MTL - Chastity Layman-Chapter 1431 as you wish

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  Chapter 1431 Everyone is happy

  After the city is broken, the whole city will be slaves!

  The news of Qin Jun’s swift attack on Dongcao and Shi Kingdom spread throughout the Sogdian city-states in the river, and countless Sogdians trembled for a while, both angry and frightened.

Shi Guo is also considered a powerful country in the river. Although it is not as strong as Kang Guo, which has tens of thousands of troops, it belongs to the kind that can make up an army of tens of thousands of people. Many Sogdian warriors were hired, as well as Tocharian mercenaries or Western Turkic cavalry.

Although Shi Kingdom was conquered by the Western Turkic Yipidulu Khan more than 20 years ago, even after Yipidulu Khan broke through the city, he just robbed and left without saying anything. All the people in the city were taken into slavery.

  What is the difference between this and massacre?

   Even more ruthless than the massacre.

  Many people were shocked, and felt that it might be exaggerated, but the details of the battle became more and more detailed, and they even waited for the briefing from Qin Jun, the Jiedu envoy of Hezhong.

  The Prince of Wu'an County specially asked his secretary in charge, Wang Bo, a great talent from the Tang Dynasty, to draft a briefing draft, which described a simple battle as full of ups and downs and suspense like the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

  Of course, the notification also truthfully informed the other Sogdian city-states of the results of the disposal of the Shi Kingdom and Dongcao Kingdom. It was indeed that after the city was broken, all survivors were sold into slavery. As for those armed rebels, they were all executed.

  Wang Bo even quoted the famous saying of Chen Tang, a famous general of the Western Han Dynasty, that those who commit crimes against a strong Han will be punished no matter how far away they are, but wherever Tang rides iron hooves, they are all courtiers and concubines.

   This is simply showing off and intimidating Chi Guoguo.

However, after this circular was spread throughout the river, none of the countries in the river dared to disturb it. As the overlord of the Sogdian countries in the river, Kang Guo did not dare to take a breath, and did not even dare to mobilize its own soldiers. Ma, I am afraid that it will cause unnecessary misunderstandings with the King of Wu'an, and then he will come to punish him even if he is far away.

  I could only write a letter to Qin Jun in person, and specially sent a prince to meet him with the letter, and brought a lot of camels, cattle and sheep, as well as gold, silver and silk cloth from camels and other gifts.

   It is true that the fighting power of the Hezhong Army is too strong, and Shiguo has a population of hundreds of thousands, and the waves are gone without even tossing a single one.

   This is the second largest country in the river after Kang.

  During the Sui Dynasty, the Western Turks killed the King of Shi, and took over the Shi Kingdom with a special servant whose mother was a princess of Shi, and sent General Khan Ting as the deputy king, called Tutun. Since then, Shi Kingdom has been directly controlled by the Western Turks and is at their disposal.

Later, Western Turkic internal strife continued, and Shi Guo was also involved. Later, in the last years of Zhenguan, when Yugu, who established himself as Yipidulu Khan, sent troops to conquer Kang Guo for disobedience, Shi Guo was destroyed halfway. .

  But after Dulu was defeated, Shi Guo was still the descendant of Teqin who served as the king. The current king is Mohe Duteqin, and the deputy king is Yikule Tutun.

   These two people still have some brave names. Who would have expected that the country will be subjugated if it is said to be subjugated?

  Deputy king Yikule died in battle, and main king Moheduo Teqin was captured and surrendered, and has been sent to Luoyang.

  The king of Kang, who has more than 200,000 households and a population of more than one million, can summon 80,000 to 90,000 string controllers if the whole country is mobilized, but this king who loves to drink and sing and dance has no fighting spirit.

The last time the entire Western Regions rebelled, and he joined forces with the big cannibals. He was a little hesitant that time, and finally felt that there were too many people and powerful, so he spent money to send troops, but in the end he didn't move Datang at all. Incapacitated, Dashi will also discuss the alliance and withdraw troops in desperation.

