MTL - Capture the Jade-Chapter 23 (1)

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Xiaoya picked up the peach and ate it.

Teng Yuyi looked at Xiao Ya curiously, even though this little old man was only two inches tall, but his appetite was amazing. He swept away all the fruit trays in one breath, as if he still felt that it was not enough.

She picked up the empty fruit plate and deliberately urged him: "You go back to the sword and stay."

Xiaoya hiccupped, but his body didn't move, but feeding him a plate of pineapples would call him?

Teng Yuyi sighed: "That's enough, I'm just sloppy and unworthy of being your master. Don't give in here, just find someone else."

Xiao Ya was reluctant to get up: "Since it's three chapters of the contract, I'll abide by Mrs. Teng's three rules, but I'm also very temperamental, those long-winded and trivial things, don't even think about driving me."

"The first one is to bargain with your master. Can I expect anything else?"

Xiao Ya knew that he was wrong, so he jumped onto the bed and disappeared into the sword for a moment.

Teng Yuyi picked up the jade sword, except that the body of the sword was a little hot, and it was the same as usual on the surface. She hid it in her sleeve, and she opened the door and called Biluo and Chunrong.

"Miss, why haven't you slept yet?"

"Maybe I'm too sleepy, but I can't sleep. You bring me a urn of Luo Fuchun that you brought from Yangzhou. Drink some wine so that I can sleep soundly."

Chunrong and Biluo have no doubts about him. The young lady loves drinking, and Luo Fuchun is not a strong temperament.

"Miss, don't be greedy for cups, and don't forget to have a banquet tonight."

Later, the maid brought wine, and Teng Yuyi closed the door and called Xiaoya.

"Come out."

Xiaoya hurriedly emerged from the sword, seeing a white jade jug on the table, the wine was mellow and sweet, and when he smelled it, he knew it was a fine wine.

Xiao Ya blushed with joy, and excitedly moved the jug, looked at Teng Yuyi, put it back, and said proudly, "Miss Teng, can I drink this wine?"

Teng Yuyi laughed, took the jug and poured wine into Bi Yingying's jug: "Yes, at least I have the master in my eyes, and I know that I should ask my opinion first. Don't worry, this jug is not only yours Yes, there will be delicious food and wine every day in the future, and I will not embarrass you. As long as you are like this in the future, you can ask me in advance. I am the person who keeps my promises the most. You and I will help each other, and I will definitely take care of you well looked after."

Xiao Ya was already dizzy by the alcohol bug in his stomach. He picked up the wine cup and poured it. After drinking the wine, he felt comfortable, but he felt a little frustrated. He thought that Teng Yuyi would have the upper hand when he was young, but in the end, he was overpowered by the other party. .

He let out a long sigh, that's all, Venerable Qinglian is very predictable. Since Xiaoyajian chose it himself, how could the new master be so bad?

He respected Teng Yuyi's attitude a lot, and waited patiently for her to pour himself a second cup.

Teng Yuyi poured the wine, and handed the wine cup to Xiaoya. Xiaoya opened his arms and accidentally touched Teng Yuyi's fingertips, and his mind was shocked.

"Miss Teng, so you—"

Teng Yuyi looked nervous: "What's wrong?"

Xiao Ya was puzzled: "It's weird."

"What did you see?"

Xiaoya drank all the wine in one breath, still full of shock: "I saw what I should have seen, Mrs. Teng, why do I see you as someone who borrowed my life."

Teng Yuyi's expression changed: "What is a person who borrows orders?"

Xiao Ya took another sip of wine to shock himself: " should have died, but someone forcibly lent someone else's life to you."

Teng Yuyi was stunned, these words were simply unbelievable, the first thought in her mind was "impossible", but she clearly remembered that she was dead, but she was living again in the boat from Yangzhou to Chang'an, why would she With this adventure, she still can't understand it. She thought it was a rebirth, but she heard the word "borrowing life" from Xiaoya's mouth.

Teng Yuyi tried her best to calm herself down: "Speak slowly."

Xiao Ya cleared his throat: "Let me tell you this, from the point of view of your fate, you definitely won't live to be sixteen years old, but someone forcibly borrowed your life and used the secret art of Minglu to help you change your fate, but Acting against the normal will inevitably lead to abnormal results. I guess this time your soul will break a certain inherent situation in the underworld, and the person who lends your life will also be punished."

