MTL - Begging You to Break Off This Engagement!-Chapter 29 Let you get excited

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"Is still angry?" Xi Yanqing took off his shoes and sat down. Just two words, he saw Luo Fei twisting his head and ignoring him. He said, "Forget it, since it is still angry, then I am so kind. I can't send it out." This little temper, puffer-like, mad, feels like an explosion, and he didn't talk to him for days.

"Whoever makes you blink and talk!" Luo Feiyi thought that Han Xu had determined that he was buying the grease and he was coming!

"I am not kidding. What are you saying that you brought it from home?" Xi Yanqing said, "Okay, don't be angry, let's add food at night."

“Adding leeks?” These days are actually quite good. After some small green vegetables in the garden have been eaten, the contents on the table are obviously much richer than those just wearing them. Finally, I won’t pick up the pickles.

"You will know when you go out and see."

“Just say it, but also sell it?” Luo Fei slammed his shoes. “Is it hard to make people buy meat?”

When I got up early in the morning, I said that I went to the ground and left after eating something, and it’s still strange to come back today. When Luo Fei went out and saw no cockroaches in the kitchen, he went outside. At this time, I listened to "plop" and "plop".

The sound came from the side of the water tank. Luo Fei walked over and looked at it! A lot of fish! There are grass carp and squid! The squid is small, but the adult index finger is long, and the big one is close to a slap. The grass fish has to be as long as his arm!

Since I was married, I haven’t eaten fish yet. Luo Fei was happy to see it: “Qing Ge, are you going to catch fish today?”

Xi Yanqing shouted in the house: "Well, I have to take some time to finish the work today. The head of the dry land is not far from the river, and I am caught there."

Luo Fei counted, there are thirteen big and small plus one, and the saliva will flow down!

When the banquet was cleared, he saw Luo Fei squatting in the cylinder like a cat. He smiled and walked to Luo Fei's side: "After a while, you will send a few articles to the family, and then send a few to the Han family. The rest of us will keep eating slowly."

"Can't you fight oxygen?" Luo Fei still remembers the fish at home, puts a fart in the bucket in the morning, and does not play oxygen for a long time.

"It's fine to change the water. It's better to say that the watered vegetables that raise the fish can grow better."

"Ha ha ha, because there is a fish in it?" Luo Fei smiled very happy. "I will take the water here after that."

"Yeah. I don't have any food in the future. I will come back to eat at noon every day. I can save you from dealing with yourself. It is not good to eat." Anyway, the crops in this family are basically the same, and later on the ground. Set seedlings, weeding, pest control or something. The banquet looked at him and he still had to look at Luo Fei, or if the kid was embroidering something, he would never eat. Sometimes Han Xu can eat together when he can get some food, but Han Xu has something to do, and basically does not have lunch. To say that Luo Fei is not hungry is a nonsense, but it is too focused on the work of his hands, so he is too busy to forget, but this is not good for the stomach.

There are cockroaches here that can't be sick, so although Xi Yanqing does not say it, but my heart is very concerned about Luo Fei's body.

Luo Fei was hung in the heart and naturally happy. He asked Xi Yanqing: "Qing Ge, so many articles? What do you want to pick?"

The banquet went to get a tub, then put the sleeves up, took two big grass carp, and fished four squid: "Take these."

In the end, it is a wild fish, and its vitality is strong. It is so long after being left in the river and then put it into the water. This time, it will slow down and let it go.

At the entrance to the banquet, a few branches of willow with a scorpion were smashed, and the fish was hooked in two parts: "Can you do it?"

"Well, is this okay?" Anyway, it was not too far, and it was not too heavy. Luo Fei went out on the door with two strings, but he came back later. "I take some money, and I will see if there is no tofu. If there is, I can cut it with the fish as I did last time." Just ask Han Yuer that he is doing it." He has already lit up the cooking skills, although he is not as good as Luo Ru, but it is definitely not a dark dish!

"You are happy, go." Xi Yanqing took the farm tools and began to clean up, the grinding of the grinding, the repair of the repair.

