MTL - Be a Leader In a Primitive Tribe-Chapter 30

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After six o'clock in the afternoon, people working outside came back one after another.

The hunting team sorted the prey they got. The dead and injured were sent to the kitchen to be processed into food, and the live ones were sent to the sparrow to replenish the breeding farm.

After dealing with all this, go to the washing area near the bathhouse to wash your hands and feet.

From this point to going to bed at night is the most relaxing and happy moment in the tribe.

Everyone sat in the small square outside the kitchen, chatting around the fire while waiting for the meal.

Now that the weather is not so cold, people don't want to sit in the dining room, they prefer to enjoy the fire outside. There is a lot of space outside, and you can dance at any time, which is comfortable.

It's just that tonight's dinner is very tempting. The smell of meat is coming from the kitchen, making the people outside salivate.

Until Yuan greeted a few people to go in and bring out the dishes, everyone was looking forward to it, and took their own bowls and chopsticks.

Since the second batch of pottery was made, everyone in the tribe now has their own pottery bowl, a big sea bowl, chopsticks are made of two wooden sticks, and large spoons for scalding are made of bamboo tubes.

Everyone lined up to put the pottery bowls on the stone table one by one, and Yuan and Ci served soup for everyone in an orderly manner.

"Yuan, what's in the soup today, it's so delicious."

Gao was the first to scoop up the soup. After he swallowed the soup, his eyes lit up.

The others hadn't had a drink yet, so after hearing what he said, they quickly picked up their bowls and took a sip.

The amazing and unbelievable voices followed one after another.

"Oh my god, this soup is so delicious—"

"I've never tasted such a delicious soup."

"Yuan, what seasoning did you put in the soup, why is it so delicious?"

"Yuan, your skills are getting better and better."

Sang Yu also took a bowl of soup and sat on the stone pier at the door of the kitchen, blew on the hot air, and took a sip slowly. The long-lost taste filled his mouth, a faint salty taste, and the smell of ginger.

The world is delicious!

This chicken soup is far incomparable to those foods before, and even the wild vegetables in the soup become very delicious.

"I put salt, and the leader found the salt."

Yuan also stood among the crowd with a bowl of soup, excitedly speaking.

"My God, this is salt, it's so delicious!"

"No wonder the tribes fought so hard for the salt."

"The leader is really a god, and he can find salt for everyone."

"The leader is too powerful. Fortunately, we are with the leader. Otherwise, we would have starved to death, and we would not be able to drink such delicious chicken soup."

The voices of praise and admiration followed each other, and Sang Yu was immune to hearing these words of praise again. After she drank a bowl of chicken soup, she walked to the side of the crowd.

"It's true that I found the salt, but it's too heavy to carry. Tomorrow, all the members will stop working. Except Ci, who will take care of the wounded and children at home, everyone will go with me."

"It really has salt!"

"There must be a lot, otherwise there would not be so many people to memorize."

"That's great. I heard that a handful of salt can feed all of us. With so much salt, we will never be short of salt in our lives."

Sang Yu nodded and said, "As long as we can carry, carry, and carry, our tribe will never lack salt in this life."

When everyone heard the words, they applauded.

Several cans of chicken and wild vegetables were also divided up by them, and they even licked their bowls with unsatisfied satisfaction.

There are quite a lot of prey harvested today, a deer, a few rabbits and a few chickens.

When the rabbits are raised, they can test medicine for Xiang, and if there are too many, they can be used as food. It's a pity that this deer fell into the trap and was pierced by a spear in the neck and couldn't survive. Sang Yu ordered Yuan to remove the internal organs of these animals and clean them up. Can be marinated for several months.

It can also be marinated for three to five days, then hung on the beam of the kitchen to make smoked bacon.

Unlike the previous bacon without salt, this one tastes better, and it can be stored for a longer time and has more flavor.

That night, everyone became very excited because of the salt they were about to get, and they started dancing when they were excited.

The dance of the tribe is inherited from the previous generation. In the past, people danced during sacrifices. Now everyone knows some dances, yelling and dancing rhythmically.

When she first came here, Sang Yu didn't look very closely. Everyone was dressed in simple clothes, and she was afraid of seeing things that she shouldn't have seen.

It's been a long time now and I'm getting used to it.

The so-called what is in my heart, what I look like, except for the reasons of beauty and keeping warm, it is because I think too much.

It wasn't until the bright moon was in the sky that everyone enjoyed themselves and went back to sleep.

The next morning, Yuan also got up early and cooked two large pots full of wild vegetable soup, which contained minced venison, and the salt was just right, which was very delicious.

