MTL - Asking About Longevity-Chapter 675 Auxiliary

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 Chapter 675 Auxiliary

 After a long time, Mo Hua exited the state of "enlightenment" and became clear-minded.

 The three colors in my eyes faded away, and many realizations settled quietly in my heart...

  There is no need to regard God as “God”…

 Divinity and humanity are integrated into one, sharpening the Taoist heart.

 In this way, Mo Hua no longer had any worries, and he could officially start his plan to "eat" God!

The powerful evil **** cannot afford to "eat", so it is simple to eat some of the "divine remains" of the sermon first.

Mo Hua took out another piece of paper and began to make plans.

 He first imagined the process in his mind:

 To eat the divine skeleton, you must first find the divine skeleton, then **** it away, suppress it with divine thoughts, disinfect it with tribulation thunder, "eat" the divine marrow, and then sharpen your Taoist heart through the assimilation of "divine nature".

 There are two problems here:

 One is to find the divine corpse, and the second is to rob the divine corpse.

 Ink painting has been pondered for a while...

 From the very beginning, he abducted Yu'er and also wanted to abduct his own boss Jiang...

 Since he came to Qianxue Prefecture, he has encountered many human traffickers.

This group of men in black is organized, disciplined, large in number, skilled in techniques, and secretive. They must be related to the "evil god".

When the divine skeleton preaches, there must be believers, either minions, or "god servants" parasitized by the divine skeleton.

  I have an idea for the time being about finding the "divine bones", and then I will grab the "divine bones".

Even the demon cultivators headed by the Fire Buddha, who destroyed the Xie family, may not have done anything to "sell" the cultivators...

As long as you pick out the adjacent first- and second-grade small state borders around the Xuezhou boundary and start with Xiaoxian City, your opponent will usually be a first- and second-grade small "god skeleton".

 Mo Hua decided to start investigating the identity of the "black-clothed leader" when he had time.

Mo Hua scratched his head. He still couldn't figure it out, so he only wrote down the two clues of "human trafficker" and "black-clothed leader", thinking that he would "follow the clues" and start with these two points first.

With the tribulation thunder, even if the will of the evil **** exists in the divine corpse, Mo Hua will not be afraid.

The evil god's minions in the middle stage of foundation building and below, one or two, Mo Hua can handle by himself.

Mo Hua frowned slightly.

  That is, followers of evil gods like traffickers in black, or minions.

At present, the most direct clue about the evil god, that is, the "godly skeleton" preached by the Lord of the Wilderness, is the group of black-clothed traffickers.

This evil eye is one of the "divine remains" of the Lord of the Wilderness.

These people, aren’t they all related to the “evil god”?

What's more, their leader still has a **** evil eye lodged in his forehead.

This is more troublesome.

 After death, the corpse will even be destroyed with demonic energy to prevent the identity of the person from being exposed.

 Later stage of foundation building…

They are dressed in black, their faces are covered, and they use standard spiritual weapons with no obvious features. They secretly engage in the business of selling monks.

 “Human traffickers…”

  If you want to steal the divine body, you must first deal with the "people" who believe in the evil **** and are willing to become the evil god's minions, and then you can consider solving the "god" matter.

 But...what will it matter?

The relationship here is complicated and obscure, and it is estimated that there are still some key clues missing.

Especially to deal with the monks in the middle stage of foundation building, it is estimated that all means must be used, and they must be surprised. They must not let them know their trump cards in advance, so as to calculate mentally but not intentionally, use formations and forbidden spells at the same time, add some calculations, and a little scheming. Only with layers of deception can you barely win.

After all, with my small body, if I don’t act carefully and plan carefully, and I am a little careless, I am afraid that the boat will capsize and my life will be ruined.

 So, at this stage, the most troublesome thing is “people”.

The last time he fought against the black-clothed boss who was in the middle stage of foundation building, Mo Hua had a deep understanding of it.

 The most critical point is that the trump card cannot be exposed too often.