  From then on, I will not talk about going north, and dare not cross the military buffer zone of Tocharo and the Caspian Sea lowland that the Tang Dynasty had drawn.

  Even Dashi, which was in full swing, which destroyed the Persian Sasanian Empire in a short period of time, did not dare to use troops against Datang, nor did King Kang.

  Now he can only send his son to meet Qin Jun, asking for relief from the disaster, and he even offered to increase the tribute to Datang.

Ask his son to tell Qin Jun that Kang Guo is willing to pay 10,000 silver coins to Datang every year in the future. For Kang Guo, who occupies the dominant position in the Silk Road trade in the Western Regions, 10,000 Kaiyuan silver coins are not much, but they are not many. The Sogdians monopolize The annual income of Silk Road trade is astonishing.

  If money can be exchanged for peace, Kang Wang thinks it is worth it. Even if Qin Jun has a big appetite, he can ask his son to increase the amount of annual tribute, even 20,000 silver coins a year.

  Even if Qin Jun shamelessly exchanged 20,000 silver coins for pure silver coins, it would be fine, as long as he didn’t ask for pure Roman gold coins or Persian Sasanian pure gold coins.

  Money, you can make more money. Are you afraid that you won’t make money if you control the Silk Road trade?

  In the past, they also paid tribute to the Persians, the Huns, and the Turks. They also paid tribute to the Tang Dynasty before. Now it doesn’t matter if they pay more.


Tuozhe City, Qin Jun is still busy, He Zhongjun just broke through Baishui City, the last fortified city in Shi Country, and divided his troops to sweep all the villages in Shi Country, arresting everyone, no mercy .

  Since you want to do it, then do it to the end.

  Shi country is famous for horses, but also for beauties. Shi country's Tuozhi dance and Kang country's Hu Xuan dance are both very famous in Luoyang, Chang'an.

   "King Kang is scared out of his wits. He's so **** cowardly. With millions of people, he's so cowardly." A scholar with a sword shouted disdainfully.

  Qin Jun laughed.

   "Isn't this exactly what we want? The annual tribute of 20,000 silver Kaiyuan is nothing."

The scholar with a sword has a big beard, and his age is not much different from Qin Jun, but it is Wang Bo, the secretary in charge of Hezhong. With his rude words and slovenly appearance, it is hard to imagine that this is Wang Bo, who is extremely talented in the Tang Dynasty. It is said that his articles and poems are extremely popular in the newspapers. Many newspapers use his poems and articles, starting with at least 100,000 yuan. If you write a poem, various newspapers are rushing to ask for it, and the price is a hundred times higher than that of the prime ministers. It's not bad to write epitaphs for those rich and powerful.

He curled his lips disdainfully, "Is 20,000 silver a lot? I have 64,700 soldiers in Hezhong Township, with an annual expenditure of more than 1.2 million pieces of silk cloth and more than 720,000 stones of grain. In addition, my Hezhong Township has war horses." Many, and the cost of raising horses is also high..."

More than 60,000 soldiers and horses, plus a large number of war horses, poor horses, etc., the military expenditure is very high. The rations and clothing materials for the soldiers are amazing, and they are paid. The system is not what it used to be.

Even if the fields are divided, they spend more time on the frontier, which is of a permanent nature. Compared with the past soldiers who spend most of their time farming at home, they are not only provided with weapons and armor by the court, but also provide training expenses. There must also be military pay, military rations and even military uniforms, as well as New Year's rewards.

  These frontier troops are already equivalent to the professional troops of the Tang Dynasty, and their expenses have increased several times compared to the government soldiers at the beginning of the country.

  Hezhong Town has more than 60,000 soldiers and horses. Each soldier needs at least 50 guan a year in military expenditures, and more than 60,000 is more than 3 million. What's more, building cities and fighting wars are not included in the regular expenses.

  20,000 guan is really nothing. A battalion of 500 people costs 25,000 guan a year, so 20,000 guan is not enough to support a battalion.

