MTL - Capture the Jade-Chapter 46

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The next moment, he saw Teng Yuyi leave the table with her maid.

Lin Chengyou pondered for a while, and decided to wait and see how things changed. He called for someone to bring the gilt geese and silver coins, and cleaned his hands to peel the walnuts for Azhi.

At this moment, a few servants came hurriedly outside, some of them went straight to Baocuiting to look for Prince Chun'an, while the other part came to look for Lin Chengyou.

Lin Chengyou saw that he was Chang Sui beside several uncles, and frowned: "What happened?"

The leader named Bao Zhong, who has always been the most effective steward of Liu's house, now his face was extremely strange, and he said to Lin Chengyou with his ears: "In the evening, the villain was ordered by the leader of the state to welcome the Prince Gu Xian of Nanzhao and the other foreigners. The female family member of the official happened to meet on the way, and the little people led the way. Who knew that when they passed through a forest, the carts behind them disappeared all of a sudden. Prince Gu Xian was afraid of being sneaky and took the guard to look for it on the spot. , Let the villain come back quickly to find His Royal Highness the Prince and His Royal Highness."

Lin Chengyou was astonished and inexplicable. This place was the place where the royal uncle and aunt were fortunate. There were monks and Taoists accompanying him every year. There was also a royal temple not far away. The temple was full of Sanskrit sounds. When he came, he also looked at it on the way, and it was very "clean" in all directions, how could it suddenly appear sneaky.

He suddenly got up: "Where is the person?"

Azhi wondered, "Brother, what happened?"

Lin Chengyou patted Azhi's head: "Someone is looking for Brother A, brother, go and have a look."


Teng Yuyi returned to Yueminglou and told Mrs. Du the whole story.

Although Mrs. Du thought it was absurd, it was a fact that Xiaoyajian was far inferior to the one she was in Ziyunlou. She had seen the sword's ability to kill evil spirits last time, and she knew that Ayu couldn't do without this sword, so she immediately discussed it with Teng Yuyi. , If it is said that the man is asking for bath soup for the girl's personal belongings, let alone the husband will never agree, the Prince of Chun'an will also feel offended.

So he asked someone to give her husband a message, saying only that a relative of Gui Li died of a serious illness, and she asked her husband to ask the King of Chun'an County for some bath soup for medicine.

In order to cure diseases, there are often weird things in the market. Some people cut their ears to make medicines, and some people take horse urine to drink. Compared with these absurd medicines, a can of bath soup is nothing.

When Du Yuzhi heard it, he really believed it, and replied that it was to save his life, and he just waited for the banquet to be over, and he immediately asked His Royal Highness for it.

Teng Yuyi was relieved when she heard the answer. Mrs. Du took Teng Yuyi into her arms and sighed secretly in her heart. Yu'er thought she was frightened a while ago. Since this child was sensible, no matter what happened, he always used to deal with it by himself. When he grew up, it was the first time he asked his uncle and aunt.

She was so soft-hearted that she touched Teng Yuyi's black hair and said, "You can rest assured now, and leave everything to your uncle and aunt. When you get the bath soup, your aunt will explain the whole story to your uncle. Your uncle loves you very much and will not Blame us for lying to him. Tonight, Princess Changyi and Princess Azhi are here, as are the little ladies from all the prefectures. You will be rude if you leave the table for a long time, so please return to the table first."

Teng Yuyi was tired of being in her aunt's arms for a while, and reluctantly left. Back at the waterfall, the Prince of Chun'an County was no longer in Baocuiting, and looked for it with his eyes in surprise. Not only the Prince of Chun'an County, but also Lin Chengyou was gone.

She whispered to Du Tinglan why, and Du Tinglan shook her head: "I think something happened in the front yard, His Royal Highness and Lin Chengyou were called away."

Suddenly, the first round of drinking orders began. Everyone played for more than an hour, not to mention that they didn't see Lin Chengyou and Chun'an County King returning, and even the female relatives of those officials from other places didn't see their seats.

