MTL - Asking About Longevity-Chapter 582 conspiracy

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Chapter 582 Conspiracy

Mo Hua looked at the little one who was smaller than himself, sighed, and then became a little angry.

 boss Jiang and his gang really deserved to die.

I should feed them more fireballs...

 The restaurant is dilapidated and has scorch marks all over it.

The child looked around and became even more frightened. His face was pale and his eyes were filled with tears, but he still tried not to cry.

Mo Hua asked softly: "Are you okay..."

The child secretly glanced at the ink painting and nodded slowly.

Mo Hua asked: "What's your name?"

The child was about to speak, but he opened his mouth and seemed to remember something, then shook his head and did not say anything.

Mo Hua was slightly startled, but then he understood.

 This child probably doesn’t dare to say his last name.

 If you say your surname, your identity will be known, and someone may use it to blackmail your parents.

 It's always a good thing for such a young child to be wary, and Mo Hua doesn't care about it.

 He asked again: "Then what should I call you?"

The child thought for a while and saw that Mo Hua had clear eyes and friendly eyebrows. Although he was older than himself, he was not much older.

Much better than those vicious bad guys...

He then said timidly: "My parents call me 'Yu'er'..."



 I chose this name because I hope my children will be as gentle as jade in the future.

Mo Hua asked again: "Where are your parents?"

Yu'er looked disappointed and shook her head.

 It is normal for a kidnapped child not to know where his parents are...

This child's face is pale, and he is obviously frightened these days.

Mo Hua felt a little distressed. After thinking for a while, he said, "Then I will take you to find your parents..."

Yu'er's gloomy eyes suddenly lit up, with a slightly humble hope, and she stared at the ink painting:


 It seems that he is afraid that Mo Hua will deceive him, and there is a fragile longing hidden in his eyes.

I guess it’s because after being trafficked, I was hurt by the sinister nature of people’s hearts and no longer dare to trust others…

"Well, your parents will definitely be sad if they can't find you..."

 The ink painting said warmly.

Yu'er's tears flowed down like pearls, "I...I miss my mother..."

 “Let’s go.” Mo Hua said.

 “Yeah.” Yu’er wiped her tears and nodded.

Mo Hua took him out of the box.

Yu'er took a clear look at the surrounding scene and saw a group of monks who died in a miserable state. Her face became even paler and she looked at the ink painting:

 “These bad people…are…”

Mo Hua looked solemn and said: "I don't know who killed him..."

Yu'er was stunned.

Mo Hua thought for a while and started talking nonsense seriously: "I went to Qianzhou to study and passed by here. I wanted to find a restaurant to fill my stomach..."

“But as soon as I entered the restaurant, this is what I saw..."

“This group of monks were killed by someone unknown, and they died cleanly...”

“I noticed something was wrong with the box, so I opened it and saved you…”


Mo Hua said the matter as if it had nothing to do with him.

 I am just a passing, unknown, kind-hearted little brother.

Yu'er looked at the ink painting suspiciously:


Mo Hua nodded seriously.

Yu'er looked at the ink paintings and then at the corpses lying on the ground, feeling strange about them.

This kid is quite smart...

Mo Hua said: "Go quickly, otherwise your parents will definitely be worried about you..."

These words brought Yu'er's thoughts back.

 “Yeah, yeah.” Yu’er nodded repeatedly.

Mo Hua took out a cloak from the storage bag and put it on Yu'er.

This is a cloak used for concealment. It was used by him and his younger brother and younger sister when they were in Nanyue City to hide and keep tabs on them.

 There is a hidden formation painted in ink on it.

Although there is only one grade, it is enough to cover people's eyes and ears as the sky is getting dark at this time.

This group of traffickers will come again later, so it is always better to be cautious.

"This is…"

Yu'er was covered by a cloak and was a little confused.

 “Don’t ask yet, get dressed.”


Yu'er nodded obediently and wrapped a large cloak around her body a little awkwardly.

 Suddenly he looked around, his expression sad again, as if he couldn't bear it.

Mo Hua asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Yu'er glanced at the corpses scattered on the ground and whispered: "These people must have parents. They are dead. Their parents...will never see them again..."

 “Isn’t it...also very sad...”

 Ink painting is a little surprised.

He didn’t expect that this child would be so pure and kind-hearted...

 Obviously people like Boss Jiang kidnapped and trafficked him...

Mo Hua thought about it and felt that people's hearts are sinister and being too pure may not be a good thing. However, this child is only four or five years old. At his age, it is better to be more pure and kind.

