MTL - Business Manager-Chapter 1820 test

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The patriarch Suzaku softly removed the coercion. For a moment, Feng Chen felt that his pressure had suddenly decreased. He was previously enveloped by the great and terrifying coercion of the patriarch Suzaku. Now it is suddenly removed. Such a sudden change in pressure makes his soul difficult Suffering also relieved his heart.

The coercion just now is too horrible. If it were not for his presence, otherwise, he would not have realized the horror of this coercion.

He even had a feeling that if the patriarch of the Suzaku family wanted to be against him, a look would be enough.

"Young man, what's your name?" The head of the Suzaku tribe looked at Feng Chen with an unpredictable expression, and then asked.

To be honest, even she didn't figure out why she would be interested in a junior. If she had to say one reason, she would probably attribute it to Feng Chen's body, because she felt it in Feng Chen's body. A sense of intimacy, this intimacy is from the same family.

"Strange, how did I feel the breath of my sister in him, who is this young man?" The head of the Suzaku clan stared at Feng Chen, trying to see through the body of Feng Chen, but when her **** thought was approaching Feng Chen When he was at Dantian, a mysterious force would be born to force her out of thought.

In fact, most of the factors that attract the Suzaku patriarch's breath are the original power in the sealed dust body and the power of the world over all other forces.

Of course, there is also a small part of the reason is that he has a breath of phoenix on his body. In the fairy realm, Tianjige Phoenix Mountain, Phoenix Nirvana, that virtual shadow is the phoenix of the **** world.

People outside know that the word of the Suzaku family is the woman who stands in front of her. But the real Suzaku family is in charge of this virtual Phoenix, known as the Queen of Heaven.

However, there are not many monks who really know Tianhou. It is estimated that the entire demon clan knows that the demon repair of Tianhou will never exceed one palm.

"Back to seniors, Fengchen is underneath!" Feng Chen replied with his fists in his hands, bowing slightly.

"Feng Chen ..." After the patriarch of the Suzaku tribe is Mei, she read the name in her mouth and waved: "Wait for you to come first!"

"Eh ..." Everyone kneeled down on the ground obediently. They all thought that Feng Chen would definitely escape today, but who ever thought that this guy was safe and sound, especially the carefree of the wild lions. His eyes closed, his face was puzzled.

"Good danger!" When Jin Chan heard this, a boulder hanging in his heart finally fell, and his forehead was covered with big sweat beads, showing how nervous and worried he was just now.

"Seniors have orders, juniors dare not obey!" Feng Chen looked calmly, and did not show his nervousness in the face of the Mayor of Suzaku.

Later, the Suzaku patriarch turned and walked straight towards the center of the high platform.

At the center of the platform, a hundred sphere-shaped stones were placed, with a rounded appearance. Almost everyone on the scene knew the role of the hundred stones, but the layman, Fengchen, was not very clear.

In fact, this ball is similar to a sphere-shaped stone, and its role is to test whether these monsters who participate in asking Tianlu have this qualification. At the same time, each person obtains an identity card according to different strengths.

The identity card is a symbol of participating in the question of the sky. The higher the number on the identity card, the stronger the person is. If the number on the identity card is lower, then everyone is expected to see the lower rank. Everyone wanted to bully him.

After all, there are so many people involved in the selection of Tianlu Road. Among them, the strength of these people must be uneven, strong or weak.

"Young man, use your full strength to hit it!" Feng Chen nodded towards the Mayor of Suzaku, and went straight to a certain stone. Feng Chen didn't know the role of the stone, only Know this stone is used to test if the contestant is eligible.

After he took a deep breath, he moved the divine power in his body, hit it with a full blow, and blasted with a punch.

The moment he hit the stone with his full punch, a purple light flashed on the stone, which disappeared for about two breaths and disappeared.

The purple light on the trial stone brightens the flirty not far away.

"His ... purple ..." Everyone at the scene saw the purple ray of the trial stone. Although the purple ray appeared for a short time, it couldn't hide from everyone's eyes, not to mention the dust on the platform was tested by one person No one else existed, so their attention was all focused on Feng Chen's body, and for the scene just now, they took their eyes.

"How could it be, how could it be ... who is he?" After a moment's surprise, everyone was unbelievable.

The purple light is the highest level of color. This trial stone will burst into different colors according to different strengths, red orange yellow green blue blue purple, the lowest level is red, and the highest level is purple.

Taking a step back ten thousand steps, the punch of Feng Chen just made the trial stone burst purple, which means that the number on Feng Chen ’s identity card is higher, which shows that Feng Chen ’s strength is very scary.

For many people at the scene, especially under the eyes of the public, almost many monsters have marked an unprovocable label on Feng Chen.

For the worry-free Lion family, Feng Chen once again surprised him a lot.

"Interesting, I hope to meet again in the next assessment!" There is no expression on the worry-free face of the wild lion family. On the contrary, he is very bland.

"Young man, you are very good, but you don't care about it. There are people outside, there are mountains outside the mountain, and the lion beats the rabbit with all its strength, otherwise, you will die in the next second. Identification card! "

With a big wave from Mei, a purple jade card flew towards Feng Chen on her own.

After receiving the identity card, Feng Chen received the bosom when he saw that the number displayed on the jade card was five.

The power shown by Feng Chen's fist is enough to show his strength at this time, but for another ten thousand steps, he can only reach five.

"Come on!" After the test, Mei Hou waved her hand towards Feng Chen.

"People participating in the assessment are now starting the test, and irrelevant people are not allowed to enter the room!" After the end of Mei Mei, the scene began to queue up and prepare for the test.

Feng Chen stood looking down for a while and found that the colors of the trial stones in the middle of the high platform were mostly red, and orange and yellow also accounted for most of them. Only a few green and cyan, which did not add up. Just ten people.