Not only did Teng Yuyi find it weird, but Du Tinglan was also a little surprised. Du Shaotang got up and left the men's table, sat beside the two sisters, and said doubtfully, "It's all in time, and it's time to leave the table later."

Teng Yuyi asked Chunrong to go to Duanfu to find out what happened, but Duanfu replied that he only knew that Lin Chengyou and the Prince of Chun'an had left the mansion, and there were several uncles accompanying him, but he didn't know what happened.

Chang Yi and Azhi lost their interest without the company of their elder brother and uncle.

When the ladies heard this, they had no choice but to go back to their respective courtyards to rest.

Du Shaotang sent the two sisters back to the Yueming Building. Because it was inconvenient to enter the inner courtyard, they only went to the door of the courtyard and left. When they went up to the second floor, Mrs. Du hadn't rested yet, so she greeted her and said, "It's finally over. Your uncle hasn't finished yet. Go to sleep, my aunt will let Gui Yi deliver the message immediately."

Teng Yuyi shook his head: "The Prince of Chun'an was called out, and I heard that he hasn't come back yet."

Mrs. Du was stunned: "When will I be able to return? It's so late... It would be too abrupt if Master went to pay homage in the middle of the night."

Teng Yuyi's heart was frying, and after Xiaoya lost his temper, he stopped moving. Occasionally knocking on the hilt, the blade only warmed for a while, and soon became cold again. According to this situation, Xiaoya may not be able to waited.

In the past, she would never sit still, but what Xiaoya wanted was nothing else... If the other party refused to take a bath, the gods couldn't get the bath soup.

She racked her brains to think of countermeasures, because she was too distracted to catch the sugarcane pulp delivered by Chunrong, and the sweet liquid in the cup suddenly spilled onto her body.


Du Tinglan was startled: "Beware of sticking to your legs, take off your clothes quickly."

Mrs. Du said, "I won't go out of the house tonight, just change into bedclothes."

But Teng Yuyi was worried about whether the bath soup could be retrieved smoothly: "I have to wait for the news. Let's put on a clean skirt."

Biluo grabbed it in front of the luggage, but it turned out to be the lotus seed white ru skirt that Teng Yuyi had just replaced at noon.

"Why this one again? Quickly replace it with another one."

"Tomorrow will be the official birthday banquet. The servants only ironed some of the lady's clothes at night. This lady won't wear it tomorrow, so let's do it first."

Teng Yuyi had no choice but to take the dress and wear it. Lin Chengyou had already changed his clothes since he was stained by the Pu Tao wine. Besides, it was late at night, and no one would notice that the dress was worn on his body.

The house was in chaos, and there was a sudden noise from the courtyard downstairs. Gui Li went out to inquire. After a while, she went back to the room and said, "There are many ladies and little ladies downstairs... I heard that they are the female relatives of those officials from other places. I will also be placed in Yueminglou tonight."

Teng Yuyi was overjoyed. According to this, will the Duke of Chun'an and Lin Chengyou also come back.

She hurriedly ordered Chunrong to go ahead to inquire about the news, and Madam Du put the hairpin back on her hairpin: "The government attaches so much importance to these female relatives, they must be the wives and daughters of important officials in the court, and the lights are still on in our room. , but it would be a bit rude to say hello in the past. Let's go and have a look."

He pulled his daughter and Teng Yuyi to take a look. Fortunately, the two of them were neatly dressed. The three of them went downstairs, and the lights in the flower hall were like daytime.

There were many female relatives sitting on the couch. Teng Yuyi looked up, but most of them didn't know each other.

On the left sat a lady and a pair of twin sisters. The lady was in her thirties, with a dignified face and a thin figure.

The twin sisters were very similar to their mother, but their body shape was fuller and whiter than their mother's. With a round silver face and slender phoenix eyes, they were more graceful than their mother's appearance. The two were about fifteen or sixteen years old and dressed exactly the same.

Teng Yuyi looked at the mother and daughter on the right again. The girl was wearing a water-colored cape, with a goose-yellow ru-skirt looming from the inside, a water-pink flower tinsel was pasted on her forehead, and two red rouge were also placed on her lips. She was extremely beautiful. The beauty is far better than that of the twin sisters.

