MTL - Blade and Sword God Sovereign-~ Chapter 120, Tengen Castle

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In the beginning of the troubled world, although many heroic geniuses were born, they only had some power to defend against the dark army's offensive. Most of the small and medium-sized sects, and even some ancestral gates with tens of thousands of years of inheritance, They were all leveled under the 'iron hooves' of the Dark Army and captured...

For a time, the whole continent was full of people. 『≤顶『≤点『≤小『≤说,

Numerous ordinary people and low-powered warriors are all day long, and they are afraid that the next moment will be where they live.

Most of the warriors have taken the quest to take over large-scale sects, and are willing to pay any conditions, only to be able to survive.

Only some old, weak, and sick people who are really unable to move will be helpless and stay at home and die.

The place where the dark army invaded was not only the [Heavenly World], [Hell Road], [Hungry Ghost Road], [Animal Road], [Ashulu Road] were also affected...

It can be said that only because Ding Hao had previously set a ban on the "humanity" of the earth, without the influence of this dark force, the other five roads were invaded by the dark forces...

[Six Worlds] This has not yet completed the reincarnation, and now there are foreign forces invading, and soon it becomes more chaotic.

Asked Jianzong and the court, as well as the white dynasty and the phoenix palace, under this powerful, almost unstoppable dark force, how much has been affected, but behind the scenes, so that they can not stand ......

Ning Zhou, Jingyu Town.

Ding Hao is still here at the moment.

"Hey, you know, the outside is a big mess now..." Wu Lao, who came back from the outside, suddenly summoned all the people in Jingyu Town and said with a worried heart.

"Wu Lao, what happened in the end?" Wu Lao, who is in the realm of Wu Sheng, said that it was a mess, and it was so dignified. People in Jingyu Town naturally noticed the seriousness of the matter.

Wu Lao sighed: "I didn't know where I suddenly came in from the army, burning and looting everywhere, many sects and countries, and they were killed by this army..."

"What!" Hearing this, all the people in Jingyu Town were shocked.

Sitting at the very end of the plate, Ding Hao, who is practicing the power of the Five Elements, has a slight movement, stopped practicing, slowly opened his eyes, looked at Wu Lao, and listened to his words silently.

"It is said that the number of the army is very large, and each of them is extremely powerful. Recently, they have also attacked many major forces, including the Tianzhi Island in the South China, the Great Leiyin Temple in the West Desert, and the Orcs in the North. Even the white sacred gods, the Xianhuang Palace, the gods and the swords, they also have to attack..."

"God, where did this army come from, and even attacked so many martial arts holy places, don't they know that these forces are the most powerful sects in our heavenly world..."

"You idiots, they must know, so they will attack, but according to my guess, they will certainly be beaten, even if they are eradicated."

"Well, that's for sure. You have to know that Jianzong and the characters behind the court, but Ding Supreme, as long as Ding Supreme shot, those forces will definitely fall apart..."

Wu Lao was a bitter smile and shook his head. "I don't know if Ding Zhizun has a shot, but those troops have not been extinct, and the momentum is still flourishing. I heard that they are now part of the dry state of Middle-earth China. I'm afraid it won't take long, and our northern domain will fall into chaos..."


Many people in Jingyu Town heard this and couldn’t help but panic, one by one, worried and frowning...

"Ding Wei's movements are really fast. Maybe it's time to walk around..." Ding Hao didn't listen any more. After a snoring, he stood up and did not attract anyone's attention. It turned into a blue smoke and disappeared directly. .

Disappeared with him, and there is still a dead moon that is still asleep in the distance.

Ding Hao has sealed his own strength. Although he has been incarnation, he has traveled the mainland, and even many incarnations have helped the Zongmen and towns around the country to block the offensive of the dark army. However, his deity has always stayed here, but he has not gone out. For the sake of cultivation, I could not receive any avatar message, so the deity could not know the invasion of the dark forces...

Now that I know the news, Ding Hao’s deity can’t stay quiet here, and the time he stayed here is really long enough.


Middle-earth China.

It was originally the hinterland of the mainland, the bustling place, but because of the news that the dark army was invading, there were many people who fled, and they fled to the place where the most powerful [White Suit God] of Zhongzhou was located.

It is the only hope for Zhongzhou people.

They can only escape there.

On the side of the road, there is a man in the maid who is crying at the moment. He is eagerly pleading with the pedestrians passing by in a hurry: "You adults, I beg you to save lives, my child was accidentally injured and seriously injured. The mobility is inconvenient, the carriage is broken... Who can help me with the ride, I will definitely repay, I beg you..."

