MTL - BOSS’s Guide To Seeking Death-Chapter 249 Lord of Artifacts

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The paper mills of Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen have already produced the first batch of paper. '' shi

The quality of these papers is really not good, but after all, it is just the beginning. Qi Jingchen is already very satisfied. He asked people to send all these papers that can write, although they are defective, to the schools in the Western District for the children there. He took away some of the very soft paper he made from the paper mill, and intended to use it as toilet paper.

In Yell, the rich people basically use a kind of cloth to wipe farts. However, Qi Jingchen still prefers paper, but he has run out of paper.

"After waiting for the production technology of these papers to become mature, Chenguang will be able to replace them all over there," Qi Jingchen said.

Nie Yi nodded, the paper cost is low, and Chenguang Restaurant looks different. Why not?

The paper mill was not far from the holy city, and the carriage was less than half an hour. However, it was not long after his carriage had just left the paper mill that day. The unicorn pulling the cart suddenly hissed, and then fell dead.

Someone attacked! Nie Yi and Qi Jingchen guessed this almost immediately, and the fact is the same.

Louise sent to catch Qi Jingchen.

This is the holy city, and the people of the Rose Empire must also be careful to act, so in order to make a quick decision, Louise came to arrest Qi Jingchen, a wizard.

The space around the carriage was immediately blocked, and the Magister quickly rushed towards Qi Jingchen.

This was Qi Jingchen and Nie Yi's most powerful enemies. The two had little power to fight back. Qi Jingchen also immediately stopped Nie Yi's behavior of wanting to fight back, and then spurred the Mirror of Light.

After arriving in Yell, Qi Jingchen has been trying to repair the mirror of light, but has not been able to do so, but even so, he has restored the mirror of light, and even found more ways to use it.

For example, after becoming a nine-star magician and getting a lot of white dots from the people in the Western District, Qi Jingchen learned to use a mirror of light to prop up a protective cover.

Nie Yi pulled the coachman to his side, and then Qi Jingchen suddenly burst into a strong light energy.

This bright energy is too strong. Although there are enchantments set by the Magister around, it still breaks through the enchantment and rises into the sky.

This white energy is almost visible even during the day.

This development made the magic teacher suddenly startled. In fact, even Qi Jingchen was taken aback.

Although he came from the earth to Yell, there are still many small light spots flying from the earth. Although these light spots seem to be weakened because of their distance, they can still supplement his light magic at all times, and there is even a surplus .

And the rest were eventually sent into the mirror of light.

He couldn't remember how much energy he had sent into the mirror of light, only that he had never used the mirror of light these days.

The Mirror of Light can only enter and exit, and it is not surprising that it has such a powerful power now.

It's just ... This battle hasn't started yet, it seems that at this time, it can't be carried on anymore?

Through the protective cover formed by the bright mirror in front of himself, Qi Jingchen could see outside the protective cover, how could the wizard not open the light shell in front of him.

Of course he can't open it, the mirror of light, this is an artifact!

It is a pity that the Magister cannot attack them, nor can they attack the Magister, that is, the other party can leave at any time, and they have no way to stop them.

Qi Jingchen had just thought of this, and saw that the Magister outside the protective cover had left after several invalid attacks.

This Magister is the person who arranged the Holy Empire in the Holy City. He must hide his identity. Speaking of which, if it was not for Louise ’s letter from the Empress of the Rose Empire, he would never do this. It's a matter of course, but now it's not easy to find Qi Jingchen, of course he has to retreat quickly.

However, I don't know if the wizard is unlucky. He just retreated and met some people.

The holy city is the center of the whole Hyer, and it is very prosperous. Here, magic wizards and wizards are not uncommon. He encountered a few magic wizards.

With this guilty conscience, he almost subconsciously shot at these wizards ...

These wizards are a little embarrassed. The light is suddenly bright here. This light does not seem to be malicious at all. It seems that a powerful wizard is blessing or upgrading. Of course, these wizards are coming to see of.

As a result, they were attacked before they approached?

