MTL - Awakening-Chapter 222 Old shop

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Nagoya is the capital of Aichi Prefecture, Japan, second only to Tokyo, Osaka and Yokohama.

Because Zhizi feels that he is only writing a essay or a class of amateur writers on the magazine column, he has not published the book himself, and she does not want to be seen by the readers, so she went to the staff of the venue. Propose to cancel her seat.

Under her insistence, the president of the Association of Young Writers in their forties finally agreed to her request.

So, the son straight into the crowd, very happy to hold the lover's arm around the venue to wander around.

Looking at the crowds, Lei Yin said to her: "Let's go, it's too noisy here."

Hezi hesitated. "Not very good. After the end of the signing event, there is another author's dinner. If you don't even attend this event, it doesn't seem very good."

"Don't worry, there are so many people who write books here, even if one or two are missing, no one will find out. You are not saying that you want to take me to your grandmother? Now is a good opportunity."

When I heard Ray's words, the eyes of the sons flashed in excitement and immediately agreed.

After coming out of the venue, Naoko said with a smile: "It’s so fun, it seems like a little truant."

Looking at her moving smile, Lei Yin couldn't help but bow down and kiss her pretty face, then said: "You just didn't say that is not good?"

Straight son holding his arm in his arms and said: "Hate, obviously you are jealous of me."

Lei Yin smiled and said: "It’s not good to go empty-handed. Let’s buy some gifts and bring them with us.”

In the care of the lover, the son is very happy.

After they went to the nearby mall to buy some gifts, they set off in the car.

Naoko's antique shop is located in the old district of Shkemichi in Nagoya.

The history of this old block dates back to the 18th century Japanese merchants' era, with ancient warehouses, temples and craft shops. It is full of traditional Japanese folk style. It is one of the must-see places for many visitors to Nagoya.

When he came to the door, Lei Yin looked at the antique shop. This is a typical Japanese traditional shop, the size of the store is large, and behind the store is the house of the people. Most of the interior and exterior are wooden structures that look antique. Listening to the introduction of the son, this antique shop has a history of more than 60 years, is the brainchild of her grandfather.

After coming here, Naoko was as excited as a child. She couldn't wait to pull Lei Yin into the store.

After walking in, she saw a middle-aged woman carefully wiping the goods on the price, and she immediately said to the woman: "Auntie."

Hearing the voice coming from behind, the woman turned her head immediately. After seeing the straight, she said with amazement: "The original son is back."

Naoko said with a smile: "Are you good?"

Chikura grass came over and took her to measure her. "I am fine, what about you?"

"I am doing very well, is Grandma here?"

"The wife is inside the hall. Is this?" Chicang Caozi looked at Lei Yin a bit strangely.

"He is my unmarried husband." The straight son said with a red face.

"Yeah?" Chicang’s face showed a surprised expression. She never heard of a son who had a fiancé.

After looking at Lei Yin with incomparable sorrow, Xiaosheng said: "Ray, this is to help my grandmother to look after the shop's pool warehouse grass aunt." In the excitement, she forgot to say the true name of her lover. Come out.

Lei Yin smiled and said to Chicang Caozi: "Hello, my name is Yuanshi Zhengzhi, and it is a straight son's fiance."

"Chicang Caozi quickly returned to normal, and immediately said: "Hello, my name is Chicang Caozi, please advise. ”

Zhizi was anxious to see her grandmother, so she said to her: "Auntie, we are advanced to see Grandma. I almost forgot, this is a gift for you." She took a box of gifts from Lei Yin's hand and gave it to her.

"You are so real, come back, and bring a gift."

"It's just a little bit of a sense. Then we advanced." After that, the son pulled the thunder and walked in.

Looking at the expression of the excitement of the son, Chicang Caozi could not help feeling, and I couldn’t think of the little girl who had a fiancé.

From elementary school to high school, Naoko has always been a book read in Nagoya. It can be said that she is looking at the straight from the little girl who was so cute and lovely in the past to become such a beautiful woman. Like Grandma's grandmother, Ikegaya is also worried about being a weak and sick child from a young age, hoping that her fiancé can give her a good hand.

The house inside is a styled residence similar to that of Takeda's hometown. In the middle of the garden filled with flowers, there is a row of rooms with wooden floors and paper doors.

Straight son went to the front of the largest room in the middle, and then gently screamed inside: "Grandma, I am a straight son. Are you inside?"

When the son called the third, the paper-made push door was opened, and an old man with silver hair came out and looked at his granddaughter with kindness. After a while she smiled and said: "Hey, you are back."

Naoko’s eyes slowly reddened, and she bowed to the old man and said, “Grandma, I am back.”

