MTL - Chronicles of Heaven-Chapter 1024 Another old iron

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Ji Ting, Ji Yan, Ji Ming and others looked up at the same time, staring blankly at the Canghai Taoist.

The people of Canghai Tao were sincere and smiled very warmly, waving their hands gently to them.

Ji Ting burst into a scream: "Hell, how did you break in? How could it be ... Huaxianchi, how could an outsider break in?"

Ji Ting's expression is very rich and very exciting. There is no one who has the power and the weather-tested giant to be calm.

On the contrary, his performance is no different from those fledgling young men.

Obviously, although he enjoyed a high position in the heavenly court, and His Majesty also had an astonishing number of army of Dang Mo Si to leave, but this Tian Dang Master Tian Jun experienced too few winds and rains, and the city government was too shallow.

"I just walked in this way." The Canghai Taoist smiled: "This treasure, has a fate with me, also invite you to open the door of convenience, let this Huanchi ... return to his true master?"

"Presumptuous!" Ji Ting's face was gloomy, and he screamed sharply, "Putting the ball together, strangling him."

Ji Ting's voice did not fall, and the generals around him had not had time to cooperate with him. The 108 sea **** beads that circled and floated on the carrier around him had already taken the aura of blue light. Jump out.

The surging tide was soaring, the 108 sea **** beads like a sudden hail, whistling and hitting Ji Ting and others, hitting them with broken bones and cracked plasma.

In a short breath, apart from Ji Ting, everyone else was beaten into disintegration and exploded into countless plasma spreading around.

The only pool of water in the Huaxianchi where the infinite plasma and Tiandiyuan can mix is ​​continuously injected into Ji Ting's body. As soon as his injury appeared, he healed immediately and disappeared without a trace.

With the shallow support of the Huaxianchi water, Ji Ting clasped the six-foot-long Thunder Silver Golem with his right hand, screaming at the Taoists in the sea, with dozens of magnificent silver Golems in his hand. Thunder Dragon, the continuous thunderstorm blasted continuously.

The man in the sea laughed, his pair of wide robe sleeves rolled up a thousand layers of waves, and they stood in front of a thunder dragon, letting Ji Ting slam the waves, and the huge waves kept coming out, thunder dragon For a while, it was impossible to break the defense of the giant waves.

Light rays of light were sprayed from the hands of a pair of children of the Canghai Tao, and Wanhua Jieshi unfolded his hands. The Thunder Road pattern formed in Thunder Dragon's body was smoothed out. One by one, Thunder Dragons continued to disintegrate and dissipate. Soon the Taoists broke all Thunder Dragons, and then punched Ji Ji's chest with a punch.

The Canghai Taoist is the corpse of the three corpses cut off by Wuqing Iron and Gas. One of the three corpses of the witch iron merges the Canghai God Beads and is cut out on the basis of the Canghai God Beads. Therefore, every person in the Canghai Village has 108 magnificent pearls of the Canghai God who are fused together.

A seemingly understated punch, in fact, has the full power of 108 sea **** beads.

This is one hundred and eight small worlds rolling over at the same time.

Ji Ting's eyes are raised. At this moment, he feels like a poor egg, and the enemy hits himself with a huge grinding disc.

With a loud noise, Ji Ting was bombarded by numerous Taoists and shattered into numerous thunderbolts.

In the huge hall, only the roar of Ji Ting hysteria was left: "Heaven will not let you go ... wait, wait, under the wrath of the Great Lord, you will all go extinct, one by one. No one can die. "

The Canghai Taoist smiled silently. When boxing killed Ji Ting, he came to the side of Huaxian Pool.

In Huaxianchi, hundreds of millions of unformed armored soldiers disintegrated at the same time. The pond originally had only one or two inches of water in it, and it was restored to a few feet in an instant.

With the harsh thunder, Ji Ting, Ji Ji, Ji Ming and others jumped out of the restored pool after a breath.

Hundreds of generals formed a battle array behind Ji Ting, centered on an archway full of thunder, surrounded by nine heads of thunder dragons, and there were nine large and extremely bright thunder beads emerging around, The archway rotates slowly.

The breath of Ji Ting and others merged with the archway and the nine thunder beads, and numerous electric lights flickered over the huge Huaxianchi. These electric lights were intertwined in the air into an extremely ancient Chinese character "雷".

"Thunder, the order of the heavens." Ji Ting's body floated up, he majesticly overlooked the sea man standing beside the Huaxianchi, shouted sternly: "Anyone who has no respect for the heavens and the earth, but whoever has great sin, heaven Lower the thunder to punish it. "

"Here, it's wicked to be promoted by demon."

