MTL - Chasing Summer-Chapter 12

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After the military training is over, life after returning to school is no different from before.

In the busy study and exams, half of the semester is over in a flash.

After the mid-term exam, Lin Zhexia felt that the mountain on his chest became lighter.

The midterm exam lasted for three consecutive days. Before the exam, she would often go to Chi Yao's house and ask Chi Yao to mark the key points for her.

"You bet the questions very accurately," Lin Zhexia said while waiting for the bus this morning, holding milk in his hands, "You have won the last two big math questions."

Chi Yao was leaning against the railing beside the waiting hall, dressed in school uniform, and looked awake.

Lin Zhexia: "It's just that the question type has changed, and I still can't solve the last question."

Chi Yao raised his eyes: "It's okay, at least you can still see that these two questions belong to the same category."

Lin Zhexia: "I'm in a good mood today, so I don't care about you."

While talking, the bus slowly pulled into the station.

In the car, Lin Zhexia was drinking milk, wondering what song Chi Yao was listening to: "What are you listening to, I want to hear it too."

Chi Yao huddled in the back row, near the window, closing his eyes to catch up on sleep.

Hearing this, he raised one hand, picked up the earphone cable hanging on the other side and handed it to her.

Lin Zhexia took it, and heard a low electronic sound.

She actually couldn't understand this song, it was different from her usual listening style, so before the song was finished, she nudged Chi Yao with her elbow: "Cut the song, change to another one."

"No way," Chi Yao said, "Whether you want to listen or not."

Lin Zhexia: "There is a song that is very popular recently, I want to listen to that song."

Chi Yao: "I don't want to."

Lin Zhexia: "Listen to it, maybe you think it sounds good too."

Chi Yao: "Give me back the earphones."

Lin Zhexia: "..."

Early in the morning, the two naively quarreled back and forth on the topic of song cutting.

He Yang, who was sitting in front of them, shook his head casually, and continued to sneak in, copying in the car ahead of time and handing in his homework when he arrived at school.

After arriving at school, daily life was the same as usual. Halfway through the semester, Lin Zhexia gradually became acquainted with the people in the class. She, Chen Lin, and Tang Shuxuan formed a small group.

When chatting together between classes, the two boys in the back row will also join in the conversation.

The boy in the back seat of her was very gentle, and he usually didn't talk much.

Tang Shuxuan: "In the class just now, Lao Wu was talking about the way he found out that he had miscalculated the data. I laughed so hard."

Chen Lin didn't speak, she was always busy playing with her mobile phone between classes.

Tang Shuxuan: "Stop surfing the Internet, why are you playing with your phone all day long?"

Without raising her head, Chen Lin continued to surf and speak on the forum, and she shared with them casually: "I'm busy, do you know the school next door?"

Lin Zhexia: "The school next door?"

Chen Lin: "It's the Experimental High School."

This is impressive.

He Yang's school.

Lin Zhexia: "The one that is... three stops away from No. 2 Middle School?"

"Yes," Chen Lin said, "I'm arguing with people from their school."

Lin Zhexia: "..."

The Internet really shortens the distance between people.

Talking on the phone, the boy in the back seat suddenly said, "I just remembered that we haven't added friends yet."

It is nothing new for a classmate to add a contact information.

After adding Tang Shuxuan and Chen Lin, he turned to Lin Zhexia: "Well, student Lin, can you add friends?"

Lin Zhexia had no reason to refuse, so she reported her number.

At noon, Lin Zhexia and Chen Lin went to the cafeteria for dinner.

The food in the cafeteria of No. 2 Middle School was very rich, and the food was not bad. Lin Zhexia was carrying the plate, and when looking for a seat, he searched around, and at a glance, he saw that there were still two vacant seats at Chi Yao's table.

"There should be no one sitting here." Lin Zhexia went over with the plate, "If there is no one, then I will give you a chance to have lunch with this young master."

Chi Yao was obviously taken aback by her "Young Master": "It's free, but people with brain problems are not welcome."

