MTL - Be a Leader In a Primitive Tribe-Chapter 60

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Saturday arrives as expected.

Today is the time for military training. Sang Yu and Yan said that they only need to practice in the morning, and let everyone have free activities in the afternoon to celebrate Qixi Festival.

Yan has now been promoted to the status of a strict instructor. Seeing that his training time has been taken up, he responds with a dark face.

Sang Yu originally wanted to tell him to pack up and go to the Qixi Festival. But looking at the lonely back of the man, he finally gave up.

For the tribal people, today is the first festival since the establishment of the tribe, and everyone is extremely excited, not to mention the meaning behind this festival.

Children can feel and embody this atmosphere best, cheering and playing around the square.

Yuan started to work early in the morning.

The recipe is extremely simple on weekdays, just a broth.

The bones are put into huge three-legged clay pots to make a broth, and then the meat is chopped and thrown into the broth to cook. After the minced meat is stewed, other wild vegetables and ingredients are added.

The other two pottery pots boil water at the bottom, set up steaming boards made of wooden shelves, and then put the pre-washed and soaked cassava on the steaming rack for steaming.

When the broth is cooked, the cassava will follow suit.

These are the daily lunch and dinner in the tribe.

For those who have been in the Phoenix Tribe for more than a year, they are not tired of eating. After all, when I think of other tribes, they are still living their lives without their last meal. They will never get tired of such meals and such days.

Just imagine which tribe can drink broth every second and add enough salt to the dishes every once in a while.

Sangyu's food is no exception, the same broth and cassava.

Although the tribe can now eat enough, it is really difficult to get big fish and meat, and the current cooking utensils are clay pots, which can't be fried or fried, they can only be boiled and steamed.

But fortunately, the tribe has **** and salt, even the bones of the prey can be used to make a broth. These animals are wild game grown in the mountains and forests on the grasslands, so the taste goes without saying.

Sang Yu believes that the broth cooked by Yuan is already comparable to modern broth.

Food was scarce in the early days, and the tribe had no breakfast in the morning, only lunch and dinner.

Today, nearly 200 acres of land have been developed, and a lot of cassava is planted. Therefore, Sangyu no longer compresses meals and announces the start of the breakfast plan.

Yuan would get up early every day to steam cassava and start making broth.

After getting up and washing, people come to the kitchen to get breakfast, one cassava per person, and go to work while eating.

There are more and more chickens raised in the tribe, and the unfertilized Yunying eggs laid by many pullet hens are collected and made into boiled eggs. Children can eat at least two boiled eggs a week. Women report to the kitchen on the first day they come. Starting from the second day, one egg every morning for three consecutive days.

This is a small benefit that Sang Yu can give them.

As far as she is concerned, she does not ask for big fish and meat, but only asks for a boiled yunying egg every day. This is also a manifestation of her rare food privilege as a leader.

Sang Yu would wake up a little later than them, and when she got to the kitchen, only Yuan was busy with lunch.

Although the broth at this time has not yet tasted, but the bones are already cooked, Sang Yu will take a piece of cassava, an egg, and a bowl of clear soup to settle his breakfast slowly.

Yuan was chopping meat and washing vegetables beside him, chatting with her casually.

Today is the holiday, and Yuan wanted to cook something different. Sang Yu bit the glutinous cassava in her hand, chewed it slowly, and thought for a while, "Otherwise, you can make meatballs."


"Isn't there sun-dried cassava chips in the warehouse, mash them into powder with a stone mortar, beat a few eggs in, add water to mix, then scoop up the minced meat, add some salt, don't be too salty, if you want to make leek **** Chop leeks and put them in, if you want to eat mushroom flavor, add mushrooms, then squeeze into balls, boil and eat.”

When it comes to eating, Yuan is undoubtedly smart.

When Sang Yu said this, she had already gotten to the whole process, and she seemed to have seen the finished meatball before her eyes.

She always admires such a dish that her leader can order casually.

"Boss, you can do everything, it's amazing."

Sang Yu chuckled, if Yuan lived in her own time, maybe she would know more than herself.

"My former hometown has a lot of delicious food, and I will have some."