After eating a bowl of soup for each person, the body is warm and delicious, and it seems to be full of infinite power.

"Everyone, pick up the burden if you can, carry the basket if you can, and strive to go back early."

"Set off-"

A group of people finally embarked on the road of carrying salt.

Sang Yu didn't let Si Ya follow. The salt mine was half a day away from the tribe, and he had to come back at night every time he came back.

Now the tribe has only a few wounded and sympathizers left, and there are clay kilns and pottery they just built by the river. The tribe has just settled down, and if someone invades, it will be very bad.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but look back in the direction of the tribe.

The next step is to establish the tribe's defense system. Otherwise, once there is an enemy attack, they can only be slaughtered like the Eagle Tribe invasion before.

But the most important task right now is to carry the salt back first.

The Salt Mine Mountain is located in a hilly area, the ground is uneven, and all means of transportation are useless. Unless you find horses and donkeys for transportation, you can only carry them all the time.

Unlike the previous relocation, there were no wounded people to follow, and everyone's footsteps were not slow. It took three or four hours to finally arrive at the mine.

Everyone scrambled to the foot of the mountain, licking wildly on the salt block to see if it was salty.

After confirming, I couldn't help feeling the magic of this nature.

"Let's start, everyone first break these stones into small pieces, so that they can be easily put into rattan baskets."

Everyone was very interested, so they picked up the stone axes and started working.

Soon, large and small salt ores were knocked into many small pieces and piled up in a pile.

"Recite as much as you can, don't be greedy for more."

After installing it, it came back in a mighty way.

Although it was hard work, it was salt, something that all the tribes were fighting for, and now they could get it easily without exchanging or fighting, and no one complained about being tired.

And the strange thing is, unlike before, I don't feel very tired from walking today. Is it because I ate salt?

This is too amazing!

The salt blocks that were carried back were piled up next to the kitchen, waiting for rounds to be filtered.

Although Sangyu didn't let them work too hard, many people recited it to death. Zhuang alone picked up three hundred catties of salt mines, and the others had tens of hundreds of catties of salt mines. It can be more than two thousand catties, and it can be more than one thousand catties after removing impurities, which is enough to eat for a long time.

"In the future, we will have to recite salt twice a month on average. Whether we take it to the market or not, we must store it well. In case the salt mine is discovered by others in the future, with our current strength, we have no way to share with others. Rob."

If possible, Sang Yu really wanted to include that salt mine in the territory of the Phoenix Tribe.

If you ride a horse, it takes only two hours. In modern times, the distance of a county cannot be reached.

This matter is not impossible. Expand the territory with the new land as the center, incorporate the surrounding hundreds of miles of land into the domain, and establish a state.

Sang Yu couldn't help feeling a little moved, but looking at the tribe of thirty people behind her, she had to suppress the ambition in her heart.

At present, we should solve the immediate needs first, and consider the others later.

Gao interjected: "Boss, the best items in the market are salt and pottery. We have both, so there is no need to go to the market, right?"

Sang Yu shook his head: "We still lack a lot of things, such as seeds. The branches and willows have planted cassava a few days ago, and we can harvest it after summer. When the two aspects of planting and breeding develop, we don't need outsiders. Go hunting far away, and no one will die from hunting or starvation. But now there is not enough cassava, and it is only cassava, too single type.”

Qing scratched her head and said, "That's right, it's not good to eat cassava all at once."

This is the stage of getting ready to go from being hungry to full and picky eaters.

Sang Yu nodded: "That's right, we need to get other varieties of seeds and eat them in turn with cassava. But it will be difficult to rely on our own strength. We can go to the market to see if others have it, and exchange it directly. Much faster."

Not only seeds, but even weapons can be exchanged at the market.

As a person like myself, I am slow to do anything.

After Sang Yu's explanation, everyone understood the meaning of farming and had different expectations for the market.

"But before that, we have to get the tribe's defense up."

Everyone didn't know what defense was, and looked at Sang Yu suspiciously.

"Do you still remember last year when the Eagle tribe invaded the old tribe? You escaped by chance. But no one can guarantee that they will not come to the new land. And even if it is not the Eagle tribe, there will be other tribes."

"If we go to the market, the things we bring with us should not be too good. If we are targeted by others, it will be a big problem, so the defense work should be arranged as soon as possible."

Be prepared!

"Defense, such as walls, weapons, traps, and our methods of responding to enemy attacks."

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words.

Since following the new leader, everyone ate and slept well, and seemed to be very happy, but they didn't know that the threat had never left.

