MTL - Card Room-Chapter 511

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Chapter 511

Looking at the scene inside the house, Qu Wanyue was taken aback. She immediately told Xiao Lou what she had seen. “Professor Xiao, the bride was hung on the cantilever beam, and she should be dead.”

Xiao Lou froze for a moment, then looked back to Yu Hanjiang. "Why is this so fast? Didn’t she just return to the new house after worshipping?"

Yu Hanjiang frowned and remained silent for a moment before he said, "Our speculation is probably wrong."

According to the description of the incident by the residents in the town, the bride returned to the new house after worshipping, and the bridegroom drank with the guests in the backyard until the early morning before returning to the house drunk, and then found the bride hanging herself-in this order of events Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang both believed that the bride was killed by the murderer who was mixed with the guests during the time the bridegroom was toasting.

From the end of the chapel to the discovery of the bride’s body, there was an hour, or two hours, between them. The murderer has enough time to plan to kill the bride, which is why Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang lie on the roof as soon as they enter the yard, staring at the guest seat intently-they want to lock the most by carefully observing the expressions and movements of the guests Possible murderer.

However, during the few minutes they observed on the roof, there was nothing unusual in the guest seats, and all seats were occupied, proving that no one had left during this time.

Without leaving the guest seat, there is no way to kill people from the air, so the murderer should not be among these guests.

Who will kill the bride?

Both Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang are thinking about this issue. The voice of Qu Wanyue sounds in the headphones. "Professor Xiao, there is no one in the new house now. Do you want to come over for a post-mortem?"

Xiao Lou looked back and said softly, "Okay, we'll go there now."

He asked Liu Qiao and Lao Mo to stay on the roof and stare at the guest seat, while he and Yu Hanjiang turned over from the roof and walked quickly to the new house from the path behind the courtyard.

The distance between the backyard and the new house is about 50 meters. If the bride screams after finding the murderer, the guests will definitely hear it. According to the description of the residents in the town, the bride was "suicide", indicating that she did not make a cry for help when she was killed.

Yu Hanjiang walked while observing the surrounding environment. There was an artificial pond in the backyard filled with lotus flowers. In the early spring, the lotus flowers had not yet opened. A large lot of lotus leaves were sheltering above the pond. By the hazy moonlight, the pool water could be seen faintly Very clear.

Xiao Lou noticed Yu Hanjiang’s thoughts and responded in his mind, “The pond of the Dragon family is very large, and there are so many lotus leaves that can serve as a natural barrier. Do you suspect the murderer is lurking in the pond?”

Yu Hanjiang nodded. "No one in the guest seat left midway, and the murderer is definitely not among the guests. Since the murderer is very water-based, hiding in advance in a hidden pond is indeed a good choice."

Xiao Lou glanced at the pond covered by lotus leaves and whispered into the earphones, “Let’s go to the autopsy first. Old Mo continued to stare at the guests, Xiao Liu, you turned into a mermaid princess, and then put on an invisible cloak and took a look .be careful."

Liu Qiao quickly responded "Received."

Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang turned around and walked to the door of the new house. The two of Longqu had changed to the color of the wall. The body was affixed to the wall. When they came over, Long Sen said, "There is no one in the house. Those matchmakers and maids don't know where to go. The bride is left hanging on the cantilever."

Hearing the "wall" suddenly talking, Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang have long been accustomed to it. Xiao Lou said to the wall on the right, "Thank you two to look at the door. Someone came to notify us with headphones. I went in and looked at Han Jiang."

Qu Wanyue's voice came from the left wall, "Okay, be careful."

Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang gently opened the door, and as soon as they entered the door, they saw the bride in a red wedding dress being hung on the cantilever, her tongue sticking out of her mouth, her body stiff, and she had no breath.

The red wax of the house was lit, and the shaking candlelight reflected the bride's pale face, and the woman's tongue sticking out looked a little scary. Big eyes, as if staring at Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang.

Fortunately, Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang had excellent psychological qualities. When facing the bride's eyes, Yu Hanjiang simply flew up and put the bride off the cantilever. Xiao Lou took a step forward and carefully observed the traces on the neck of the corpse, and soon concluded that "Looking at the characteristics of the surface of the corpse, Lin Wanqing was indeed hanged to death."

This conclusion surprised the teammates, but everyone quickly calmed down-on the surface, it does not represent the facts.

