MTL - BOSS Dresses as a Cutie-Chapter 70 As a treasure 8

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Although he was unwilling in his heart, Ahaz was reluctant to look at the juveniles.

After Qing Yun finished his lunch, he naturally raised his chin to Ahaz, and Ahaz sent a clean silk slap in the past.

Looking at the blushing lips that the boy had licked on the white silk pad, Ahaz looked dark and the soul was eager to move. Imagine the scent of the blush with the bite in the mouth, but the body of the robot is cold and cold, every move Behave in accordance with the rules.

This contrast has made Ahaz’s heart once again a kind of impatience. Suddenly, his flash of light flashed, maybe he could take advantage of the opportunity of the teenager to find the owner's tokens, and take the opportunity to meet the teenager?

He can even get along with the teenager with another important identity before the teenager knows his true identity, so that he does not have to worry about the so-called seniority, nor does he have to fear that the teenager will have embarrassing emotions because of his identity.

When the teenager knew who he was, he had already solved his stupid son and Feng Feiming!

This idea slowly formed in the heart of Ahaz, he could not wait for almost a moment, and took the opportunity to return to his body to arrange various matters.

When Qingyun woke up the next day, he found that the man who had been with him had disappeared. The only thing he faced was the robotic butler who set the first master as Shen Minghao.

Coincidentally, the man disappeared, and in the gap between the bookcases that had been searched by Qingyun, a small and exquisite box seemed to be hidden but extremely conspicuous.

Qingyun raised an eyebrow and stepped on the slippers. The box is covered with dust, and it is indeed like being placed here for years without being touched. However, Qingyun knows well that this place was clearly empty yesterday.

Wipe the dust off the box, and Qingyun opens the box, a piece of paper with an eight-digit mark lying quietly in the box.

The degree of obsolescence of paper and ink is just right, and the handwriting is indeed that Shen Ming's father's handwriting is correct.

Qing Yun sat at the table, and looked at this little piece of paper, but the corner of his mouth evoked a touch of play. Before he fell asleep last night, the man was still there. He left the crowd this morning, and quietly sent the box with the perfect craftsmanship to his house.

Not to mention anything else, just one night's time, can perfectly imitate the handwriting of the dead Shen Mingxi's father, which shows that the man's background can not be underestimated.

What's more... This man can still get from the very strict organization of the confidentiality procedure, and get the transaction code that only the father of Shen Minghao and the top management of the organization have the right to know.

Is it difficult for a man to be related to that organization?

Qingyun stared at the cipher in his hand. In the world he received, he did not mention more about that organization, because Feng Feiming and Yodel did not have too deep contact with the organization.

But in some details, it is not difficult to see how similar the organization is, like a bank, that specifically stores people's valuable items and provides some precious goods trading channels.

He remembered several auctions attended by Feng Feiming and Jodel, and there were traces of this organization behind it.

After thinking about no results, Qing Yun did not think much more. Since the man managed to send the secret number to him, he said that he was ready to meet him. It may not take long to know his true identity.

At the same time, Qingyun really wants to thank him. If he can't find the secret number, I am afraid that Qingyun still wants other ways to get the owner's tokens. Now it saves him a lot of trouble.

However, there is another big problem in front of Qingyun. He queried on the Internet. The organization has a rule that if the items stored on a regular basis are not taken out in advance, the customer has to pay a part of the liquidated damages. To compensate for the loss of the organization personnel program transfer.

Qing Yun didn't know what the life of Shen Mingqi's father had requested to save, but he still hasn't arrived until now, otherwise the organization should take the initiative to contact him. Feng Feiming has always left Shen Mingyu with his thoughts, no matter how He can take the family tokens by Shen Mingzhen, the heir to the heir.

A Patterson family owner's token, according to the value of the assessment of liquidated damages is certainly not a small number, perhaps for Fei Feiming Yodel can be casually taken out, but it is not easy for Shen Mingzhen.

Even if he had the legacy left by his parents, and the large amount of pocket money given by Feng Feiming, all of these properties were under the surveillance of Feng Feiming, and Qingyun’s move would attract the attention of Feng Feiming.

Directly give the secret number to Feng Feiming, ask him to help?

Qing Yun did not have this plan. If he only intends to hand over the token of the owner to Feng Feiming, he will now hand him the secret number in his hand.

But Qingyun wants to give Feng Feiming more than just a homeowner's token. He wants to give Feng Feiming a heartfelt birthday gift that will last forever.

So now of course you have to be "confidential."

After crossing several worlds, it was the first time that Qingyun was struggling with money. He checked the balance of his account through the Internet to ensure that his login action was detected by Feng Feiming before he quit the bank account. Log in and go to the side of the bookshelf and draw a script of his own creation.

Qingyun thought for a moment and called a teacher at the drama school: "Teacher, I am very short of money recently. Now I have a script in my hand. Can you recommend it for me?"

The other end of the phone quickly gave Qingyun a reply and gave him a contact with a well-known director.

