MTL - Chang’an Peasant Girl-Chapter 19 i want to be nice to you too

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   Chapter 19 I want to be nice to you too

   When she fell asleep last night, she didn't know that she was hungry. When she slept until dawn, the half-waist head placed at the head of her bed was completely a decoration.

   Xiao Changyi didn't say anything after hearing Jing Jing's words, turned around and went to the inner room to get the half of the wowtou.

   As soon as he entered the stove, Xiao Changyi didn't give the half of the wowotou to An Jing, but walked to the stove and took out the two newly steamed wowotou this morning for An Jing.

  Wotou was already a little cold, but Jing Jing felt warm in his heart.

  It's because the color of the wobow head in her hand is obviously different from the one she ate last night, and there is no bran added.

  Without adding bran, it won't hurt your throat so much.

   This guy obviously didn't say anything last night, but he did it silently today.

   Seeing that Xiao Changyi didn't dislike it at all, he ate the half of her wowtou left from last night, and smiled while his face was warm.

   There were still three wotou left over from last night on the plate. As soon as Xiao Changyi finished eating the remaining half of Jingjing, he went to eat one of them. Once he finished eating, Xiao Changyi planned to go and get the other one.

   But he didn't get it. Instead, An Jing, who was one step ahead of him, took it all away, and An Jing forced him to give him a nest without chaff.

   "You eat this." Quiet said. She is not someone who treats her blindly but doesn't know how to be grateful. Seeing that he eats worse than hers, she is really uncomfortable.

   Xiao Changyi was silent.

   After waiting for a while, seeing that Xiao Changyi still didn't speak, and didn't eat the buns she gave him, Jing was a little unhappy, and his expression gradually darkened: "I want to be nice to you too."

  Xiao Changyi sighed slightly helplessly, and then looked at the two nests she snatched away and said, "If you don't eat them, they will go bad."

  An Jing was stunned for a moment, then quickly gave Xiao Changyi one of the two nests he grabbed in his hand, and said domineeringly, "We are each one, don't be stubborn with me any more."

   Xiao Changyi just looked at her.

  Quiet: "I'm not someone who can't bear hardship!"

  Xiao Changyi only then retracted his gaze and began to eat the wowotou in his hand. After a long while, he didn't look at her, and said in a low voice, "I won't do it in the future."

  Quiet was stunned for a moment, then understood and smiled.

  Xiao Changyi saw this, and couldn't hold back, he raised his hand and touched An Jing's head lightly.

  The quiet and well-behaved Ren Xiao Changyi touched it, but after Xiao Changyi finished touching it, she rudely pinched Xiao Changyi's face. She wanted to do it yesterday, but she finally got it.

  Xiao Changyi froze for a moment, but he didn't wave An Jing's hand, and just let An Jing hold it.

  Quiet not only pinched, but after pinching her fingers, she hooked his chin frivolously, teasing: "Come on, give me a smile~"

   Xiao Changyi really hooked the corner of his mouth.

  Quiet is very satisfied, and the smiling eyes are gone.

When An Jing was eating the bran-filled wow head that she had forcibly assigned, although she still stabbed her throat, An Jing was not as difficult to swallow as last night, because it was she and Xiao Changyi who were suffering together, not them. One party pays unilaterally.

  After eating, Xiao Changyi began to pound beef tendon.

   Looking at the beef tendon grass still stained with dew, he knew that Xiao Changyi must have picked it up early in the morning. Quietly, not to mention how sweet it was, he also strengthened his determination to be with Xiao Changyi.

   "What about yesterday?" Quiet asked. She remembered that there was a lot left over yesterday, but using it today is really not fresh, and the effect of the medicine is not so good.

   The reason why she picked a basket yesterday was that she planned to use it for a few days. She felt that the Lin family would definitely not help her pick it when they saw that she was injured, but she did not expect that the Lin family would sell her.

   (end of this chapter)