Some of these wizards failed to respond at the beginning, and when they did, they retaliated almost immediately.

So the two sides fought.

Magisters are one level higher than Magisters and can almost crush them, but now there is only one Magister and several Magisters. In a short time, these Magisters could barely resist the Magister's attack. .

Time has passed as a result of this resistance, and at this time, more and more people have come here, the most of them are the bright gods.

Others can only feel the strong light magic there, guessing that there is a powerful light magician there, but the people of the light gods can feel more.

The first thing they felt was that this light magic was different.

This magic power is extremely pure, even more pure than the magic power of the Son, and it is extremely powerful ... When did such a strong man appear in the Light God?

After feeling this magic, almost all the bright magicians could not sit still, and even the six elders of the Central College hurried towards this place.

"What the **** is going on there?"

"When did Bright Deity have another strong one?"

"Let's go and see!"

"Good pure magic of light, so powerful! Is there another elder?"


Many people have talked about the works. On the mountain, the pope, who has been sitting, turned his head and looked in the direction of Qi Jingchen.

"A little stronger ..." The Pope's voice was very light. Only he could hear it. After he finished speaking, he resumed his original sitting position, and then practiced the magic of light to gather all the magic of light around him.

The magic of light around him is much richer, and the purity is not worse than that around Qi Jingchen who now uses the mirror of light.

The wizard who was blocked by several wizards found that more and more people were coming here, and they were very anxious and anxious to escape immediately, but at this time, the wizards suddenly called out.

"Come help, this guy sneakily doesn't know what to do!"

"Friends around, do me a favor, and thank you in the future!"

These wizards are famous in the holy city. They were attacked well. They were slightly wounded in the previous battles, so they were naturally furious to ask for help from the people around them.

As for asking for help, it ’s not good-looking ... The people who hit them are wizards, and these wizards are asking people for help, and they are not ashamed!

The magic robes of these wizards are well-dressed, and they are wearing medals. Although these faces are not a household name in the holy city, the strong men of the same level basically know them, and the wizard ...

The Magister used something to cover his face and didn't wear a badge on his body. It was really sneaky ... The people around him helped the Magisters.

In this situation, the wizard was even more annoyed, and regretted that he suddenly acted towards several passing wizards under a guilty conscience.

However, he regrets that it is too late!

The speed of the Holy Power is very fast, and when others guess that the magic of light over there has been upgraded, he already knows that it is Qi Jingchen who used the mirror of light. In this case, he saw that there was something obviously wrong. Magic teacher, naturally will do it.

A white light flashed, and the surrounded wizard suddenly fell to the ground.

The wizards were still a little bit lost, and then they heard a voice saying, "Come here!"

The voice went to the place where the powerful light energy was emitted. The wizards looked at each other and immediately picked up the wizard on the ground and chased it.

The person who talked was too powerful. According to their inference, it should be a Holy Power. Now they have a chance to please a Holy Power. It can't be great.

By the way, what is going on there? How could even the Holy Power be attracted?

There ... Of course Qi Jingchen is still maintaining the protective cover of the mirror of light.

The Mirror of Light is probably "eating" too much. When the protective cover is emitted, the energy emitted is very strong. Not to mention, at this moment, I don't want to take it back.

Of course, Qi Jingchen didn't dare to take it back easily. The magic teacher ran away badly, but some dead men stayed here. These dead men knew their strength and could n’t run if they wanted to run. It might be killed by Louise, so I didn't run at first.

And now they can't run away.

"Qi Jingchen, are you okay?" Not far from here in the Western District, and the old Norman was a wizard again. He came over quickly, and then looked at the huge protective cover formed by the mirror of light with envy.

Worthy of being an artifact! The protective cover that fell into the hands of a nine-star magician was even stronger than the protective cover he had made with the magic of light!

"I'm fine." Qi Jingchen said immediately.

At this time, the six elders also came. He came by, standing in the air with the help of the magic of light, and after looking at Qi Jingchen, he said, "You're all right, I'll let someone check this out." "

"Thank you Elder Six," Qi Jingchen said.