This world can tolerate so many evil people, and it can also tolerate so many selfish people.

 Why can’t we tolerate a kind-hearted child?

Mo Hua then said in good faith: "Don't worry, these people have no father or mother."

Yu'er was stunned, and then shocked:

 “Can a person live without a father and a mother?”

Mo Hua said: "Most people do, but some people are different. They don't have parents."

Yu'er's cognition was overturned, and she didn't come back to her senses for a long time, but after thinking about it carefully, this kind-hearted passerby saved her brother, so there seemed to be no need to lie to herself.

Yu'er felt better.

Since they have no father or mother, no one will grieve for them when they die...

 This is also a good thing...

Yu'er nodded and said silently:

 “It’s really great that these bad guys don’t have parents!”

After explaining Yu'er's thoughts, Mo Hua looked around again, erasing all the formation patterns he had just calculated, reasoned, and listed, as well as the traces of broken formations.


Mo Hua thought for a while, dismantled the box into wooden boards and put it into his storage bag.

There are remnants of unknown formations on these wooden boards.

 Put it away and study it carefully when you have time.

Then Mo Hua pointed his finger and used the fireball technique to completely destroy the remaining two storage boxes, burning the wood chips on the ground into coke and mixing them together.

 The ink painting movements are clean and quick, and it only takes about ten breaths in total.

Yu'er blinked and couldn't help but ask:

“Brother, why are you so skilled...”

Mo Hua was startled for a moment, then taught him without changing his expression:

“I also learned it from a kind-hearted uncle. This is my experience when I am away from home..."

“So, children must study hard, otherwise they will suffer a big loss in the future!”

Yu'er was a little confused, but she still nodded seriously.

Everything is cleared up and all traces are covered.

 You can slip away.

Mo Hua took Yu'er and left the restaurant while hiding his figure.

 A teenage monk and an even younger monk were walking hand in hand towards Qingzhou City in the distance...

 It's just that the sky was dark and their figures were hidden, so no one saw them...


After Mo Hua left, four or five monks in black came to the restaurant in just one cup of tea.

Their faces were covered with black cloth and were blurry. Only their exposed eyes showed a hint of indifference and sinisterness.

 However, this indifference and sinisterness turned into astonishment and shock after seeing the current situation of the restaurant.

 “Where are the people?”

 “All dead?!”

Several monks in black took a breath of cold air.

 “Who did it?”

"have no idea…"

 “Where’s the ‘goods’?”

The black-clothed monks all released their spiritual consciousness and peered around. After a while, they saw a pile of fragments of storage boxes in the corner of the restaurant.

 “Been voted down by…?”

Everyone is a little unbelievable.

 “That’s not right…” A monk in black frowned, “There is no flesh and blood left…”

 “The box is not right either…”

 “Where is that box sir?”

 “It was demolished? Or was it destroyed?”

“There is Mr.’s formation on the box. Who can take it apart? If the box is destroyed and the person is there, everyone will die..."

“Not necessarily, there are countless capable people in Qianzhou, nothing is impossible…”

Several people were arguing.

 Suddenly someone asked: "Brother, what should I do?"

The monk who was called "Eldest Brother" was also dressed in black. Judging from the clothes, he was not special. He only had a pair of eyes, which were full of light and looked around like an eagle watching a wolf.

The "big brother" in black looked around and said hoarsely:

“Boss Jiang and the others... it seems they were ambushed and died cleanly..."

“This time the ‘goods’, including the box and the people, were all robbed…”

 “The black man eats the black man?” someone asked doubtfully. Others said angrily: "I told you in advance, who on the street is so bold and dares to eat our 'goods'?"

“Man will die for money, and birds will die for food. This time the ‘goods’ are too fat, there is nothing to be afraid of...”

 “Even if the black eats the black, who has the ability to eat?”

The big brother in black's eyes darkened, he wandered around everyone's faces, and said thoughtfully:

“The ground is warm and scorched. This is the trace of the formation..."

 “The formation is powerful, but the arrangement is cumbersome…”

"This means that someone learned the news in advance, set up a formation here in advance, and then used the power of the formation to ambush and kill twelve people, including Boss Jiang!"

“They snatched food from the tiger’s mouth and robbed our ‘goods’!”

"Mr. Tu has done the math, there will be no mistake, unless..." The big brother in black looked sternly, "...there is a traitor among us and the news is leaked!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's expressions changed.

 “Brother, you know me...”

 “Brother, I am loyal to you!”

“Brother, you gave me this life, and I even violated the ancestral precepts...”

