MTL - Big Time 1958-Chapter 1026 Active attack

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"Come here? Is it Kvashning?" Lieutenant General Franks, the commander of the Seventh Army, suffocated the movement of holding the pencil, turned around and exhaled softly, his face was unprecedentedly serious, his eyes were a little blank. God's Word, "This war, fought in Iraq, hurts the whole world, the subsequent impact is beyond our control, but at this time we have no choice, prepare to fight."

   After speaking, Lieutenant General Franks stopped talking. The Seventh Army, as a heavy-armed force, was the mission to meet the Soviet Red Army. Unfortunately, this country, which is mostly desert, is not a friendly environment for the defenders.

   This was a very dangerous distance for the US 7th Army and the Soviet Red Flag 6th Tank Army. Speaking in numbers, Basra is only 40 kilometers away from the Kuwaiti border and less than an hour away by car. At a distance of less than 40 kilometers, the Seventh Army, which has seven division-level heavy armored units, and the Red Banner Sixth Tank Army, which carries eight divisions, including one artillery division, are far away from the battlefield. It is said that this distance is not too far even in ancient times.

   It comes down to the reason, or the mutual jealousy between the Soviet Union and the United States caused this result. If they are not opponents of each other, if they are confronted by another country and the two countries, the two troops will not let the enemy be so close to themselves.

   "This **** weather, is it a sandstorm?" Lieutenant General Kvassnin, who had just arrived in Basra, looked at the gradually darkening sky, and was in a very bad mood when he encountered the disruptive nature at this time. At such a close distance, under the cover of the sandstorm, once the United States starts to raid, it will be in big trouble for me.

   "All units are ready for battle, maintain communication with each other, and prevent the US military from attacking us." As the yellow sand in the sky disrupted the visibility, Lieutenant General Kvashning had to issue an order to be alert. He cannot rest assured of the enemy, which is irresponsible to his own soldiers.

Under the guidance of radar, the anti-personnel barrage composed of    anti-aircraft artillery guards the height of 1,000 to 3,000 meters and the range of 10 to 20 kilometers to prevent the US military from attacking by sandstorms. A low-altitude air defense network composed of Shilka River anti-aircraft vehicles, Tunguska portable ammunition, BMP, BTR cannons and accompanying army aviation. Both layers of air defense nets were arranged behind the tank army and protected by the steel torrent of the Red Banner Sixth Tank Army.

  Forty kilometers to the south, Lieutenant General Franks, who was standing at the entrance of the headquarters, was surrounded by strong winds with a thoughtful face. Letting tiny grains of sand hit me, I seem to be feeling the charm of nature.

"The artillery division of the Soviet Union, with a salvo, may have one of our divisions disappear from the battle sequence. I hope to immediately report the situation of our Seventh Army to the country. We all know that once the Soviet tank army starts to move. , no force can stop it, and one day later, Bagramyan will bring more Soviet troops to the battlefield, and then we will have no other way out than surrender." Lieutenant General Franks told Franks on the phone The lieutenant general said, "It's time to be decisive. If Kuwait City is not conquered a day later, it will be a question whether we can leave."

  This greeting from nature made the already sensitive situation more complicated. The US Seventh Army and the Soviet Sixth Tank Army quickly reported the weather conditions in southern Iraq to the country.

   "Be careful of American raids! Zero-sum game, I'm not afraid..." The Kremlin's response came back quickly, "Once you encounter an attack, don't hesitate to fight back immediately, all the pressure will be borne by the state."

"Take the opportunity to repel the Soviets!" Compared with the Soviet Union's reply, the White House's reply to the Seventh Army was much slower, and you don't have to think about it. The United States has to make such a decision. The United States has never lacked the courage to showdown, and the current sandstorm is also a good weather to shirk responsibility.

  The United States certainly knew the dangers of a war with the Soviet Union on land, and the White House was well aware of it. But once General Bagramyan's troops were rushed to the war zone and prepared to attack, the United States became even more passive. At that time, it depends on the mood. Even at this time, Bush has some regrets. From the beginning, the Soviet Red Army, which should have been directly attacked by air, might not be so passive.

  This kind of hindsight is naturally useless. After Lieutenant General Franks received the domestic telegram, he picked up the order without hesitation and said, "Steel rain, prepare to defeat the enemy! The war has begun..."

Gang Yu refers to the US-made M270 rocket launcher, which is the nickname of the US military for this rocket launcher. Forty kilometers is a piece of cake for the range of the M270 rocket launcher. In the face of the opponent who is thinking about it in his heart, the American soldiers will never stop. Showing no mercy, the rockets flew out rapidly with striking tail flames, marking the official start of the war that belonged to the United States and the Soviet Union.

