MTL - Black Dragon Kingdom-Chapter 20 Absolute advantage

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  Chapter 20 Absolute Advantage

  In the main hall, Elena woke up yawning leisurely, and habitually looked towards the door where Ace fell asleep.

   As a result, where is the shadow of Ace?

   "Despicable and cunning Esnon?"

   "Where did he go?"

  Elena woke up instantly, and her intuition told her that Ace must have done something bad, and the bad thing was definitely related to her.

   Otherwise, with Ace's steady personality, he would never give up on her and Eliza, the two thugs.

Although they are weaker than Ace, after this deep sleep, their body size has grown considerably. Her body length has grown to 2.8 meters, and her weight has fully reached more than one ton. She can completely explode with a slap Out of three tons of power.

  Besides, as a giant dragon, she can fly, and she can also cast some first- and second-level magic. She can also be called a little overlord in the dark swamp.

  These three dragons join hands, even ordinary third-tier powerhouses have to weigh it carefully.

  Ordinary Tier 2 powerhouses, in front of her, are trash that can be slapped to death with four, five, or eight palms.

   "Not good, free food!"

   "Damn bastard, bastard, scum,"

  Elena was furious in an instant, and in the most violent posture, rushed out of the gate and followed Ace's scent, spreading her wings and flying into the distance.

  Longwei violently rushed into the entire kobold tribe in the most brutal way.

   Countless kobolds ran away with their heads in their arms, trembling, and some even fainted from fright.

  She may not like to use her brain, but she is definitely not stupid, it's just that she usually doesn't like to use her brain.

  Some things she can find the result after a little thought.

   In the battle before the deep sleep, she and Elisa teamed up to press Ace to the ground for the first time and rubbed against him, winning the battle.

  In that battle, as the main force, with a much smaller body than Ace, she forcibly withstood Ace's powerful offensive.

  As she grew up with enough food, her combat power has been gradually released. Sooner or later, even if she is alone, she can rub Ace on the ground.

   And Ace must have noticed this, so he prepared to eat all the food from the outside without talking about Wude, so that she would not get enough food, so as to limit her growth.

  Elena was so angry that she wished Ace would have a cramp and peel off his skin, hang him from a tree and smoke for a month, and let him know the consequences of offending the Black Dragon Queen Elena.

  In the water pool, I heard the roar of an angry dragon coming from a distance.

  Ace's dragon face couldn't help showing a smirk.

   "Wait, after another deep sleep, I will definitely rub you all on the ground when I wake up. I will definitely hang you from a tree and slap you hard for a few days."

  He was full of complacency, so what can Elena wake up now? Thirty-three tons of fish had already been eaten by him and twenty-five tons.

  Dragon's stomach is full of both the digestive area and the storage area.

  When he returned to the main hall and slept for another three or two days, his body size would definitely exceed 3.5 meters, and his weight would suddenly increase to three tons.

   At that time, if he fights with those two little black dragons again, he will have an absolute advantage, and he can knock them down with a single slap.

   What do you want to do with them then? You can do anything to them.

   "Ho Ho Ho Ho!"

   "Ace, I'm fighting with you!"

  In mid-air, the extremely violent Elena fanned the dragon wings backwards frantically, and rushed towards Ace at high speed.

   Opening his teeth and claws, he was angry and his face was full of murderous looks.

   Facing this scene, Ace laughed even more.

  Because of Elena's rear, Eliza didn't follow.

   That is to say, the fight between the two is now one-on-one.

  His current body length is 3.3 meters, and the opponent's body length is 2.8 meters. The difference in size between the two is half a meter.

  His weight is 2.5 tons, the opponent's weight is 1.5 tons, and the difference in weight is close to one ton.

   Not to mention strength, he now has a power of nearly five tons of a dragon claw, and two dragon claws combined can burst out a power of ten tons.

  The opponent's dragon claws can explode with a force of about three tons, and the two claws add up to six tons.

  In terms of body shape, weight, strength, three aspects that can represent combat effectiveness, he is fully dominant. Elena came here all at once, and she is simply the best beanbag for him to digest after eating.

   Ace's spring-like dragon wings opened instantly, and the dragon wings slapped fiercely on the water.

   Spreading his wings, Ace also flew into the sky, and rushed towards Elena with a larger body and faster speed.

   "My dear sister, I really didn't expect that you can really be so stupid as a dragon to trouble me?"

   "It seems that you have forgotten the lesson I taught you when you were just born."

  A huge shadow crossed the sky, leaving a shadow of a giant dragon rushing forward on the ground.

   "Asshole Ace, am I not afraid of you?"

  Eleanor opened her **** mouth wide, and the blade-like dragon claws shot out from her arms.

  She can't control that much anymore, she must make Ace pay the price severely, otherwise the food that belongs to her will be eaten by Ace secretly.

  As the future black dragon queen Elena, she does not allow herself to be left behind forever.

   Seeing Elena revealing her offensive weapon, Ace showed a bloodthirsty and cruel expression without hesitation.




  The two giant dragons collided fiercely in the sky, with fangs and mouths like a meat grinder, and claws as sharp as swords, crazily attacking each other.

  The two giant dragons no longer had any scruples, and fought fiercely above the sky.

  Dragon blood and dragon scales spilled on the ground.

   Facing this little black dragon who provoked him every day, Ace was really angry, so he didn't hold back.

   After all, he is also a member of the five-color dragon. Cruelty, selfishness, and bloodthirsty also exist in his consciousness.

   It's just that these are usually the instinctive side of dark creatures, and he is firmly locked in the depths of his consciousness, preventing them from being brought out.

   But not allowing them to play, does not mean that there is no.


   Enraged, Ace bit Elena's shoulder fiercely, and the pungent dragon's blood flowed down the dragon's teeth into his mouth.

  The dragon wings flapped rapidly, and the limbs cut fiercely on Elena's body like blades.


  Elena is not helpless, he bites Ace frantically with his big mouth, and his sharp claws are also attacking Ace frantically.

But the gap between the two is really too big. Ace can bite off a large piece of Elena's flesh with a casual bite, and when his sharp claws scratch casually on Elena's body, it reaches a depth of one or two centimeters. The dragon scales couldn't stop Ace from attacking him at all.

   And Elena's attack on him was quite limited, her big mouth couldn't tear off Ace's flesh and blood at all, and her sharp claws desperately scratched Ace's body, and they could only penetrate four or five centimeters.

  (end of this chapter)