The speed of those wizards was not slow, and this time also came. When hearing Qi Jingchen's words, it became clear that the strong man who had just shot was the six elders of the Bright Deity, and his expression was naturally a little excited.

Then they recognized Qi Jingchen again.

After the six elders arrived, Qi Jingchen put away the mirror of light. In this way, his appearance was clearly displayed in front of everyone.

Qi Jingchen's reputation in the holy city is not small now, many people know him, and all the wizards know him, and now they are a little embarrassed-Qi Jingchen is just a nine-star magician? How could there be such a strong light magic?

At this time, the people of the Bright City of the Holy City came one after another. When they saw the six elders, they saluted, and then they looked around puzzledly. They wanted to know who was emitting such powerful light energy. , And able to work here again.

When the six elders saw this, they simply said, "Qi Jingchen has been recognized by the Mirror of Light, and His Majesty the Pope values ​​him. Someone had to do something to him before. This matter must be investigated closely!"

Mirror of Light! It was a mirror of light!

No wonder there will be such a strong light magic here, it turned out to be the mirror of light! And Qi Jingchen, he turned out to be the master of the artifact!

Those who are bright gods are envious and jealous of looking at Qi Jingchen, while everyone around them has the same mind when they look at Qi Jingchen-they must make a good deal of this person! If there is such a friend, they will be seriously injured in the future, maybe they can find Qi Jingchen to save them!

More importantly ... The Light God has said before that the person who can make the Mirror of Light recognize the Lord can become the Pope.

This is the master of the artifact, the future pope!

These people looked at Qi Jingchen with excitement, and they could not wait to talk to Qi Jingchen immediately, and had another explanation for the previous plague.

No wonder Qi Jingchen can solve the plague, it turns out he has an artifact!

When Qi Jingchen saw the surrounding situation, he knew that his future treatment would inevitably be completely different from that in the past.

On this side, Qi Jingchen paid attention again, and on the other side, Louise was anxiously waiting for the result.

Seeing Jon coming in from the outside, Louise asked hurriedly, "Jon, is this done?"

The aged Jon looked downright eyebrows. He looked at Louise and said, "No news yet."

"Why is there no news yet? A wizard can't catch two senior wizards?" Louise complained dissatisfied, and then grabbed a thing on the table and threw it at Jon: "You still stand What are you doing? Can't you just go outside and watch? "

Jon has always been reviled by Louise and obeyed Louise, but this time he did not listen to Louise and left, but took a step towards Louise: "Princess, they It hasn't come yet, and maybe it has failed. "

Louise was immediately angry, and at this moment Jon said, "But I have a way to relieve the princess' pain."

"What can you do?" Louise looked at Jon dismissively, and the next second, her neck was cut off with an ice skate.

Louise showed an unbelievable expression, and eventually fell slowly to the ground.

Jon looked at Louise and sighed: "Princess, who made the Empress value you so much, and who made you find a solution to the magic core problem?"

Louise is dead. She has low strength and can rely on the people around her for good and fortune. Now people around her want to kill her, and she has no resistance.

The ice skate was drawn away, and Louise's warm blood gushed out from the fracture, infecting the land beneath her.

Watching Louise die like this, Jon sighed.

Such a princess who has not experienced anything, everything around him depends on the princess given by others, why fight with the princess?

There is also Prince Eric. He is indeed talented and intelligent, but the Queen did not like him since he was a child. He was young, and with his own intelligence, he could only count Louise.

Now that Louise is dead, the Queen's first suspicion must be the Bright Deities. Then, the Queen will find some small movements of Eric ...

Jon's face was a little ironic, and he stroked Louise's hair gently, then launched an ice-based magic.

He sent a lot of ice magic to others, but this magic was issued to himself, and soon he died under his magic.

Those ice blades melted, all traces here disappeared instantly.

After a while, someone rushed in from outside: "Princess, the plan failed, Qi Jingchen ... Princess!"