MTL - Black Iron’s Glory-Chapter 15 Intention

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Chapter 15 Aspirations

"My father is banqueting at home in the evening?" Claude stunned.

"Yeah, I heard my dad tell my mom when I went out in the morning. He went to your house at night and went to dinner. He didn't come back to eat. Your father invited a lot of people. Boa's father was also invited, as if They want to discuss something at your house..."

"This way..." It’s really not a good idea to go home now. My father saw that he was going home and not standing in the restaurant. This is not a servant who has no waiter at the banquet. The father means to make himself long. Seeing, listening to the communication between the guests, by the way, familiar with the face, according to his words, this is the network.

"Is still doing it, put the bag down. Right, I have to go home and get some beef and mutton and seasoning. You said that you will show your hand at night, let us see what a real barbecue." Rickson said.

"Have I said that?"

"Of course, in the third class in the afternoon, Bo and I talked about your evening banquet, decided not to go home to eat, and asked you if you agreed. Later Vero said that he would eat barbecue at night, he would not go home to sleep. Stay here at night. You said that Vero was not good at the last roast, you will let him know at night what is the real barbecue... No, you forgot?"

"Oh..." Claude was embarrassed to touch his head.

To tell the truth, I didn’t know how to come in the afternoon. I thought about all the magic recipes in my bag. The words I said during my class and my friends were perfunctory. I forgot all about it. I know I promised. What?

But now I have to calm down, the magic recipe has already arrived, no need to rush home to check. Anyway, my father was banqueting at home in the evening, and I couldn’t clean myself when I went back. Instead, I was forced to go to the restaurant to serve the gangsters.

The father also said that he had long-term knowledge and contacted the upper class in the town, all of which were nonsense. The banquet of the real upper class should be the kind that the past life itself saw on TV. The beauty is like a cloud, the guests are well-dressed, polite, and the music and wine are shining together...

Instead of a group of rough lords eating and drinking around the table, one by one is louder than anyone, and the wine is much more drunk. In the end, it is not under the table that the table is snoring, and occasionally there are a few drinks that can’t be spit. Everywhere, the smell is terrible, you have to clean it yourself...

Forget it, don't go back, Claude decisively decided to go back later in the evening, at least until the end of the banquet, the guests have to go back, otherwise they will not be peaceful when they go home.

"Sorry, I really forgot." Claude admitted with a mistake and threw the bag on the bed: "Well, give you a hand at night, let you see what it is called a real barbecue. Right, Ike. When you go home to take the meat, look at the chicken wings, and if you get some, come over, it is the real taste of the barbecue."

"Chicken wings? Isn't the chicken all baked? How do you just have wings?" Eriksson stalked home.

"Claude, what happened in the afternoon, the whole person is uneasy?" Bocker, who was lying on the bed, asked: "Is it because of the reason why the recipe was owed?"

Claude indulged and nodded. "I don't know what to do. I want to buy the recipe when I am in the store. I can regret it in the afternoon. After all, a silver tale three rias For me now, it’s a huge sum, and I promised to pay it back within three days. When I think of it, I’m so uncertain...”

Bokal laughed: "Maybe the recipe is right for you, so you can't buy it. I have had this experience before. My father took me to go shopping. I saw a woodcarving swordfish toy. To buy, the shopkeeper saw that I liked it, and there was a high price. I refused to sell it cheaply. My father took me away when he was angry.

But when I got home, I didn't think about tea. I thought about this swordfish toy in my mind. In the end, my mother couldn't do it. I secretly asked the servant to buy the swordfish toy at a high price. I was satisfied. It was only after more than a week that I lost interest in the swordfish toy and later threw it in the storage room.

My father told me that in the business field, my behavior is taboo. To be a qualified businessman must control his own desires. It is not easy to let people know their preferences. Otherwise, it will easily lead to losses. So I went to the swordfish toy and set it on the table to remind myself not to forget this lesson. ”

"Thank you Boa, I think I understand. I will remember this lesson in the future." Claude is very fortunate that Bocker's words perfectly explain why he had to buy this recipe.

Bokal sat up from the bed and said: "Claude, you don't have to put your debts in your heart. For you now, a silver taylor is really a heavy burden." Sorry, I don't doubt your ability, but I know that it is very difficult for you to pay off the money in a short time, and I don't want you to make some irrational things in order to repay the money, even to your father's Reprimand. If it affects our plan to go to Egret Island, it would be bad."

Putting his hand and stopping Claude, who is ready to speak, Bokal continued: "I have already calculated that most of the materials we need to buy have already been bought. The main thing that needs to be spent is these aspects. First It is the rent of the old single-sail small fishing boat in Sonny, the three rias and two Sunar, which is the biggest expense.