Teng Yuyi was shocked when she heard it: "Wait a minute..."

She tried to calm herself down: "If that's the case, why would someone lend my life to me?"

Xiao Ya's face was full of strangeness: "I have seen many strange things with the previous masters, in a situation like yours, there should be someone who is unwilling to let you die early, that person must know Taoism, and has some ties with you, the old man thinks , that person was too daring, he knew that he would catch up, so he still did it. But the old man has seen it before, your aunt died when you were five years old, your grandfather does not know Taoism, your aunt None of the family seems to be related to this, so the old man can't understand what this person has to do with you."

Teng Yuyi's mind was in a mess, let's not say whether this is true or not, in this world, besides the mother and father, who else would be willing to take the risk to continue her life.

"Can't you see who that person is?"

Xiaoya spread his hands helplessly: "I'm just a tool spirit, I can't know everything, but no matter what method this person uses to help you borrow your life, it's against the law of heaven, as the saying goes, 'Heaven and earth are against the qi, and must move Catastrophe', not only that person will pay for it, but you will also encounter disaster."

Teng Yuyi's face became more and more difficult to look: "Could it be that me and that person will die."

"That's not true, otherwise, wouldn't that person borrow your life for nothing?" Xiao Ya stroked his beard and said, "But... that person can only borrow your life for you, and the disaster you encounter after you extend your life can only be Resolve on your own."

Teng Yuyi's chest was boiling: "Let's not talk about this first, you said that person will also suffer from divine condemnation? What kind of divine condemnation is that?"

"I don't know that. First, let's see if that person's life is precious or not. If his life is precious, he may suffer less, but he won't be able to escape some catastrophe."

Teng Yuyi forced herself to calm down and said, "So this person won't lose his life just because he extended his life for me, right?"

"That's right."

Teng Yuyi's expression calmed down. She had no idea who this person was, but since Xiaoya said that the person was deeply involved with her, she thought it was nothing more than these close relatives around her. Who.

"You said just now that I will also encounter disasters, how should I resolve it?"

This time Xiaoya folded his arms and thought for a long time, then hesitantly said: "There is a ready-made method, but I don't know if it can be done, I will tell you a story first, and you will understand as soon as you hear it.

"My last master was called Lay Guizhen, and the lay layman had a close friend named Meng Yunsheng. Meng Yunsheng and our lay layman were the best friends, and he often communicated with laymen.

"Meng Yunsheng opened a tomb shop, and there was a Taoist temple next door to his house. Once Meng Yunsheng came home after drinking, he accidentally fell into the water, because it was too late to save everyone, everyone thought they would not survive, who knew that Meng Yunsheng woke up at night The person was still the same person, but he didn't like to talk. After half a month, he suddenly came to the layman. As soon as he entered the door, he burst into tears, saying that his life was borrowed, and he wanted the layman to take the Xiaoya sword. Lend it to him, or he will die.

"Meng Yunsheng's situation is different from yours. He broke his own destiny and forcibly borrowed it for himself, but unfortunately he is not capable, and there is a big problem with the borrowed life. Not only did he fail to change his own destiny, he also Gotta get my life back.

"He was unwilling to die like this, and he read a lot of Taoist classics. He heard that slaying demons and eliminating demons can resolve disasters. He thought he had found the way, but he had never formally practiced Taoism, and he couldn't rely on his own strength in a short period of time. In addition to the trouble, I had to go to the door and ask the layman to lend me to him.

"The layman lent me to Meng Yunsheng, but I have always recognized the master, so how can I let anyone drive me at will? Although Meng Yunsheng asked me back, he couldn't use my spiritual power.

"The layman was worried about Meng Yunsheng's safety, so he simply moved to live with him. After that, he patrolled all night and took care of Meng Yunsheng's home in person, but Meng Yunsheng still didn't escape. When the layman heard the news that night and rushed in, Meng Yunsheng was already dead. In the house, he died in such a tragic state that he can't even find his head."

Teng Yuyi took a deep breath and raised her hand to touch the cold back of her neck.

"Your situation is completely different from Meng Yunsheng." Xiaoya glanced at Teng Yuyi, "It's rare that I am willing to listen to your orders, but if you want to resolve the disaster, you can still refer to the method Meng Yunsheng came up with."

Teng Yuyi took a sip of wine to suppress his shock, and pondered while holding the wine cup: "You mean I also use the slaying of demons and demons to resolve the disaster?"