Lin Zhexia: "My IQ is 280, which belongs to the high IQ group."

Chi Yao glanced at her slowly: "I think you look like two hundred and five."

The boy who delivered the water was sitting opposite Chi Yao. Hearing this conversation, he was overjoyed. He greeted Lin Zhexia, and said, "Young Master Lin, it's a coincidence that this can happen."

Lin Zhexia affirmed him: "Student Xu is still on the road, not like someone else."

The boy who delivered the water was called Xu Ting.

Since Lin Zexia often went to class one to look for Chi Yao, and often appeared in physical education classes, he and Lin Zexia knew each other.

Lin Zhexia asked Chen Lin to sit down as well, and said, "I'm going to serve the soup."

Chen Lin also stood up: "I..."

Lin Zhexia: "You don't need to go, I will help you."

Chen Lin actually wanted to go with her.

Because after Lin Zhexia left, she was left alone to face the two people around her, mainly Chi Yao.

Chen Lin took her chopsticks and ate in silence.

She didn't dare to talk to Chi Yao.

Although this person, she paid close attention to and gossiped about him on the first day of school.

But during the past half semester, she found that Chi Yao was a difficult person to get along with.

At first she introduced herself: "I, my name is Chen Lin, and I am Xia Xia's deskmate."

Chi Yao just let out a "hmm".

Then the two fell silent.

She saw Lin Zhexia and Chi Yao talking naturally, but she didn't expect that when it was her turn, she couldn't match a word.

So in Chen Lin's eyes, Chi Yao has a strong sense of distance, is indifferent, and is not easy to get close to.

It seems that only her tablemate surnamed Lin can chat with him like no one else, and even quarrel with each other childishly.

When Lin Zhexia came back from serving the soup, he was not quiet even after eating.

She smoothly picked the cauliflower that she didn't like to eat to Chi Yao's dinner plate: "You are still growing, eat more."

Chi Yao: "If you don't want me to put the dinner plate on your head, take it away."

Lin Zhexia: "There is no reason to take back what I, Young Master Lin, gave away."

"Oh, thank you, Young Master Lin." Chi Yao put down his chopsticks, turned his head and said, "Young Master Lin, the chicken legs in your bowl are good, so give them to me too."

Lin Zhexia: "...this won't work."

Chi Yao: "I didn't expect Young Master Lin to be so stingy."

Lin Zhexia: "..."

Halfway through the meal, a few people suddenly chatted about the results of the midterm exam.

Xu Ting: "Our midterm exam is quite difficult."

Lin Zhexia deeply agreed: "Indeed."

Xu Ting pointed to Chi Yao who was opposite, and then complained: "I asked him to mark the key points for me, but he didn't mark me at all—"

This Lin Zhexia couldn't go along with it.

Xu Ting: "Why don't you talk anymore Young Master Lin, don't you think he is ruthless?"

"Because he scratched me," Lin Zhexia said, "I'm too embarrassed to answer."

Xu Ting: "..."

What's the matter, there is no bamboo horse to bully him, right?

Lin Zhexia encouraged: "It is estimated that I will get some grades in the afternoon, don't be afraid, no matter how bad the exam is, you have to face it bravely."

Lin Zhexia's guess was correct, and she got some results in the afternoon.

The three test papers of Chinese, Mathematics and English will be distributed in batches.

This time, Lin Zhexia's grades in the mid-term exam remained very stable, and remained at the top of the class.

But Chen Lin's grades were not so ideal. She flew low in every subject.

Since the afternoon, Lin Zhexia noticed something strange on her face.

"Let's play with your mobile phone less in the future." Lin Zhexia thought it was because of her grades, and said comfortingly, "These questions are not that difficult, just spend some time to supplement the knowledge points."

Chen Lin stared at the table in a daze, and answered in a dazed manner.

But when it was time for class, Chen Lin was also distracted.

The last class is mathematics. When the mathematics teacher was teaching, she called her name several times: "Chen Lin—what's the matter with you? You didn't listen well in class with this score."