"Integrated air-ground strike, kill the Soviets." Lieutenant General Franks' order spread to all the units under the Seventh Army. This heavy-armed force used to deal with Western groups on the European battlefield showed its sharpness for the first time. fangs.

  The Sixth Tank Army, of course, will not gather together like the Iraqis to let the US military have a spoonful of stew. In fact, starting from the arrival of Basra, the pair of Red Army troops that first entered the Middle East are deploying their troops to prevent them from being raided. When the huge rocket hit, the Red Army soldiers with high vigilance immediately entered the counterattack. Shilka River air defense vehicles, Tunguska portable ammunition, BMP, BTR cannons and the accompanying low-altitude air defense network composed of army aviation, steel barrages make these flying rockets explode in mid-air as much as possible, dozens of kilometers long front line , while the units under the 6th Tank Army were fighting back, the God of War was also roaring at the position of the 110th Guards Artillery Division, pouring artillery shells against the opposing US troops in the sandstorm.

  No one would have thought that the first stop between the United States and the Soviet Union would actually unfold in a bitter sandstorm.

"17th Guards Tank Division, 22nd Guards Tank Division, 42nd Guards Tank Division, 75th Guards Tank Division, 41st Guards Tank Division, 9th Motorized Infantry All the plans of the division, the 14th tank division, and the Soviet Union are to attack, take out the deep and deep assaults that we are good at, and overwhelm them." Lieutenant General Kvashnin issued an attack order.

On the other side, Lieutenant General Franks had already ordered all troops to enter the offensive state at the beginning of the rocket artillery shelling. The brigade, the 2nd Armored Division, and the 1st Cavalry Division were lined up. Abrams roared with a roar, and he moved at high speed with bursts of yellow sand. Every American soldier was extremely solemn, and the timid. Strong self-compassion, bold blood boiling.

   The heavy armored troops of the Seventh Army rushed forward like an endless stream of iron. Under the cover of Abrams main battle tanks and armed helicopters, they formed a neat formation and attacked the defense line of the Sixth Tank Army in a straight line. The American rocket artillery shells landed precisely on the enemy's position, providing cover for the assault of the tank troops.

  The Abrams tank, which occupied a high vantage point, began to shoot. This fierce and delayed battle was the first encounter between the T72B main battle tank and the T80 main battle tank. But right away, the U.S. military immediately knew that in the land war, why some people described the Soviet Red Army as a moving steel torrent, with the T80 tanks as the vanguard, and the huge tank group in which the T72B tanks were continuously appearing in the storm, like a **** bursting came like a flood.

  The Soviet tank soldiers in the war did not just arrange the tanks neatly like in the Western August 1st, and their coquettish positions showed the heritage of a powerful army. Just take out a Soviet tank soldier who can calculate the ballistics alone, and is also trying to figure out the opponent's psychology. Facing Abrams' first fire, the Soviet tank group did not rush to fight back. In this visibility state, the Soviet tankers who were also equipped with night vision goggles and infrared equipment knew that the hits depended on faith, and that they were completely unlucky to be hit, and they needed to wait patiently.

   They didn't let the tank stop in a fixed position, always used short-stop sliding shooting, used their rich experience in tank operation, and figured out the judgment of the tank's hands, which made the opposing tankers feel very uncomfortable.

The idea of ​​the U.S. armored division is naturally to rely on the advantages of night vision equipment to continuously fire outside the detection range of the Soviet T-72 tank night vision goggles, first eliminate the most threatening T-72 tanks, and then spread out in units of tank platoons. Wedge-shaped echelon, gradually approaching the Soviet positions. Destroying the tanks and dispersing the infantry worked for Iraq, but basically useless against the Soviet Union.

Any army includes a small number of armored troops and a large number of infantry, but the Soviet Union is different. As early as the end of the Great Patriotic War, the Soviet Red Army, which suffered a great loss, completed the mechanization of the entire army in a short period of time. In the sequence of the Soviet armed forces, there is no With the establishment of the infantry division, Lieutenant General Franks' style of play will not have the effect of driving ducks into the sea.

"War? Who fired first?" General Bagramyan was taken aback. The war started relatively suddenly. Even now, he still felt that under the threat of nuclear weapons, all his preparations might be useless, the two countries said. There may be a compromise, but now, that possibility no longer exists.

"Pass my order, the 24th Air Force will be dispatched to immediately bomb the air bases listed in the earlier plan, and what else?" The army immediately builds a mobile air defense system..."

The anti-aircraft artillery troops immediately arranged their positions on the spot, and the Shilka River anti-aircraft vehicles, Tunguska portable ammunition, BMP, BTR cannons and accompanying army aviation formed a low-altitude air defense network, which was quickly deployed. At this moment, Azerbaijan's giant radar detected When a large number of fighter jets appeared on the Arabian Peninsula, the Baku radar station immediately tried to contact General Bagramyan by radio.