The more Teng Yuyi looked at it, the more she felt that the girl's face was familiar, Li Huaigu?

Li Huaiguyi was in his mother's arms, with tears still in his eyes. He looked up and saw Teng Yuyi. He was stunned at first, and then smiled in surprise: "Ayu."

Teng Yuyi was surprised: "Li Sanniang. Long time no see."

"Auntie, it's General Teng's daughter." Li Huaigu helped his mother up in surprise, and said to Teng Yuyi happily, "I thought you didn't recognize me."

Teng Yuyi bowed her body and saluted Mrs. Li: "How can you not recognize me? I haven't seen you in four or five years. You look just like when you were a child."

Li Huaigu held Teng Yuyi's hand and looked at it carefully, then looked down at the dress on her body, nodding and sighing, "This dress is so beautiful. I wanted to find you for a long time, but I just arrived in Chang'an, today is a whole day. I’m on my way all day, and I’m still thinking about it, I don’t know if I can see you at the birthday banquet, but how do I know that I will see you.”

Mrs. Li and Mrs. Du met and stared at Teng Yuyi with a smile: "This child is getting better and better. How is your grandfather? How is the manor?"

Teng Yuyi returned one by one.

Mrs. Li compares to her daughter and Teng Yuyi, and sighs with a smile: "In this comparison, Ayu is better."

Li Huaigu smiled slightly, and asked Du Tinglan reservedly, "Sister Lan, didn't you recognize me?

Du Tinglan burst out laughing: "I recognized you a long time ago. I remember that you have a small cinnabar mole under your eyes. Look, it's still here."

Then he gently touched Li Huaigu's cheek, Li Huaigu's eyes widened with a smile, and he pulled Teng Yuyi and Du Tinglan from left to right: "I am so happy today, which room do you live in? I live with you. Bar."

Du Tinglan hesitated for a while, but Teng Yuyi said apologetically, "Oh, I'm afraid it won't work. There are only three beds in the room, and it's so late that my aunt and her old man can't move the quilt..."

Mrs. Du and Mrs. Li smiled and shook their heads: "Today is too late. If you have anything to say, let's talk about it another day. These children are tired of meeting each other."

Mrs. Li led them to the bed again, and pointed to the thin lady: "This is the wife of General Peng, the military governor of Huaixi. This is the aunt of the Peng family and the second mother of the Peng family."

Teng Yuyi's smile was slightly stagnant. She had not listened carefully at the banquet because she was thinking about Xiaoya. It turned out that among the women's family members who arrived late, there were actually the wife and daughter of the military governor of Huaixi.

She had never dealt with the female relatives of the Peng family in her previous life, and now she is looking closely at the mother and daughter of the Peng family. It was as if a dusty piece of cloth had been opened in her mind, and a lot of long-forgotten fragments suddenly poured out.

I remember that the famous general Peng Sishun was stationed on Huaixi Road in the previous life. After Peng Sishun passed away, Peng Sishun's eldest son Peng Zhen took over the military power.

The reason why the grandfather in the previous life led his troops to expedition was precisely to quell the chaos in Huaixi.

...but... it seems that something is not right. According to the calculation from the previous life, Peng Sishun passed away as early as last year. By the time Grandpa went on the expedition, Huaixi Road, Ziqing Road, and Shandong South Road had been in chaos for more than half a year. trend.

But she had never heard of a rebellion in Huaixi these days, and judging from the attire of Mrs. Peng and Mrs. Peng, they didn't look like they were serving filial piety.

Could it be that Peng Sishun is still alive?

Teng Yu's thoughts were confused. Maybe there was a mistake in his memory, otherwise why is this life so different from the previous life?

Mrs. Peng said to Mrs. Du, "...this is our aunt, whose name is Huayue, and the second mother's name is Jinxiu."

After the two parties saw the ceremony, they each returned to the couch and took their seats. The ladies comforted softly: "Mrs. Peng and Mrs. Li were shocked... So did you encounter a sneaky person on the way?"

