MTL - Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO-Chapter 1716 24 when the small three retribution.

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Ervis hesitated for a moment and then replied: "They both deal with Wang Suzhen."

"Yeah." Gu Mengmeng did not ask how they would deal with Wang Suzhen.

Because for her, Wang Suzhen’s identity is much more pure than Gu Zhigang, they are purely enemies.

Gu Mengmeng will not blame Gu Zhigang's derailment and the abandonment of his wife and daughter on Wang Suzhen, because if this man has enough responsibility, he will not give Wang Suzhen such an opportunity. If he has even a little conscience, he would not be so embarrassed about her and her mother.

In the matter of derailment, Gu Mengmeng always believed that men are the main responsibility.

After all, if a cow doesn't drink water, no one can force his head.

It’s just that the flies don’t sew the eggs.

A person like Gu Zhigang was originally a man who would not be able to keep his wife's life for a long time, so even if there is no Wang Suzhen, there will be Li Suzhen and Zhang Suzhen.

However, this does not mean that Wang Suzhen is still in the marriage of others when he knows that the other party has a family, and there is no fault in destroying other people's families.

Gu Mengmeng does not want to represent any justice to accuse the whole world of Xiaosan. She only represents herself, hating Wang Suzhen, who has intervened in her life and destroyed her family.

Even when the time passed, when she saw Wang Suzhen’s face, she still remembered how she had been holding her stomach to the home to sing the martial arts and beat her mother to divorce.

She also did not forget that she was competing for the house that she bought when she got married, so her father and her mother competed for custody. The reason was that the father’s family structure was more sound and more suitable for children’s growth.

Oh, ironically, his derailment became a favorable condition for him in the law.

She grabbed her mother's man as she wished, lived in her mother's house, and beat her mother's child.

Gu Mengmeng will not forget that she was locked up in the hanging shop forbidden. Even the toilet should be carefully watched by her. Otherwise, it will be true that you will see you once.

Gu Mengmeng will not forget that Gu Zhigang and Wang Suzhen have been stubborn after she has climbed from the hoof to find her resentful and vicious expression when she is in the blue.

I will not forget her slap in the street, and the words that are screaming: "You are not born to me. Why do you spend money from my man? Don't be divorced like your shameless mom. I still want to use a child to entangle a man. It is not a son."

Gu Mengmeng learned a truth from the practice of the Beasts of the Millennium. When there is goodness, sometimes it is not a virtue.

How to report grievances with Germany?

The current Gu Mengmeng believes in the good and evil, the causal cycle.

Therefore, she did not ask how Leia and Gree would deal with Wang Suzhen.

Because no matter how Leia and Gree are treated, it is her retribution as a junior.

Not every third child who destroys other families will be subject to such retribution. To blame, Wang Suzhen can only be blamed for bad luck. The person she recruited is Gu Mengmeng.

And Gu Mengmeng’s side, there are four men who can’t see her being wronged, and her husband’s affairs have always been reported.

After that day, no one had ever mentioned anything about Gu Zhigang and Wang Suzhen.

That family, as if it had never existed in the world, their disappearance, even did not cause a trace of water, so quietly annihilated in the torrent of time, quietly no trace.