"Here, dare to slaughter the gods many times, the crime is extremely wicked."

"Here, dare to be disrespectful to the heaven, to be disrespectful to the heaven, and there is no pardon for sin."

With the majestic roar of Ji Ting, Lei Guang condensed into a weapon with a handle of swords, halberds, swords, and halberds. These weapons condensed by the thunder emitted a terrible breath. The breath of each weapon was actually stronger than the ordinary innate spirit soldier. Several times.

Ji Ting raised her right hand high, and then waved toward the Taoists.

The sea bead around the people of Canghai Tao rotates rapidly, and a stream of water light pulls heavy ripples, bringing up numerous water lights.

The azure blue waves lingering around the man of the sea, like a huge vortex, countless weapons condensed by thunder hit the huge vortex, and even a few waves could not splash.

"This battle line is not bad." The Haidao Taoist looked at Ji Ting sincerely and said, "It feels that every time you are killed, you will be a lot more powerful. What is the reason?"

Ji Ting was silent for a while, while he silently urged a large group to attack the Haidaodao people, thinking for a while, then slowly said: "After I became a heavenly god, everything has been imprinted in the spirit, but we need to reconcile it with Our ontological fusion is. "

"Every time we die in a war, we are reborn in the Huaxianchi. The god's imprint has deepened our integration."

"Every battle death is a rebirth of fire. We have absorbed the experience, lessons, and various knowledge in the imprint of the gods, countless magical powers, countless immortal magic spells ... It is like wiping away the mist in front of me. The haze gradually became clear. "

Ji Ting looked at the Canghai Tao solemnly: "You, it is impossible to kill us, we will only become stronger and stronger."

Immediately after that, a sea **** pearl jumped out and hit a general behind Ji Ting. The general only cares about forming a large array of attacks on the Haidao people, and completely ignores his protection.

The God of Canghai shattered his upper body and blasted it into the sky.

The man in the sea said with a smile: "It seems that you have to die a few more times before you can be a rival to the poor."

In the laughter, the Taoist man from the Canghai region displayed Pangu Zhenshen, and his body turned into a mighty man, and then his huge hands cast Wanhua's robbers, and a huge palm blasted into the Huaxianchi.

The pool of water with a depth of several feet in the Huaxianchi Lake could at least allow Ji Ting and other hundreds of magic masters to regenerate the pool of water hundreds of times, which was completely exploded in the palm of the Canghai Taoist.

The complex and mysterious structure of the pavement in the pool water became completely disordered. A group of plasmas burst, and a group of rich heaven and earth elements could crash and explode violently. Then, in the collision of each other, the heaven and earth elements could collapse. Shrinking, condensing, and finally turning into the best-quality Yuanjing 'Ding Ding Ding', the size of a human head, is everywhere.

In the hall where Huaxianchi was located, there was a heavy rain transformed by the superb Yuanjing.

The Canghai Taoist smiled and widened his sleeves, absorbing all these superb elements. At present, the army of giant **** soldiers in the military kingdom is an extremely horrible astronomical figure. Of course, these giant soldiers can sacrifice the heaven and earth elements to supplement their consumption, but on the battlefield, they always have moments of excessive energy consumption.

At this time, these high-concentration compressed superb crystals are needed to urgently supplement their energy consumption.

These superb crystals are extremely important strategic resources, and naturally the people in the sea are smiling by the way.

Seeing that the water in the Huaxian Lake was patted with a slap, Ji Ting and others glanced at each other and rushed towards the Taoists in the sea. A terror of thunder broke out within them, and they dared not to fear death, rushed to the people of Canghai, and then directly blew themselves up.

The Huaxianchi Hall was swept by a horrifying thunderstorm that condensed into substance.

The figure of the Canghai Taoist was drowned by the thunder storm, and the madly roaring thunder tumbling for a full hour, and then slowly dissipated.

One hundred and eight sea **** beads are rapidly spinning in the void. Infinite waves surround the sea **** beads. The sea **** beads are shining brightly. In the previous horror self-explosion, this piece of precious silk from Taikoo Dragon King was not damaged.

The Canghai Taoist stood in the middle of the Canghai God Beads, his hair was a little disheveled, his robe was a little messy, and he looked a little bit embarrassed.

He grinned a few times, wiped his forehead, and whispered, "A stingy guy, isn't it just robbing you of a Huaxianchi research study? For reference, isn't it arrogant? It looks like this heaven is not so big Degree of power. "

Le Zizi came to the Huaxianchi, and the Taoists in the sea hesitated, "Do you want to move away with the outer hall or just move this Huaxianchi? Uh ..."