"Hey, Luo Erbao, where come so many fish?" Luo Fei just went out and did not go far, someone saw him so many fish in his hand, curiously asked.

"My family is caught by Qing brother, this is not, go to my mother's house to send some." Luo Fei smiled, the pace is brisk, my heart is beautiful!

"Xi Xiaozi's ability to catch fish is very powerful. You can have happiness in Luo Erbao."

"Haha, no!" Luo Fei walked two steps. Before he reached the door of Luojia, he began to shout: "Hey, mother! I am back, who is at home?!"

"Second brother! I am at home!" Luo Ru shouted in the house, and came out after a while. "They are all gone to the ground and haven't returned yet... My brother, where come so many fish?!"

"You brothers caught the cockroaches. Just find a basin to pour some water, but don't let them die." Luo Fei took a copy, "Three treasures you put first, you did eat at night, I have to go to Yang Han family."

"Ah? That's also a success." Luo Ru's mood looked much better than before. Although he didn't laugh, he could see that she was not worried about it. It was a good-looking girl, and she was depressed. "Two brothers, can you make fish? Or do you go to Han Xu's brother's house to deliver the fish, and ask Xi Ge to come here to eat?"

"Oh... it seems to be fine. Wait until I go back and ask him." They didn't eat at the Luo family except for the returning day. It seems that they are very lively and lively. He and the banquet were not alienated from the Luo family because of the "generation gap" problem. After all, the more they are in such an era, the more they need to unite.

Luo Fei went to the Han family to send the fish, and was thanked by Han Xu’s mother, and even said how interesting it was.

Han Xu’s mouth is holding a melon seed: “Hey, look at him with politeness? You can cook the fish directly!”

"That's what it is." Luo Fei smiled. "Well, you are busy, I have to go back first. I will go back to my mother to eat with Qing brother, I have to go back to find him."

"Hey, this is sticky, let's go!" Han Xu jokes like a sneak peek at Luo Fei, "Don't send it!"

Luo Fei waved his hand, and when he left, he saw Jiang Baining being lifted out of the yard by Zhang Yangfan. Jiang Baining clasped his waist and was very accustomed to it. At first glance, he said weakly to Zhang Yangfan: "Sail, I am disgusting, I want to eat some plums."

Zhang Yangfan’s gaze was slightly unnaturally recovered from Luo Fei’s body: “Well, then wait a moment, I will give it to you.”

Luo Fei didn't listen to it, and went straight. It is not to evade, but to really take the two people seriously. It’s right to be careful about the banquet, and there is no need to waste your attention on these people. The **** is in the bones, pay attention to the slag? People must be like plants, facing the sun!

Jiang Baining also wanted to stimulate Luo Fei's two sentences. Unexpectedly, Luo Fei actually regarded him as nothing, how can this be done? !

"Luo Fei!" Jiang Baining shouted at the back. "You can go slower, don't move your tires!"

"The smell of your mother!" Luo Fei mouth groaned, his head did not return. Mainly talking about stupid days!

"He has?" Zhang Yangfan took the plums out and heard Jiang Baining's words, could not help but ask.

"Hey, he said that he played. Do you care if he is doing it?" Jiang Baining was not happy.

"I care about him, just listen to your tires and ask questions." Zhang Yangfan is a little happy in his heart. He doesn't know why. He doesn't want Luo Fei to have a feast for the feast, or to say Is the child of any man.

However, Luo Fei, who really wanted to go back to her family, but he hesitated when he thought of the word "fetal". After returning home, he said this to the banquet. The banquet said with a smile: "What is this? The elders are concerned about care, and they can’t go back because of this old. Besides, it’s better to be worse in our own hearts. Be clear."

Luo Feiyi also thought: "Then we will bring two more fish in the past?"

When they went again, they had seven mouths on the table, and the three fish were a little bit less.

Xi Yan Qing said: "Do not fish, eat it at home today."

"Ah?" Luo Feizhen, "What have you said so much before?"

"Speaking of those who let you know that you don't care about those who have nothing. If you can't say it is because you definitely prefer rice and stewed fish compared to white porridge with stewed fish." Two people, the banquet is still clear. The bad thing whispered in Luo Fei’s ear, "Don't eat rice today."