 But his face was recorded in the ink painting.

In addition, there are human traffickers, which is also a clue.

Mo Hua thought about it and felt that it would be better to be conservative, maybe below the middle stage of foundation building...

Mo Hua found that his own strength was obviously not enough to deal with them.

 You need clues to find the remains.

 To the later Vulture, as well as a group of criminal cultivators wanted by Daotingsi.

 Things about “God” are actually not bad.

 But once there are too many, it will be very difficult for him to rely on himself.

The leader in black was killed by Mo Hua. His body turned into black water and was buried in a remote valley in the barren mountains outside Xiaoyun City.

As long as they dare to delve into their own sea of ​​consciousness, they will be "meat buns" who will never come back.

 It’s very tiring...and dangerous, and the error tolerance rate is very low.

 Hide, draw the ground to form a formation, small meteorite ban...

The more concealed these methods are, the better the effect. Once someone knows about it in advance and is wary, the effect will be greatly reduced.

  For example, each enemy carries a spiritual mirror that “peeps out the hidden” and sets up a shadow array wherever he goes...

Or don't take the road that you can't see clearly, the road at night, or the road that may be set up by a formation. Always be careful where you step, and don't be plotted by the formation;

Or he may be fully armored, fully armed, with a water armor spiritual formation painted on the robe, used to resist the small meteorite technique at close range...

 Even not giving yourself a chance to get close...

Mo Hua feels like he has a headache just thinking about it.

I am only one person, I have no family background, my body is not strong, my spiritual power is low, my "hard power" is relatively weak, and I am still afraid of being plotted or targeted.

 With your own means, you should be exposed as little as possible.

Mo Hua pondered silently.

 “Need someone to help…”

 With helpers, you can follow along.

 Someone is standing in front of you, or you are facing the enemy head-on.

 As long as you hide in the dark, use some spells, give some control, and help, you don't need to expose your cards too much.

 Even if someone discovers him, he will not attract attention even if he is a "little bastard".

 But the problem now is that he has no helper.

 Originally, Senior Sister Murong and Senior Brother Feng had profound cultivation, extraordinary Taoism, and rich experience, so they could help him.

 But they are senior brothers and sisters. They are one grade above each other and have their own things to do. They may not be able to play together later.

 In this case, you can only find disciples of the same class as yourself.

 The most suitable candidates are Cheng Mo and Situ Jian...

 Ink Hua smacked his lips.

Although it’s not a good thing to say this, Cheng Mo and Situ Jian both have a bit of talent...

 They are just getting started, and although they have a deep foundation, they are only in the early stages of foundation building;

 Although the teachings are good, the actual combat is insufficient after all;

Although he has good talent and understanding, his experience in dealing with evil cultivators is almost zero, and his experience is still shallow;

Although they are taller than Mo Hua, they are also one or two years older than Mo Hua.

 But in the eyes of Mo Hua, they are still too "young"...

 When dealing with evil gods and evil cultivators, one mistake may result in death.

 Cheng Mo and the others were hunted down by black-clothed monks before, and they were almost in danger.

Later, in the abandoned weapon refining shop, I besieged the black-clothed leader, and was struck by the **** light of the evil eyes. He lost his mind and could not move, and his life was almost hanging by a thread...

Mo Hua sighed.

 In this case, I, the "little senior brother", can't bear to take them on an adventure.

 It is not possible to count on Daotingsi.

He can’t go and tell Uncle Gu that he wants to ‘eat’ the evil **** and ask him to find some Daotingsi executives to help him catch the followers of the evil god...

 Uncle Gu is a "formation blind" and has not cultivated spiritual consciousness, so he definitely doesn't believe it.

 Use "catching human traffickers" as an excuse?

Mo Hua thought for a while and shook his head.

It is enough for Dao Tingsi to catch the human trafficker himself, and he will definitely not take him to play with him.

What's more, as a disciple of the sect, he has to practice in Taixu Sect and can only go out during the ten-day break.

