MTL - Beauty and the Beast: Wolf Hubby XOXO-Chapter 1662 Ervis 2

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Just Gu Mengmeng laughed, and the atmosphere on the boat eased.

After all, she sighed, and the four male hearts followed.

Leia is naturally a great hero, because whether in the world or in the modern, he is always the one who will most care about Meng Meng.

Now Sneij will also slap on Meng Meng, but he does not have the tail like Leia.

Oh, I really want to kill him!

When I was in the Snake Valley, the goods screamed that I had a tail and did not run on him.

Now it is like this!

But what else can I do?

That tail is what I liked.

Leia didn't care about Sneij's inner activity. He only asked me if he was hot. "Meng Meng, tell me, why are you sighing? Who made you unhappy, or did you think of something unpleasant? If you say it, Leia’s father will solve it for you.”

Gu Mengmeng poked the eyebrows that Laia had put together, poked his head back directly, then opened Leia's tail, and the whole man indented into the arms of Ervis, holding Ervis not to let go. Road: "I want to go back to the world."

When the five words came out, the males looked at each other for a while.

If it is something else, they can do it for her.

However, Gu Mengmeng is the predecessor of the beast god, the former predecessor of the beast and hereditary, her identity can never again appear in the world of the beast.

It is not that these beastmasters are not willing to accompany her invisible name, but that the door to her time and space has disappeared and disappeared, and will not be reproduced again.

"This" Gu Mengmeng buried his face in Ervis’s chest, ignoring the way the males racked their brains to find a way, and continued to say: "I like the rules of the beast, there is no Sao. The waves are staring at the male estrus of others every day."

When the words came out, the eyes of the other three people went to Elvis.

Ervis’ face was black and said: “I don’t know her, I didn’t talk to her, he couldn’t get me.”

Gu Mengmeng bowed his head and snorted, but the hand on the waist of Ervis was even tighter.

Ervis was also very helpless. She suddenly said that she wanted to eat ice cream before boarding the boat, so Ervis went to the opposite side of the pier to buy her.

Who knows that when I came back, a woman wearing exposed and strange clothes stuffed a piece of paper into his pocket.

He couldn't push her with ice cream in his hands, and the woman had to go in and want to get together to kiss him.

Ervis could not accept that the female outside Gu Mengmeng was close to him, especially he was a wolf beast, and he was particularly sensitive to the taste. The taste of the female was almost drowned.

So I didn't think about it. I lifted my leg and kicked it.

Regardless of how others talked, Ervis returned directly to Gu Mengmeng without returning his head.

As a result, Gu Mengmeng did not eat ice cream. In his arms, he took out the small paper strips in his pocket and tore a crush and ice cream and threw it into the trash can. Then he hangs on him and does not fall down.

Originally, he also hugged her every day, so he didn't think much.

Seeing that she is in a bad mood, she is even more afraid to open her mouth, for fear that it would be even more unpleasant to make her wrong.

At this moment, she opened her mouth, and he realized that his little Meng, this is jealous.

In fact, it is quite happy.

Because she would be jealous, she said that she cares about him.

Regardless of her side, how many partners are there today, he has a place in her heart.