and defeated on the spot.

There are ancient gods of the gods, that is, the saints in the realm of "transformation" mixed assassination in the army, there are nine saints in the bear department, three people fell on the spot, and the other six people including Ji Hongde were seriously injured.