"Stand up," said the math teacher, "what was I talking about?"

Chen Lin hesitated and couldn't speak.

Lin Zhexia whispered "question three", but it was too late.

Math teacher: "You stand and listen to the class."

Chen Lin stood until get out of class was over.

It wasn't until the bell rang after school that Lin Zhexia finished cleaning and was about to go home with Chi Yao with her bag on her back. She finally couldn't hold back anymore. She grabbed Lin Zhexia and said, "Uh... can you come home after school?" , walk with me."

Lin Zhexia felt strange: "But the two of us don't seem to be on our way."

Chen Lin held her hand, her voice trembling: "Someone may come to trouble me at night, I dare not go alone."

"Didn't I quarrel with people from the school next door on the forum these days? They didn't know how to do it, and found my personal information..."

Chen Lin said, showing Lin Zhexia her mobile phone screen.

Comments on the forum are anonymous.

The content of the quarrel is actually very small. The idol Chen Lin likes is in conflict with other idols. The fans of the two parties are fighting and defending their brother.

The forum is a campus section, and the messages are basically students from different schools in the city.

Chen Lin's ID is Xiaochengzi, and there are several frightening messages lying on her private chat interface.

- I got it from the middle school attached to my experiment, where are you from? There is a kind of we meet and talk.

After a few hours.

The man sent two more messages:

- Your name is Chen Lin, right? From Class 17 of Senior High School.

- you wait for me.

When Lin Zhexia saw these messages, her back felt a little chilled.

After all, no one would have thought that personal information in an anonymous forum would be leaked so quickly.

Lin Zhexia calmed down and said: "Everyone is a student, I think it is unlikely that they will find your information through technical means, and everyone is busy with midterm exams recently, let alone the energy, so I guess some of you are on the forum Someone who knew your identity leaked it."

She asked again: "If you think about it carefully, who knows that Xiao Chengzi is Chen Lin?"

Chen Lin was already in a panic and had no time to think about these issues.

Seeing her like this, Lin Zhexia was worried and let her go back alone, sighed and said: "Then I will accompany you after school, even if they come to you, they probably wouldn't dare to do anything to you, Chi and I Yao said."

So Lin Zhexia waited for her to pack her schoolbag, and took out her mobile phone to send a message to Chi Yao.

- Don't wait for me after school.

Chi Yao replied with a question mark and two words.



Lin Zhexia didn't tell him about Chen Lin, and it's inconvenient to disclose such a private matter, so she typed and replied: Because I have other good friends, I'm going to go with Chen Lin today after school.

The other side replied quickly.


The station where Chen Lin took the bus was far from the school, and she had to cross two streets.

On the way, Chen Lin asked anxiously, "Will they bring many people to beat me?"

Lin Zhexia said: "It's not like that, isn't it just a couple of quarrels on the Internet?"

Chen Lin: "As for it, fanatical fans are scary."

Lin Zhexia asked back: "Does that include you?"

Chen Lin: "...After this battle, I have decided to quit the fan circle and plan to devote myself to studying in the future."

Lin Zhexia: "It's good that you have this awareness."

The topic circled around, and was returned by Chen Lin: "Will they really bring someone here?"

Lin Zhexia said softly, "Don't look at me like this, but I'm actually pretty good at fighting."


"I punched three with one punch when I was a kid."

In order to reassure Chen Lin, Lin Zhexia showed off his achievements when he was a child: "It's just that tall chubby guy who was beaten and cried several times by me. He also has a group of younger brothers, and they can't beat me."

The more she talked, the more she felt the heroic feeling of protecting her little brother when she was a child.

It's just that the younger brother she protected back then was named Chi.

As she walked, she paid attention to her surroundings.

The first street is very noisy and full of people, but when you turn into the second street from the fork, there are not so many people on the road.

There is a distance from the school, the business of the shop is not very good, and it is closed.

There is a dark alley across the street, which should be a dead end. The light in the dark alley is poor, and there are some debris piled up in it.

