MTL - Celestial Immortal-Chapter 622 Hefa and Tongyan together

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The    "Medicine Disaster" did not disrupt Chu Chen and Qingying's plans to participate in the Jinchan event.

  Although it was the people from Jinchan Palace who followed them, there was suspicion of plotting evil, but this did not mean that they were targeted by Jinchan Palace.

   There is no other reason, the level of the medicine store shopkeeper is too low, and it can't represent the Jinchan Palace.

The bigger the   , the more factions there are, and there are many hilltops, each with their own interests.

   A person who can truly represent the Jinchan Palace must at least be a top-ranking fifth-rank powerhouse among the younger generations of the Jinchan ancestors, or a great supernatural power cultivator.

   But at that level, I am afraid that I can roughly get a glimpse of the age of Chu Chen and their Taoism, and then speculate on the background of the two, but they will not mess up, let alone follow and offend people.

   In fact, the Jinchan Palace has a good reputation in Yunzhou. It is based on sincerity and strives to maintain order on one side, and has established a rare orderly market in the chaotic and chaotic wasteland.

   It's just that the power is bigger, the fish and the dragon are mixed, and the good and the bad are mixed.

   It's normal to have mouse **** that's obsessed with interests.

  As long as the supervision is not in place, there are opportunities, it is easy to breed greed for ink, use power for personal gain, etc., no matter which world is the same.

  Chu Chen is a man of two generations with rich knowledge. Qingying's family runs the chamber of commerce.

   As night fell, the two of them showed their magical powers of change, changed their shape easily, covered their breath, and used the escape technique to rush to the main rudder of the Golden Toad Palace.

The   Golden Toad Fair is a high-end trade fair with a high threshold. The demons and monks attending the event do not have a fifth-grade cultivation base, but also a sixth-grade cultivation base.

  In front of the mountain gate of Jinchan Palace, there are many demons and monks participating in the Jinchan event, either flying through the clouds or riding the wind, keeping a distance from each other and filing in.

  Qingying handed the two golden toad invitations to the guardian ghost general, and then a little goblin who acted as a guide led the two into the trade fair.

  The little goblin is transformed by a female flower essence, the size of a palm, with small arms and legs, with wings as thin as cicada wings on the back, fluttering and flying, small and cute.

  Xiaohuajing handed the two of them two lists.

   "Two guests, this is the list of treasures for the event, please take a look."

  Chu Chen and Qingying took over the treasure list and looked at them with surprise on their faces.

   As the rumors say, the grand event is quite high-level, and the Jinchan Palace has brought out many precious treasures for sale, which are worth the ticket price.

   Rare spiritual herbs and elixir that are rarely seen in the outside world, gemstones, top-level magical instruments, elixir, and even the rare treasure [Five Elements Spiritual Herbs] that the great supernatural monks are jealous of on the trade fair list.

  The Jinchan Palace Fair will be auctioned by bidding.

  [Five Elements Lingcao] and other top-level rare treasures adopt "clear mark", that is, on-site auction.

  The rest of the treasures will be auctioned by "dark bids". The bidding will be based on the estimated reserve price of Jinchan Palace. The winning bidder will be announced before the end of the event, and the one with the highest price will win.

   "Unfortunately, there is no Millennium Spirit Bean."

  Chu Chen finished browsing the treasure list with a look of disappointment on his face. The treasures on the list were very good, and many of them were quite moved by him.

   However, he only had 500,000 jade coins in his hand, so he held back and did not chop his hands.

   "Ying Er, do you have a favorite treasure?"


Qingying shook her head. She was born in the Yuanlong Palace and has never been short of treasures. The main purpose of coming to the Jinchan event this time is to investigate the market and understand the market of high-end natural materials and treasures in Yunzhou. bean.

   "The big loss is coming, 20,000 jade money, how much spiritual incense has to be bought!"

   The little ghost boy will pop up, his face is full of depression, he can't tell how much spiritual fragrance is wasted, but it doesn't prevent his heart from bleeding.

   Xiaohuajing on the side listened to the group and smiled sweetly:

   "Two guests want to buy Millennium Spirit Beans?"

