MTL - Be the King From the Time of Signing-Chapter 135 infinite crit

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   Chapter 135 Infinite Crit

   Zhou Xiao also won't make it clear.

  Since Xian Linger is going to pretend to be stupid, why should he reveal it?

   "No hatred," Zhou Xiao said lightly, "It's just that I don't like you."

   Xian Linger is even more confused.

   Do you not like me?

   I asked you to mess with you? I am such a beautiful person, what is not pleasing to the eye?

  Although Zhou Xiao has been secretly investigated.

   But he didn't expect this person to be so nonsensical, casual, and kill at every turn.

   Although he knew that Zhou Xiao was accompanied by a killer, he did not expect Wu Liuqi to be so powerful.

   killed the white-robed old man as soon as he shot.

  The white-robed old man is an existence at the eighth level of the Emperor Realm.

   "This guy is the ninth level of the emperor realm?" Xian Linger suddenly found that she underestimated Zhou Xiao and Da Zhou.

  It turns out that Da Zhou is in addition to the one from the Yunlong Mountains,

   also Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

   "Your reason is too far-fetched." Xian Ling'er said, "I, what makes you uncomfortable?"

   Zhou smiled and said, "Seeing that you are upset, do you still need a reason?"

   You really want to hijack me.

  You said I saw you were happy!

   "Has a character." Xian Ling'er waved her hand, signaling the undead warrior beside her to step down.

   She stepped out of the air.

  The tall figure is revealed, and the soft curves are like natural carvings.

   Perfect facial features without the slightest flaw.

   She has a girly youthfulness.

   But it has the charming charm of a mature woman.


   is not a simple woman.

   The eyes are seductive, and a smile and a smile seem to mobilize your nerves.

   "The two killers of the Bloodshed, go and deal with them." Xian Ling'er ordered the undead warriors behind her.

   The undead warrior said nothing,

   Then turned into a black shadow and rushed towards the Thousand-faced Enchantress and Qiu Diao.

  The battle broke out quickly.

  Xian Ling'er looked at Zhou Xiao and said with a smile, "Let me teach you a lesson myself."

   Xianlinger stepped forward.

   Every time you step out,

   A golden lotus flower blooms under the soles of the feet.

  The picture is beautiful to the extreme.

  As she moved, the undead warrior behind her instantly fought with Wu Liuqi.

   Four to one.

   The battle was brutal.

   The undead warrior is extremely powerful, almost ignoring physical attacks.

   At the same time, their souls were also sacrificed into fire.

   As long as the fire does not go out,

   they will not die.

   This is the true meaning of the undead warrior.

   Even if the fire goes out, as long as it is lit, they will be able to revive again.

This is the source of the true power of    the undead warrior.

   transcends life and death and does not enter the six realms. No soul, but still maintains the original consciousness.

   God's eternal life is not the immortality of the soul.

   but consciousness is eternal.

   The undead warrior has reached consciousness eternity perfectly. But the eternal price of consciousness is that they annihilate their feelings and become mere tools of killing.

   such a killing tool,

The   Tian Fen royal family has a total of eighty-eight statues.

   is really scary.

  Xianlinger arrived soon, Zhou Xiao protected Huaying behind him, and said, "You step back and don't walk around."

   Said that, Zhou Xiao set up a formation, and wished it a golden hoop.

After   , his body floated up, merged with the unicorn superior, and faced Xian Linger.

   "Beast Mastery?"

   "It's really interesting to be able to control the beasts of the emperor realm with such a cultivation base." Xian Ling'er and Zhou Xiao looked at each other, "You said that I am not pleasing to the eye, then you should take a second look now."

  Xianlinger blinked.

   Then Zhou Xiao was in a trance.

   "The technique of charm?" Zhou Xiao was shocked.

   The body stagnates slightly, and then Xian Linger gets close to Zhou Xiao.

   A faint fragrance came.

   "Am I beautiful?" Xian Linger asked with a smile.