   "Would you like to give it away for free?" Qin Jun is not too small, there are more than 60,000 horses, followed by two to three hundred thousand family members. Although the land is divided and the land is granted, it is not easy to support.

"Just go straight to the robbing, just break into a village, capture hundreds of people, it's worth two to three thousand yuan, plus cattle, sheep, livestock and their property, wouldn't it be worth a lot? If you capture a small city with a population of over a thousand , then you can easily earn a small hundred thousand, isn’t it better than this?”

   "Kang is the largest country in the river. For the time being, we can't beat him. We have to be weak first and then strong, and finally get him. So now that he is willing to pay, we will accept it, and we can temporarily appease him."

   This time when Shi and Dongcao were destroyed, some Sogdians ran away quickly, and many of them fled to the territory of Kang.

  Qin Jun intends to accept the 20,000 Kaiyuan silver coins, and then ask Prince Kang to go back and tell King Kang to send back all the people from Shi and Dongcao who escaped into the country.

"Jie Shuai, we have gained a lot from this time. Stone Country alone has a population of hundreds of thousands. The money for selling slaves alone costs millions. I am worried that there will be too many slaves for this ticket. Everyone can’t afford so much money, and if there is so much supply all at once, I’m afraid the price will have to drop, what a loss.” Wang Bo shook his head, “We can’t be so reckless next time, we have to take our time, every now and then. Take a city in time and catch him for thousands of dollars, so that the price will not fall."

   "You don't have to worry about this. Dawan has newly opened the Hezhong Bank, which has strong capital and can provide loans to the soldiers and civilians in Hezhong."

   "Hezhong Bank?" Wang Bo looked at Qin Jun. As the secretary in charge, he is Jie Shuai's confidant, but he still doesn't know about it.

   "To tell you the truth, this Bank of Hezhong was established by me with several major shareholders including Bank of Luzon and Nanhai Bank. I intend to establish a foothold in Hezhong and serve us in Hezhong."

  Wang Bo gave a thumbs up, "The festival is brilliant."

   Luzon Bank and Nanhai Bank are both properties of the Qin family. Qin Jun pulled him over to jointly open the Bank of Hezhong. Isn’t this still the property of the Qin family?

The Qin family's bank lent loans to the soldiers and civilians in Hezhong. The soldiers and civilians had money in their hands, and then bought slaves from the Hezhong army. In this way, Hezhong Town sold the slaves in exchange for a large sum of money for military expenses. .

  The army and civilians in Hezhong Town obtained loans through the Hezhong Bank, and purchased the cheap labor they needed from the Hezhong Army.

  Hezhong Bank lends money to earn interest, and Qin Jun is still the major shareholder.

   Everyone is happy.

   "The Bank of Hezhong has applied to the imperial court for a coin minting license, and will set up the Hezhong Coin Casting Supervisor to mint Tang coins in the river, which is convenient for us to circulate and use in the river."

  Wang Bo widened his eyes, "Could it be that Jie Shuai discovered gold and silver mines?"

   "Is there still a need to discover? Aren't the minerals in the river all there? Just send someone to continue mining."

"It's not easy to mine gold and silver mines. There are many people. You might as well use the Silk Road trade to exchange gold and silver, and then mint coins. Now we have taken down Shiguo. The Western Silk Road and the third-line route are all in our river. Also, our Dawan Basin is an authentic production area of ​​hard-earned BMWs, there are so many good ways to make money, why bother to dig mines, let others do this kind of dirty work."

Qin Jun said, "Many of them are ready-made mines, just take over. The mining income is quite high. Now there are money supervisors, and they can turn around and use the mined gold and silver to mint coins, and they can make a fortune. Besides, we are really rich in Hezhong. We need coins, so we can’t always use Persian money, Roman money, Sogdian money from Sogdian traffickers, right? The profit of this coinage is very high, how can we let them make a fortune for us.”

  (end of this chapter)