MTL - Best Actor-v3 Chapter 129 Avoidance?

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The phone rang, and Sean, who was getting dressed, frowned. Since the phone call with Vladimir, he turned off the phone and enjoyed Leighton Mays wholeheartedly special body. But now the phone rang again, and Leighton's phone was turned off from the beginning, so the only phone that would ring at this time would be the other one, the private phone.

Wherever Sean goes, he carries at least two mobile phones, one is used to communicate with people at work, the other is used to communicate with best friends and women, he would have more Detailed, such as the telephone number that can be told to anyone, and the telephone number dedicated to contacting the directors of several companies, etc. But I didn't bring Emma with me when I came over for vacation, and she usually answers these calls first, and then Sean decides whether to answer them, so there are only two around.

"Why is there still a phone?" Leighton leaned up from behind at this time, wrapped his waist behind him, and put his head on his shoulder.

Even though she was wearing clothes, Sean could still feel the two soft touches on her back through the shirt, so she turned and smiled on her chin Gently squeeze: "There are always many things that will come to you."

Then, he glanced at the caller number, and the smile on his face grew even stronger.

Give Leighton a quiet look, Sean picked up the phone and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, Leighton obediently sat back on the couch, but when she heard the first call from Sean on the phone After the sentence, his eyelids jumped, and his face became a little unsightly.

"Hey, little bee, what's the matter?" he said with his back to her, with laughter in his tone, "no, of course not...really, glad to receive Your call, I was actually going to call you... oh, of course not, I'd love to... well, see you then and wait for my call."

After he finished speaking, he stretched, then turned around, walked to the surface of the sofa and said to Leighton calmly, "Sorry, Leighton, I wanted to invite you to dinner. , unfortunately, there is an appointment now."

Leighton bit her lip and made a resentful look, but also sad, a little pitiful, as if she was very sad for his behavior of leaving after playing.

Unfortunately, Sean was unmoved, and even added: "Obviously, when you came to find me, she saw it, so she felt a sense of crisis, so she called at this time - look , how accurately she pinched."

Leighton didn't speak, just hugged her legs and curled up, Sean sat down beside her and raised her chin again: "Look, she's doing well ,And you?"

"I..." Leighton opened her mouth several times but couldn't speak, her eyes wandered, and her chest slowly began to rise and fall, but she still looked directly at him in the end Eyes: "Do you need me to do anything, sir?"

Sean looks satisfied, especially when he hears the word "sir": "Fine, that's it, I like the way you look, Leighton. Keep it up, and then, Bee If you get it, you will get it too."

Leighton nodded, showing a well-behaved look, Sean immediately leaned over and kissed her lips, and then said: "I'm leaving now, I'll take you back, or stay Stay here for one night?"

"Can I stay here for a while and then go back?" Leighton asked cautiously.

"Of course you can," Sean laughed, "You can stay as long as you want. I will instruct the hotel to arrange for a driver to be on call for you at any time."

Speaking, he kissed her again, and she responded enthusiastically, almost pulling him to fight again.

However, Sean still left the hotel room, **** is lust, a certain self-control, and a certain brain is still there. Just like how she dealt with Leighton before, she seems to be pitiful, but she has already taken the initiative to propose a pillow seat, and she has made such an appearance, what is it if she is not pretending?

So Sean sat in front of her and discussed with Vladimir about the upcoming release of Transformers, and then used the phone call from Blake to tease her - Blake 's name starts with b, so Sean thinks of bee, so he simply gave her a special nickname: Little Bee.

As expected, even though Leighton has given up, Dao is still performing in the end, probably thinking that he can win some sympathy points from him, smart girl.

But Blake is also very clever. Although he deliberately let her see him leaving with Leighton, as I said before, she called at the time. Maybe this is just the result of a mistake, but if it really depends on the calculation, the little bee should not be underestimated, then...

Reward her tonight. Sean rubbed his chin and laughed in his heart, even though he had just eaten a big meal before.

Then, he stopped, with a confused look in his eyes, as if he felt something was wrong. Looking around, he had come to the lobby of the hotel, hesitating for a while, he got into the bathroom.