"Exactly." Xiaoya stood up and walked on the table, "Just think about it, what was the first big thing you did after waking up?"

"Save my cousin?"

"That's right." Xiao Ya nodded with satisfaction, "But the premise of rescuing your cousin is that you cooperate with Lin Chengyou to kill a tree demon that is about to become a demon. I guess the good news of killing this monster is in your memory. That's why your cousin will wake up safely, after all, the tree demon has killed many women, and it is not against the sky to exchange its life for your cousin's life."

Teng Yuyi was stunned. Cousin's condition that night was too dangerous. Even if she ate Liuyuandan, she might not be able to wake up. But not only was her sister rescued, but she didn't have any illnesses that she shouldn't have. She stayed in the yard to help kill the Dryad.

"So you should understand, how many people's lives have been changed by your life." Xiao Ya shook his head, "It's only natural that the person who saved your life will suffer for this. Judging from what happened to you, you only need to get rid of a few more evil spirits, the more ferocious the monsters, the better you can save them."

He said it lightly, as if for Teng Yuyi, killing a demon is as easy as killing a chicken or duck.

Teng Yuyi thought for a while calmly: "Xiaoya, let me ask you, can you kill the one in Caifenglou last night?"

"This..." Xiao Ya stroking his beard paused, "That one was really terrifying last night."

Teng Yuyi couldn't hide the disappointment in his eyes. He thought that with Xiaoya, everything would be good, but it seemed far from the case.

She helplessly spread her hands: "Although your suggestion is very reasonable, it's one thing to say and one thing to do. Take the tree demon from the Ziyun Tower as an example, with Lin Chengyou's ability, it takes a lot of time to subdue the demon. It took a lot of effort. First, I don’t know martial arts, and secondly, I don’t know Taoism, so what if I have your help? If I really want to meet Yaoyi, it would be good for me to survive."

"This..." Xiaoya blinked Mungdou's small eyes twice, "It's not enough to pick some monsters with low mana, anyway, as long as you kill them yourself, it counts."

Teng Yuyi snorted: "Tell those monsters, those with high mana power stand aside, and those with low mana power come over to die?"

Xiaoya's nature was like a charcoal, and the fire immediately came: "Ms. Teng, what this old man said is the best method that can be thought of at the moment. If you don't believe it, don't believe it, why do you feel weird."

Teng Yuyi raised her hand and pressed it down: "You said it too, you are not sure what my situation is, and you are even less sure if Slaying Demons and Eliminating Demons can help him resolve the disaster, and he rushes to catch him without understanding the matter. Demon, if I encounter a monster like last night, I don't have to eliminate the disaster and solve the problem, I will explain my life in advance."

Xiao Ya said angrily: "Although I can't be sure that you are someone who borrowed your life, but it's not too far. Didn't those little Taoists last night from Qingyun Temple? Sermons, as long as you look for them carefully, there will always be a book that records the whole story of borrowing your life, you just need to find an opportunity to ask them about it.”

Teng Yuyi got up and paced back and forth in the room. The more he thought about it, the more bizarre it became. He was about to ask a few more questions when he heard someone outside ask in surprise, "Is Ayu awake? Why does it seem like I heard someone talking in the room?"

"The lady doesn't seem to be sleeping very well. The boss ordered us to bring wine in. I don't know if she is asleep now."

Teng Yuyi hurriedly waved at Xiaoya.

Xiaoya nodded, jumped on the sword, and disappeared.


In the evening Teng Yuyi had enough rest, and got up to let Chunrong and Biluo pack up.

Mrs. Du and Du Tinglan dressed up and came to look for Teng Yuyi, and said in astonishment, "Ayu, what are you doing with your luggage?"

"I was about to say goodbye to my uncle and aunt. Grandpa will be back in the next two days. After going to Duan's house for the banquet tonight, I plan to go directly to Teng's house."

In fact, she was worried that the monster in Caifenglou would really come to her. Instead of making the Du residence uneasy, it would be better to return to the Teng residence as soon as possible.

Mrs. Du was stunned, this was too sudden.

"Why didn't I hear you mention it before? It's already this hour. Do you have time to pack your luggage? If you don't leave early, my aunt and sister will help you slowly pack up tonight."