 “Big brother…”

 Everyone made impassioned speeches to show their loyalty.

The black-clothed brother saw that all of them were sincere, so he frowned, looked away, and said coldly:

“We’ll talk about this later. The most urgent task is to get the ‘goods’ back…”

“The formation still has residual warmth, and the sword energy has not been completely dissipated, which means that the battle has not ended long ago, and the opponent may not have gone far yet..."

The boss in black thought for a moment, frowned and said:

 “Did you see any suspicious people on the way here? Or children?”

 The rest of the people looked at each other.

To deceive others, they disguised themselves, came from different directions, and gathered nearby.

 Along the way, I was too busy rushing to pay attention to anything else, so I didn’t pay attention to the suspicious people...

The big brother in black cursed in a low voice: "A bunch of trash!"

His eyes were like those of an eagle and a wolf, and he imprinted all the surrounding scenes in his mind, and he almost bit his teeth with hatred.

 Just a little bit closer!

 Just a little bit closer, we have the young master with special blood!

Once it is sent to Mr. Tu as a blood sacrifice and provided to the Lord of God, he has made a great contribution, and there is nothing impossible for him to be reborn in the future!

 You can get a child from a tiger's den, but you can hide it in secret.

Mr. Tu, everything is settled!

 I have arranged everything myself!

 That’s all it’s **** missing!

The eyes of the big brother in black gradually turned blood red, and the bloodshot eyes were like cracks. It was terrifying, and his voice was too hoarse to be human:

"Let me know who ruined my good deeds. I will eat your flesh alive and drink your blood alive..."

 “I’ll make you die badly and eat all your relatives and friends cleanly!”

The eldest brother in black's voice was suppressed and hoarse, as if he couldn't suppress the cruel murderous intention in his chest.

Other monks in black clothes all lowered their heads, their faces were pale, they were trembling and dared not speak.

The murderous atmosphere in the air became increasingly intense, and there was even a strong smell of blood.

The big brother in black had a distorted face and trembling hands. He took out a wine bottle, took a sip, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and then felt calmer.


 The eldest brother in black ordered.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and quickly bowed: "Yes!"

 The crowd chased outside.

One of the monks in black stepped out, but as soon as he reached the door, a strong wind suddenly rose, and the wind was like a knife, cutting him into pieces, and blood spilled out.

 A handsome young man, holding a paper fan and his face as cold as frost, appeared in the restaurant.

 “Where is the child?”

 His gaze was as cold as a knife.

The eldest brother in black looked at him, sneered and murmured:

 “Mr. Gu…”

At the same time, dozens of monks wearing standard robes appeared and surrounded the entire dilapidated restaurant.

The eldest brother in black looked around with even more disdain, "Daotingsi Eagle Dog..."

Mr. Gu looked at the big brother in black, smelled the smell of blood on his body, and said in a cold voice:

 “Which family’s human skin are you wearing, you possessed evil beast?”

The eldest brother in black looked at Mr. Gu and said with a smile:

"People in the world wear the skin of hypocrisy and hide evil thoughts in their hearts. How can you not be the same? I am just more hypocritical than the skin you wear, and the evil you hide is more real..."

Mr. Gu was unwilling to chat with him and asked:

 “Where is the child?”

The eldest brother in black pointed at the restaurant, "You also saw that when I came here, it was already like this. The child you wanted to save was kidnapped by others..."

 “Maybe even…”

The big brother in black smiled softly, "I've already been voted out..."

Mr. Gu said angrily: "Okay, okay, then you can keep your life and bury the child with him!"

The eldest brother in black sneered, "With your Gu family and these lackeys of the Daotingsi, there is nothing you can do about me..."

The two sides are not talking to each other, and a war is imminent.

Mr. Gu used a paper fan in his hand. As he swung it, the wind blades were fine and deadly.

The eldest brother in black seemed unwilling to reveal his true identity. He only relied on his physical body and the filthy blood around him to fight against Mr. Gu's wind blade and many monks from the Daoting Division.

 When they were fighting, they all deliberately avoided the restaurant, as if they didn't want to destroy the clues in the restaurant.

 This was a fierce battle, with both sides showing no mercy.

But because this place is only the border of the second-level state after all, neither Mr. Gu nor the big brother in black can do anything freely, so it is difficult to really fight to the death.

 The fierce battle lasted for half an hour.

 In the end, the big brother in black was seriously injured and escaped.

Mr. Gu’s breath was weak and he was obviously seriously injured.

 The rest of the black-clothed monks were all dead.

Mr. Gu ordered: "Go and write down the appearance of these people. I will go back and calculate the accounts one by one."