He took a handful of water and poured it on his face, Sean let out a long breath, but he poured it again soon, until the water left on his neck almost wet his collar. Down.

After taking out a few pieces of paper to wipe the water droplets off his face, Sean looked at himself in the mirror with a wry smile, what happened to him? If it were him before, he would definitely not treat Leighton so high above, and he would never use power and means to oppress her.

You know, even when he made deals with Blake, Teresa, and the others, Sean wouldn't be like this - at least he wouldn't be flirting with Blake on the phone in front of Leighton Qiao, and then use this to oppress her.

"Damn, what the **** is going on?!" Sean was a little dejected, this shouldn't be the state he should be in, even though when I think about's really cool, kind of manipulating other people's lives Feel.

And, come to think of it, I've been a little weird at this time, especially in some ways. If nothing else, it would be inappropriate to put Jordana in bed just because she was reluctant. Likewise, Natalie had already agreed to use both hands on the night of the Vanity Fair party, but in the end she would The other party flirted, and half pushed and half came, but only then did the sullen Natalie relax with a smile.

Even so, she still warned that there would be no next time, it's really strange, when did she become so anxious?

More importantly, the intuition didn't respond... Wait, could it be that something happened, and then I refused to believe it, so I subconsciously avoided it? The thought suddenly popped out of his head, startling Sean.

What can I avoid? "Milk" is not as good as "Blood Invasion"? Or did I and Lewis not even have a fight? Sean shook his head, he really couldn't think of how he would come up with such an idea.

Forget it, talk about it later, just… be careful. Sean finally thought so. Then, that night, Blake was unlucky, and Sean, who was worried, played her again and again, until he had played all the holes he could play, and he was exhausted.

Then, a few days later, Leighton received a gift, a door key, and a rather luxurious loft in Upper Manhattan, enough for this chick to settle down temporarily . Of course, she wouldn't know that this apartment and the one Sean gave to Blake are not far apart. Maybe one day they might meet each other on the balcony, but not necessarily.

Well, put this aside for the time being, the short vacation will soon be over, and Sean will return to the crew to continue shooting. Although there are still many things to pay attention to, in addition to "Transformers", there are still some movies to be released, such as "Eavesdropping", which is currently scheduled for mid-May.

That's right, the script written by Eric Rees, then by Terrence Howard, Mark Wahlberg, and… from Australia, nominated for Brokeback Mountain A movie starring Heath Ledger for Best Actor.

From the completion of shooting, to post-production, to now waiting for release, Sean basically didn't pay attention to it except to know the progress at first. He also wanted to try it out, but he was always delayed by things like this. For example, in January of this year, the original version of the movie had been completed, and he just waited for the title and subtitles to be added. Usually at this time, the producer will Watch the last time first, so that you can have a subjective judgment on whether the movie is good or bad.

Sean was free at that time, but unfortunately, he has to prepare for "Milk", and he can only succeed and not fail, so he can only lock himself up and do his homework. The same is true now, because the filming of "Milk" has already started, and the progress is relatively tight, so when I hear the news that the schedule has been arranged, I can only say "oh".

"It doesn't matter, just go to the cinema to see it, just enjoy it in all directions, the effect is the best in the cinema, isn't it?" Sean and Wahlberg on the phone Say so.

According to Wahlberg's description, there are still several points of interest in this movie. In any case, he has seen the script, and even the whole idea was gradually formed under his inspiration. Because of this, his confidence is actually not very strong. After all, his intuition is very subtle in this regard. It can be determined that there should be no such a movie in his previous life - at least not in Hollywood - but there are still some interesting things to watch. Therefore, I can only watch it at the premiere at that time. The investment in the film is 50 million, at least according to the account book. It is considered a medium-scale investment in Hollywood, and the theater chain has almost pulled 2,000 plus, and the scale is also It's not small enough to hold a moderate premiere.

As long as the North American box office can exceed 100 million, or even less than 100 million, as long as the box office is excellent in the first two weeks, the investment can basically be recovered. If the overseas box office is better, there will be some profits. So, in the end, we will know when the time comes. Although Sean is worried, he is also looking forward to the arrival of that day.