Teng Yuyi put her arms around Mrs. Du's shoulder: "Grandpa will be in Chang'an at noon. If I leave tomorrow morning, I'm afraid it will be too late. I will only bring my clothes back today, and it will not be too late to move the rest slowly tomorrow."

Mrs. Du felt a little strange in her heart. In the past, Yu'er and her grandfather had a tense relationship. As long as she could hang around in Du's house, Yu'er would never go back to Teng's house. This time she was willing to take the initiative to go back, which was really surprising.

She thought with relief that as Yu'er grew older, she was naturally more sensible than before.

"That's right, your grandpa must be thinking about you too, it's better to go back earlier." He walked towards the low couch, "I'll see how your luggage is packed, you can't sleep without the puppets at night, nothing is left behind. What are the usual things?"

Teng Yuyi stopped and said, "It's almost done. After two days, I'll come over when I'm done with work. From now on, I'll be here to accompany my aunt and sister during the day, and I'll only go back to the mansion to stay at night."

In addition to avoiding the evil spirits, Xiaoya's words also made her very uneasy. Dongmingguan is a century-old temple, and there should be a lot of classics in it. She plans to go to Dongmingguan several times in the near future. As soon as she went out, she had a lot of twists and turns like last night, so that her uncle and aunt were not so tired that she worried all night.

The three of them left the house together, and Du Yuzhi and his son were already waiting at the door on horseback. The Duan family and the Teng family are relatives by marriage, and Du Yuzhi and Du Shaotang naturally invited Mrs. Duan to celebrate their birthday.

Teng Yuyi was in the same car with her aunt and cousin, and Mrs. Du sat down and said, "I forgot to say that just now, when you were sleeping in the afternoon, your uncle went to Qingyun Temple, and this time he finally met the Prince Cheng."

"Oh, what did my uncle say?"

Mrs. Du said: "Prince Cheng is in a hurry and is about to appear in the spectacle. He didn't want to entertain your uncle. I heard that he came for the monster by the river, so he invited your uncle into the spectacle, and then invited the people around him. They all retreated, not even his two younger brothers and sisters were left. Your uncle thought that the prince kept his promise so much, so he told about Lu Zhaoan asking your cousin to go to the bamboo forest that night."

Teng Yuyi glanced at Du Tinglan, saw that her cousin's face was still calm, and asked, "Can Lin Chengyou agree to investigate Lu Zhaoan?"

"He seemed very interested, but he didn't say if he would help, he just said with a smile that he knew, and then ordered someone to lead your uncle out. Your uncle came back and told me that Prince Cheng likes to joke , In fact, the sword is cast in the belly, it's fine when you don't laugh, it's definitely not good when you laugh, but at least tell the truth to the prince, don't worry about him coming to our Du family again."

Teng Yuyi pondered, whoever goes to Lin Chengyou to negotiate will not just get a simple "I know". But with the old-fashioned temper of my uncle, it was more difficult for him to talk to Lin Chengyou than to go to heaven.

"Forget it, auntie don't have to worry too much, Lin Chengyou is arrogant and competitive, even if he doesn't promise, he will check it out behind his back. Don't forget that he suffered a big loss from the tree demon in Ziyunlou, as long as he finds out that monster and Lu Zhaoan We will never let Lu Zhaoan feel better about it, and we just have to wait patiently for the news."

Du Tinglan said with embarrassment: "Ayu, you have worked hard for Sister A's affairs these days, and Sister A is really sorry. I am sisters with you, thank you too much, I have been thinking about it, I bought some clothes, I plan to make **** Mother makes some clothes and socks for Duanfu and Cheng Bo, and when they are finished, you can help me and give them to them."

Teng Yuyi was stunned for a while, and then quickly said: "That's great, A-jie's wet nurse is very good. Although Cheng Bo and Duanfu are not short of clothes, they have not worn such delicate and good things. Go back at night and tell them that they don't know. How happy it would be."

Du Tinglan's eyes were a little red, and she silently held Teng Yuyi's hand.

During the conversation, he arrived at the mansion of Duke Zhenguo. Duke Zhenguo is known as a nobleman, and he assumed the title of his own. He was a scholar from all over the world, competing for his door. Today, the old lady's birthday is even more like a city.

Teng Yuyi put on her hood and followed her aunt and cousin out of the carriage. The servants of the Duke of Zhenguo were busy but not chaotic, and hurriedly greeted them: "Mrs. Du, Mrs. Teng, Mrs. Du, please come in."