Mrs. Li's face turned pale: "Suddenly there was a strange wind, and the calf couldn't move. There was a woman crying outside, slamming the window edge and trying to come in. The situation was frightening to death. Fortunately, the Prince and His Royal Highness made it in time. Hurry up, otherwise I don’t know what will happen,”

After all, Mrs. Peng came from a noble family, so she had calmed down a lot at this time, and said with a wry smile: "At that time, we saw a silver chain hitting us, we just thought it was sneaky again, and we didn't know that all the ghosts around him had disappeared all of a sudden, and then Knowing that someone could help you... It is said that Cheng Wang Shizi learned a good skill from the Taoist priest Qingxuzi, and today is an eye-opener, this little prince is so handsome."

Li Huaigu lowered his eyelashes, his expression was calm and he didn't know what to think. Peng Huayue and Peng Jinxiu seemed to recall the situation at that time, and were so frightened that they huddled behind their mother again.

While we were chatting, the steward came over and said that the bedding in the wing room had been arranged.

Teng Yuyi followed her aunt and cousin back to the second floor. Biluo had already come back after inquiring about the news, saying that the Prince of Chun'an County had just returned to the mansion, and just now Guiyi had asked someone to speak to Master Du.

The three of them breathed a sigh of relief, and Teng Yuyi urged Mrs. Du and Du Tinglan to rest: "Auntie, sister, you go to bed first, I'll wait for the news alone."


Lin Chengyou and his party got off the horse in front of the door, threw the whip to the attendant, and went straight back to Feiyi Pavilion.

Gu Xian was talking to the Prince of Chun'an while walking, and when he turned his head inadvertently, he saw that Lin Chengyou was still fiddling with the small purse in his hand thoughtfully.

"You have all the female ghosts in your purse, is there anything wrong?"

Lin Chengyou: "Why do I feel that this ghost was dropped here out of thin air."

Gu Xian snorted: "What is 'out of thin air'?"

Lin Chengyou shoved the purse into his arms: "This ghost is extremely fierce, and it must have had great resentment before it died. It is not like an ordinary wandering spirit, there must be a reason for it to wander here, but I just asked where it came from. Come here, why is it haunting here, it doesn't know at all, it seems that it has been pulled out a few times, and it seems to be brought here on purpose..."

The Prince of Chun'an County said in surprise: "Do you have this intention? What is that person's purpose?"

The three of them were silent for a while, maybe it was the female relatives in the car, one side was Peng Zhen's wife and daughter, the other was Li Guangyuan's wife and daughter, these two...

One is a strong fan on one side, and the other is a new noble who is quite favored. It is not surprising that some people in Beijing have troubles because of jealousy.

The King of Chun'an County thought about it and said, "Fortunately, there are all the daughters of the guards in the car, and they are not too timid. If they suddenly become insane, it will be troublesome."

Gu Xian thought for a while: "Speaking of the female family members in the car, that lady Li is really calm and intelligent, when Chengyou arrived and asked what happened, most of the female family members were so frightened that they couldn't speak clearly, only she could barely explain it. It's a bit of a story. It's dangerous enough to say that when the female ghost came back to attack Li Niangzi, it's fortunate that Chengyou brought a magic weapon that could be long or short, otherwise he wouldn't be able to save people in time."

Needless to say, Chengyou was the only one who knew Taoism tonight. In order to save people, he would have to chase him out. If he stayed outside for a long time, it would not only damage Mrs. Li's reputation, but also trouble Chengyou.

At this time, a steward in the yard greeted him and said, "His Royal Highness is finally back. Earlier, the villain went out to arrange supper, and when he came back, he had more sachets, fans, incense cakes, and poems... He looked like a woman's I don't know how to deal with it?"

Gu Xian said in surprise: "Shouldn't you show your love to the prince?"

The steward bowed his head to indicate default.

Gu Xian laughed: "I didn't expect Madam Chang'an to be as straightforward and bold as our girls in Nanzhao. Chengyou, shouldn't there be a lot of piles in your room?"