The reason why she notices this dark alley is that there seem to be three or two people standing in it, those people are dressed in sleek clothes, with cigarettes between their fingers.

The leader with dyed red hair squatted at the entrance of the alley, biting a cigarette and wantonly looking at the passers-by.

Lin Zhexia's pace slowed down: "Although I don't think so, but... When you pass here, are there any people like these in the alley opposite?"

Chen Lin also looked over, shook her head, and answered her affirmatively: "No, I take this road every day after school, and I have never seen anyone hiding here."

Only then did Lin Zhexia feel panicked.

She felt that those people would not really trouble Chen Lin, because they thought that everyone was a student and no one wanted to take the risk of being punished.

But she never thought that sometimes, if she wanted to make trouble, she might not need them to come forward in person.

Lin Zhexia forced herself to calm down, pretended nothing happened, and pretended not to notice anything abnormal, then she took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and clicked on the chat box with Chi Yao without any thought.

But some trembling fingertips still betrayed her mood at the moment. When she pressed the letter keys to type, she made several mistakes.

-I am now at

-Two streets outside of the study, bus No. 9 stops here

- there used to be gangsters

Lin Zhexia didn't dare to be too obvious, and was trying to correct the two typos of "school" and "a group" in case Chi Yao couldn't understand.

At this moment, the people in the alley immediately moved.

The leader threw down his cigarette **** and pointed in the direction they were in. The others understood and followed.

Lin Zhexia immediately took Chen Lin's hand and ran wildly on the way back to school: "Run!"

The group of people needed to cross the road in the middle to come over, which gave them a little time, but it didn't take long. The two were stopped at the end of the road, one road away from the downtown area.

"What are you running for?" Hong Mao said with smoke in his mouth, "You two, who is Chen Lin?"

Lin Zhexia clenched Chen Lin's hand: "Who are you? I don't know you."

Hongmao: "You don't care who I am, tell me quickly, who is that Chen Lin who quarreled with my sister on the Internet? If you don't say anything, I'll beat you two together."

When Hongmao said this, his gaze stayed on Lin Zhexia's face for a few seconds.

"The little girl is quite pretty," Hongmao said, "If I don't take it seriously later, this face will be a pity."

Lin Zhexia wanted to delay more time, so she said: "I don't know what Chen Lin is, you are looking for the wrong person."

Seeing that the two of them couldn't make sense, Hongmao smiled and spat on the ground, then was about to raise his hand to grab Lin Zhexia's hair, trying to grab her by the hair and drag her to him - at this moment, a A hand stretched out from his side, and only then did he realize that there was someone standing behind him at some point.

The man was taller than him, with a slightly bent waist, and he was wearing a No. 2 Middle School uniform.

The man stood behind him and stretched out an arm around him, put it on his shoulder, and pressed back the hand that he had stretched out halfway, and the two brothers seemed to hook him shoulder to shoulder.

From a distance, it looks like they are with them.

Lin Zhexia subconsciously closed her eyes because of fear, but when she opened her eyes, she saw such a scene.

"Brother," the man said with light eyes, looking sideways at the red hair, "Where are you blocking people?"

Hongmao was a little dazed by his blow, and couldn't tell whether it was an enemy or a friend for a while.

But he felt that he might be someone of the same kind, otherwise he would not come up, so he would hook his shoulders and put his back together: "Who are you? You are also here to fight?"

The expression on Chi Yao's face remained unchanged, his chin slightly raised, and he replied with a drawn-out voice: "Ah, yes, I'm from No. 2 Middle School, and I often fight on this street."

Hong Mao was about to say, "I've never heard of such a ruthless character in Cheng'an", the next second—

The young man's hand was firmly on the back of his head, pulling his hair back, pulling him back forcefully. His movements were crisp and sharp, his hands were strong, his fingers tensed, and then he kicked the red-haired calf.

"As for me," Chi Yao said, "I like to hang out on this street when I have nothing to do, and beat anyone who doesn't like me."