MTL - Becoming the Empress: Golden Finger Set Under My Bed-Chapter 499 refugee

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Outside Shengdu, unlike the prosperous Shengdu, the city gates were surrounded by refugees in ragged clothes.

But no matter how everyone shouted, the city gate was still tightly closed, as if it had separated the inner and outer gates of Shengdumen into two worlds.

"Mother, I'm hungry..."

A little girl grabbed her mother's clothes and lay on her shoulders, crying weakly for hungry.

The woman's complexion was withered, her lips were chapped, and her eyes were dull. She hugged the child in her arms, her dry lips grinned, and a drop of blood slid down the corner of her mouth.

She licked it subconsciously, a strong smell of rust filled her taste.

"When we enter the city... soon, there will be food soon..."

But even though she said that, her eyes were filled with hopelessness.

At this moment, a heavy creak sounded slowly, and the heavy city gate opened before their eyes.

But behind the city gate, those officers and soldiers were wearing armor and standing in front of the gate like a thick wall. Some people were shouting loudly, but they only looked at this prosperous metropolis, but they seemed inaudible.

This city gate seemed to be filled with everyone’s hope. Everyone looked at the city gate with wide eyes. Then, countless refugees ran forward frantically, wanting to enter Shengdu, it was in their hearts, the fairy world. General place.

But upstairs the city gate, a man in armor appeared, he shouted: "Stop, no entry! The archer is preparing, anyone who breaks in without permission will shoot to death!"

As soon as his voice fell, many archers stood on the top of the city gate, with bows and arrows full of strings, ready to shoot down!

The crowd couldn't help but stop. They came here with all their hardships. They thought they were alive, but they never thought that the closest thing to them was death.

They looked at the man with fear in their desperate eyes.

The man standing in the front sneered, and then shouted: "The emperor has a purpose. Men between 15 and 30 years old can enter the city, but the premise is that they are willing to fight for the country! By then, naturally there will be good wine. The vegetables are waiting."

The crowd was silent for an instant, and then, sporadic cheers erupted from the crowd. Naturally, the cheering crowd were men from 15 to 30 years old.

However, after a total of eight hundred and ten people, young and middle-aged people always have a way to make a living, because at this time of extreme lack of resources, they still have a strong body.

Therefore, most of the people who come here to survive are old and weak women and children.

The hundred and eighty people quickly gathered in front of the city gate. The man in armor looked at the crowd and couldn't help but frown, his brows, and his mouth muttered: "Why is there only this?"

He sighed anxiously, although it was small, it was better than nothing.

He waved his arm and motioned to close the city gate.

But at this moment, someone suddenly said loudly: "Then what shall we do?"

"What shall we do..."

A woman cried, and the voice of a child was mixed in it, immature and harsh.

"Aren't we the people of the emperor?"

"Do we deserve to die when we are old?"

The crowd was filled with righteous indignation and shouted in grief.

Gradually, the group of young and middle-aged people also shouted: "My lord, let my parents go to the city together!"

"My child is still outside, how can I enjoy these by myself..."

"My lord, please, let my wife in!"

After one said, everyone talked all about.

The man in armor said abruptly: "There is not so much rice in the city to raise these useless people! If you enter, you can live, if you don't, don't talk nonsense!"

He sneered: "Just go to death with this bunch of trash!"

As his voice fell, the group of young adults couldn't help being silent. After a while, most of them slowly walked out of the team and stood among the group of old, weak, sick and disabled.

But there are also a few people who still stayed in the talented team.

The man in the armor sneered and slowly said, "Very good."

Immediately afterwards, he waved his hand and said impressively, "Close the city gate!"

An indescribable sense of despair arose in everyone's hearts.

Someone gritted his teeth and said loudly: "Let's rush in! How many live a few lives, anyway, staying outside is a death!"

This shout rang, and everyone responded, striding into the city gate!

The man in armor frowned and said, "A bunch of things that do not live or die, close the city gate!"

But the gate was extremely heavy. Four or five people pushed the gate together, and the gate only moved forward slowly. Soon, many refugees arrived under the gate!

They are all old and weak women and children, and they have little strength, but when people are desperate, the power that bursts out is far more than these strong soldiers.

Even a woman, for her own children, the burst of energy in an instant is comparable to a man.

In this way, there were more and more people, and the gate of the city became bigger and bigger when it was opened.

The man in armor finally panicked and hurriedly said loudly, "Let it go! Let go of the arrow! Shoot them to me!"

The archers above the city gate listened, and waves of arrow rain quickly shot down with the sound of the wind. They are all trained archers. How can ordinary people hide?

For a time, dozens of bony refugees lay in front of this city gate.

The blood stained the ground. The refugees looked at the blood and couldn't help but stepped back again and again, with a look of horror on their faces. They did not expect that he would actually order the shooting.

The city gate made loud noises in the desperate eyes of everyone, and finally closed tightly!

There was a dead silence among the refugees, and a unique silence broke out. Everyone looked at the gate and the archer above the gate.

With that kind of look, whenever they saw their archers, there was a guilt in their hearts.

They are the archers, the people who protect the city and Shengdu.

But what wrong did these refugees make? They just wanted to go on, wanting a glimmer of hope.

In this victory, all the archers looked heavy, without a hint of joy.

Because what they killed was not the enemy.

The blood stained on the sharp arrows and the lives on their backs came from their compatriots.

A child broke the silence among the refugees. She didn't know why people stopped talking. She just pushed and hugged her mother, but her mother closed her eyes and did not speak.

"Mother... Mother, speak, are you hungry..."

Everyone's eyes were attracted, and when they saw the woman, they couldn't help being silent.

She hugged the girl in her arms tightly, but there was a long arrow stuck in the woman's back, blood filled the tattered clothes behind her, the intense blood color, like a deep night...