Lin Chengyou was about to answer when the steward said, "Dr. Du of the Imperial College has something to see, is your Highness seeing you or not?"

The Duke of Chun'an was startled, if it wasn't for an urgent matter, he wouldn't have come to pay homage so late. He nodded and said, "Invite Dr. Du to come in."

Gu Xian went back to the wing on his own, and Lin Chengyou was going to go back to the room, but after thinking about it, he suddenly followed the Prince of Chun'an with his hands behind him.

The King of Chun'an County asked curiously, "Aren't you going to go back to your room to rest?"

Lin Chengyou followed him into the room, sat down on the couch with his robes up, and said with a smile, "I'm hungry, go to Uncle Huang to ask for a late-night snack."

After a while, Du Yuzhi followed the people in, and after a few simple greetings, he bluntly explained his intentions.

The Duke of Chun'an was inexplicably surprised, but he sank to think about it, Du Yuzhi has always been the most honest and arrogant civil servant in the capital.

He was shocked for a moment, then coughed twice: "Since it's to save people, Duke Du doesn't need to feel embarrassed. I'm about to take a bath and burn incense, so Duke Du will wait here for a while."

Du Yuzhi was very grateful.

As soon as the Prince of Chun'an County left, only Lin Chengyou and Du Yuzhi were left in the room.

Du Yuzhi took a sip of tea cautiously, and when he looked up inadvertently, he saw Lin Chengyou looking at him with a half-smile.

Du Yuzhi knew that Lin Chengyou was stubborn and unruly, and immediately glanced at him on guard, making sure that he didn't look like he was trying to make things difficult for him, so he sat up again.

But at this moment, Lin Chengyou suddenly opened his mouth: "Dare to ask Duke Du, is the relative of the old woman in your house suddenly ill?"

Du Yuzhi pondered in a daze. He hadn't heard of this when he came, and it was not until the evening that his wife suddenly sent a message. Well, it should be a sudden illness.

"If you return to the prince, it is a sudden illness."

Lin Chengyou: "The first time I heard about the use of bath soup as a medicinal guide, do you know which medical worker gave the recipe?"

Du Yuzhi shook his head: "This... Du Mou doesn't know either, he only knows that medicine is urgently needed to save his life."

Lin Chengyou smiled and didn't ask any further questions.

Du Yuzhi breathed a sigh of relief, and heard the sound of the door in his ear. The Prince of Chun'an seemed to be afraid that Du Yuzhi would wait for a long time, so he quickly came out of the bath, and handed the water bag in his hand to Du Yuzhi, and said sternly: "I don't know if it is enough or not. , I have people guarding them in Yuhu, if it's not enough, Duke Du will just let people spread the word."

Du Yuzhi Su Rong took over the bath soup, and thanked him for leaving.

At this time, the steward led someone to deliver supper, and the king of Chun'an County asked the steward to go to the next room to invite Gu Xian, and then said to Lin Chengyou, "You said you were hungry earlier, and you will not be moved."

Lin Chengyou put the tea cup back on the table and smiled: "No, I just remembered that I have something to explain to the people around Azhi, and I have to go out. Uncle Huang, eat, don't wait for me, I will rest when I come back. already."


Teng Yuyi waited in the room for a while, but she didn't see her uncle sent someone to reply, so she simply sat at the table, took out a tooth stick from the hollow tooth tube, and dipped it in water to write and draw.

Du Tinglan took off the hairpin in front of the mirror stage and came over to take a look: "What are you writing?"

Teng Yuyi thoughtfully erased the word "three" and sighed, "I saw Li Huaigu today, and I remember a lot of things from my childhood."

Du Tinglan was always attentive, and she sat down thinking: "I remember that Li Huaigu was much shy when he was a child, but seeing her speak today, she is much calmer than before. I heard that her grandfather is also an important member of the party now. I have been practicing beside my grandfather for a long time."

Teng Yuyi tilted her head and thought about it. Li Huaigu's father was promoted much faster than in his previous life. If she remembered correctly, in the year she died in her previous life, Li Guangyuan was only the prefect of Suzhou under her grandfather Huainan Road, and he was not transferred. Zhejiang, let alone serving as the military envoy of the capital of eastern Zhejiang...