The director, called Rossi, has a very deep background in the entertainment industry, and the box office he has seen is very impressive.

Qingyun looked at the director's name, but his eyes slowly sneered.

Whether it is this teacher or the director he recommended, it is the devil who really broke into the abyss of depression after Shen Mingzhen was driven out of the Patterson family.

Just as an adult, he was driven out of the Patterson family. Shen Mingyu, who was helpless, got the help of the teacher. The original child had raised hope for life, but was directly crushed by the later encounter.

This teacher recommended Shen Mingxi to Rossi, who had a very chaotic private life. Rossi once saw the talent of Shen Minghao, but he was fascinated by his delicate and childlike appearance.

After Feng Feiming announced that he had expelled Shen Mingyu from the Patterson family, his original Patterson family was even more public, so that Rossi, who had been playing with him, was even more fascinated by Shen Minghao.

Shen Ming, who has a simple but extremely bottom line, certainly does not want to fall into this chaotic circle, but Rossi and others do not allow him to stay away, smash, entangle, and use all kinds of means.

Hiding in the fear of Shen Mingzhen, who lived in fear every day, the original romantic feelings and love for life gradually disappeared, eventually resulting in death, and suicide with resentment against the whole world.

Sending the scanned version of the script to Rossi's mailbox, Qingyun's eyes are cold, taking advantage of this opportunity, and let Rossi and the unscrupulous teacher solve it.

Because Shen Mingzhen used the name of his e-country on behalf of the Patterson family, and only knew that his teacher named Shen Mingzhen did not know his true identity.

Therefore, the means of doing the next thing is estimated to be no convergence.

Ready for these, Qing Yun went downstairs to the restaurant.

Feng Feiming has already waited for the following, his black lacquered scorpion swept over Shen Mingzhen, and the gentleness that floated up in the eyes of the past few days has dissipated.

"You log in to your bank account today? How is it that the pocket money is not enough?" Feng Feiming looked at the teenager who had the same performance as usual, and asked with a gentle but false voice.

Not only the bank account, Shen Minghao's various news on the computer this morning, Feng Feiming is all clear, his monitoring of Shen Minghao is not only relying on the housekeeper k.

Upon hearing the culture of Feng Feiming, the boy who was quietly eating breakfast on the table suddenly screamed, and the spoon of the soup was too late to prevent the porcelain plate from touching and making a harsh sound. However, the boy obviously disguised his emotions very quickly, and smiled and said to Feng Fei: "Nothing, just think of it, look at it."

The teenager obviously has something to do with Feng Feiming.

Feng Feiming's twilight is even colder. Yesterday, he and Jodel just mentioned the owner's token. Today, Shen Mingxi searched online for the amount of liquidated damages required to take out the items in advance, and also logged into the bank account.

He did all this in the dark, but the teenager who had nothing to say to him was always concerned about him, and he was obviously glaring at him.

This is not to make Feng Feiming more chilling, but also secretly glad that he has not been fascinated by the youth shown before.

He even looked at Shen Mingzhen a bit, and originally thought that he was a waste of obsessive art and nothing care. Now it seems that the mind is clear and deep.

I remembered that using that kind of performance to paralyze him, what I had done in the past few days, and the love that still appears in my eyes is almost going to make him really not? If it wasn’t for yesterday that Jodel had no warnings about the homeowner’s trust, he was afraid that he would not see the true face of Shen Ming’s.

Perhaps it was noticed that Feng Feiming was too focused, and the teenager who sat on the meal looked at him and showed a shy but bright smile.

The smile that often makes Feng Feiming feel warm and ironed can only arouse the sneer in his heart, make this innocent look, and secretly not plan how to get the Patterson family back from him?

Feng Feiming coveted, and since Shen Mingxi decided to take out the owner's token in advance, he would be good for him. When he got the token, this Shen Mingyu was useless, and he didn't have to keep this unsightly thing.

Feng Feiming’s reaction to Qingyun’s eyes is in his eyes, but there is no explanation for it. He quickly received a reply from the director Rossi, saying that he wanted to meet and talk about the plot, and the location was set in a famous clubhouse.

Looking at the location, Qingyun smiled ironically. He refused the driver's request to send him, but he went with the script.

His move made Feng Feiming believe that his own guess was not to be said, but he even shocked Ahaz once again.

Ahaz has been busy scheduling meetings with Qingyun in the past few days. For this reason, he has organized the address of a recent auction to be within the power of the Patterson family. Although he can’t always follow these days. Beside Qingyun, but you have to go through every night, and you can feel at ease with a teenager’s sleep.

Today is the evening, how suddenly did the teenager go out? At the same time, the requirements of the butler and the driver were rejected.

Ahaz was so worried that he knew that Shen Minghao was very little going out, and he is now on vacation, even if the school does not need to go, there is no reason for himself to go out at night.

