MTL - Becoming Stronger Through Touching Treasures, not Women!-Chapter 157 Promoting their supernatural beings

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  Chapter 157 Selling their abilities

   It is very important to let these supernatural beings join your team.

   In Zhou Tianba's view, he has no right to make decisions and needs to seek Li Qingshan's opinion.

   Not only do I have no right to make decisions, but even my parents and sister are not qualified to make decisions to take in other people.

   It can only be decided by Li Qingshan alone which supernatural person to take in.

  Li Qingshan heard the words, understood what was going on, and said: "Okay, I'll go downstairs with you to have a look."

   "If it's a mule or a horse, you'll know when you pull it out for a walk."

   "If they are really useful, it's not bad to stay as cannon fodder."

   "Hey, brother Qingshan, you are right." Zhou Tianba showed an evil smile.

  He just likes Li Qingshan's black-bellied appearance, likes to see Li Qingshan harm others, and strengthen himself.

   Soon, Li Qingshan and Zhou Tianba came downstairs.

   Coincidentally, the Luo sisters, the Zhou couple, and Zhou Qingling were all present.

   "Qingshan, these people are clamoring to join us."

   "Come and see, do you want to agree?"

   Zhou Qingling said.

  She felt that the four supernatural beings in the pit were very noisy, and she really wanted to shut their mouths.

  But when I think about it, these four people may be really valuable.

  So, Zhou Qingling held back the idea of ​​teaching them a lesson, but instead waited for Li Qingshan to deal with it.

   "Okay, let's ask together, are these guys useful?"

  Li Qingshan responded.

  The family came to the yard and began to assess the four supernatural beings.

  Li Qingshan's eyes fell on the uncle on the far left.

  This uncle is obviously only in his forties, but the skin on his hands and neck seems to have age spots, which looks a little yellow, black, and rough.

   "Start with you."

   "Tell me about your supernatural powers, and what are your uses."

  Li Qingshan said with his hands behind his back.

  Li Qingshan is still very kind, giving these people the opportunity to talk about their own value.

  If they are really valuable, Li Qingshan will consider keeping them and protecting them.

  If wool is worthless, and I know so many secrets about myself.

   Then, becoming an inner alchemy is their best destination.

   "My ability is to turn into a pine tree. I can stand guard and be a sentinel."

   "If other supernatural beings invade, I will find out immediately."

  The middle-aged uncle said quickly, telling his own value.

  After hearing the words, the corner of Li Qingshan's mouth twitched, "Big tree? Sentinel? What do you report?"

   "I can make my leaves fall and float to where you are."

   "Okay, Mao is useless, stop talking. Next."

   "I...I!" The uncle whose power is related to the big tree wants to say something else.

  Li Qingshan said impatiently: "Shut up, don't let me let Brother Tianba teach you."

  After Zhou Tianba heard the words, he immediately stepped forward and stretched out his big feet, looking like he was about to trample on his head.

  The person whose power was related to the big tree shut up immediately.

   "What is your ability?" Li Qingshan looked at the second ability user.

  The hair of this supernatural being is red, and it looks a bit unorthodox.

   "My ability is that the whole body is covered with red hair, which can scare the opponent."


  The red-headed supernatural being said quickly.

   "Uh, you can scare children at best, it's useless."

  Li Qingshan shook his head and rejected him directly.

  Hearing this, the red-haired supernatural being couldn't help but flashed a look of disappointment, and lowered his head.

  He didn't dare to say much, because Zhou Tianba's big feet were already ready to move.

  If he dared to speak more, the red hair believed that Zhou Tianba's big feet would definitely appear on his fragile head in a second.

   "What is your ability? What is your use?"

  Li Qingshan asked very straightforwardly.

   "My ability is to make my body taller, like a giant."

   "At the same time, my skin will turn hard silver."

   "I can go into battle to kill enemies, and I can also help you carry large objects, and even build camps!"

  The silver giant supernatural person said hastily.

  He was like a woman in an alley, crazily promoting himself to Li Qingshan.

  After Li Qingshan heard the words, his eyes stayed on him for a few seconds.

   If you go into battle to kill the enemy, the silver giant is too weak, and Zhou Tianba will defeat you in one face-to-face, so his combat effectiveness is not good.

   If you want to carry supplies, Li Qingshan already has a storage ring, so you won't need it.

  Finally, the construction of the base is a big project, and this silver giant is indeed a good hard worker.

   It's just that Li Qingshan doesn't have so many building materials at the moment, and he doesn't have the idea of ​​building a camp.

  So, this silver giant is very tasteless, it's a pity to throw it away if it's tasteless.

"okay, I get it."

   "You are of no use to us."

  Li Qingshan answered bluntly.

  The silver giant supernatural person, after hearing the words, his face became worried.

  However, like the previous supernatural beings, he didn't dare to say much, and chose to keep silent and bow his head, with an autistic appearance.

  Finally, Li Qingshan's eyes fell on the middle-aged man whose face outline looked a bit feminine.

   "Tell me, what's your use." Li Qingshan said flatly.

  The person with the ability began to sell himself: "My ability is to transform me into a powerful five-step snake."

   "As long as you are bitten by me, your opponent will be poisoned, and you will not survive five steps."

   "I can help you to fight the enemy. My poison is very strong, I am very powerful, and I am very useful!"

  From his words, Li Qingshan heard that he was eager to join his will.

  However, Li Qingshan looked down on the five-step snake that could be eliminated by Zhou Tianba in a single face-to-face.

   "This five-step snake is garbage."

   "However, it has a good gut and is a great tonic."

  Li Qingshan rubbed his chin, thought carefully for a while, and stared at its inner alchemy and snake gallbladder.

   But this supernatural person didn't know, thinking that he might be taken in, his eyes filled up.

   "We have no shortage of thugs here."

   "So, you are useless."

  Li Qingshan's voice is very cold, like ice.

  After hearing the words, the five-step snake supernatural person suddenly became cold, and his face was full of disappointment, "Okay, I got it..."

   "Although you can't join us."

   "But have you forgotten, as long as you stay here for three days, I will let you go."

   "This should be a lesson."

  Li Qingshan smiled slightly and said.


   The red-haired supernatural person asked.

   "Do you think I look like a liar?" Li Qingshan was serious, and he didn't look like he was playing someone.

   "No, we believe you."

  These four supernatural beings can only choose to believe.

   "Just trust me." Li Qingshan showed a harmless expression.

  He really played a game of chess, and these four supernatural beings were the bait.

Goodnight everybody! I wish you all the best and be happy! Please support everyone! There is a review...



  (end of this chapter)