After seeing this today, I realized that Li Huaigu's father was already an important member of the party.

But after these few incidents, she has long been accustomed to the memory of this life being different from the memory of the previous life, but deep down, she still vaguely feels that something is wrong...

At this moment, someone knocked on the door outside. Teng Yuyi couldn't wait, so she went to open the door in person, and sure enough, Biluo came back.

Biluo panted slightly: "It's not good, all the keys in the middle gate have been lost. I heard that something strange happened in Yusuchuan. Several uncles were afraid that Princess Changyi and Princess Azhi would be frightened. Plus guards, they are all first-class guards, and it is strictly forbidden to visit each hospital. The slaves can't ask someone to pass the word, and I don't know what happened to Master Du in front."

Du Tinglan snorted: "How can this be good."

Teng Yu was in a state of confusion. He walked into the dark and tapped on the hilt of the sword. The sword was only warm for a while, and then it was as cold as water.

"It's too late. And during the day, I made an agreement with Duanfu that he would wait for news in the alley outside the northeast corner of Yueming Building at night. As long as the uncle gets something, Biluo will send a message to Duanfu. Now Once the middle door is locked, I can't get any news twice, so I have to hurry up and spread the word to save Duanfu and my uncle from waiting."

After speaking, he touched the bald pen in his arms, and found a cloak to put it on at random. Mrs. Du and Du Tinglan quickly said, "Don't go, let Biluo and the others go."

Teng Yuyi said: "Biluo can't climb over the wall, I know some tricks. Besides, there are many people in the yard, and there is a narrow alley in the middle. Duanfu is cautious. If he can't be sure that it is me, he may not show up. Luo shouting his name loudly will definitely attract guards, so I should go the fastest."

She closed the door and went downstairs to find the northeast corner. When she saw a willow tree outside the wall, she whispered to call Duanfu. It happened that there were neat footsteps in the narrow alley outside, and she thought it was a guard patrol.

Teng Yuyi held her breath and waited for the silence outside the wall to return. She climbed up with both hands and quietly climbed up to the top of the wall.

Since she has practiced the peach blossom swordsmanship, her posture has become much lighter than before, and she has learned a lot of tricks from Huoqiu after she came back, and it is no problem to climb the wall.

Climbing to the top of the wall and sitting up straight, she quickly looked around and saw that there was no one there. Could it be that Duanfu just avoided anyone?

He was hesitating whether to jump down or go back over the wall, when he heard footsteps not far away, it was a man, and he was alone.

Teng Yuyi was about to jump back without saying a word, but the man suddenly called out, "Young Master Wang."

Teng Yuyi's body swayed and almost didn't fall, it was Lin Chengyou.

She sat firmly and turned her head to look down, and saw Lin Chengyou looking up at her in the alley with his hands behind his back.

She was in shock, and forced a smile: "Sir?"

Lin Chengyou smiled: "Are you looking for Duanfu?"

Teng Yu thought about it for a while, and simply jumped into the alley: "The prince has seen Duanfu? I have something to look for, but I have lost keys everywhere. ."

Lin Chengyou lazily raised something: "Are you waiting for it?"

Teng Yuyi was stunned, Lin Chengyou was holding a water bag, and he seemed to shake the water bag in front of her in order to confirm her guess.

Teng Yuyi's face flushed when she heard the sound of water shaking.


"This is Uncle Huang's bath soup." Lin Chengyou snorted, "You let Duanfu sneak into Feiyi Pavilion in the afternoon, it turned out to be to steal the bath soup, and it wasn't enough to steal my bath soup, even the uncle's bath soup was deceived. "

Teng Yuyi was so embarrassed that he glanced left and right, and laughed, but from the cheeks to the neck, the skin turned red almost instantly, and the moonlight looked like it was dyed with rouge.

Lin Chengyou took a few glances, inexplicably felt familiar, hey, the fabric she was wearing was exactly the same as the robe he wore during the day.