Moreover, although the teenager is very talented in the creation of drama, but in real life, he is not good at getting along with others. He is also wearing a kind of soft and childlike temperament. When he meets a good person, he will meet someone who is not in the wrong place. do?

Ahaz thought for a moment, and shut himself down and returned to his body.

Within the Elmond family, Ahaz, who was lying in bed, got up and made a call: "Remove the monitoring of the road conditions around the Patterson family and pass it on to me."

Three minutes later, Ahaz got the monitor, and he quickly found the boy.

After the teenager came out of the house, he took a floating car alone. Ahaz immediately locked the suspension car, and at the same time, he zoomed in and looked at the things held in the boy’s hand. Is it a script?

Ahaz frowned, what did the teenager do with the script?

But looking at the route of the suspension car, Ahaz soon did not feel entangled in this matter, because this suspension car turned out to be the most well-known gold cave in the capital of the country, the Venus Club.

Where does Ahaz, who owns the shares of this club, do not know what kind of place Venus is? It can be the most secretive and most reassuring place to talk, or it can be the most luxurious and splendid paradise on earth. Here, as long as you have the money, all kinds of restricted games can be played.

Ahaz did not expect that the teenager would actually go to this place. Seeing that the teenager had entered the gorgeous door of Venus, he couldn’t sit still right away, and immediately changed clothes to make people go out.

The simple Shen Mingzhen certainly will not go to Venus for his own whim, and it is definitely misleading.

Ahaz sat on the levitation vehicle and let the driver drive to Venus. He used all his powers to find out why the teenager went to Venus today. Worry and anger are surging in the heart of Ahaz. Whoever scammed Shen Ming to Vienna, he will smash the man to feed the dog!

The soft and childish juvenile enters Venus without any protection, and it is definitely a sheep.

Ahaz flashed anxiously in his eyes, and he wanted to kick the driver off and drive himself.

I don't know if my actions have disrupted all the men's plans. Qingyun has already entered Vienna. He walks through the luxuriant but full of the bottom of the beautiful, like the more crazy second floor.

In the private room, Rossi looked at the time and waited impatiently. He turned his head and looked at Ruisen who recommended him to Shen Mingzhen: "The person you are looking for is still quite big. It hasn't come yet. Not small?"

Ruisen quickly waved his hand: "It's an ordinary student, listening to the name is still a mixed-race, and the lack of money, will definitely come. And the photo... Have you seen it?"

Ruisen’s last sentence dispelled Rossi’s intolerance. He did see the boy’s photo and agreed to pull the person to see him. After all, there are many stars in the circle, but it’s really childlike. It is rare to see an angel like a teenager.

I don't know if this little cute is coming into Venus, will it be scared by the scene here?

Rossi picked up the glass and covered her mouth with a malicious smile. The more pure things, the more I want to make people cruel, so he chose this place to meet.

And he has seen it, the young man's script is well written, and if the real person is like the photo, he doesn't mind raising him.

Ruisen saw the fun of Rossi’s eyes, and he secretly sighed. He worked as a teacher for many years in the School of Drama, so the business of pimping was a good way to go. But he also knows that Rossi has a deep background in the entertainment industry. If he finds a student who doesn't know him, he can't eat it.

Ruisen used to be a student of performance majors, but Shen Minghao’s professional writer has grown better than the one he had previously looked for. Ruisen knows the appetite of Rossi at first glance, so pay attention to Shen Ming’s appetite. Time is up.

When Rossi looked away from time to time, he turned to the entrance of the private room. He remembered that the teenager who was shining in the sun in the photo felt itchy and took a ride with a handsome boy.

In fact, he knows in his heart that the family that can raise such a temperament will never be as ordinary as Ruisen said. After all, Rossi is a very experienced director. He looks at people carefully. The photo was taken clearly, and the finger of the young man holding the page was white and delicate, which was absolutely impossible for ordinary people in normal life.

Just look at the photo, Rossi can guess, such a teenager is absolutely pampered at home, it is estimated that the length is so large, in addition to reading books and even the cup of water must be served by others.

The more it is, the more interesting Rossi feels, the ordinary teenager forced by life and the young master who is grown up in the palm of his hand, playing is definitely two different feelings.

As for the background behind the boy, Rossi did not care. With his family's status in the e-state, there are only a few families that need him to avoid it. Others play and they don't even need to explain it.

Rossi is enjoying the service of the boy around him. Suddenly he feels that the private room is quiet for a moment. He subconsciously looks at the entrance and suddenly stops breathing for a moment.

It was a boy who was incompatible with the dark scenes around him. He was like the best boy in the church choir. He was comforted by God's loving eyes every day, otherwise he could not exude such a childlike temperament. The chestnut-brown hair and the amber-like scorpion, even in the light of the private room, did not have a hint of haze.

He is an angel who has entered the **** and has a deadly appeal to the creatures they live in the dark.

Because the extremes of things must be reversed, the ultimate purity is the most tempting.

Not only himself, Rossi heard the breathing of several partners around him almost immediately. 2k novel reading network