"Leader, what to do, we all listen to you."

"Okay, except for the breeding team of Que and Qing, the other teams will be busy with their original arrangements in the morning, and make traps and walls with me in the afternoon."

Everyone nodded and asked where to make the trap.

"Today I'm going to teach you what bearing is."

"The place where our tribe is now is called Xindi. The direction of the mountain behind Xindi is the north, and the direction of the large plain and the river opposite the north is the south."

Sang Yu taught them which side is left and which side is right.

After they understood it, they said: "The left side of Xindi, that is, the direction of the waterfall is east, where the sun rises."

"The direction of our old tribe was in the west. We drove you all the way from the west. Do you still remember the leopards you met?"

"Remember, I will never forget it."

Everyone responded in unison, that was where they fought as a team for the first time.

"The trap we have been digging for a while is also in the west, can everyone understand?"


Sang Yu nodded and said: "The current location of our new land, the mountain on the back, the ruggedness behind the mountain is mostly a cliff. If other tribes invade, there is no way to enter the tribe from the back."

"The south of the front is a big river, and there is no way to come here without a bridge or a boat."

Sang Yu determined that in this era, shipbuilding technology should not have appeared yet. Even if someone could actually swim, it would be a huge challenge to swim across such a wide river.

Therefore, the defense work on the north and south sides does not need to be considered for the time being.

And the waterfall on the east side connects the river to form a defensive zone. Before everyone went to carry salt, they also drilled through a small pass under the waterfall. The place only needs to block the entrance of the cave.

Then the rest is the west direction.

Going down along the river in the west is also a vast plain. It is a bit difficult to build a defense project here.

To build a fence, it would be a very huge project with only the thirty people in front of Sang Yu.

But no matter how difficult it is, it must be done. Now there are 30 people, and there will be 300 to 3,000 people in the future. Defense projects must not be ignored.

"We want to build a fence and dig traps in the west. This is a major event for the tribe in the future, and it is also a long-term plan. It will definitely not be completed in a short time, but it will always be built over time."

Si Ya was here, and Sang Yu had his cards in his heart, and he didn't think about ordering the people of the tribe to build the fence within a year or two.

Now that there are traps, people in the tribe hardly need to go out to hunt anymore. They only need to patrol the traps every day to retrieve the prey.

With the development of the tribe's planting and breeding business, the people in these two teams will be a little bit busy, and other people still have free time, which can be devoted to defense work.

Most importantly, Sang Yu felt that the tribe would absorb more people in the future. When the time comes, the remaining labor force will have to find something to do for them.

There is still a good chance of completing the defense affairs in the west.

And once the wall is built, they will not have to worry about the invasion of foreign tribes for many years to come, and they will be able to develop production wholeheartedly.

This is Sang Yu's plan.

Two more months passed, and it was April.

At this time, a large section of cassava has grown, and **** has grown lush.

The wild eggs that I took out before have now hatched a brood of chicks, chattering and chirping every day.

During this period of time, several batches of high-quality pottery were also fired. In the kitchen, with the help of Ci Hexiang, Yuan filtered out several thousand catties of salt.

Everything is going on in an orderly manner.

The summer solstice has arrived, and Sang Yu is preparing to go to the market, and has been here for so long. Except for the cannibal tribe, she had never seen any other tribe.

At the same time, for the future development of the tribe, it is also necessary for her to go out to understand the situation around the tribe, so that she can be prepared if the situation in the area changes in the future.

Hearing that the leader was going to the market, the tribe became active, and everyone wanted to go with him.

Sang said: "I will only choose five people to follow on this trip. It is best to pick, carry and fight. It is a physical effort."

According to what Ci said, when I was in the old tribe, I always walked towards the sunset, and it took three days to reach the market.

Then from Xindi to the market, it will take five days in total.

Now the leader asked strong and strong people to go with him, and many of them retreated in an instant, fearing that they would become a burden.

In the end, Sang Yu decided not to let Siya go with her. The tribe is now her whole effort, and the safety of the people left behind is very important to her. She doesn't want anything to happen to her while she is away.

Those who went with him were Yu, Zhuang, Hua and Yan.

Although Yu is young, he is very vigilant and has very good explosive power. He will definitely be an excellent fighter in the future.

Needless to say, strong body, able to carry and fight, bodyguards and porters are the best candidates.

Hua and Yan are also representatives of strength, and Sang Yu can bring them an extra guarantee for his own safety.

Gao was a bit top-notch in management, so he was left to preside over the overall situation.