Beside him, a teenager with one foot broken, his face browned and his lips ruptured, lying in front of a broken carriage, the two ruts didn’t know where to fall, and even the horse didn’t know where to go, obviously It is impossible to walk.

Passers-by passers-by, there are many rushing escapes, where to deal with this man, although there are many sympathetic eyes, but they are also helpless.

Legend has it that the dark army is behind, and it is surrounded by [Luo Yu Ge] and other major forces. Although there are support of [White Emperor] and [Aoki Shrine], it is temporarily impossible to attack, but if it is attacked, only I am afraid that they will follow the road, the town people on this road, where dare to stay in place...

Along the way, the smoke and the dust, countless people swarming, and rushing forward, trying to escape the dark army before the future, try to escape.

The man in the linen was still begging, but he still didn't get a response. When he was disheartened and thinking about other methods, a voice suddenly came from his ear, making him seem to reignite hope.

"Uncle, I will help you!" A man wearing a green dress with a beard and a gray cat on his shoulder was smiling and reaching out.

"Thank you, thank you..." The man in the linen heard the words, and his eyes were full of joy, and he hurriedly thanked him with tears.

The Tsing Yi man nodded with a smile, and did not know where to take out two suspected ruts. The action was very ridiculously put on the carriage. After that, he even brought a horse into it, let them hurry, and he came. Next to the son of the linen man, pour out a medicinal herb to hydrate it and let it take it...

The man in Ma saw this scene, and he was grateful for the zero. He felt that he was meeting a noble person and thanked him again and again.

After the Tsing Yi man spit out a sigh of relief, the man turned to the linen man and asked some questions about the dark army, including several major forces nearby. In the latter's grateful and somewhat strange eyes, he went straight to the rear.

Tianyuan City.

On the gate of the city, there are four beautiful figures.

Three after one.

They are looking at the smoke in a dignified manner, and there are tens of thousands of people coming in front of them.

The woman standing at the forefront is the [new knife of the knife], the new generation of knife master - Bing Yurong.

Next to the three female swordsmen, they are Han Ziyu, Leng Ling Fu, Frost Bi Xue, who is in the position of the elders of [Zhudaozhai].

"Sister, now the world is in chaos, I heard that the dark army has broken [Tian Tao Xuan], I am afraid it will not take long to come and attack us [pudaozhai], then we can resist it..." "And... although you are a good heart, don't want these people to sacrifice, but if you keep doing this, it is not a way. We (Tianyuan City) have limited places, and it is impossible to keep them going..."

The other two women did not speak, but their expressions were the same as those of Han Ziyu.

"I know this, but these people are innocent, but those who suffer first in war, those who suffer first, are those people. Since we still have spare energy, why not help these people, let alone Master has always let us have benevolent people. Heart, if we refuse to let these people into the city until now, regardless of their lives and deaths, is not contrary to Master's beliefs..." Bingyu Rong sighed and showed a firm expression.

Han Ziyu heard the words, paused, and seemed to want to say something, but I saw that Bingyu Rong waved his hand and could only stop talking about it...

On the road to [Tianyuan City], the shadows of the people are shining and the smoke is spreading.

A warrior who was a low-ranking martial artist, with a trace of worry, went straight to [Tianyuan City].

And [Tianyuan City] under the gate of the city, there are hundreds of [Pudaozhai] female disciples with high voices, and maintain order with heart.

"Young man, where are you from? How come to [Tianyuan City], is your town also being attacked by the dark army?" An old man on the road saw a blue shirt man suddenly appearing next to him. Can not help but ask.

"Almost, the old man is also you?" The green shirt man smiled faintly and did not answer directly.

"Yeah, my hometown is the "fog city" thousands of miles away. Half a month ago, the dark army attacked. It took less than half a day to kill the young people and even the city owners. It’s not the city owner. When I was in the war, I sent the other old, weak, and sick people together and sent them out of the town. I’m afraid I’ve already returned to the West!” The old man’s sad way, the old eyes are in a circle, it seems to be hurting. .

The man in the green shirt patted the old man and comforted: "The old man has to be sad. People must have hope when they are alive. You see, we are not still alive now, and we are going to [Tianyuan City]."

"What you said makes sense. After half a month, I finally got here..."

"Oh, I don't know if this can withstand the invasion of the dark army. If we can't, we may have to die here. It's not that I am afraid of death. But now I am powerless. If I can be younger, I don't have to. To hide in Tibet, you must fight with those monsters..." The old man said with a bitter face.

The man in the green shirt helped the old man with his luggage. Like other people next to him, after passing through the huge city gate, he slowly entered the [Tianyuan City] without causing anyone’s attention. Perhaps in the eyes of others, the man in the green shirt also Like them, it is a disaster...