MTL - Artifact Planting Space-v4 Chapter 179 Dead wood

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"You understand it!" Ye Tian suddenly frowned and looked at the direction of the Emperor Qianlong, and then made the space teleport and smashed.

At this time, the Emperor Dragon of the Dragon did not know what kind of supernatural powers he used, and he even faintly broke the signs of time suspension.

This is absolutely not allowed for Ye Tian.


One is close to the Emperor Qianlong.

Ye Tian summoned the little green dragon and ordered him to bind the dragon emperor.

Open the eyes of space at the same time.

Look carefully at the Emperor Dragon.

In his opinion.

The Emperor Qianlong did not awaken the field of time.

It is absolutely impossible to break the timeout.

But almost now, the only explanation is that there is something in the dragon dragon that can weaken the time domain, otherwise it can't be explained at all.

With the eye of the space, I really let him see the clues.

I saw a dead wood in the storage ring of Emperor Qianlong.

This dead wood look is plain, but it exudes the special atmosphere that his time domain owners can sense.

This special breath is the power of time.

Although the number is small, it can affect the time around.

Undoubtedly, the Emperor Qianlong is relying on this section of dead wood.

I almost forcibly broke the time.

After Ye Tian wanted to understand, he waved away the dead wood with a wave of his hand, and then asked the dragon emperor coldly: "Where is this dead wood?"

"Hey! Why should I tell you?" Although the Emperor Dragon has been controlled, he is not convinced, and his eyes are full of anger.

It seems that if Ye Tian suddenly shot and attacked it, now who is dead and who doesn't know it!

Ye Tianjian eyebrows are slightly wrinkled.

He didn't have time to waste with the Emperor Dragon of the Dragon. He took out the knuckle of Jiulong, and cut off the fore paw of the Emperor Dragon: "Do you still say it?"

"Don't say!" The Dragon Emperor heard the dialogue between Ye Tian and Wang Zihong before. At this time, it was very hard. In its opinion, Ye Tian did not dare to kill it because he was the king of the whole alien.

Unfortunately, Emperor Qianlong was wrong.

Ye Tian almost did not consider the wave of the hand of the Kowloon scorpion to cut off a pair of wings on its back, and called a little Jin Jin to eat.

"Is it still not to say?" Ye Tian's voice is cold: "If I don't say it again, I don't mind cutting your head!"

When Emperor Yonglong saw Ye Tian, ​​he did not seem to be threatening him. He suddenly panicked: "I tell you the whereabouts of dead wood, can you let me go?"

"No!" Ye Tian replied.

One of the eyes of the Emperor Dragon of the Dragon: "Then you will kill me! The secret of the dead wood will never be available!"

"Is it?" Ye Tian does not think so.

After a sneer, he made a punch in the space and slammed into the abdomen of Emperor Qianlong.


A black hole was formed out of thin air in the abdomen of Emperor Qianlong, and then exuded the power of horrible destruction. In a hegemonic manner, he forcibly swallowed everything in the body of the Emperor Dragon.

"No!" At this time, Emperor Yonglong felt the horror of Ye Tian. He wanted to ask for mercy but found it was too late.

Because of the power of destruction in the body, his consciousness was swallowed up in an instant, and the words of mercy could not be said at all.


The body of the Emperor Qianlong disappeared with the disappearance of the black hole.

It was quiet at the moment.

All the Elf powerhouses were shocked to see this scene, and then the sweat of the beans appeared on the foreheads.

Fortunately, Ye Tian is not their enemy.

If you are an enemy, I am afraid I really don’t know how to die.

This dragon Emperor is the sign of the previous car!

Those hundreds of thousands of interracial strong people who have been suspended by time are now afraid of dying one by one. If the teenagers in front of them use the same magical powers to deal with them, I am afraid that there is no need to blow the power at all!

But everyone probably can't think of it.

The reason why Ye Tian killed the dragon emperor, in addition to killing a hundred, is to get the source of dead wood.

Others can't do this, and his source space can do that.

Because the black hole is consuming the corpse of the Emperor Dragon, it can also devour all the memories of the Emperor Dragon, about the whereabouts of the dead wood.

As long as the Emperor Yonglong knows, it is not a secret for Ye Tian.

It is only Ye Tian who knows the source of dead wood.

The face is a bit whitish, but this is a moment of instant, no one is aware.

He saw the secret he wanted. He went to the gate of the palace and turned to look at all the aliens who were controlled by time. "You have listened to me. I am giving you two choices now. One is Immediately surrender, swear to Heaven to surrender to the Elves, and second, let me take the mainland to be a slave to mine, the two choices you choose one!"

The domineering of this saying is that there is no room for the aliens to consider.

At the same time, Ye Tian lifted the control state of the timeout of the alien strongman. With his current strength, he is not afraid of any alien strongman to escape.

This moment is quiet.

Therefore, the strong and strong people do not dare to speak.

There are timid and even scared to wear on the ground.

Ye Tian’s two choices are the next choice for their interracial strong people. If they are not controlled, no one will want to make a choice.

Swearing to Heaven, surrendering to the Elves, this is tantamount to never being free, and it is never possible to mess up on the ancient tree continent, because for the practitioners, the Tiandao vows can not be made, and once sworn, they must obey.

If you don't follow it, then wait for the sky to die!

Heavenly Tao, a seemingly non-existent vain creature, actually exists in the ancient tree continent. This is well known to practitioners, just because awe can't say it.

As for the followers to the mainland, when the slaves opened mines.

I am afraid that this choice will not even be a strong one.

Who doesn't know, going to the mine is equivalent to walking into hell.

I am afraid that there will be few living back to the ancient tree continent. After thinking about it again, a heterosexual strongman of the mermaid stood up and said to Ye Tian: "I am willing to surrender to the elves. If the family is not in the right place, the day will be destroyed!"

There is no way to surrender to the Elves, which is much better than going to the mainland to mine, at least still alive.

Other interracial strongmen saw that the strong had taken the lead, and even followed suit to swear like a heavenly road. Within a time of ten kilometers around, they all swear to the heavens.

Ye Tian sees this scene in his eyes and remembers it in his heart.

After waiting for a while, suddenly shot, time out to control dozens of alien strong, and then pulled to the side with a small green dragon: "Why don't you swear to the heavens, do you want to go to the mainland to mine?"

"No! Absolutely no!"

"Yeah! We all swear! Adults you didn't find it!"