MTL - C-class Hybrids Forced To Slay Dragons-Chapter 10 The first pot of gold and new words

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"This is not an illegal transaction, I seriously defend it! According to the school rules, low-level alchemy items can be circulated normally between mixed races and a small amount of profit can be obtained."

"Do you have anything to say about your preparation to assist cheating?" Manstein said helplessly. This student is really the most bizarre one he has ever brought. He started to make a mess before he entered school, and he still danced on the issue of the discipline of the students he banned.

"Can it be called cheating by using alchemy items to take the exam? If you remember it with a glass ball, you will remember it."

Luo Yin: I am very rebellious.

Manstein felt a headache as he pressed his glowing forehead.

Doesn't the Academy know the terrifying value of "permanent memories"? of course I know. The reason why this has not been dealt with is because of the potentially huge benefits. The higher-ups at the college, especially the board of trustees, are still debating what to do with it.

Some of the old antiques of the school board are typical blood supremacy, a cross-age alchemy item that C-rank happened to tinker with... Here you go, little brat!

Gather a group of alchemists and ask them if they have a hand in mass production. Give some spiritual comfort money afterwards and you're done.

The principal and the old cowboy stood up for their students as always, but their goal was to retain more benefits for the students.

"Eternal Memory" is a very low-level alchemy item, unable to store experience memory, and the form of memory is a very strange "dead data" form, which can only be remembered by concentration... But this does not prevent it from becoming a A great alchemical item because it's so cheap.

According to the report of the Alchemy Institute of the Ministry of Equipment, the performance of the production version may decrease and the scrap rate will increase, but the cost can be controlled below $50 each.

When Director Man was having a headache, Angers sent the final plan. The big stone in his heart finally fell.

"As for the prospective student Luo Yin's alchemy work 'Eternal Memory', the academy currently offers two acquisition plans.

Option 1, one-time buyout. 500,000 US dollars, permanently buy out the production process and exclusive sales rights of all similar products, the inventor reserves the right to produce, use and donate a small amount;

Option 2: Grant a production license to the outside world with a one-time payment of $50,000, and pay the inventor $5 for every alchemy item that uses related technologies sold in the future, with a license period of 50 years. Inventors can produce and sell in small quantities. "

Luo Yin's eyes turned green. How much is it, half a million?

He can retire and go directly to X City to retire. Kassel College? Bye bye.

The great cause of slaughtering dragons can realize self-worth, and making money is even more realized! Thank you, Dragon Language Analysis System.

"Your expression has already told me what you are thinking. You have to wash... sign a confidentiality letter when you drop out of school."

What to wash? shampoo? Oh, it's brainwashing, that's fine.

Luo Yin remembered the Japanese man he had caught a glimpse of a few days ago, Masashi Toyama, a teacher in the counseling office. Yan Ling had the effect of hypnosis and psychological suggestion.

Fucking George Orwell College, there are no human rights anymore.

"Another thing, for student Luo Yin's premeditated sale of alchemy items in an attempt to help students cheat, he made a demerit, disqualified from the scholarship for the first semester, and submitted a 3,000-word handwritten repentance letter within three days.

Is there any objection? "

How dare I have it.

"Plan one or plan two?"

"Two, two, two, two, I still have a long life. I have to pay it a 100-year rent at least."

Manstein: When you know the prophecy of the Dragon King's collective recovery, you won't be so confident.


In addition to realizing a little financial freedom, another good thing today is that the cooldown time for analysis has finally arrived.

[Parsable objects: 14, Parsable times: 1, do you want to start parsing? 】

Choose Word Spirit. Precepts, start analyzing!

[Analysis, estimated analysis time: 8 hours]

He has detected a lot of word spirits during this period of time, among which the high-risk level like Jun Yan cannot be parsed.

Words such as Clean Land and Bronze Throne have higher serial numbers and less analysis data, so the probability of failure is not low, and only incomplete models may be obtained. Jingtong, as his own voice, is the only exception.

