MTL - Cannon Fodder Counterattack System-Chapter 58 Counterattack martial arts np text (six)

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Ye Si Nian was standing in his red dress, and he looked at the clouds that had been pulled up to his waist in front of him, and his eyes faded for the first time.

"Do not abandon." Ye Si Nian's eyebrows under the mask slightly picked up, and the voice slowly whispered: "Today, it is your tenth birthday..."

"Yes, Master..." Sensitively felt the change of the teacher's emotions. The cloud did not give up some of the uneasiness of the sleeves, but the eyes were not blinking for a moment, staring at the eyes of the teacher's face under the mask.

"It’s ten years old, it’s an adult." Ye Si-nian licked his lips and hesitated to the clear-cut scorpion of the slut. He slowly hesitated his hands behind his back. Suddenly changed a more roundabout way, said: "You want to know, what did you do when you were ten years old?"

Rarely listened to the teacher to talk about the previous things, the cloud did not abandon the double eyes suddenly, the uneasiness of the heart was immediately replaced by full curiosity, he nodded with a smile, said: "I want to know!"

Ye Si Nian’s eyes were a little unbearable, but he thought of the hatred of the child in front of him. He finally said: “The year when the teacher was born, it happened that no island was attacked. Under the enemy's sword, it took me ten years to train myself to the quadruple, and I will bear a sword on the day of my birth, and I will kill the enemy."

I didn’t take a bit of emotional words to make the cloud shake my heart. He looked up at the guru’s eyes with dark eyes, screamed and slammed his hand and hugged the waist of the master. He said: “The teacher is doing well. ! Those people are damn!"

Seeing the comfort in the eyes of the disciples, Yesian became a heavy heart with a loose heart, and sighed softly. He reached out and touched the smooth black hair of the disciple, saying: "Do you really think so?"

"Of course!" The cloud did not abandon the smile on the face of some young people. He tightened the waist of the master, and his voice sank: "If it is me, I will not let go of the enemy!"

"Do you want revenge?" Yessin’s eyes sank, and he gently touched his hair, and he struggled at the bottom of his heart.

"I don't want to go all the time!" Cloud does not give up his teeth. For the first time, he said in front of people that the hatred that has been suppressed in his heart: "My mother is the apple of the cloud family. It should have a very happy life, but Bai Xu! For that imaginary The sword scored a kiss to my mother. After learning that the sword score was only a rumor, regardless of the fact that my mother was pregnant, she took her back to the Yun family! Not only that, but in order to keep a good reputation, he even pretended to be a man. The robbers will kill the cloud house! Poor my mother, a weak female, struggling to escape in the fire, and fled to Qingzhou City to give birth to me..."

Ye Si young patted the voice of the voice in his arms, and his heart was full of distress.

In order to complete the task of counterattack, he naturally wants to help the cloud not to abandon the revenge.

When he brought the child back, he did have the idea of ​​cultivating him to grow up and waiting for him to avenge himself.

But after many years of companionship, he personally raised him and raised him. He watched him become excellent, cheerful, and sunny, and his pity could not bear to overcome the task he wanted to accomplish.

If... He can live happily ever after, how can he push the child he has created in front of him into the abyss of hatred?

He has been hesitant about whether or not to mention that topic.

but now……

The words full of hatred are still in the ear. Ye Sinian looked at the first time to confide in the face of hatred in front of her, and her heart filled with a little bit of distress.

Such a small child, what kind of hatred was originally carried, survived in such a terrible life?

He slowly crouched down and looked at the red-faced person in front of him. He said, "Today is your birthday, is it a gift for the teacher?"

The cloud does not abandon the tears that are about to overflow in the eyes, saying: "Good!"

Ye Si Nian touched his head, and the hesitation hesitation has been turned into a sigh.

Whether it is just revenge, if he is there, naturally he will not let the disciples be bullied by others.

One of the thoughts in the heart became more and more determined. Ye Sinian stood up and took the hands of the disciple and walked slowly toward the dungeon.

Ye Sinian patted his head on his eyes, and his eyes turned to the dungeons who were full of wolverines and described the sluggish people. Slowly said: "This person is called Li Shenji..."

The cloud did not abandon the hand of the master, and he tightened his eyes. He was surprised to see the man with almost no human form inside.

He naturally knows this person, and even his heart deeply hates him.

It was this person who secretly changed the medicinal materials when he was treating the niece, and clearly received the money given by the mother, but secretly changed the more valuable medicinal materials into worthless money. The maiden was because he ate the medicine. The body became worse and worse, and finally it was awkward.

It is his dead mother!

I thought that the old doctor who had been so hard to ask for the sigh of the medicine pot shook his head, and the cloud did not abandon his eyes and was red!

"He has been in this dungeon for five years." Yesi said faintly: "Today, I will give him to you as a teacher."

The cloud did not give up and looked up at his master. He blinked and there was something in his eyes that gradually awakened.

Ye Si Nian recruited a beckoning, and immediately took care of the dungeon to send a sword.

Looking at his own children with a gaze, Ye Sinian let go of his hand and said: "This person will dispose of you."

After all, he reached out and licked the hair that he did not give up, and turned and went out.

The cloud stood in the same place without abandoning, and the mind shook through the mind of the master. When he was ten years old, he slaughtered the enemy.