Teng Yuyi looked forward through the gauze curtain. The Duke of Zhenguo's mansion was very strict with its children, and the young people of Duan mansion greeted guests at the door, but Duan Ningyuan was not seen.

The female family members of Beppu also seemed to find it strange, and whispered in private. At this time, an extremely expensive chariot came from behind, and everyone stepped aside: "The Lord of Jingde is here."

Teng Yuyi was stunned, it was Lin Chengyou's sister named Azhi, and when she looked over, she saw the princess of Azhi wearing a hood and getting out of the car. Azhi was only nine years old this year, but she was already quite tall. , high-spirited, noble and noble, the servants behind him are all well-behaved, and there is no arrogance that is used to be used by noble servants.

Azhi was about to enter the mansion, and Teng Yuyi then helped Madam Du up the steps, and when she looked up inadvertently, she saw that among Azhi's servants were two squat maidservants.

The two maids had round buns on their heads and wore pomegranate red skirts. They were only about eight or nine years old, and their movements were more clumsy than others.

The more Teng Yuyi looked, the more familiar the two's backs were, and he was looking at them secretly. The one on the left seemed to be aware of the gaze behind him and looked back at Teng Yuyi.

Teng Yuyi saw the red round face clearly, and she was shocked: Abandon wisdom!

The person next to Qizhi was a sage. The two had bright red rouge on their lips, and their bodies were a little thicker than the other maids.

Qizhi turned his head and glanced, and buried his head again.

Teng Yuyi was stunned, what was he doing, Caifenglou had such a strange appearance, shouldn't Juesheng and Qizhi be busy catching monsters at this time?

The guests in the mansion came and went like weaving, and the maid swarmed the geese. The servants led Teng Yuyi and the three to the flower hall. They passed by a water pavilion. Suddenly, a maid walked over with her head lowered and said, "Miss Teng, the Lord of Jingde County wants to invite you to come over and talk."

Mrs. Du and Du Tinglan stopped and saw that they were two plump maids. From the point of view of their dress, they looked like servants of the Chengwang Mansion.

The mother and daughter couldn't help but be surprised. Teng Yuyi saw that they were Juesheng and Jizhi, and said, "Auntie, sister, you go to the flower hall first, and I'll come when I go."

Mrs. Du was worried, and whispered: "Jingde County Master is King Cheng's beloved daughter. I heard that King Cheng and his wife are very strict in discipline. Although the little princess is lively, she is expensive and not arrogant. I don't know what she is looking for from you. If you are in trouble, ask someone to send a message to your aunt."

Teng Yuyi agreed, Juesheng and Qizhi took the lead and walked forward to a secluded rockery, the two of them couldn't hold back, and heaved a long sigh: "It's so awkward to wear this, Madam Teng, why did you also come to Zhenguo? Is the government coming?"

"I should ask you about this." Teng Yuyi wondered, "Why are you all dressed up like this?"

Jue Sheng raised his hand to wipe his sweat, but was stopped by Teng Yuyi: "Be careful to wipe the rouge on your face, now, use this to wipe gently."

Jue Sheng pouted and took Teng Yuyi's handkerchief: "It's really troublesome. It's not that senior brother forced us to come, County Master Azhi heard that her group of friends will come to Mrs. Duan's birthday banquet, so she couldn't hold back. Running out of the palace, senior brother is worried about the safety of the county lord, and temporarily asked us to disguise as maids and follow the county lord Azhi."

Teng Yuyi laughed out loud: "It's very good to dress like this, I see that you two are more beautiful than other maids."

"Miss Teng, stop laughing at us." Qizhi was not as impatient as Juesheng, and wiped his sweat clumsily, "Didn't Juesheng warn me in the morning, Yaoyi will most likely come to you next time, and you will be subdued by Senior Brother. Before that monster, Madam Teng had better not go out."

Jue Sheng pulled Qizhi's shirt, and Qizhi was stunned for a while. Then he remembered that General Duan was Mrs. Teng's fiancé, and Mrs. Duan was celebrating her birthday, so Mrs. Teng naturally had to come to the banquet.

Teng Yuyi just pretended not to see the small movements of the two of them, and asked with a smile, "What did you find out in the daytime, and what is the origin of the monster?"