He looked away: "You little lady, what are you doing with so many men's baths? Don't tell me it's for fun, tsk, I'm embarrassed for you."

Teng Yuyi originally wanted to explain it well, but he was mercilessly accused by him, and he wanted to get into the crack of the ground even more, glared at him and said, "Of course it's for the sake of doing business, why? Do not believe."

Lin Chengyou crossed his arms: "In order to support your sword? What did the spirit in the sword say?"

Teng Yuyi didn't say a word.

Lin Chengyou sneered: "Why don't you tell me well, you have to steal my bath soup?"

Teng Yuyi wondered: "If I tell the prince well, the prince will give me the bath soup?"

Lin Chengyou choked. He had seen countless Taoist treasures, and it was the first time he heard that men wanted to enshrine the soup. If Teng Yuyi told him directly, he would definitely refuse because he thought it was absurd.

He snorted: "There are so many men from the Tengdu family, why do they want to steal from others?"

"Because only your bath soup can be considered as embryonic water, others' bath soup will damage the spiritual power of my sword."

"It was said by the tool spirit in the sword again?" Lin Chengyou sneered, "Okay, since you stole mine, why do you still ask the uncle to ask for it?"

Teng Yuyi: "In the afternoon, the prince was bathing in the hot spring pool, and the water was accidentally mixed with other people's bath soup, and the spirit refused to wash it."

Lin Chengyou stroked his chin, such a hypocritical spirit. Thinking of her plotting against him again, he was so angry that he pretended to stumble in front of him, but secretly spilled a whole bag of pineapple wine on him.

Teng Yuyi glanced at him, bowed her head and said: "I shouldn't let people steal the prince's bath soup, it's my fault, I voluntarily apologize to the prince. My sword will not work as soon as I come back from Caifeng Tower, it's too urgent. , I also want to ask the prince directly for it, but...and...I really can't say it. I also have no choice but to make this decision."

Lin Chengyou hummed, what a pitiful statement.

Teng Yuyi took out the Xiaoya sword and showed it to him: "Look at the prince, the sword spirit is about to die."

Lin Chengyou: "The tool spirit can't die, at best the spiritual power is greatly weakened."

Teng Yuyi was stunned, can't he die? She said angrily: "The prince has countless instruments at his hand, and it's nothing to you to damage one or two, but since Xiaoyajian recognized me as the master, I have to protect him well, and don't leave it in my hands. Speaking of damaging spiritual power, it is impossible to be thirsty and tired at all."

Lin Chengyou touched his ears. Since dealing with her, he has seen the axis of her body a lot, and he places great importance on the people and things around him, and he is even more vulnerable than he is.

After Teng Yuyi said those words, she spread her hands to Lin Chengyou: "Sir, you're done asking, since Prince Chun'an has already given the bath soup to my uncle, this thing is mine, can the eldest son give it back to me? "

Lin Chengyou didn't say a word, and the question was finished. Looking at the dim sword light in her hand, it really couldn't last long.

However, he still felt something was wrong in his heart. Teng Yuyi asked his uncle to steal his bath soup, but asked his uncle to ask for the bath soup from the uncle. Could it be that she had heard about the man of the uncle before? So you are sure that the uncle will give it?

I wanted to ask her face to face what she was thinking, but I felt it was unnecessary.

Moreover, when he thought of Teng Yuyi soaking her personal sword in Uncle's bath soup, he couldn't tell how strange it was in his heart.

Forget it, let's save the magic weapon "live" first, as for her plotting against him again, I'll settle it with her later.

He handed her the water bag: "take it."

"Thank you, Shizi." Teng Yuyi happily reached out to take it, but before she could receive it, the water bag fell to the ground, the bottle cap loosened, and the bath soup in the bag instantly dripped to the ground.

Teng Yuyi was stunned, and hurriedly squatted down to pick it up, but after all, he was a step late, and the water in the bag soon ran out.

Teng Yuyi grabbed the water bag and looked at it for a while, and when she looked up again, there were already tears in Xingyuan's eyes.