  Chu Chen and Qingying were a little surprised: "Your Golden Toad Palace has it for sale, why isn't it on the list?"

  Xiaohuajing explained: "We don't have Millennium Spirit Beans in Jinchan Palace, but just now I heard from a colleague that a guest is selling Millennium Spirit Beans. The two of you can go to Jinchan Square for a walk. I wonder if this will be sold."

  Chu Chen and Qingying's eyes lit up.

  In addition to official trade fairs, there are also private trade fairs.

  The so-called private trade fair is a transaction between guests. The Jinchan Palace provides the location, maintains the order, and charges a fixed booth fee, but does not provide guarantees. The quality of the treasures and the success of the transaction are all up to the guests themselves.

   Those who are able to participate in the Golden Toad event have a high level of Taoism and a wealth of wealth, so the treasures in the private trade fair are of good quality and can find a lot of good treasures.

   It’s just that the private trade fairs are mixed, and there are naturally some leaks.

  The peaks and turns, and suddenly learned the news of the thousand-year-old Lingdou. Chu Chen and the two did not delay, let Xiaohuajing lead the way, and arrived at Jinchan Square in a short time.

   At this moment, there are many stalls in Jinchan Square, and the crowd is surging.

   However, unlike the low-end black market stalls that Chu Chen had seen before, there were no treasures on the stalls in Jinchan Square, and a list of treasures was listed in front of each stall.

   If you are interested, you can communicate with the stall owner’s spiritual sense, and then appraise treasures, negotiate prices, etc.

  Chu Chen and Qingying came with a purpose, and went straight to booth No. 106 pointed out by Xiaohua Jing's guide.

   "Guest, the Millennium Spirit Bean is still here!"

   Xiaohuajing was overjoyed and applauded.

  Chu Chen and Qingying took a closer look, and sure enough, the "Millennium Spirit Bean" on the treasure list of booth 106 was not crossed out.

   The two were delighted.

   "Two fellow Taoists, do you want Millennium Spirit Beans?"

  The stall owner is a big demon who takes the shape of a human, with a pointed mouth and monkey cheeks. He looks extremely shrewd and cunning. Hearing what Xiaohuajing said, he quickly smiled and took the initiative to transmit his voice to answer.

   "Not bad!" Chu Chen nodded slightly: "Fellow Daoist, can you taste your thousand-year-old spirit beans?"

  The owner of the big demon stall nodded slightly, nodded in agreement, and then his sleeves swelled in the wind, swelling like a tube.

  Chu Chen immediately understood what he meant and reached into the other's sleeve.

   After some groping.

  Chu Chen was mixed.

   The other party did have a thousand-year-old mung bean unique to Manghuang in Yunzhou. There were still quite a few, there were twenty in total, but the stall owner’s thousand-year-old mung bean had a dim aura and was not suitable for seeds.

   In other words, these twenty thousand-year-old spirit beans are finished spirit beans, which are not "spiritual roots", and their value is far worse than the thousand-year-old spirit beans presented by the real person of Yulou.

   "Ling beans are of good quality, but unfortunately they can't be used as seeds."

  The big demon stall owner grinned: "Fellow Daoist is joking, if it were a thousand-year-old spirit bean seed, it would be incredible. How could I use it here to set up a stall, and I wouldn't use it for jade money."

  Chu Chen smiled: "That's true, if you really have spiritual roots, I can't afford it."

   While the two were talking and laughing, they were preparing to negotiate a price, and there was a loud noise in Jinchan Square.

   "Princess Jinchan is here!"

   "I have seen the eldest princess."

   "Long Princess, look at my treasure"

   For a while, everyone in the square looked at the prestige.

  Chu Chen and Qingying are no exception, take a look.

  I saw a glamorous female nun who was scantily clad, holding a daoist with a crane-haired face and a young face.

   To the surprise of Chu Chen and Qingying, they went straight to booth No. 106.

   The glamorous female cultivator didn't speak, and the Daoist Hefa Tongyan on the side hurriedly said to the master of the big demon stall:

   "Has the Millennium Spirit Beans been sold? If not, I'll wrap up the Thousand Year Spirit Beans."