MTL - Celestial Immortal-Chapter 623 Master Fu Hua Taoist

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  Hefa Tongyan Daoist did not transmit the sound through divine sense, but spoke it through his mouth. He shouted out on the spot in front of everyone's eyes, not only to the owner of the big demon stall, but also to the potential competitors on the side.

   This is called getting ahead.

  Hefa Tongyan Daoist did not hide his breath, and the cultivators with great supernatural powers showed no doubt and gathered in front of booth No. 106. Those who were interested in Millennium Spirit Beans were persuaded to leave on the spot.

  The barren land is not an orderly and disciplined place in the middle-earth of Kyushu, and it takes great courage to fight for treasures with the great supernatural monks without any deep background.

   Not to mention, beside Hefa Tong Yan Laodao, there is also the eldest princess of Jinchan Palace, who is nestled like a bird.

   After a short while, the crowd gathered in front of the booth to bargain for a price shook their heads and slowly stepped back a few steps to show their withdrawal from the competition.

   When the big demon stall owner saw this, his face turned bitter, not to mention depressed.

   Princess Jinchan saw the concern of the stall owner, so she slowly opened her mouth and said:

   "Fellow Daoist, no matter what price you guys talked about just now, my Daoist companion has increased the price by 20%. Are you satisfied with this?"

   The big demon stall owner was overjoyed when he heard the words. He was afraid that the two seniors and nobles would bully others, deliberately lower the price, force buying and selling, how dare he not sell his small arms and legs.

   Seeing that the eldest princess said to buy at a premium, he was overjoyed, and immediately responded:

   "The eldest princess is so arrogant, how dare the little demon have any objection, sell it, I am very happy."

The passers-by on the side of    saw this and praised the fairness of the eldest princess.

  Chu Chen and Qingying were stunned in place.

  If it is in the middle-earth of Kyushu, there is order and order, especially in many regular square markets, even the great supernatural cultivator will not overwhelm people, otherwise it will be easily criticized.

  The wild land of Yunzhou is different.

  Obviously used his power to oppress people and was despised by others, but in the eyes of the local monks in Yunzhou, they became the Hefatong Yan Laodao and the Jinchan Princess Fairy.

  Some people may be "compliments", but Chu Chen and the two can see that many demon cultivators and demon cultivators come from the heart.

  The barren land follows the law of the jungle, the weak eat the strong, worship the strong, and believe that the strong eats everything. If the strong speaks the truth, it is a rare thing and worthy of praise.

   Of course, this does not include Qingying.

  Others are afraid of the great supernatural cultivator and the eldest princess Jinchan, but she doesn't care at all, she only cares that Erlang needs a thousand-year-old spirit beans, and some people are unreasonable and use their power to suppress others.


  Qingying interrupted the transaction between Hefatong Yan Daoist and the stall owner, frowned and said:

   "The rule here is that the one with the highest price wins, right? How can you use your power to overwhelm people, buy and sell by force, just because of your high Daoism and cultivation."

   After hearing Qingying's words, everyone looked around.

  Hefa Tongyan Daoist and Princess Jinchan were no exception, with sharp eyes, although they did not use the power of magic power or divine sense, but there was still a sense of oppression.

  Qingying ignored the gazes of the two great cultivators and pointed at the stall owner, quite arrogant and domineering, and said:

   "Stall owner, you report the number, I will increase the price by 50%!"

   When the stall owner heard the words, he looked embarrassed. If Princess Jinchan didn't make a promise, he would like someone to come out and disrupt the situation, but now the Princess has made an offer, and he has already made a lot of money.

The end of    insatiable greed is often to make money and spend it without life.

  Thinking for a moment, the stall owner firmed his mind, and bowed his hands to Chu Chen and Qingying, saying:

   "Two fellow Daoists, now that I have negotiated with the seniors, it's hard to go back and regret it!"

   said so, but the big demon stall owner is a voice transmission of spiritual consciousness in private, which is another set of rhetoric.

   "The two Daoists dared to compete with the great supernatural cultivator for treasures. They must have a deep background and fearlessness, but they still have to be led by Jin Chan. It is not easy to offend the eldest princess. Forgive me, forgive me."