 The time does not match, and it is impossible for Daotingsi to wait for him to take any action.

 There may be traitors within Daotingsi.

 After all calculations, we still have to go to Cheng Mo and the others...

  We are all in the same class, whether it is classes or breaks, the time is the same.

They also called themselves "little senior brothers" and treated themselves to chicken drumsticks. After experiencing the incident of the traffickers in black, they could barely live and die together and fought side by side.

Although he is a member of a noble family, he is young and passionate, and has not been implicated in any dandy habits, so he is quite easy to get along with...

Mo Hua sighed slightly.

 It’s just a bit more “dish”…

  Insufficient cultivation and little experience.

Mo Hua thought about it for a moment, then thought again:

“Experience is also accumulated bit by bit. Many things are like ‘once once, twice familiar’. Cheng Mo and the others are not bad in talent. After experiencing some dangerous things, they will naturally gain experience..."

"There is a bit of risk, but if you follow me, it should be better..."

“The biggest problem is cultivation and strength…”

Mo Hua frowned, suddenly stunned, and remembered four words inexplicably.

 “Auxiliary killing.”

 Mr. Zhuang’s words back then came to Mo Hua’s mind one word after another.

 “Not majoring in killing, but assisting in killing…”

“Majoring in killing and killing, I compete with all the geniuses.”

 “Assisting in killing is to help the talented ones compete.”

“The stronger your means of assisting the killing, the less they will dare to offend you.”

“In this way, you don’t have aristocratic family, but any aristocratic family can be your help…”

“You will also have a place among the utilitarian and snobbish Taoist forces, and among the many geniuses with outstanding spiritual roots, skills, and Taoism!”

The ink painting suddenly became enlightened, and suddenly I remembered another sentence:

 Water is good for all things without any struggle, so no one in the world can compete with it.

Auxiliary killing can improve the strength of Cheng Mo and others, giving them enough ability to help them "work", track down the followers of the evil god, and hunt the evil god.

At the same time, even if you do not rely on the title of "little senior brother", the way of assisting in killing can help you truly gain a foothold in the same sect, making others dare not underestimate you.

Because he assists others in killing, he will not be in the limelight, nor will he be hated by some talented people, nor will he become a thorn in the eyes of some big families.

They might even try to win over themselves in turn. The most important thing is to be able to hide behind the scenes.

Mo Hua still remembers that when his master taught him how to assist in killing, he also said something else:

 “The first rafters rot first.”

 “You can’t stand out, and you don’t need to stand out.”

“Learn to hide in the dark, learn to take advantage of the situation, be like a fish in water among the major forces, and have both sides. Only in this way can you truly go a long way, improve your cultivation step by step, understand the formation, and seek the true path..."

 Assist in killing, avoid others' sharp edges, hide in the dark, and learn to take advantage of the situation.

Mo Hua didn’t quite understand these words at the beginning, but now that he is in Qianxue Prefecture, he feels them deeply.

 Qianxue Zhoujie is calm on the surface, but there are turbulent undercurrents behind it.

 Sinful cultivation, evil cultivation, and demonic cultivation are mixed.

Human traffickers are like "cockroaches". I thought there were none, but if I wasn't careful, a swarm of them would pop up.

There are also evil gods lurking, evil desires breeding, and evil cause and effect spreading...

I really want to hide my strength and bide my time to avoid being stared at.

Mo Hua gradually understood.

The trees are beautiful in the forest, but the wind will destroy them.

In this case, this little sapling must be hidden in the woods and not be exposed to the limelight, so as not to be damaged by the strong wind.

Taixumen is the forest.

 The disciples around him are all trees.

 The better and more powerful they are, the better they can hide themselves.

Then you can use a large forest and the dense trees in the forest to cover yourself, absorb nutrients, grow silently, and eventually become a towering tree inadvertently!

Mo Hua’s eyes brightened slightly, and he sighed in his heart.