Yu Hanjiang said, "Do you mean that she was not hanged on the cantilever after being strangled?"

Xiao Lou pointed to the traces on her neck and said, "If the dead body is strangled, the blood flow will stop because the dead body is suspended on the hanging beam, and the hanging position will show a horizontal, even, and closed mark; The suicidal person was still alive when hanging on the cantilever, and blood flow was blocked. The neck marks formed on the neck should be the darkest at the bottom, spreading to both sides, and the lighter the color, the more consistent with the traces of Lin Wanqing's neck. Moreover, her body had obvious bluish-purple plaques due to lack of oxygen, and the toes of her feet were completely drooping, which is consistent with the characteristics of the dying."

In the previous case, Yu Hanjiang heard Xiao Lou talk about the difference between "hanging suicide" and "strangling a person and then hanging up". Upon closer inspection, the traces of Lin Wanqing's neck are indeed not like hanging bodies after strangled.

Yu Hanjiang said, "There are two cases of hanging, one is to hang yourself, and the other is to be forcibly hung by the murderer. I prefer the latter."

Xiao Lou thought of this too, nodded and said, "The murderer should hide in the dark and quickly subdue her, and then hang her on the cantilever beam, so that she can't call for help and struggle, and be hanged alive. Look, she hanged herself. The way is a little strange."

Yu Hanjiang said, "The average person hangs white damask, she uses her hair... such long hair is not her own."

Xiao Lou frowned at the braid hanging on the cantilever beam, remembering that all the women’s hair at the end of Drunk Moon Lake was tied together by waterweed. He thoughtfully and authentically "the murderer seems to have a strange obsession with'hair'" The braid hanged Lin Wanqing is more than two meters long? Generally women don’t keep their hair so long. This braid is probably made of several people’s hair and mixed with special materials. "

Xiao Lou leaned over to check the scars on the neck of the deceased. At this moment, the female corpse lying on the ground disappeared like a ghost, followed closely, and the red cloth of the new house flew into the air suddenly.

The red cloths were surrounded by two people as quickly as they were spiritual.

Xiao Lou was surprised for a while, "Is it a hunter?!"

Yu Hanjiang's eyes were cold and cold, and he flew back quickly with one hand around Xiao Lou's waist, and the other hand slashed the sword sharply-however, these red cloths were made of some materials, and he couldn't use a knife. Split.

Seeing that the two were about to be wrapped in red cloth like dumplings, the sound of Lao Mo suddenly sounded in the headphones. "All the guests in the backyard are gone. They disappeared in the same place, just like the movie."

Qu Wanyue said nervously, "Professor Xiao, what happened to the candle in the room?"

Xiao Lou calmed down quickly. "Be careful, everyone is a hunter!"

Qu Wanyue and Long Sen wanted to come in to help, but found that the door was like a copper wall and an iron wall, which could not be pushed open at all.

At this moment, the whole courtyard suddenly ignited a fire, the roof where Lao Mo was located was instantly submerged by the fire, and Lao Mo was screamed by the heat wave rising from the sky.

At the same time, the dense arrows flew towards the new house where Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou were located--

Qu Wanyue and Long Sen were frightened. Although they could use the chameleon card to disguise the color of the surrounding environment, at this time, they were attached to the wall and could not be seen on the surface, but their bodies actually existed.

With so many arrows, wouldn’t they want to be shot as a hedgehog if they continue to stick against the wall?

Qu Wanyue acted decisively and directly opened the ace of dancing. Under the blessing of the lord of dancing, her body was as flexible as a fish, and she quickly rushed to the ground to the distance. Long Sen was not as flexible as her, but at the critical moment, Long Sen did not respond slowly, and immediately opened the zombie jump card, which made his legs instantly eight meters long, jumped into the air, and avoided all sharp arrows.

The dense arrow rain shot from under him. Long Sen was falsely surprised. When he looked back, the copper wall and iron wall that he and Qu Wanyue could not open, could actually be shot by the arrow?

Long Sen was stunned, and when Li Jian shot into the house, he hurriedly shouted, "Team Yu, Professor Xiao, are you okay?!"

The situation of Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang was not so good at the moment. The two were completely blocked by the red cloth curtain.