Where Sang Yu came from has always been a mystery in the tribe. When she chatted with a few people around her, she would only say that such things came from her hometown.

In the eyes of others, the hometown of the leader may be the place where the gods live.

It's not easy for them to explore further, after all, it is a place that they can't touch and can't be offended.

"The leader of the line, I will start pounding cassava flour when I have free time, and make meatballs for dinner."

"Looking at making more, I'm willing to put a little meat. It's best for everyone to eat more than five meatballs."

Listening to what she said, Yuan thought about how much cassava flour he needed.

"I'll ask Ci to come over to help you in a while, and I'll come over every afternoon to see you, and then I'll teach you how to squeeze meatballs."

When Yuan heard that the leader said that he would come to demonstrate, he immediately beamed with joy.

After Sang Yu finished her breakfast, she thought that today was Saturday and everyone was in the practice field, and she couldn't go to each construction site to supervise the progress, so she wandered to the practice field along with her.

Looking at the rows of tofu-like formations, Sang Yu couldn't help but praise Yan's training talent.

Sure enough, it is good to find the right person and do the right thing, so there is no need to worry too much.


As Yan gave the order, everyone squatted down instantly. Although the movements were not uniform, the movements were considered to be consistent at a glance.

"stand up-"

Everyone stood up in unison.

"Anti-Left - Stab"



It can be said that it has a shape.

Sang Yu glanced over, and quickly locked on to a little bunny.

Yu, Bai, Hong and Qing stood together, Yu was the tallest, Qing was about the same as her, and Bai and Hong were slightly shorter.

Although he is only fourteen or fifteen years old, his height has already surpassed many others in the tribe.

The recent food has begun to keep up with their growth.

I have to say that in the past two years, Yu's whole state has indeed changed a lot.

It goes without saying that he is taller, of course, most of it is family inheritance.

When I first met the three sisters Xiang and Daxue, I was surprised by the height of the four of them. Compared with the other small men in the tribe, these women also stood out from the crowd, all of them were 1.7 meters tall. Legs are a rare tall gene in the tribe.

Ya from the Rock Tribe can compare with them.

Among the four, only Xiang has a weak temperament and does not seem to be so aggressive.

But the three Daxue sisters have big bones, and they were as thin as bamboo poles when they were hungry. But now that they are full and exercised, they have become stronger one by one, and their bodies are more reliable than many men.

This is what Sang Yu wants.

Now that the tribal division of labor is no longer carried out according to the original budding default method, the set of male masters outside and female masters inside must be stepped on in time, and the women must be trained to give them more opportunities to expand outward.

Physical strength should also be improved, exercise more, eat better, everyone can be strong and strong, and when everyone mentions someone, the first thing they notice is not their gender, that is success.

During the training, Yu's small face was tense, looking serious and cute.

Sang Yu couldn't help but linger on her for a while longer.

And the others also found that their leader was coming, and couldn't help but turn their heads to look around. Without accident, they were caught by Yan and severely reprimanded.

Then he shouted loudly: "Everyone is there, stand at attention, turn left, and say hello to the leader."

"Hi sir—"

More than two hundred people yelled these three words together, like a huge loudspeaker, making their ears buzzing, and Sang Yu, who was not mentally prepared, was still startled.

Her heartbeat was a little fast, but there was a calm expression on her face.

"You practiced very well, go ahead, I'll come over and have a look."

Only then did Yan let them stand at attention, continue to stand in a military posture to train their endurance, and came over to talk to Sang Yu himself.

"Yan, you really impress me."

Yan didn't know this idiom, but he also knew the meaning of the leader. He turned his head and looked at the neat square formations, with a rare smile on his tanned face.

Training the team, maybe what he can entrust to himself now, and it can also help the tribe, this makes him very satisfied, this satisfaction also slowly quelled his original hatred, and repeatedly tempered his will force.

"These are all guided by the leader."

This is not a compliment. If it weren't for Sang Yu, he wouldn't know that he could still train like this and shout slogans like that.

"You don't need to be humble, but you also can't be proud. The tribe will have more people in the future. At that time, you will have to train more than these five small squares. Even ten or one hundred, so many that even our entire new land A population that cannot be accommodated.”