"I found it. The monster that attacked us last night was a bird monster. It was originally a golden bird in Zhongnan Mountain. At least it has been in Taoism for hundreds of years. After this monster turned into a human form, because of its good appearance, he often visited Fangshi. Gathering essence, calling himself the golden-clothed son, who likes to be with the woman in the brothel—"

Jizhi and Juesheng blushed.

Teng Yuyi remembered the male demon's suave and suave state, expecting that it would not be a good word, and coughed: "Young Master Jinyi? With such a handsome name, will this demon be more difficult to deal with than the tree demon that time?"

"Of course, but the hardest thing to deal with is not the young master in golden clothes. The real hard thing to deal with is another evil spirit that was suppressed together with him. Senior brother called it a corpse evil."

"The corpse? What is the origin of this thing?"

"Senior brother is not very clear. Today, he led someone to look through all the Taoist temples in Chang'an, and finally found some clues. It turned out that the formation in Pingkangfang was a blind old man from Dongming Temple a hundred years ago. It was set up by a Taoist priest, and this blind Taoist priest is the patriarch of Dongmingguan."

In Teng Yuyi's mind, the five Baijing Taoist priests in Dongmingguan, who were full of nonsense, appeared in their mind.

"The blind Taoist priest is called Wuchenzi. He heard that Taoism is very good. He overcame the demons of Pingkangfang. He was also seriously injured. In Guanli's Zhiyi, the two apprentices were illiterate. After all, they were blind, and it was harder to write than others, and in the end, only some scribbled fragments were left.

"Senior brother found the strangeness, but the above is not very clear. Now I only know that Young Master Jinyi and Zhe Xie were slain by Wuchenzi together. This monster is a corpse, and its murderousness is no trivial matter. We met that night. Yes, only the young master in golden clothes, the corpse has long since broken out, and there is no trace to be found."

Qizhi added: "Ms. Teng, this time the strangeness is no trivial matter. When you go out recently, remember to take the talisman we drew for you with you, as well as the jade sword. Never leave your body."

Teng Yuyi touched the small sword in his sleeve: "This sword already has a name, let's call it Xiaoya Sword. By the way, have you heard of mysterious techniques like 'borrowing your life'?"

Juesheng and Qizhi looked at each other in surprise: "Miss Teng, why are you asking this?"

Teng Yuyi looked at their expressions, and her heart sank slowly: "I have a maid, and some strange things happened to my relatives. I happened to meet a wandering Taoist priest, and somehow mentioned 'borrowing', so I wanted to ask two Taoists for advice. Chang, is there really such a thing as 'borrowing your life' in the world?"

"We don't know much. Even if there is such a mysterious technique, it is not the right way to think about it. Master and Senior Brother will not mention it to us."

At this time, a maid came over: "A Jue, A Qi, the county master is looking for you everywhere."

Juesheng and Qizhi whispered, "Miss Teng, let's go first."

Teng Yuyi nodded secretly, and followed the path back to the Flower Hall.

Halfway through, he bumped into Du Tinglan who was walking in a hurry. It turned out that Du Tinglan was worried and brought her maid to find Teng Yuyi.

"The daughters of the Duan family are all in the flower hall. Except for the old lady and Mrs. Duan, as well as Duan Ningyuan's sister Duan Wenyin, they all pulled A-Niang and asked you where you were." Du Tinglan held Teng Yuyi in her arms. what did you say?"

"I think I heard someone talk about me, and out of curiosity, I went to ask a few questions."

Du Tinglan looked at the flower hall not far away: "It's strange to say that so many people came to kowtow to the old lady to congratulate the old lady, but General Duan did not show up for a long time. Not only the people outside, but also the people in the house were looking for him."

Teng Yuyi smiled and said, "How can this be? Duan's house is the most important thing in filial piety. All the houses came to kowtow to the old lady to congratulate him, but the direct grandson is gone."

Du Tinglan looked around and said in a low voice, "I wanted to ask you for a long time, did you do it?"

Teng Yuyi said something to Du Tinglan, Du Tinglan was both surprised and happy, and nodded secretly.

The two went back to the flower room together. In the flower hall, the lights were like day, and Mrs. Duan sat on the emerald mattress, like a Buddha among the hibiscus flowers.

Everyone in the hall was joking, and someone saw Teng Yuyi come in and said in surprise, "Come on, come on."

Teng Yuyi looked up and saw two women surrounded by pearls and jade walking towards them. The one on the left was Duan Ningyuan's eldest sister and the wife of Yongan Hou's wife, Duan Wenyin.