After pondering for a while, the Taoist person in the sea shook his head and laughed: "Let's move the clouds outside ... these clouds are not magic clouds condensed by mana, but flying spirits made of strange materials ... Interesting, interesting, and worthy of reference! "

The Canghai Taoist rushed out of the hall, and then one hundred and eight celestial **** beads dispersed, wrapping up hundreds of floating clouds.

"Get up!"

The Canghai Taoist shouted loudly, and the azure water swept through the void, covering hundreds of floating clouds.

Hundreds of floating clouds, together with the main hall deep in the floating clouds, together with the Huaxianchi in the main hall, were pulled by an irresistible force, and one after another sank into the pearl of the sea.

In the sky, a cloud of clouds quickly rolled over the extremely high sky, quickly pieced together, and turned into a pair of children with huge eyes thousands of miles long, staring deeply at the people of the sea.

"My dear, remember you." A subtle voice struck from the sky, accompanied by a powerful coercion, and fell on the Taoists.

The man in the sea looked up, looked at the pair of huge eyes in the sky, and shook his head with a smile: "Less of nonsense, if you have the courage, come."

The eye blinked, and a faint wave quickly spread his voice to all directions with his voice: "The Thunder Ministry stabs the magic division, acts according to the established plan, sweeps out the demons all over the battlefield ... The slayer Devils Ji Tingtianjun has retreated There is no need to go to the battlefield No. B9. "

The Canghai Taoist smiled a little, and those eyes disappeared, and once again turned into a stream of clouds that were blown away by the high winds.

Continent, the core location, surrounded by the boundless sea area, on a vast expanse of continent, a series of arrogant breaths soared into the sky.

In the middle of the magnificent mountains and rivers with magnificent mountains and rushing mountains, towering rows of megalithic palaces built on the mountains are neatly arranged.

Countless heavy armored soldiers are guarding the key points everywhere, and there are even more armored soldiers walking in the air, and the stream of lights travels quickly between palaces and mountains.

In a mountain shrouded in faint thunder, in a huge palace, Ji Ting's roar rose into the sky: "I want ..."

A cold voice interrupted Ji Ting's words: "Da Tianzun already knows about you, and ordered you to think behind closed doors for three months."

After a long, long time, Ji Ting's weak voice came from the hall: "Yes, courtier, please respect the sacred deity of the heavenly god."

In the core of this huge and imposing palace complex, on the top of a majestic mountain peak, a man in a Chinese suit and long hair, with a square face full of majesty, looked up and down. Ji Ting shook her head slightly in the direction.

"It seems that these guys have to die a few more times before they can be of much use." The middle-aged man smiled lightly: "I think it's simple. However, there are Huaxianchis, and how many more deaths are nothing more than a little time, But it doesn't matter. "

With his hands on his back, the middle-aged man walked easily into the majestic palace on the top of the mountain, and then walked along a marsh in the palace and gradually entered the deep mountain. He went all the way down, and gradually, he went deeper into the ground.

He hummed softly in the folk song minor, the middle-aged man came to a gate made of silver-white metal, he chuckled, and put his face in front of the gate. Two shallow blue lights spouted from the mirror-like door, swiping quickly over his eyes and lips, and then the metal door rippled like a wave of water, turning into a silver-white swirl.

The middle-aged man strode into the vortex, penetrated the metal portal of hundreds of feet thick, and came into a huge cave.

The whole body of the burrow is made of silver-white metal. Countless large and small silver-white metal spiders walk at ease, accompanied by the sound of 'Ding Ding Ding' running briskly in the cave.

Inside the cave, which is nearly a thousand miles away, there are a large number of large-scale instruments with simple and smooth shapes, but I don't know what they are used for.

In the center of the cave, a colorful crystal brain hovered quietly in a milky beam of light. After the middle-aged man walked into the burrow, the surface of the colorful crystal brain was dazzling with light, and a gentle voice sounded.

"Boy Ji, here it is. Didn't I tell you, don't make trouble for me."

The middle-aged man smiled, reached the beam of light in one step, saluted the colorful crystal brain, and pulled out a fist-sized crystal ball.

"I found something interesting. It should have something to do with the story you told me when you were a kid."

The crystal ball lights up, and in the scorching rays of light, the image of Ji Ting's army fighting the army of the magic division and the army of the Wu country appears.

In the picture, the soldiers of the Dangerous Division are wrapped in a large area of ​​fire and shattered by the chaotic crossbow of fire. It can be clearly seen that on the ground and in the sky, large groups of dark giant soldiers move neatly, like a person is pouring out fire in a frenzy.