The second one is food, because we have to stay in Egret Island for two days and two nights, so it is expected that the food purchased will be two Riausols, ready to buy more delicious. In fact, we can save on this expenditure. Everyone brought some out of their own homes to make up for it. In addition, Vero and Ike both brought muskets. I also have stone shovel in my house. I believe that with these weapons, we will not gain anything on Egret. Maybe we can fill our stomachs by hunting.

The third is the pharmacy, which is also necessary to prepare, detoxification agents, blood remedies, therapeutic agents. We are going to spend three rias to buy. But now I think we can save this money, because if we go to Egret Island all the time, then we don't need to use these medicines, then I can steal a few from the standing pharmacy in the store, Ike can also Take a few from the medicine box on his boat and wait for us to come back.

The last one on the list is to buy four bottles of kanlan, five bottles of Sunar, we are going to buy four bottles, we need two riasuo, now think about it is not necessary to spend this money, after all, we go to the egret The adventure of the continent, bringing wine not only adds to the burden, but may also affect our hunting. Vero said that the animals have a very sensitive sense of smell and can smell the wine far away. So I don't think I should bring any wine, but we talked about how many good prey to sell the fur for a good price.

In this case, in fact, what we really need to spend is the old Sonny’s charter fee, and other expenses can be saved. I think this money I should be able to get from home, Ike can also get some from his mother. Three days before Friday, we can still spend two days on Egret Island as planned, so you don't have to worry about the debt. We are good friends and will not force you to pay back. ”

Claude will be really grateful to his three good partners. To tell the truth, although he got the magic recipe, he didn’t put the one of the three lyrics in the heart, but after all, the money. It is the risk of the partners going to Bailuzhou for their adventures. It is indeed difficult to borrow money to buy recipes and promise to repay within three days.

If you can't repay the money and make everyone go to the Egret Island adventure plan, it will be very guilty for me to abort. Boa and Ike, Vero are planning for ten days, and their eager hopes can be as good as As Vero said, there is a good adventure in the Egret, and there will even be some good gains.

Claude had prepared to ask his father for money if he had no choice but to endure a reprimand, but because he said that buying this antique recipe is a birthday present for his mother, I believe his father will still give money.

Just like that, he couldn't keep this magic recipe in his hands. His father would collect this recipe and show it off when there are guests. This will add a lot of trouble to the study of this magic recipe.

The best way is for the family to not know the existence of this recipe, or to wait until you have finished the research, but the problem is that you can't make enough money in three days. Even if it is a passer-by, it is really not discovered or found a good opportunity to make a fortune in the past half year, because the identity he crossed is only a 16-year-old national middle school student.

"Really thank you, Boa." Claude couldn't help but hug Bokal. "You can help me a lot. Originally, I wanted to pay for my father in three days, but that would be the case." Reprimanding is inevitable, and even will be punished. And my older brother, you know, he has to know that this will definitely be noisy at home. I don’t want to give my mother a birthday present. It’s noisy at home, and it’s a headache in the afternoon.”

Let go of Bok Al, Claude said sincerely: "I sincerely thank you for your kindness, but please rest assured, I will return this money to you as soon as possible. If we go to Bailuzhou this time, what good is it? If you get it, I will repay my income to you after I come back."

Bokal laughed: "We are good friends, buddies. Are you not talking about it? The buddies should have a blessing and share the same."


The four teenagers who are full of food are sitting or lying on the wooden trestle. The ear is the sound of the shore, and the top of the head is the starry night sky.

"Claude, your barbecue is really a must. I never knew that the chicken wings are so delicious. I have to know that the wings of my roast chicken were not eaten before..." Eriksson is very satisfied. A small wooden stick licked his teeth.

Claude didn't answer, but he looked at the stars with some embarrassment. The skill of this hand barbecue is the past and the old university. He said that he went to the Americas to buy mines for two years, and he learned to have a Brazilian barbecue. Later, he used this Brazilian barbecue to take his own to pick up the girl.

"The four chicken wings have eaten two by yourself, and I have not grabbed one." Verricko said he was hurt.

Eriksson laughed like a fox: "Whoever told you to grab the chicken legs first, this time there are two chickens at home, and I will let them prepare more next time."

"Ike, what are you going to do when you grow up?" Crowder asked suddenly.

“I grew up?” Eriksson thought for a moment and said, “I want to be the captain, like my dad. But the shark in my red sea is too small. I hope to drive a big one. A large ocean-going ship, driving on the sea."

"What about you? Boa..."

"Well, when I grow up, I will pick up my father's class and be a successful businessman." Bock Alton said: "But I hope to open my own business to the whole kingdom, not just in the three southwestern counties. ”

"What about Navello?"

"My father said that after graduating from middle school, he will play with him for one year. When he is 18 years old, he will go to the army and earn himself a national identity."

"Right, Claude, you haven't said what you want to do when you grow up..."

"I? I don't know..." Claude looked at the starry sky and said, "I have a wish and want to travel all over the world. Maybe I want to be an explorer. But I don't know my wish." Can't achieve..."