A bailiff went there and reported back after a while:

 “Sir, I can’t see clearly...”

Mr. Gu stepped forward and took a look, only to realize that these black-clothed monks had all been planted with demonic poison. After death, the demonic energy destroyed their bodies and polluted their meridians and spiritual roots, leaving only a dark, fishy and smelly smell. A mass of flesh and blood, whose identity could not be distinguished at all.

Mr. Gu scolded: "A bunch of cowards and bastards!"


“You have the guts to become a demon, but you don’t have the guts to keep your face!”

 In this case, we can only use the reason of "missing monk" to investigate the major sects and families.

 But there is no way to check it like this.

 There are many reasons for the disappearance of the monks.

 Some of them went out to do errands and were delayed for too long;

 Some were assassinated by monks with evil intentions;

 Some of them went out on an adventure and were trapped in some secret place;

There are still some who are simply rebellious, dissatisfied with family arrangements, and run away from home...

 There are many causes and effects, and it’s too complicated.

It is impossible to conclude that this monk is possessed by a demon just because he disappeared.

 Whether it is the sect or the family, it is impossible for them to admit it for the benefit of the monks and the face of the family and the sect, let alone let them investigate.

Mr. Gu became angrier as he thought about it, and with a wave of his hand, he crushed a monk in black to pieces.

 But it’s useless to be angry, the young master’s whereabouts are more important now.

 He also checked the scene, and the results he came up with were very different from those of the black monks.

Boss Jiang and others were killed or seriously injured by the second-grade earth fire array.

 This must be a premeditated, designed, and prearranged ambush.

There is no way someone could have improvised an impromptu formation and kill these traffickers...

A monk who really has this ability would not use such troublesome methods. He could probably kill all these monks with just a few clicks of his fingers.

In addition, most of the traffickers died from the small second-level fireball technique.

This must be to deceive others and not reveal his own methods, so he uses this kind of bad fireball technique to kill people...

It's just a fireball technique. It's impossible for a monk to put so much effort into cultivating this kind of thing.

 And then, the young master disappeared...

That group of monks in black didn't seem to be lying.

They were attacked first by an unknown person...

Mr. Gu frowned.

 “A black man eats a black man?”

 “There are still other plans...”

"The young master is the result of a marriage between two aristocratic families. Who is the power and the monk who has the courage to take his idea..."

“Who else would dare to cut him off halfway and ‘abduct’ the young master?”

“And are you not afraid of disturbing the cause and effect and touching the secret of heaven?”

The most difficult part of this matter is that it obscures the secrets of heaven and cause and effect, and it cannot be calculated...

Who can do it?

Mr. Gu is a mess.

 After a moment, he thought about how worried and miserable his cousin was after the child disappeared, which made him even more heartbroken.

Mr. Gu's eyes became even colder, and regardless of his own injuries, he ordered: "Those who are seriously injured will rest temporarily, and those who are slightly injured will continue chasing with me."

“The spiritual power here has dissipated not long ago, we should still be able to catch up…”

You Diansi hesitated and said: "Sir, are you still pursuing me..."

They have been chasing for several days. They have not eaten or drank, are exhausted, and have gone through a fierce battle. This makes them who were originally "overwhelmed" and "muddle along" a little bit too much.

 They are members of the Daotingsi. Even if the Gu family is powerful, they cannot control them like this.

Mr. Gu’s eyes were sharp and he sneered:

“Don’t blame me for not reminding you, young master, if there is anything wrong with you, you and all your brothers will have to peel off this layer of ‘skin’ on your body!”

 Dianji was frightened.

At this moment he realized that the rumors he had heard before were all wrong.

That young master is not the young master of the Gu family!

 It’s not the young master of the Gu family, that’s...

 Dianji felt as if he had been splashed with cold water and couldn't help but shudder.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Gu, we will do our best to find the young master!”

 Then he glanced around and said, "Take the elixir quickly. Once the injury is better, we can set off immediately!"

Although everyone was dissatisfied and somewhat unclear, they also knew that this matter was important and did not dare to delay. They seized the time to recover from their injuries...

Mr. Gu's eyes were looking into the distance, his expression covered with a layer of gloom.

"Whose hands did this child Yu'er... fall into..."

I will work hard and try to add one or two chapters by the end of the month.

Also strive to let Xiao Mo Hua enter the sect as soon as possible.

Of course, hard work may not necessarily lead to results.

   If your efforts fail and no updates are added, then just pretend that I didn’t say anything...



 (End of this chapter)