"Ah, ah! Really?" Luo Fei was excited to die, "eat rice?!"

"Cheat what you are doing? Go ahead and talk to Sambo, lest she wait. I will pick up the rice and clean up the fish. You will be fish when you come back."

"Well! I will be back soon!" Luo Fei almost rushed out of the gate, but after a while he came back. He stood opposite the banquet, his cheeks were red, and his lips were still a shy smile.

"What's wrong?" The banquet asked him.

"Qing brother is the best!" Luo Fei said, picking up his toes, licking the neck of the banquet, and quickly took a kiss on his face, and then ran away!

Xi Yanqing: "..."

"Cough!" Xi Yan Qing with a fist to the lips and a light cough, touched the place where the pro was kissed, lips can not restrain the gentle smile.

After a while, there was a strange self-talking voice in the courtyard of the house...

"Hey, let you get excited, the fish bones almost broke?"


"Sambo! I didn't come to eat with Qing brother at night. You eat it yourself." Luo Fei entered the Luo family and saw that the rest of the family had not returned yet. He breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile.

"Ah? Why are you brother?" Luo Ru still thought about adding more noodles to the fish for a while.

"Hey, I am afraid to see my mother now. When she sees her, she asks my child about it. Besides, it is rare for Qing brother to come back so early. I want to talk to him more. He is dark when he returns." "Rolf is purely truthful."

"That's it, anyway, the Dragon Boat Festival will be over, and you must have come back at that time." Luo Ru smiled. "When we get a little bit of a donkey."

"Well, let's pack the meat!"

"Musk? Is that what?" Luo Ru has never heard of such a blind man. Scorpion, isn't that just putting some Jiangmi in it, putting two dates on the leaves?

"That is... it is to replace the date with meat. The meat tastes a bit like braised pork after cooking. It is especially fragrant!"

"The second brother, do you know what to do?"

"I? I am also... Hey, I will ask Qing brother back. I just listened to him!"

"Then try to do it and see it." Luo Ru frowned. "But can that be delicious?" The meat scorpion? ! What do you think is a bit strange...

"This will wait until the Dragon Boat Festival. You can teach me to make fish delicious." Luo Fei got a bowl of water to drink, and then began to listen to Luo Ru to give him a "lecture."

When Luo Fei finished the fish and went back, the work of Xi Yanqing was basically completed. This man not only put the rice in the pan, but even the fish was almost cleaned up. Luo Fei met with a squid and squid in the first place. He took the scorpion in the other hand and rushed in it. Then he took the scorpion to help, so that the banquet would be easier to clean the fish.

They have a total of two people, and they don't have to do too much, so Xiyan Qing only cleaned up a grass carp. Luo Fei felt that everything would work, and he would eventually enter their mouths. He took the fish into the kitchen and sprinkled the salt to make it taste first. Then he dipped a little powder and went to the backyard to pick up the cabbage and wash it. Luo Ru said, adding tofu is delicious, but stewed noodles and greens are also delicious. Today he is ready to try the latter.

The banquet was cleaned by Luo Fei, and Luo Fei stood up next to him to put spices and cook.

The eyes of the young couple sometimes met together, and it seemed that even the air became sweet.

Luo Fei now knows why people who are in love will become stupid. It is estimated that they are too happy to be happy.

Rice and stewed fish are delicious. There is nothing to say. Luo Fei eats much more than usual. The special feast also helps him pick the fishbone together and give him the best part of the fish. He eats his stomach. Rolling round. When I got up and cleaned up the kitchen, I almost couldn’t move.

"Two bowls of rice, more than half of stewed fish and vegetables, I seem to have come to eat the same day, the first time I eat so full." Luo Fei sitting on the squat and straight sleep, the flowers do not want to embroider.

"I will try to eat it in the future." The banquet touched Luo Fei's ear. "I am going to make a cold, are you going?"

"Don't go, too lazy to move." Luo Fei leaned on the shack, and saw that the chickens were asleep, and actually wanted to sleep.

