MTL - Becoming the Empress: Golden Finger Set Under My Bed-Chapter 479 Attacked

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Lu Wanqing pouted her lips and snorted softly, "Since I am your person, then this is also your strength. Would you let me save him?"

An Rushuang's heart sank. Although she could only see the person's back, she gradually had a rough outline in her heart.

Her complexion gradually became serious.

But at this time, the man suddenly turned around, An Rushuang was taken aback for a moment, but he did not react for a while.

But shortly afterwards, her arm was suddenly grasped, and she felt a pulling force on her body. When she tilted her body, she fell to the side.

The man frowned and looked at the stone. Lu Wanqing saw that he behaved strangely and couldn't help asking, "Cousin, what's the matter?"

He stared at the stone in a daze, and for a long while, an old bird yelled behind the stone, flapping its wings and flying.

The man pushed the mask on his face, and said in a deep voice, "It's nothing."

Lu Wanqing curled her mouth, hugged his arm with a grin, and said softly: "We still have some results today. Look at this, I can guarantee that there will be no day after death!"

She came here yesterday and saw it. There is no new corpse. Seeing this corpse today really made her excited.

"Although his body is a little thin, he is always a man, or else I will use him directly today?"

And the man slowly raised his head and glanced at the stone, then he slowly shook his head, and said in a deep voice, "Forget it, let's look for a child nearby."

For their actions, the children are the least noticeable.

An Rushuang felt a bit of cold in her heart. She clenched her fists, and naturally recognized who this person was.

Zhang Liang.

She was about to rush out!

The old man took An Rushuang's arm tightly, shook his head slowly, and made a mouth shape.

An Rushuang could see that what he said was: No.

But the culprit who killed Mengli was standing there, and now she was asked to remain indifferent, how difficult it was.

An Rushuang gritted her teeth and tried her best not to make any noise. After a long time, her body was still tight, like a tight string.

But the old man on the side slowly stretched out his hand and patted An Rushuang on the shoulder, a hoarse and old voice rang in her ears.

"Girl, let's go back."

An Rushuang was startled slightly, then looked aside, and saw that the place was already empty.

At some point, Lu Wanqing and Zhang Liang had already left.

She looked at the old man beside her with red eyes, gritted her teeth and said: "Why are you stopping me?"

There seemed to be something boiling in her heart, causing her pain to burn the ground.

Just when Zhang Liang wanted to kill Meng Li, Meng Li never made the decision to kill him.

But the result of such a decision is completely complete...

An Rushuang couldn't tell whether it was a betrayal.

The old man looked at An Rushuang with interest, and smiled slightly: "Why are you girl so quick-tempered? Let me finish it first. I see your reaction just now... I should know those two people. ?"

Hearing this question, An Rushuang's expression turned cold.

But she was silent, but she never said a word.

The old man gave a chuckle in the gust of wind, and then said: "I listened to those two people, and I thought I wouldn't let the general die recently. Don't you want to know what they want to do? "

There was a bit of temptation in his voice, so An Rushuang couldn't help but move slightly.

What do you want to do? If the assassination of Shengdu and the assassination of North Desert were instigated by the same person, what was Zhang Liang's purpose?

Thinking of a possibility, An Rushuang's heart sank slowly.

She clenched her fists and said in a deep voice: "I can't, take Meng Li's life to bet."

She couldn't watch Meng Li weaken day by day.

The old man squinted his eyes, but said: "I think if General Meng is here, he would rather be gambled with his life, because it is not his life, it is the people of Mobei, or even the people of Nanqi. . If they go to the position of Shengdu, you think, if they really succeed, can the people of Nanqi have a good life?"

An Rushuang was silent.

She even wondered if the person lying on the bed was herself.

She doesn't have to face many choices now.

But there is never any possibility. Now she can only make a choice among the corpses in this windy mass grave.

She clenched her fists, and after a while, she nodded slowly.

Without waiting for the old man to say anything, she hurriedly said: "However, even so, I can only wait until tomorrow night. If they do not move, I will move."

Zhang Liang said that he would have a real duel with Meng Li, and motioned to Lu Wanqing to treat Meng Li.

But An Rushuang couldn't believe in Lu Wanqing.

Since the last time Lu Wanqing showed emotions to Zhang Liang, she has begun to wonder if this person has long been involved with Zhang Liang...

But suspicion is only suspicion, and she has no evidence now.

The two stayed here until the fourth hour, and then dragged their tired bodies, turned and walked outside the mass grave.

The sky was still dark and heavy, An Rushuang walked in front with one foot and one foot, but as she walked, she stopped listening to the footsteps behind.

An Rushuang was startled slightly, then turned around and asked, "How..."

Without asking a word, her pupils shrank abruptly, only to see that the corpse was holding a long stick in his hand, striking it directly at An Rushuang's head.

This stick is really alive, if it is really hit, I am afraid it will be in a **** situation.

An Rushuang inhaled a breath of air. She was agile and fell straight back. The whole body was like an arch, sticking to the ground, and after a sharp roll, she rolled straight into the grass on the side.

Although the thing was strong, it moved very slowly. He slowly turned his head, his eyes rolled white, and a bruise tongue was exposed, holding the stick tightly in his hand, and continued to walk towards An Rushuang who fell on the ground.

But at this moment, only a bang was heard, and a stick suddenly appeared behind the living corpse.

This stick was held high, and hit the skull of the living corpse heavily!

The living corpse did not evade, and saw the thick and long club smashed straight down, smashing the living corpse to the ground!

His brain burst, probably because he had died, and there was not much blood flowing out of his body.

But that rotten tomato-like face made An Rushuang couldn't help nausea.

The old man appeared behind, An Rushuang frowned and looked at him, and said solemnly: "You saw this thing, why didn't you say anything?"

The old man sneered in a low voice: "If I speak, we both have to get in!"

Said like this, the two of them had not noticed that the corpse with a split brain just got up on the ground slowly...