   Qingying was a little unwilling, and wanted to speak up and argue.

   But at this moment, Chu Chen stretched out his hand to support Qingying's jade hand, and said:

   "Ying Er, forget it, you don't need to offend the local snake when you are out."

   Qingying was supported by Chu Chen's big hands, her face flushed slightly, but she didn't struggle, but she was still a little unwilling:

"Erlang, you finally met the thousand-year-old spirit beans, so you gave up like this? I have inquired about it, even the golden toad event is not often encountered, it is quite rare, we will kill the rules of the highest price, forcing that. Eldest Princess Jinchan is going backwards, as long as we take a strong attitude, she will definitely not break the rules."

  Chu Chen's heart warmed, Ying Er's temperament was gentle on weekdays, and it was rare to be so strong.

"Although we are not afraid, but you don't want to go home to rescue soldiers just after going out for training. Come on, it is not a spiritual root seed. It is not necessary for ten or twenty thousand-year-old spiritual beans. Besides, we are not afraid. Other stall owners are afraid. Instead, it became our strong buy and strong sell.”

After   , Chu Chen pulled Qingying away from the crowd.

   This time, Qing Ying didn't say much, and followed Chu Chen obediently away.

   For a time, the crowd of melon eaters who gathered around dispersed, and Jinchan Square returned to the bustling, noisy and noisy before.

   "Husband, why are you so keen to buy Millennium Spirit Beans recently? Some people jokingly call you Fu Hua Bean Immortal, not Fu Hua Daoist."

  Eldest Princess Jinchan took the Hefa Tongyan Daoist on his arm, and carried the chariot back to the bedroom. There was no one around, and he couldn't help but make jokes.

   "Entrusted by others."

   Daoist Fu Hua shook his head, feeling quite depressed. If he hadn't been pinched, how could he be asking for trouble.

   However, he didn't talk much, but said to the glamorous Eldest Princess Jinchan on the side:

   "Jade Peach, the money for purchasing Millennium Spirit Beans will be credited to my account"

   Before the words were finished, the eldest princess Yutao of Jinchan said with a smile:

   "Husband, how can you get out of this little money."

   Daoist Fu Hua looked embarrassed: "This is not good."

   Yutao snuggled into the Taoist's arms: "What's wrong, mine is my husband's, why do you and I divide it so clearly, besides, there's not much jade money."

   Daoist Fuhua nodded slightly when he heard the words, but did not say much, he accepted it with peace of mind.

   "Husband, you seem to be thinking, do you recognize those two juniors?"

  The eldest princess of Jinchan, Yutao, is a little curious. She is not stupid. The two juniors dared to compete with them for the Millennium Spirit Bean in person. Don't think about it, the two are definitely not ordinary loose cultivators.

   "It's the first time I've seen you."

   Daoist Fu Hua shook his head and vehemently denied it.

   However, his heart was full of weirdness.

  【Jade skin and golden skin】Supernatural power?

   Good boy, he has this magical power just after breaking through the fifth-grade Taoism.

  He, as the head of the previous generation of Lingshan, even if his disciples and grandchildren deduced and perfected the practice method and concealed his breath, he could still see some clues.

   "Kid Yunshui said that his apprentice transferred to Wanquan, Yunzhou, Southwest China, and asked me to take care of him. I never expected that before I could find it, I accidentally met this cheap apprentice grandson."

   Daoist Fu Hua was quite emotional.

   Of course, what really surprised him was the beautiful and beautiful Xiu next to his disciple and grandson.

   He was born in Qingzhou, and he naturally knew a lot about the Dragon Son and Dragon Girl of the Earth Yuan Dragon Palace.

   That Dragon Girl must be the pearl of the Dragon King's family.

  Tsk tsk tsk, good boy, he is so capable that even the Earth Primordial Dragon Girl was abducted to the wild wasteland outside the customs. "

   Daoist Fuhua recalled the appearance of Longnv's maintenance just now, fighting for his own cheap disciples and grandsons, and his heart was full of strange colors.

   "I don't know if Yunshui kid has passed down the cheap disciple Sun Famen."