"Come in and sit down." While talking, the old man glanced at Lei Yin, who stood next to the straight son.

The furnishings in the room are very simple. In the middle is a wooden dwarf. There are several potted plants on the window sill. There are several simple and bright lines on the wall. On the side of the cabinet there is a TV that is turned on but has a small volume. The combination of such simple furniture gives a feeling of peace and tranquility.

After entering the room, Zhizi walked consciously to the front of the cabinet, pulled out the first drawer and took out the teapot, teacup and a can of tea from the inside. Then go to the tea room next to the room to make tea.

Soon, the straight son brewed the tea. She first poured a cup and placed it in front of the old man, and then she gave it to Lei Yin.

After the tea was divided, Zhizi squatted at the back of the old man to help her gently massage her shoulders. Then she said, "Grandma, because I published some manuscripts in the magazine a few days ago, the Japanese Young Writers Association invited me to Nagoya to participate in the annual Young Writers Exchange. I have time today, I will come here to see you. Have you been healthy recently?"

"I am fine, is your father and your mother?"

Naoko replied: "My father's work is still very busy, but both of them are good. The big brother and the second brother are also the same."

"How is your body?"

"My body is very good, please don't worry."

The old man nodded with satisfaction. "I will be relieved. Son, let me introduce this young gentleman."

Straight son immediately blushes, completely afraid to see Ray hidden. She whispered to the old man's ear and said, "Grandma, he is the one I have been waiting for."

Hearing the answer from his granddaughter, the old man looked at Lei Yin quietly. After a while, she suddenly said to him: "I will trouble you to take care of the son in the future."

Lei Yin replied: "I will, please rest assured."

"Grandma...thank you!" The face was full of surprises. She was still worried about her grandmother's perception of Lei Yin, and now she is relieved.

The old man did not ask Lei Yin’s career, family and other issues in detail, but he was very casual to talk to them about some trivial things in life. The son who is in a good mood sometimes spoke to her like a little girl, and Lei Yin smiled at the side.

I don't know how long it took, suddenly, there was a big quarrel from the outside store.

The old man frowned slightly as he heard the quarrel outside.

"Grandma, let's go see what's going on outside?" Naoko said to her.

The old man nodded and stood up.

When the three people walked into the store, they saw a man in his thirties who was arguing with Chicang Caozi.

At this time, the man exclaimed excitedly: "You are lying to me, I know that something must be here, you can take it out quickly."

"Sorry, guest, we really don't have that kind of thing here."

"This is impossible, I know you must hide it."

"Guest, can you tell me something? Nothing, what do you want us to bring to you?"

The man was furious. "Call out your boss. I have to ask him in person."

Chicang Caozi was a little impatient with him. "You have been there once. I told you clearly at the time, but you didn't believe it. How many times do you want me to believe?" ”

"You are lying to me, bastard, call your boss out!" The man slammed the counter and said.

"I am the boss here. What are you doing?" The old man went over and said to the man.

"You are the boss here? Are you surnamed Bingwu?" The man looked at the old man without hesitation.

"Yes. What is your business?"

At this time, Chicang grass went to the old man, and then went to her ear and said for a while.

After listening to her, the old man carefully looked at the man. After a while, he said, "This gentleman, can you tell me why you think that the store has what you are looking for?"

At this time, the expression of the man becomes very complicated, and it seems that something is difficult to decide. After a while, he looked at the old man deeply and said, "I'm sorry, I am bothered." After that, he turned and walked out of the antique shop.

I can't think of him leaving so easily, Ikebukuro can't help but feel a little surprised.

"Grandma, what does that person want to find?" asked the old man.

The old man slowly looked back at the back of the man and said, "He is looking for the knife that is enshrined."

"Knife? Are you talking about the knife that is enshrined in the small room in the east?" Naoko said with a little surprise.

"Yes. You two come with me." After she finished, she went back inside.

The old man took them to the corner of the east side of a small room with a lock, like a utility room.

"Son son, do you still remember this room?" At this moment, the old man suddenly asked.

Naoko replied: "Of course, except that time, you told me that it is absolutely impossible to get close to this room, and I can't go in."

The old man did not speak any more, just took a key from his body and then opened the lock of the door with a key.

After opening the door of the room, the old man said, "You come in with me."

The room was very dark, except for the light coming in from the doorway and the only small window outside, there was almost no other light source inside. And because of the long-term closure, there is a faint musty smell inside.

The old man walked to the left side of the wall and fumbled. After a while, he only heard the "beep" sound, and the fluorescent lamp mounted on it lit up.

"Fortunately, the lights are not bad." The old man said as he walked back.