Master is so awesome!

  Even such a long time ago has been planned by Master.

 “Auxiliary killing!”

 Ink painting has determined the goal, and the ideas in my mind gradually become clear:

 Use your own abilities to assist in the killing and improve the strength of Cheng Mo and others.

 Then with the help of Cheng Mo and others, they tracked down the human traffickers, hunted the divine bones, and devoured the divine marrow.

Hide yourself in the dark and try not to be in the limelight.

 At the same time, also think of some ways to hide your trump cards deeper.

 After that, I relied on my "auxiliary" ability to get by in the sect!

Mo Hua nodded silently.

 Just this kind of thing, there are still many details to consider.

Especially hunting evil gods, after all, it is very dangerous. It may be a little early to call Cheng Mo and the others now.

 However, auxiliary killing matters can be given priority.

How to assist killing?

 What methods are there, what are the restrictions, and how to use them in fighting?

 It takes time to study these.


 In the following days, Mo Hua was thinking about “auxiliary” matters.

 After much deliberation, I can’t escape the categories of “formation” and “spells”, especially the application of “formation” is the most critical.

 But the application of formation…

 It is quite simple to use ink painting by yourself. You can draw directly on the ground by using the ink with your spiritual consciousness.

However, through the application of formations, "assisting" others involves issues such as formation design, formation media refining, and compatibility with fellow disciples' spiritual roots, exercises, Tao methods, and combat habits.

 Ink painting needs to be carefully considered before you start doing it.

 In the next few days, when Mo Hua was after class or taking a break, whenever he had free time, he would ponder this issue.

At noon one day, Mo Hua was eating in his disciple's residence, gnawing on chicken legs and pondering the formation.

Cheng Mo suddenly sat next to the ink painting, pretending and sighed.

 But he sighed for a long time, and Mo Hua ignored him.

 Cheng Mo secretly "offered" a "chicken leg" to Mo Hua, and then looked at him longingly.

Mo Hua took the chicken leg, nodded and said, "What's the matter, tell me."

Cheng Mo was overjoyed and said with emotion: "It's so hard to earn merit in ink painting."

 “Hmm.” Mo Hua took a bite of the chicken leg.

“I earned a total of fifty merit points this whole month.”

 “Oh.” Mo Hua’s cheeks were bulging.

“You can’t earn much merit by doing ordinary tasks...”

 “I’m pretty good at drawing formations...” Mo Hua said.

Cheng Mo had a complicated expression, feeling envious and a little jealous.

Although Mo Hua doesn't have many spiritual stones, in terms of merit, he is a real "little local tycoon" and is much richer than them.

 “My merits are almost exhausted...” Cheng Mo said helplessly.

"Oh..." Mo Hua was indifferent as he ate the chicken leg. Suddenly he was startled and looked at Cheng Mo alertly:

“You’re not asking me to borrow meritorious deeds, are you? I won’t lend it to you…”

 He has a lot of formations to learn, and even his merits are not enough.

 “No…” Cheng Mo said sarcastically.

“What do you want to do?” Mo Hua wondered.

Cheng Mo whispered: "Mo Hua, do you have any way to earn merit quickly?"


 “Formation does not count.”

 Cheng Mo was decisive.

 Let him, a fool in formations, earn merit by drawing formations, instead of letting a pig-killer do embroidery. Isn't it just embarrassing...

 Cheng Mo looked at the ink painting with some resentment.

Mo Hua sighed, "Then there's nothing I can do..."

 Cheng Mo shook his head and said firmly: "You must have a way."

Mo Hua was puzzled, "How can you be so sure?"

Cheng Mo whispered: "You are so smart, with Mr. Xun as your back-up, and Daotingsi's Dian Si as your uncle. The more you kill... no, you are so proficient in 'punishing evil and promoting good'. You must know a special way." .”

Mo Hua corrected: "Mr. Xun is not my backstage."

 Cheng Mo looked unbelieving.