   Zhou Xiao recovered after a brief trance, he didn't answer, but waved the Tathagata's palm and blasted towards Xian Ling'er.

  Xianlinger was slightly surprised.

   "He actually broke free of my charm?" She rarely fails.

   But Zhou Xiao let her fail.

   Watching Tathagata's palm slap down,

   Xian Linger gently waved her hand, and a petal magnified infinitely. Suddenly, it collided with the palm of the Tathagata.

   blocked Tathagata's palm.

   Xian Ling'er said with a smile: "Not bad, but still a little weak, continue."

   She didn't take the initiative to attack.

   But wait for Zhou Xiao's second offensive.

   Zhou Xiao frowned slightly.

   This woman is stronger than I imagined.

   took the palm lightly.

   So young, and also a strong emperor?

   And above himself.

   Yang Xiu was horrified.

   He was able to achieve such combat power, completely relying on Qilin Shangzun.

   And this woman…

Oh, right,

   She seems to be the eldest princess.

   So Zhou Xiao made a plan and said, "Beauty?"

   "I said old woman, she's a lot of age, can you stop pretending to be tender like a little girl?"

   "The word beauty has nothing to do with you."

   "Look at the crow's feet at the corners of your eyes...hey, after all, it's old age."

As soon as    Zhou Xiao said these words, Xian Linger's eyes burst into murderous intent.

   "What did you say?" Xian Linger gritted her teeth.

   Age is the last thing she wants to mention.

   Although she is now like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl.

   But she knew very well that she was no longer young.

   "I said..." Zhou Xiao saw Xian Linger's anger, and his heart was very sour, and then he said: "Are you about fifty or sixty years old?"

   "After all, your father..."

   Zhou Xiao felt horrified.

   Sure enough, a woman's appearance and age cannot be equated.

   Xian Linger was really angry, "Boy, shut up for me!"

  Suddenly the lotus smashed under my feet,

   golden light.

   The brilliance flashed in the woman's hand, and a golden scepter was held in her hand, which suddenly came towards Zhou Xiaodian.

  The breath is surging wildly.

   The power has reached the terrifying ninth level of the Emperor Realm!

   "Submit!" The terrifying coercion rolled over.

   Zhou Xiao’s body trembled violently.

   Qi and blood surged in the body.

   The second level of the emperor's realm is completely like an ant in front of the ninth level of the emperor's realm.

   Xian Linger didn't plan to kill Zhou Xiao at all, because Zhou Xiao still has value and is her weight in negotiating with Bai Hong in the future.

   She is only now,

   simply smiled at Zhou.

do not know,

  Can't the age of a woman be mentioned? Especially an elderly woman like her!

   Zhou Xiao was shocked,

   But soon he activated the 100 times crit card, and the Wangu Dragon Robe added him, immediately filtering out the terrifying coercion.

   "Grandma, your aura is not enough to shock me!" Let's talk, Zhou Xiao punched out suddenly.

  Boom! !

   This punch delivered ten times the crit,

   immediately blasted Xian Linger into the air.

  Xianling'er was shocked, "Emperor Stage 2nd Layer, how could it be possible to play such a strong force?"

   Zhou Xiao's punch completely shocked her.

   However, Zhou Xiao did not stop, but madly blasted at Xian Linger.

   Hundred times crit cards are time-limited.

fifteen minutes!

   During these fifteen minutes, Zhou Xiao had to deal as much damage as possible.

  Otherwise, once the effect is over, he can only play the second hole card.

  In such an environment,

   is still the best way to kill the enemy at the least cost.

  Boom boom boom…

   The intensive offensive came up, and Xian Linger was forced to retreat.

   "Is this guy crazy?"

  Xian Linger thinks that Zhou Xiao is like a lunatic, and what is even more strange is that his punches are stronger and weaker!

  I can't figure out the details of Zhou Xiao.

   "Could it be that there is uncontrollable power in his body!" Xian Ling'er guessed in her heart...

   (end of this chapter)