It is no exaggeration for a general to lead hundreds of thousands of troops.

Yan's eyes lit up immediately, he stood up straight and said solemnly: "Boss, I will continue to work hard."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly thought of something, picked up the bamboo spear standing on the side, and said: "Boss, should we use vines to make a shield when the soldiers go to the battlefield? If the enemy also uses bamboo spears , or they also have bows and arrows, if we have such a barrier, we can block it to avoid the main damage, which is more conducive to counterattack."

Sang Yu looked at Yan with admiration, and it was rare for someone to think of going ahead.

Yan said, in fact, the shield.

Ancient shields were mainly made of wood, covered with several layers of animal skins, which could act as a buffer.

Later, the shield was no longer covered with animal skin, but replaced with a metal skin, which greatly improved the defense ability.

Sang Yu didn't expect this level, mainly because the tribe's supplies are too scarce, and the production of wooden boards alone is enough to make people retreat.

There is no saw or machete, and it is impossible to split wood and make planks with stone knives alone.

Now Yan proposed to use vines to weave shields, which is very feasible.

Nowadays, the weapons of various tribes are very backward. Most of them are still spears and bamboo spears. The tips of the spears are also made of stone tools, and the shields made of vines can resist most injuries.

And with the development of the work in the garment workshop, everyone is now wearing sackcloth, and the hunting team can hunt some animals every day, and there will be some animal skins.

This method is especially feasible to wrap the vine shield with animal skin or bark.

"Your method is very good. On Monday, I will immediately ask the handicraft team to design a shield first. Then we will try it out. If the effect is good, we will put it into production immediately."

His idea was adopted by the leader, Yan Qiang held back the excitement in his heart, and just wanted to do more things to repay the leader's appreciation.

So without further ado, he started to shout slogans and practice again, with an attitude of not giving up until he rubbed off the skin of these bastards.

During the day, the drill was hard, but at night, everyone ate venison balls, which was unambiguous at all.

In the same broth as usual, add five white, fat and special Q-bomb balls, it looks very appetizing.

Because the meat is placed enough, it is enjoyable to bite down and even burst out the juice.

According to Yuan, the leader thought of this ball, and half of it was squeezed by the leader himself. Everyone couldn't bear to swallow it in one gulp, and chewed carefully and slowly. Can't stop.

It's a pity that there are too few. If you can eat ten or fifty, it will be so beautiful.

At night, oil lamps are lit around the square.

These oil lamps are made by Sangyu who found the tung tree, picked the fruit and squeezed the oil, put in the wick made of hemp rope, and made the oil lamp.

There was also a fire in the center of the venue, and the dots looked very artistic.

People with spring hearts are a little shy at first. But seeing that someone has already invited the person they like to dance around the bonfire, I can't calm down, I'm afraid that the person I like will be the first to catch up.

Soon, the number of people in pairs by the fire gradually increased, and people danced in the most primitive way to show their hearts...

Sang Yu was sitting in her hut, holding a notebook in her hand, and a little girl was sitting on the bamboo bed behind the oil lamp, not Yu or anyone else.

Sang Yu turned her head and glanced at the little girl who was in a daze, and said, "It's so lively outside, your little friends are all playing in the square, but you're nestling here like a little old lady."

Yu didn't speak, and leaned back, lying on the animal skin, not knowing what was going on in his head.

"What is Tanabata?"

Sang Yu heard the little girl's sudden words, put down the pen in her hand, thought for a while and said: "Actually, the stars in the sky have names. There is a constellation called Vega. This constellation was later evolved into a mythical goddess. , she is the protector of lovers, women and children. According to our days, today is the birthday of the seventh sister of the Weaving Goddess. The gods can give more food to the tribe."

Sang Yu's words contained a lot of information, and Yu tilted his head as if it took him a while to digest it.

But her next sentence really made Sang Yu dumbfounded.

"Don't you have a corresponding star in the sky?"

"I'm just a mortal, how could there be?"

"I think there should be a constellation for you in the sky." Yu muttered.

"What constellation do I want? Even being a fairy is tiring. I just want to lie flat every day."

"Then don't go out, just lie down."