Duan Wenyin turned away with a smile, grabbed Teng Yuyi and said, "It's coming, grandmother is asking you."

Teng Yuyi smiled and said, "Greetings to the two ladies."

"Is this the lady from Ning Yuan who hasn't been through the door?" The female relatives were full of praise when they saw Teng Yuyi's beautiful appearance, "I can't find a few in Chang'an with such a good appearance. It's strange that the old lady likes it so much that she often hangs up Ayu. on the lips."

At this time, another majestic woman came around from behind the curtain, saw Teng Yuyi, and was stunned for a moment: "This is Yu'er."

Teng Yuyi hurriedly said, "Greet your madam."

This woman was the wife of the Duke of Zhenguo, the mother of Duan Ningyuan and Duan Wenyin.

Duan Ningyuan and Duan Wenyin mostly follow their mother's appearance.

Mrs. Duan took Teng Yuyi's hand to look up and down, and the more she looked, the more happy she became: "I heard Ning Yuan say that you were frightened in Ziyun Tower that day, and I asked them to send Lingzhi to the mansion, will you feel better after eating? "

Teng Yuyi said warmly, "Thank you for your kindness, Madam, but the medical officer said that it is not suitable for nourishment at this time, so I have put it away for the time being."

"It's fine to raise it for a few days first. If you want to eat in the future, just tell me." Mrs. Duan pulled Teng Yuyi in front of her, "Aniang, look at Yu'er."

Teng Yuyi stepped forward and bowed: "The younger generation congratulates the ancestors and wishes the old lady a long and prosperous life."

Old Madam Duan laughed so hard: "I haven't seen it in a few years, but it's so tall. Come and let my grandmother take a look."

Teng Yuyi glanced at Chunrong and Biluo, the two of them understood and came over holding the brocade box.

Teng Yuyi personally took the brocade box and walked to the old lady Duan: "I brought some silk color from Yangzhou, I don't know if the old lady likes it or not."

Madam Duan was naturally happy. After looking at the gift lovingly, she sighed while holding Teng Yuyi's wrist: "After a few years, this child has gotten better and better. This old bone of mine has always been ill for the past two years. When I can't live long, I see you tonight as an outstanding junior, and even all kinds of ailments are gone."

All the female relatives joked: "It's just that this child is too observant of the rules. What time is it, and an old lady, and will soon become a family. It's time to change his name to grandmother."

Mrs. Du sat on the top of the other end, and when she heard this, she moved uncomfortably.

The smile on Mrs. Duan's face became more and more genial: "Yu'er is here, what about that stinky boy Ning Yuan? He said he was going to kowtow to me, why is there no one there?"

Duan Wenyin hurriedly said: "There are a lot of distinguished guests ahead, and Adi is busy entertaining."

The female relatives smiled and said, "I heard that good things are coming to the mansion? Is General Duan ashamed?"

When everyone heard it, they became more and more amused. Mrs. Duan deliberately said with a straight face: "Yu'er is not ashamed yet, why is he ashamed?"

Immediately, he asked Teng Yuyi with a smile, "Your grandfather will return to Chang'an tomorrow?"

Teng Yuyi nodded: "I'll be there around noon."

Mrs. Duan hurriedly led Teng Yuyi to sit down on the east side, and said softly, "You weren't here just now, we are just about to discuss with your aunt, the marriage between the two families has been decided for so long, and in a blink of an eye you are all married, and now you are with your father. Going back to Chang’an to settle down, Ning Yuan is about to be crowned the heir, now grandma is looking forward to the happy event for you and Ning Yuan, why don’t you do it earlier, when your grandfather comes back tomorrow, your uncle will come to the door to discuss the marriage with your grandfather.”

When she said this, her voice was not small, and everyone heard it and booed.

Du Tinglan sat beside her mother, the smile on her face was almost invisible.

I heard from A-Niang that A-Yu took advantage of her strength in Ziyun Tower that night, and blamed Duan Ningyuan for the fault on the spot. Now that Duan Mansion has publicly mentioned the wedding date, could it be that he has found a decent reason for Duan Ningyuan's actions?

She clenched the canvas in her arms tightly, really shameless. Judging from the Duan family's posture, it was clear that Yu'er could not produce conclusive evidence that Duan Ningyuan and Dong Er had an affair, and had the will to clear the fault.