A red cloth more than two meters high surrounded them in the center. The red cloth kept spinning, like a red tornado. Xiao Lou and Yu Hanjiang could not see anything in the eyes, and they didn't know that the outside Longsen and Qu Wanyue were almost shot. Hedgehog.

However, Yu Hanjiang's ears are extremely sensitive-his eyes are invisible, but his ears hear the sound of sharp arrows breaking through the sky!

Before he had time to speak, he saw Xiao Lou decisively took out the compass and quickly drew a circle on the ground-even with a heart and soul, Yu Hanjiang didn't need to speak, and Xiao Lou also noticed the sound of sharp arrows from his mind.

Due to time constraints, the two were too late to communicate, but their tacit understanding did not require language communication at all in a critical moment.

The circle of Xiao Lou's painting is only about one meter in diameter. Yu Hanjiang took a step back and stuck closely with Xiao Lou back to back, hiding in this invincible circle lasting 10 minutes.

It was almost Xiao Lou who had just finished painting the invincible circle. Those sharp arrows pierced the red cloth and shot all over the transparent border.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Lou's heart thumped.

If the reaction was not decisive enough, even if it was only a second away, he and Yu Hanjiang had already been shot as hedgehogs!

Use a red cloth to block their vision, and then shoot the arrow to kill the two. The red cloth that cannot be split and the dense arrow rain are definitely card effects, and besides them, only the hunters have Such a powerful card.

The story of the married couple just now should be a replay of the scene two years ago, which was a clue about the case given to them by the ghost town at night. But after the replay of the plot ended, the hunter appeared to make everyone unexpected.

Seeing the compass enchantment he laid under his eyes was immediately submerged by the dense arrows, Xiao Lou felt a little palpitated, he was slightly relieved-at least, the arrow could not penetrate the compass enchantment.

Xiao Lou held down the voice headset "Are you all right?"

Qu Wanyue and Long Sen successively replied, "It's okay, I run fast." "I'm okay, I jumped into the tree."

Liu Qiaodao "in the pond..."

Her voice did not fall, and a sharp "booming" sound suddenly sounded in her headphones, as if something was surging wildly in the water, Liu Qiao said, "There are so many water ghosts here, I don’t know if it’s a card effect or a hunter. Disguised!"

Xiao Lou suffocated his breath and hurriedly said, "Little Liu, come out!"

Liu Qiao gritted her teeth. Fortunately, she opened the Princess Mermaid card, swimming fast, before being caught by those things. Seeing those weird water ghosts, Liu Qiao took out Aisha decisively and directly opened the ice and snow skills to freeze the entire pond.

At the moment when the water in the pool froze into ice, Liu Qiao flew lightly and jumped out of the pond thrillingly.

All the water ghosts in the pool water became ice sculptures.

Liu Qiao exhaled softly, "Almost followed their way, this group of people is too insidious, actually hiding under the lotus leaf!"

Yu Hanjiang asked "Are you all right?"

Liu Qiao said, "I'm fine. By the way, Uncle Mo?"

There was no response in the headset, Xiao Lou worried, "Old Mo?"

Qu Wanyue was also nervous. "Just saw Lao Mo's house seem to be on fire?"

A moment later, old Mo's hoarse voice sounded in the headphones "cough cough cough, the house suddenly caught fire, I was almost burnt... Fortunately, I made a closed box with marble and hid."

Yu Hanjiang and Xiao Lou are the safest at this time. After all, the invincible circle can last for 10 minutes. During this time, no one can break through the protection of the invincible circle.

The red veil around was still turning around, making people dizzy. Yu Hanjiang closed his eyes slightly, whispering, "The four of you are careful, hiding in hiding from the hunters. Xiao Liu Qinggong is the fastest, turning out through the treetops , Find a place to send us the mark of Li Qingzhao."

Liu Qiaodao "understand."

Yu Hanjiang followed and said in his mind, "The murderer in the Shenhu case, I probably guessed who it is."

Xiao Lou was startled. "Which detail was discovered?"

Yu Hanjiang said, "Don't hang Lin Wanqing's hair, don't you think that this braiding method looks like a vine?"

Xiao Lou suddenly realized.

Although the vines at the cliff of Houshan Mountain have been destroyed, Xiao Lou still remembers that the vines are extremely strong and are woven together with weeds and branches. Lin Hangqing's hair was hanged in exactly the same way.