MTL - Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO-Chapter 1686 26 The original world is really small.

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Ervis was too lazy to deal with Køge, only giving Leia a look.

Leia smiled and said: "Today we are fulfilling our promises. Let's not talk about other things for the time being?"

"Good." Khee smiled at Leia's narrow nephew.

He does not know why, Gu Mengmeng clearly has four men, the nominal fiance is Sneijin, and the closest closest to Gu Mengmeng is Ervis, but he is the most sensitive to this Leia. Hostility.

As long as a pair of Laia, he will subconsciously mention 120,000 points of defense, it seems that people in front of you should not be underestimated.

Gu Mengmeng has always ignored the tribe's internal affairs, and she will not intervene in the gang's internal affairs.

However, the probability of encountering an acquaintance has been a bit high recently. In order to prevent such a thing from happening again, Gu Mengmeng had to ask in advance: "Who is today's opponent? Can you give me a look at his information in advance?" ”

It is no accident that Khee has such a request for Gu Mengmeng.

From the last time she stopped Ervis from dying Quin, he thought that she would definitely pay attention to the opponent in this game.

So I handed the prepared opponent information form to Gu Mengmeng, did not speak, just smiled at her.

Gu Mengmeng completely ignored the look in Kear's eyes. He only took a look at the form and glanced at it. He said: "The original world is really small." Ervis glanced at the form and shook his head helplessly. He smiled bitterly: "He has been on the penalty platform for you, and I will be merciful."

Gu Mengmeng left a lot of confused accounts in the Beast, and Barrett was one of the highlights.

She met Barrett from the first day she went to the world of the beast, and she was tired of countless times during the period.

If you can say at the outset that you don't understand the unintentional loss of the rules of the beast, then you will be confused and confused.

Because Barrett never really told her, she did not have the opportunity to really reject him.

Such a drag, directly dragged her to the beast of the beast and upgraded to beast.

Standing in the clouds, she saw with her own eyes how Barrett was swearing for St. Naze, and she saw how lonely and lonely she was.

Emotional debt, the most difficult to return.

Leia put an arm on Ervis’s shoulder and glanced at the form. He smiled and said, “Hey, it’s an acquaintance. Really, I’m still preventing him from coming. After all, Meng Meng is especially caring for him, and he is also awkward and clasped. I thought he would be the third male of our family after me. Unfortunately, he has an infatuation but he doesn’t know how to behave in front of Meng Meng. It’s a fool who knows only to pay silently."

"Is it awkward and hug and kiss?" These words stimulated Nesner's nerves. He couldn't help but glance at the form and get his heart down.

Gu Mengmeng’s helpless smile, said: “Is it a few times? It’s because he didn’t swallow at the time. I used to give him water to drink it.” And I didn’t know the men and women of the world at that time. Big defense is still serious than the Qing Dynasty. Don't mention this matter."

Leia shrugged and said: "If you don't mention it, don't mention it. Just sprouting, you are not curious? How can Barrett do a good job to fight black boxing? He will never have a owe four thousand dollars." Woman?"