"I'm lying down, still thinking about things in my mind, so I can't be more tired."

"Then what do you have to do so that you don't think about things?"

"I don't know. When you grow up and become stronger, I will leave everything to you, so you don't have to worry about it."

Hearing this, Yu was instantly speechless.

Because she had already gone through what Sang Yu did every day in her mind, and finally found that she could not do anything except fight and archery, and she was afraid that she would not be able to do this job.

Seeing her dejected look, Sang Yu smiled and said, "Why, don't you want to be the leader?"

Yu shook his head frantically: "I don't want to be the leader, I want to be the soldier behind the leader, no, I want to be the soldier in front of the leader."

Of course Sang Yu understood what she meant, she chuckled, and said, "Okay, grow up quickly, and strive to be the woman behind the leader."

It didn't mean anything else. But she was shy after she finished speaking, and she didn't know what Yu would be like when she grew up.

At that time, he won't be such a small person, and he doesn't know if he will let himself be manipulated like this.

But when Yu heard this, he sat up from the bed without thinking, and said, "I will grow up soon."

In fact, I have grown up, Yu is still a little unconvinced, I don't know how big the leader said when he grows up.

Sang Yu didn't continue to discuss this topic with her, put away the notebook in her hand and threw it on the bed, and said to Yu: "Let's go, let's go out and have a look, it's so lively outside, it's a pity to lie indoors."

Yu didn't want to move at first, but when he saw the woman in front of him had already turned around and left the door, he didn't say anything, but he moved a step earlier, quickly got out of bed, and followed her with his straw sandals.

Fueled by the Qixi Festival, forty couples came to Sangyu to register in the following week. Sangyu was really happy that they had found a partner.

Finding a mate is one thing, but tribe work still has to be done.

Especially the handicraft team. On Monday, Sang Yu went to the workshop and told Jiao about making vine shields.

Jiao looked at Sangyu's design and felt that this was not a difficult task.

After all, their team made a lot of rattan baskets, and the difficulty of rattan baskets was even greater than that of Teng Dun.

Sangyu asked them to make two shapes, one is the prototype, and the light type is easy to carry.

The other is a rectangular rattan shield, which needs to be added with small wood to increase its toughness. This kind of shield can protect a larger area, but it is also heavier.

The most important thing is to weave very densely and be strong. Otherwise, if the enemy pierces with a spear and directly pierces in, the defensive effect will not be achieved at all.

A layer of tree bark is attached on the outside, and a layer of animal skin is added on the inside, and both sides are blessed.

For Jiao and the others, as long as the materials are in place, it is no problem for one person to make such a shield a day.

Sang Yu got two Teng Duns on the third day, and she directly asked Yan and Zhuang to be called to the handicraft team to conduct some experiments.

The role of the shield came into play immediately.

In the absence of iron weapons, other stone tools and bamboo tools, even if they were slashed vigorously, would only leave a shallow cut on them.

If the bamboo spear is stabbed from the front, it will be more destructive to the shield. But there was still a certain amount of resistance, enough for the soldiers to set aside the opponent's bamboo spears to fight back.

After several people put forward some suggestions for modification, Sang Yu asked Jiao to arrange people to start making, making sure that everyone had their own exclusive rattan shield.

At the same time, the work of other tribes is also carried out in an orderly manner. Until the end of October, the planting team opened another 50 acres of wasteland, adding up, the tribe has a total of 200 acres of land.

According to previous calculations, there are more than 200 people in the tribe, and 50 acres of land can provide their staple food for a year.

Next year, the remaining cassava can be boiled and fed to pigs and sheep.

With the cultivation of the previous seeds, in the second half of this year, millet has been able to plant ten acres of land, and beans have also been planted on ten acres, and the growth is gratifying.

Sang Yu seemed to see soy milk and tofu beckoning to her.

Beans can even be used to brew soy sauce, which is promising even after thinking about it.

It's a pity that there is no big iron pot, otherwise, cooking with soy sauce would be so delicious...

However, at this time, Sang Yu, who was immersed in her imagination, could never have imagined that the big iron pot she had been looking forward to for a long time might come true in what would happen next.