MTL - China Entertainment Ultimate Tycoon-Chapter 15 filmmaker's morals

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Although Jiang Bai has confidence in "Dragon Slaying", he has to admit that in addition to special effects, Dragon Slaying is at an upper-middle level in other aspects.

It is indeed a bit false to have a positive PK with these two giant systems.

And more importantly, the film competition has never been a pure quality competition.

Arrangement, publicity, and the attraction of star directors are all key.

There is China Film behind Zhan Long, but there are also four major film and television groups behind other films.

In this case, Zhanlong has no big-name stars, and the shortcomings of big-name directors will be fully reflected.

Therefore, the Lunar New Year file is not a suitable battlefield for Jiang Bai to intervene at this time.

The next best thing is to choose the National Day file, and the opponent is much weaker.

With the strength and background of Dragon Slaying, it can basically be done flat.

"Okay, then the National Day file, which films will we release on the National Day file?" Han Sanping asked.

Lin Tao thought about it and said, "Inception on September 1, The Sorcerer's Apprentice on September 9, Charlemagne Code on October 1, and Double Pursuit on October 2. ”, “The Infected Islands” on October 4th, “Wall Street 2: Money Never Sleeps” on October 15th, and “Tara’s Star Wars” on October 26th.”

"Well, in this way, "Inception" and "Apprentice of the Magician" in September will remain unchanged, and several films in October will be canceled. think, said.

"Chairman..." Lin Tao was shocked.

Several imported films released in October, although not big, are also word-of-mouth productions.

Each film can bring at least 10 to 20 million profits to China Film, and the total profit is nearly 100 million.

Are you giving up now because of "Zhan Long"?

You know, even if "Zhan Long" is excellent, the box office market for the National Day file is limited.

Even if it swept the films of the same period, it was only a box office of hundreds of millions.

Apart from the sharing and publicity expenses of the cinema, it will bring about 100 million income to China Film at most.

But this is already the most ideal state. If you are a little careless, you may not reach this profit point.

What is Dong Han doing?

Lost the watermelon to pick up sesame seeds!

Han Sanping waved his hand and said, "That's it, domestic films have made progress. As an industry leader, we should give support. Movies have no country, but filmmakers do."

"Thank you, Director Han!" Jiang Bai was deeply grateful.

This thank you is not for cooperation, but for Han Sanping's integrity and bottom line.

After all, the cultural industry is different from other industries. It is an industry that affects people's firm beliefs.

Merchants in other industries can pursue interests.

Believe in the prosperity of the world, all come for profit, and the world is busy, and all goes for profit.

But cultural businessmen are different. They need to talk about principles, the bottom line, what they should not do, and what they must do.

A gentleman loves money and takes it in a proper way. Cultural merchants had another name in ancient China, Confucian merchants!

After the contract was signed, the distribution department of China Film began to act.

As the leader of the domestic film and television industry, China Film is naturally good at publicity.

Especially after the funds are in place, the power displayed will definitely amaze ordinary small companies.

First, the subway media, mobile bus media, online media and other publicity platforms, began to play the trailer of "Dragon Slaying" continuously.

There is a saying in the film and television industry, even if the film is bad, when you watch his trailer, you will have the hope of watching the film.

This shows the role of the trailer.

The trailer of "Zhan Long", which was carefully edited by Jiang Bai, is naturally the clip that best shows the charm of the film.

Then put it on these platforms, and give the audience the strongest shock in the first time.

Followed by print advertising platforms such as cinemas and bus station advertising platforms.

Many print advertising platforms cannot be obtained with money, but also require contacts and relationships.

But things that these small companies can't reach are nothing to China Film. Han Sanping doesn't need to come forward, and the director of the distribution department will take care of everything.

The main print billboards in first- and second-tier cities across the country have been replaced with huge promotional posters for "Slaying the Dragon".

Finally, there is the topic of online publicity.

This is the latest way of publicity. By guiding the topic, netizens are curious about the movie and finally walk into the cinema.

There will be many movies in the future, because of good topic operation, the movie will become a hit.

For example, "To the Youth We Will Die", the distribution convenience is to firmly grasp the topic of salute to youth and make a big fuss.

In the end, it attracted many audiences into the theater and created excellent box office results.

There is also "I'm Not the God of Medicine", which directly hits sensitive social topics, beats the most vulnerable nerve in people's hearts, and makes watching the film even linked to the sense of mission and responsibility.

In the end it worked very well.

All in all, the key to this method of publicity is to identify the promotional point of the film.

Only when a suitable publicity point is found can the topic be aroused and the audience will eventually be attracted to the theater.

The promotion point of "Zhan Long" is actually not difficult to find, it is the special effect!

Whether it's the plot, the actors, or the shooting method, as well as the rest of the movie, UU Reading serves the purpose of showing special effects.

Therefore, the online promotion point of China Film for "Zhan Long" is naturally a special effect.

Major post bars, film and television forums, and online big V public accounts have also published soft articles one after another, strongly advocating the birth of the first domestic special effects blockbuster.

In this way, the three-pronged approach, almost overnight, the name "Dragon Slaying", which has never been heard of before, entered the eyes of the public in an extremely abrupt way, making everyone amazed by it!


Bernard Company, Chairman's Office, Chairman Yu Dong threw the teacup on the ground, then pointed at Yu Xiaodong and cursed:

""Dragon Slaying" was sent to Bernard first, but it went to China Film. You said what is going on, what is going on!"

There are no secrets in the entertainment industry, especially when it comes to secrets that are not meant to be kept secret in the first place.

When the trailer for "Zhan Long" came out, its dazzling light could no longer be concealed.

There is no need to wait for the release, just based on the pictures shown in his trailer, it is enough for major companies to investigate all the stories behind this film.

And when the back of "Slaying the Dragon" surfaced, other people didn't care, only Bernard sat on the wax directly.

"Zhan Long" actually went to Bernard first, and then was abandoned by Bernard before going to China Film!


How much does Bernard really **** at this, so he doesn't even want such a movie that is obviously going to sell well!

In the past, Shaw Brothers missed Bruce Lee and became a laughing stock for many years.

Today, Bernard missed the beheading of the dragon, it seems that he is going to become the laughing stock of a new generation!

"You'd better pray that the box office of "Zhan Long" is not too good, otherwise Berna will lose something, and you will spit it out for me!" Yu Dong said fiercely.