"Lin Chengyou!" She gritted her teeth and squeezed out a sentence.

Lin Chengyou stared at the water bag and was stunned. The ghost knew what he was thinking, but he didn't hold the water bag firmly. Seeing Teng Yuyi burst into tears, he was a little helpless. With his skills, if he said that he didn't do it on purpose, let alone Teng Yuyi. Can't believe it, even he himself doesn't think it makes sense.

Teng Yu's face turned pale with anger. Lin Chengyou did it on purpose. He was just angry that she had plotted against him in the afternoon, but if she could ask for a bath in person, why would she resort to this.

It seems that Xiao Ya's spiritual power can't be saved. Even if the little old man is alive, he will become a useless waste product. She hated it so badly that she felt that Lin Chengyou was a good person a few days ago. Wrong, this person is more than arrogant, it is simply hateful! !

"Lin Chengyou—" Tears swirled in her eyes, her chest heaving violently, if it wasn't for the last trace of reason, she really wanted to scratch his face.

Lin Chengyou seemed to suddenly come back to his senses: "Can my bath soup also work?"

Teng Yuyi's eyelashes were still full of tears, but her anger was stagnant.

"I'll pay you. You can't have the ones from the hot spring pool, only the ones from the Dendrobium Dendrobium, right?"

Teng Yuyi was overjoyed, and she couldn't care less about being angry, so she nodded her head in tears: "Yes."

"You wait here. I made arrangements earlier. No one will come here for inspection in a short period of time. I will come later." Lin Chengyou said and took a few steps back. A Harrier turned over and disappeared on the eaves. .

Teng Yuyi looked at the empty narrow alley, wondering, is Lin Chengyou really willing to give her the bath soup? Moreover, after being here for so long, she has never seen Duanfu. She was full of doubts and waited in place for a while, for fear of being bumped into. She climbed the wall and returned to the courtyard wall of Yueming Building. She didn't put it back until she heard footsteps again. With her head sticking out of the corner, she was sure it was Lin Chengyou, she quietly jumped off the wall.

Lin Chengyou changed his clothes, his temples were still wet, there were drops of water on his face, and his eyebrows were exquisite. As soon as he jumped off the eaves, he waved at Teng Yuyi: "You can't do well, climb over the wall and watch out for the water spilled, so just worship here. ."

Teng Yuyi saw that he was holding a wine urn in his hand, which was twice the size of the water bladder of the Prince of Chun'an. When he came to him, before he could speak, he first smelled the fragrant aroma on his body, which was like bamboo but not bamboo, quiet and peaceful. It is very common. She has seen many precious spices since she was a child, but she has never smelled such good-smelling bath beans.

Lin Chengyou lifted the lid of the urn, and there was indeed a large urn of clear bath soup. He gently placed the urn on the ground, and the soup noodles were shaken, causing tiny ripples.

The two of them looked at the bathing soup and felt a little uncomfortable. In the end, Lin Chengyou was thicker-skinned and took the initiative to say, "Put the sword in."

Teng Yuyi snorted, drew the sword out of its sheath, and carefully dipped the sword into the soup.

After waiting for a while, Xiaoyajian didn't move, Lin Chengyou said suspiciously, "How did Qiling tell you? Is it enshrined like this?"

Teng Yu pondered: "Xiao Ya only said to use the fetal breath to wash his body with water, and logically soak it in it."

Before he finished speaking, the water surface rippled violently, and with just one wrong eye, the little old man got out of the sword.

"Yo hoo!" Xiao Ya stirred the bath soup cheerfully, "Wow wow wow wow wow! It's so comfortable! The old man is alive!"

As he spoke, he slammed into the water, and then leaned out again, his face that was originally blue-gray suddenly turned red and bright.

"Hey hee hee! Oh hoo hoo! It's so comfortable, so happy!" Xiaoya scooped up a large amount of bath soup and rubbed his chest hard, with a strange laughter in his mouth, "This soup is really fragrant, hee hee hee hee, this old man has never soaked in it before. After such an authentic fetal breath, Lin Chengyou, you are a good boy! You are so powerful!"