And after analyzing the precepts, he might be able to break the precepts in the campus and use the precepts normally. has great strategic significance.

In the afternoon, it was another two-hour **** training, and Luo Yin went back to the bedroom to take a shower, exhausted. Ye Sheng is in love with Ya Ji's high-intensity text messages, staring at the screen and giggling continuously.

Brother Ye, you may have love, but what I get is money!

The process of waiting is always so torturous.

He has always been curious about the principle of the wonderful word of precepts. Is it just relying on high bloodline and spiritual strength to suppress it? One man against a whole campus of mixed races? Even if Flamel is a super hybrid close to S, is it reasonable, it's not.

【Analysis is complete】

[Word Spirit. Precepts

Effect: Create a silent field of elements and powers, prohibiting other dragons from using the word spirit

Use 29 sentences, 27 kinds of sentences

The model is as follows

Recommended carrier for alchemical items: mercury, death metal, sterling silver]

It is a superimposed structure of three layers of triangles and perfect circles, which looks simpler than a mirror pupil.

The principle of discipline is quite different from what he expected.

The bottom-level structure is an order, which probably means "stabilize" and "ban". In the middle is the operating system, which boots and maintains the operation of elements within the domain. The outermost layer is diffusion and amplification.

To put it simply, the reason why the dragons can use the spirit of words is because of the specificity of their spirit and the power and power flowing in the blood tissue, and they have the ability to directly communicate and operate the five elements.

And the precepts, the word spirit, closed the open element system. In this closed box, any form of power tampering is not allowed. All elements must move and change according to the rules of the precepts, that is, operate in accordance with the rules of nature.

And the diffusion and amplification structure of the outer layer allows the domain of this word spirit to expand to an incredible extent through the use of alchemy items.

From the perspective of spirituality, the precepts are not considered high-level spirituality, but analyzing the constitution of the precepts is of great significance for understanding the whole principle of spirituality.

And now, old cowboy, your words belong to me Luo Yin!


After the physical fitness class and general knowledge class ended in early June, Luo Yin struggled with discipline for a long time.

The outer structure is optional, and the inner two-layer structure is indispensable. UU reading is actually much more complicated than memory and mentally handicapped keys.

The final design was a circular steel base below, with a multi-layered loop infused with mercury; a small bronze pyramid above, filled with sterling silver.

This thing is just raw materials and labor costs, and one will cost more than 1,000 knives. If he hadn't just entered the well-off class by selling patents, he would have been suffocated by heartache.

The amount of engineering and complexity of this thing is really not overwhelmed, but his mirror pupils have now improved to a point where they can last for about 30 seconds. After suffering for seven or eight days, he seems to have succeeded.

[Level 1 alchemy item

Town Spirit Tower

Effect: weakens the power of word spirits within a radius of 3 meters, and is invalid for high-risk word spirits

How to inspire: Concentrate on the top of the tower

Remarks: A level 1 alchemy item that was barely successful. You are really small]

Luo Yin looked at the pyramid on the table and fell into philosophical contemplation.

In the huge discipline field of the campus, he can't use the mirror pupil, and every time he goes to the laboratory outside the school to make it.

Now that he has successfully made the Tower of Spirituality, he can no longer use the Spirit of Words.

He was very successful. In a way he succeeded, but he failed again.

Fortunately, the system did not let him down.

[Make a level 1 alchemy item for the first time, and reward the special model "Spellbreaker". Can be used to craft alchemical items

Remarks: I hacked the program you hacked me]

Compared with the model of the mirror pupil and the precepts, the lawbreaker model is much simpler, just a single-layered ball with 13 inscriptions.

Its effect is exactly the opposite of the precepts. The precepts maintain absolute order, while the lawbreakers create turbulent flow of elements.

Luo Yin's eyes flickered. This model is his hope of becoming a Cassell extrajudicial fanatic.