"Then I went, you can find some clean clothes for me."

Luo Fei’s banquet was found, and the banquet was taken out of the house, and Luo Fei saw it. He immediately came to the spirit and opened his own cabinet for the cloth.

After a while, he heard the footsteps of the banquet and returned to the house, and he was busy closing the door.

When the banquet was clear, I was still thinking about it. When he rushed into the house, Luofei was asleep. When the situation was better, he laid a quilt and fell asleep. He almost fell asleep. I didn't expect to rush in and see that this kid was quite spirited. He didn't know what to do there. When he came in, he immediately closed the door.

Luo Fei really made great efforts in these two days. In addition to cooking and pouring vegetables and washing clothes, they are basically embroidered and embroidered, and seams are sewn, but there are some things that he does not want to see now.

Xi Yan Qing is also interested. When I saw that this little donkey didn't want to say more, she laid it down and patted the other side: "Sleep?"

Luo Fei said: "I haven't washed it yet, you should sleep first."

Xi Yanqing did not say anything, just lying in bed and waiting for Luo Fei.

After Luo Fei’s wash, he turned off the light and got into the bed. For the first time, he took the initiative to pillow the arm of the feast. When the banquet is cleared, it will be heart! ape! meaning! horse! Now!

Is this an improvement? ! This must be a big step across the ages!

Xi Yanqing quickly tightened the little scorpion in his arms and squatted on his lips.

Luo Fei’s reaction was a bit clumsy, but he knew that he was very happy to take the initiative to open his mouth to the feast. Xi Yanqing's tongue was swaying in Luo Fei's mouth. He slowly fell on Luo Fei's body. After a while with Luo Fei's nose, kissing him for a while, kissing him, it was always rare.

If it wasn’t because the hand touched Luo Fei’s buttocks, the body of the scorpion was stiff, and the banquet would definitely not last longer.

"I, I can help you with your hands." It was probably too shy. When Luo Fei said this, his voice was as small as a mosquito.

"Well..." Xi Yan Qing gently guided Luo Fei's hand... It was too unexpected. In the past, he helped Luo Fei, Luo Fei passively accepted, but never...

What is Shoudeyun to see the moon? Probably this feeling.

Full room.

The next day, the banquet was awake later than Rolfy - mainly excited to sleep too late. When he saw that Luo Fei was not there, he placed a set of gray new clothes that were neatly stacked.

Xi Yan Qing took it and tried it. He found that it was not tight and it was just dressed. The length of the sleeve is also the ideal length in his heart, not more satisfactory.

When I thought of Luo Fei in the night, I saw him showering and came to the door, and the banquet was clear and I wanted to laugh.

This is a careful thought, and no one is there.

Luo Feitian did not light up, he went to the kitchen to light the oil lamp and embroidered the last few sachets, holding the most special one, embroidered the little tiger's daze.

He didn't know what to expect, and the tip of his ear suddenly turned a little red.

After the banquet was cleared, I saw Luo Fei sitting quietly on the little horse and didn’t respond to someone. He quietly smothered him from behind: "What god?"

Luo Fei quickly took the sachet and kept it from being seen. He turned and looked at the banquet and glanced: "Is the clothes still fit?"

The banquet nodded and said: "It's especially comfortable, thank you."

Luo Fei look, really good. Xi Yanqing is a hanger, and even wearing such a normal clothes can not give ordinary people a very handsome feeling. Mainly people's faces are also very reliable. Luo Fei suddenly couldn’t figure out why he felt that this person was not handsome at all. Is it really because of jealousy? !

The Banquet did not want to let go when she hugged Luo Fei, but when it was dawn, he had to go to chop firewood.

Luo Fei also had to do breakfast, he opened the lid: "How about steaming steamed bread in the morning?"

Xi Yanqing said: "You are free, I can do anything."

Luo Fei smiled and said: "Qing Ge, Ming Er, I want to go to town."

Five days later is the Dragon Boat Festival. He wants to see if he can sell something he can do. If he can, he can still do something before the festival.