The dark bottom of the eye was surging, and the cloud did not give up and took the sword. He opened the door and walked in.

Ye Si Nian stood outside the dungeon, and it was only a time of tea, but he felt very difficult.

When the body full of blood was coming out of the dungeon, he felt a loose heart.

The cloud does not abandon watching a red dress obviously waiting for his master, speeding up, almost rushing toward him.

"Master!" The cloud does not abandon the waist of Yesian, as if he realized that he had killed people, and his voice was uneasy: "Master... I killed people..."

"Revenge only." Yester young patted the back of some trembling disciples, softly comforted: "It doesn't matter."

“Does Shizun dislike me?” The cloud raised his head without abandoning his eyes, and his eyes were full of fear: “Will you want me?”

"Of course not!" Yestheon patted his head with a funny smile, as if to drive away the uneasiness in his mind.

"The Master... will you be with me forever?"

The cloud did not abandon the eyes and flashed a trace of darkness, but Ye Si-nian, who was busy with the comforter, did not find it at all. His slender fingers gently wiped the blood marks from the cheeks of the apprentice, saying: "This is nature."


Ye Si Nian opened his eyes and entered the darkness.

With a sigh of relief and a tight back, Ye Sinian shook his head with a funny smile, feeling a little speechless about the fact that he would dream of such a long time.

Nowadays, the disciple has not been the first to kill in the past. I am afraid that I will not sleep alone for a long time. I have to take care of the children who can sleep well.

Thinking of his own child who has grown into a handsome young boy, Ye Sinian moved in the heart and suddenly walked down from the bed. He only opened the door and went to the room of the disciple in the middle of the coat.

On the first night of leaving the island, I don’t know if the baby sleeps well...


In the dark room, there was a few unbearable breaths.

The clouds don't leave in bed, the beautiful peach eyes are tightly closed, and a thin sweat is thrown out on the forehead.

The slender with a thin finger slowly crossed the sensitive top, thinking that the hands had been lingering over the shoulders and arms of the master, and the cloud did not give up the sigh, only felt that the body was so hard.

He never knew that he would have such a strong * for a person.

That is thicker than when he thinks about it, he can't help but squat.

He still remembers the thirteen-year-old night, and he woke up from the confused dreams, feeling the subliminal pleasure in his heart when he was wet and cold.

Yes, pleasure.

From the first face of the Master, he told himself that he would never let go in this life.

Although he was also possessive of the teacher's fullness, but in the end, young and ignorant, do not know exactly what should be considered to be truly completely possessed.

But since then, everything has been different.

He still remembers that in the dream, the teacher once stood in his body, and he was immersed in love. The red is moving, and the phoenix is ​​full of unbearable water...

The two days of the red lips that taught themselves were seductively opened slightly, and the long, slender legs were separated by their own strong shoulders, and they were put on their shoulders, and then...

Then I pushed myself hard and entered a wonderful and extreme place...

The cloud did not give up and slammed openly, and the peach eyes looked into the darkness without any eyes. The movements on the hands did not stop, and the force of self-abuse was generally madly moving up and down.

The strong waist unconsciously moved up, the chest violently undulating, the amount of sweat in the forehead, and the throat was unbearable.

The thrill is getting stronger and stronger, and the red-hot figure in my mind is more and more vivid. The cloud does not abandon the bite of the teeth, and the sound of rough breathing is getting bigger and bigger.

Suddenly, there was a soft noise coming from outside the house. The cloud that was about to climb the peak did not abandon the life and stopped the * that was about to be sprayed out. The red eyes slammed open and watched the direction of the door with vigilance.

But only for a moment, the vigilance in his eyes disappeared.

Familiar with the figure that will not be forgotten by the ash, printed on the door, the cloud does not give up the breath, and the eyes are dull.

Ye Si Nian’s face flashed a faint glimpse of his face. As an adult man, he can naturally guess what good things the master who is making the rough breath is doing...

Originally, I just planned to look at my own sleep and I was not safe. I didn’t expect to see such a scene. Rao Yes, Ye Si Nian has always been thick, and at this time, the tip of his ear is hot.

This...the soundproofing effect of this inn is too bad!

The cloud did not give up and stared at the figure that seemed to be stiff on the door. When his heart moved, his lips twitched with a complicated and unspeakable smile. His fingers jerked harder and harder, and slowly moved up and down.

The mouth is no longer suppressed, and the unbearable rough breathing echoes in the dark room, mixed with the sensation of feeling sensitive.

Master respect...

The heart is desperately calling the two words that don’t dare to say it. The cloud doesn’t give up on the eyes. He is staring at the familiar figure printed on the door, and the movements under him are more and more arrogant.

Master respect...

The low, full of * rough breath sounds like a ring in the ear, Ye Si Nian's electric shock generally plucked his hand, while the heart of the spit really grew up, the disciple did not have a child, and quickly turned back to the room.

Mother, what is this thing!

The figure on the door disappeared completely, and the cloud did not give up and closed his eyes.

A musky smell spreads in an instant, the cloud does not abandon the eyes, the lips are upturned a little bit, slowly picking up an unclear smile.

Yan Hong's tongue tipped out, slowly licking the dry lips, the cloud did not abandon the sigh and generally breathed, and the low-pitched sound filled with magnetic sounds in the dark.

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