Mo Hua was a little helpless and asked: "What kind of career do you want?"

Cheng Mo hesitated for a moment and said like a thief:

 “Are there still human traffickers to arrest...”

Mo Hua was a little surprised, but he still shook his head and said: "Human traffickers are not rats. If you want to catch them, you can catch them..."

“It’s okay to catch him once a month, three hundred meritorious deeds!” Cheng Mo grimaced.

 He is only fifty a month now.

Mo Hua ate the chicken leg without making a sound.

"Other sin cultivators can also do it..." Cheng Mo sighed when he saw this, "There are too many disciples doing tasks now. The better tasks have been snatched away long ago, and most of the ones that can be snatched have very few merit points."

“For some missions with high merits and merits, we have little experience in offering rewards and insufficient mission resume, so others will not let us take them on…”

"We?" Mo Hua raised his eyebrows slightly. "Who else…"

“Who else can there be, just Situ Jian and the others…”

Cheng Mo sighed again, "According to this progress, it will take me many years and months to earn enough merit to exchange for spiritual objects and temper my body..."

 Cheng Mo began to suffer miserably in front of the ink painting.

After hearing this, Mo Hua looked thoughtful.

 He originally didn’t want to take Cheng Mo and the others to play so soon.

 The risk of attacking the evil **** directly is indeed high.

 For Cheng Mo and the others, it was still too early.

 But now they can’t earn any merit…

 The ink painting is slightly moving.

How about taking Cheng Mo and the others to play and practice their skills first?

Start with something simple, catch some criminal cultivators, give them some simple training, then go from easy to difficult, and then go to trouble with the evil god’s minions, the traffickers in black?

Cheng Mo saw Mo Hua's eyes blinking and he didn't know what he was thinking, but it seemed that things were obviously turning around. His eyes lit up and he immediately handed over another chicken leg and said solemnly:

 “Little senior brother, it’s up to you...”

Mo Hua took the chicken leg, thought for a while, and sighed, so why not:

“Let me think about it first, and if I have any idea, I’ll tell you.”

Cheng Mo was overjoyed and quickly thanked him:

 “Thank you, little senior brother! You will be my brother from now on!”

 Ink painting has been done as Cheng Mo’s “brother” many times, so it’s not that rare anymore.

But it doesn’t seem to be a problem to take Cheng Mo and the others to earn some merit first.

 Auxiliary killing is not as simple as it sounds.

 How to do it specifically? You can also use them as "guinea pigs" to test first.

Mo Hua nodded slightly and gradually made up his mind.


During the ten-day break, Mo Hua went to Gu's house again.

He wanted to go to the Gu family to find Uncle Gu, and asked if he could find a way to send out tasks in the Daoting Division through Uncle Gu, and then pick up the tasks himself, catch criminals, and earn merit.

If Uncle Gu agrees, then he will have a complete "industrial chain" connecting Daotingsi and Taixu Sect to earn merit.

 After the "industrial chain" is formed, you can find tasks by yourself, issue tasks by yourself, accept tasks by yourself, and complete tasks by yourself, saving time and effort to earn merit.

Although he is not lacking in meritorious deeds now, it is only now.

 There will be many places where meritorious deeds will be used in the future, and no amount of meritorious deeds is too much.

Of course, the prerequisite is that Uncle Gu agrees.

 Mo Hua was not sure before, but after what happened with Fire Buddha, and based on his current "friendship" with Uncle Gu, Mo Hua felt that Uncle Gu might still nod in agreement.

Even if he doesn’t agree, he still has to give it a try.

Just after arriving at Gu's house, Mo Hua unexpectedly met a monk as soon as he entered the gate.

He has a strong build, an imposing face, a resolute gaze, slightly dark skin, and the muscles on his body are like iron. His blood is condensed and his cultivation is profound.

This person is none other than Master Gu, the third-grade golden elixir realm weapon refiner in the Gu family's Gushan weapon refining city.

 (End of this chapter)