Xi Yan Qing and today just want to go into the mountains to see the herbs, when I get some medicines in the shop, I heard, "Yes, I will go together tomorrow."

Otherwise he would not worry that Luo Fei would go by himself.

The key point here is that public security is not as good as modern. Although most of the time there is nothing, if something happens in the unfortunate circumstances, then it will be troublesome.

The young couple licked the fish and ate the breakfast. Luo Fei fry the remaining casserole that was cooked last night, and brought it to the banquet, and prepared a pot of water. Xi Yanqing was so full of love with her little daughter-in-law.

Luo Fei took a little more time, took all the sachets and a few purses out and took a closer look. After confirming that the quality was fine, I took a cloth and wrapped it up.

After lunch, he went to Han Xu and asked Han Xu to go to the town. Han Xu listened to him and went to Xi Yanqing. He was happy: "I still think that you have to go to me and don't worry." Your big tiger is going right, I don't have to go. My mother said, I won't run again until I get married."

Luo Fei thought that he would not be at home until he became a relative. He patted Han Xu’s shoulder: "Then I won’t come to you, I will come back and tell you to sell it."

Han Xuxiao said: "Well, sell it, remember to bring me delicious food."

Luo Fei said that on the way back, he always thought that if he sold well, he would buy something...

In fact, he is also very fond of eating, it is estimated that getting along well with Han Xu is also related to this.

Luo Fei went home to feed the chicken, and looked at the next week, Auntie had put the chicken cockroaches outside, and they also got the chicken cockroaches outside. Putting him in the house is not afraid of squeezing with the banquet, but the chicken eats and drinks Lazar in the house, making the taste of the house a little bad, and now it is necessary to change the fresh air.

Luo Fei shut the chickens out of the chicken ring and began to prepare dinner.

The banquet has not returned yet, I don’t know if it’s going to be dark again.

This room, Xi Yan Qing is preparing to go down the mountain. But he is a bit tough under the mountain. When he first went up the mountain, he wanted to get some medicine. He thought that no matter how good or bad, as long as he encountered a lot of things, there would be gains, but I did not expect that the harvest would be quite a lot. Although I was not lucky enough to meet ginseng and Ganoderma lucidum, I saw a lot of sand ginseng and thorns! If these two things are obviously not worth much as medicine, it is estimated that there will not be people, especially the latter. But it is good to have a meal at home!

The banquet digs a lot of sand ginseng, and he also got some thorns and buds ready to go home to plant and wait for the next year to breed at home. There are also some sporadic herbs, like aconite and gentian, and he is not willing to lose it, all carrying it. The result of this is that it is hard to go down the mountain, because the other is good, but the old bud tree is full of hard thorns!

It took a long time for the Luofei station to see a personal photo: "Qing Ge?"

Xi Yanqing said: "It's me!"

This is the first time Luo Fei is waiting at the door. Xi Yan Qing feels that the instant charging is successful! He walked to the door a few steps: "Wait?"

Luo Fei smiled and said: "A bit. I thought you let the bear scorpion go away. Hey!" Luo Fei suddenly screamed: "What stuff?!"

Xi Yan Qingyi was pleased to forget about the old buds and was busy putting Luo Fei's fingers in his mouth: "Is it okay? I got some thorns and I will show you for a while."

Luo Fei licked his fingers: "What is the old bud?"

Xi Yan Qing entered the house and dumped things to Luo Fei Yi Tong, saying, what is this, and what is it? Luo Fei did not notice anything else, he noticed the word "can eat".

Xi Yanqing let him smell the taste of sand ginseng and thorn old bud: "The taste is quite special, can you accept it?"

Luo Fei likes fresh things: "Yes, just the water in the pot is still open, I will sip it and try it! It will not be fresh tomorrow."

Xi Yanqing also means this. So he went out to wash, and Luo Fei was stabbing the old shoots in the house. The couple ate the dinner and sorted out the results of the feast.

Early the next morning, Luo Fei got some food. The dinner was fed to the chicken. The two of them were carrying a sachet of sachets and a fresh herbal medicine that was cleaned up. They went to the town.