At this time, Ray clearly saw that there was an iron frame on a table in the center of the room, and a long wooden box was placed on the iron frame. From the point of view of the grain and color of the box, it is clear that there have been many days.

There are a few bent jade and some wormwood attached to the opening. In addition to these things, the most striking thing is that the top is also covered with a piece of spell. These things are combined and make people feel very good. Surprising.

The old man said to his granddaughter: "Hey, I used to be small, so I don't want you to know about these things. But now that you have grown up, I have something to tell you. Do you remember the box?" The old man pointed A box placed on the table.

Naoko replied: "I remember that there was a long knife in the box. Because when I was in the first grade of elementary school, the original box was moldy and broken. At that time, you handed me a new wooden box and told me to put it inside. The long knife was taken out of the broken box, and it was put into a new box, so I remember very clearly."

"Do you know why I asked you to change boxes at the time, instead of letting others or myself personally change them?"

"I don't know, because I didn't think too much at the time."

"Now I tell you, it is because other people can't touch the knife except the innocent child, otherwise it will be very dangerous."

"Danger? I don't really understand what you mean." Naoko thinks the word seems too serious.

The old man slowly said: "This knife is not our home. It is a good friend of your grandfather who is here with us. The man said that this knife is definitely not to be touched because it is a Evil knife."

"Evil knife?" Naoko has a feeling of listening to ghost stories.

"You may not believe it, but it is indeed a bad knife. According to your grandfather's good friend, anyone who has held this knife will not die. And it will cause one every time it appears." The horrible killing. I didn't believe it at the beginning, but after some strange things happened, I began to believe."

"What a strange thing?" Straight son unconsciously hugged Lei’s arm.

"This knife was not originally placed here, but in the west side of the house. But one day, your grandfather saw a worker responsible for cleaning. I don’t know why, I always looked at the knife with a strange look. He began to think that he was wrong, but slowly, he found that the person's actions and behaviors became more and more strange. Later, other workers said that he used to talk to himself when he was alone. Your grandfather thought he had the spirit. The problem, so he dismissed him. But I didn't expect that one night, he sneaked in from outside and wanted to steal things. But it was not long before other workers found him to catch him. At that time he kept calling ' Give me the knife and give it to me. When the police took the man away, he didn’t expect him to go crazy in the police station and bite the policeman’s ear. At the end, the doctor concluded that he had serious The schizophrenia put him in a mental hospital. Your grandfather thought it might have something to do with the knife, so he put the knife in the room that was originally a utility room.

A few years later, your grandfather passed away. After that, another strange thing happened. After two months of working, a new handyman suddenly appeared to behave similarly to the previous cleaner. It is also seen that he often talks to himself, and others see him often squatting in front of this room. I am afraid that something will happen, so he is dismissed like your grandfather. On the second night, I specially arranged for a few workers to stay outside and see if anyone came in. As a result, the handyman really sneaked back that night, and wanted to open the lock here. The workers who had been here were handing him over to the police. ”

"Then, like the last one, did he madly bite?" Naoko asked cautiously.

"No, but he committed suicide in the police station's guard room." Hearing this answer, Zhizi felt even more afraid, almost indenting the whole person into Lei's arms.

The old man continued: "I felt very unusual after such a thing happened, so I took a look at it and found that the box with the knife was rotten because of mold. I don't know if it is really for this reason, but Just in case, according to what your grandfather's good friend said, let the kid who was still a child take the knife out and put on a new box. At the time, I was also afraid that you would have an accident and watched with fear. After you came out safely, I immediately invited a mage who lived in a nearby temple to let him put an exorcism spell on the box and tie it to the jade and wormwood that can ward off evil. Although I don't know Is it really effective, but since I have done these things, until now, nothing has happened. If this knife is not your friend’s good friend, I have already thrown it away.” The old man could not help but sigh.

After listening to her grandmother, Naoko looked at the box with a little fear. She couldn't think of the knife that she had put in her hand that year. It turned out to be such a wicked thing. She now feels a chill.

Suddenly thought of something, Naoko said: "Grandma, this knife has been here for so long, why would that person know?"

The old man said, "I don't know this. I told you to come, I want to tell you, if there is anything in the future, you will bury this knife under the tree of the nearby temple. Help that person. After keeping it for so many years, we are considered to be benevolent. I don't want this knife to hurt you or others."

When I heard the old man, the son suddenly became nervous. "Grandma, don't scare me, you must not have anything."

The old man smiled and said, "Sorry, I am scared. I am not saying that I will have anything. I just said that when I am old, I will handle it. But you must remember, don't Open the box."

This is a sigh of relief. "I know, Grandma."

At this time, Lei Yin, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said, "Can you let me see the knife?"