Mrs. Du was also very angry. The Duan family was roasting Ayu on the fire.

Tonight coincided with Mrs. Duan's birthday banquet. Mrs. Duan deliberately brought up the marriage of the two in public. If Yu'er refused flatly regardless of the face of the two families, everyone would inevitably feel that Yu'er was ignorant of etiquette, such a disrespectful little lady. , will be criticized in the future, and Yu'er can't confirm in public that Duan Ningyuan and Dong Erniang were unclear early, even if they broke off the marriage, the fault could not be attributed to Duan Ningyuan.

But if Yu'er agrees vaguely, if the news of the divorce of the two families comes out in two days, the outside will be surprised. Obviously, at the old lady Duan's birthday banquet, she promised well, how can you say that you will quit your marriage? Not only would everyone feel that the Teng family did not keep their promises, but they even doubted Yu'er's character because of it.

She looked at the Duan family with anger.

Duan Wenyin seemed a little guilty, her eyes flickered, and she turned her face to one side.

The smiles on Old Lady Duan and Mrs. Duan's faces remained undiminished.

Madam Du was afraid that Ayu would be fooled, and she was about to interject with a smile, when her daughter suddenly came to her ear and whispered something.

Mrs. Du looked at Teng Yuyi in surprise, and nodded when she saw that Teng Yuyi was almost invisible.

Teng Yuyi looked at her aunt's understanding, and said with concern: "Aunt, your face is so bad, is your body uncomfortable again?"

Mrs. Du immediately stroked her forehead: "To be honest, I bumped into something evil in Ziyun Tower that day, and I was lazy in eating and drinking for the past two days, and ate a lot of recipes. After sitting down and talking with the old birthday star for so long, my heart was full. Much more comfortable."

Everyone was busy praising Mrs. Du for being courteous and courteous, and they couldn't help but mutter in their hearts. The Du family had to come to celebrate the birthday of the old lady of the Duan family in order to be well-mannered. In comparison, General Duan seemed so rude.

The elders of the Du family have all come to the door, Duan Ningyuan didn't even show a face, even if he was entertaining guests in front of him, he wouldn't have come over to invite An Duo to spare time.

Madam Duan eagerly stepped forward to look after Madam Du: "If Madam feels tired, can you rest in the side hall?"

Mrs. Du said humbly: "Today, Mrs. Duan is a birthday star, there is no reason why the birthday star is not full, and the guests go to rest first. After talking for so long, why haven't I seen Ning Yuan? Since our master was transferred back to Chang'an, I haven't been there for a long time. I have seen Ning Yuan, and I finally met at Ziyun Tower the day before yesterday, and went back to the house without saying a few words. Since today is talking about the marriage of the two children, please come over to show up and say a few words. ."

Madam Duan hurriedly smiled and said, "Ning Yuan will come when he's done working ahead."

Mrs. Du smiled and nodded: "The old lady is a birthday star today, and the younger generation kowtows their heads to celebrate their birthdays is a top priority. There is no reason to leave grandmother aside and just greet foreign guests. I also met the little sons who kowtowed just now. All the rules and etiquette, Ning Yuan is the eldest brother, as an example."

Madam Duan's expression froze.

Duan Wenyin hurriedly smiled and said: "A-di has been feeling a little uneasy these days. I heard that drinking alcohol in front of me will inevitably make my body useless. Maybe I'm afraid of being abrupt to the elders. I'm busy sobering up."

The eyes of the people in the hall were flickering, and there was no reason for these words. Even if the grandmother was on her birthday, General Duan should insist on coming to salute, otherwise the reputation of "unfilial piety" would not be taken away. Besides, General Duan has always been healthy, so how could he say that he is sick.

Mrs. Duan resisted the gaze from all directions, frowning and scolding her: "Go and find Dalang for me."

Duan Wenyin couldn't bear to pass through the flower hall, and went outside to inquire about news in person.

At this time, a group of noble girls headed by Azhi came back. They are all daughters of noble princes and nobles. They are all around ten years old. They often play in one place on weekdays, and today is no exception. They had just been fighting grass and poetry in the garden, and they had a lot of fun, and when they felt tired, they returned to the flower hall together.

As soon as they came in, the room was full of fragrant fuss, smiling Yan Yan.

Azhi went up to the top of the east side and sat down in high spirits. Juesheng and Qizhi followed Azhi with their heads down.