MTL - American Manga God-Chapter 713 surrender to you

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With a nova ray, the vanguard guards blocking the road in a passage suddenly turned into stench of blood.

Skin, muscles, bones, internal organs, all the things that once belonged to a living body, were all turned into meaningless residues in the ultra-high temperature rays.

The advance of the Xandar Legion was extremely violent. Although the back road was harassed by the Vanguard Guards and Chitarui biochemical soldiers from time to time, as more Nova Legion ships arrived at the fortress, the fortress continued to flow into the fortress, which was not a problem.

On the outer shell of the fortress, more artillery pieces were dismantled by the ten commanders, and almost all the artillery turrets that could affect this side were plowed into scum.

"Kill ah-"

"For justice!"

"The Nova Corps is invincible—"

Warriors from all civilizations, all planets, made similar cries with different accents and tones.

It seems that this is the day when the Dark Order is destroyed!

At this moment, Mei Jiexao on Earth also watched the scene in front of him in an almost live broadcast through the intelligence network provided by Nova Corps.

Why does he have a live broadcast channel for Nova Corps?

It's very simple, as long as an interstellar civilization applies to join Nova Corps, in principle, it will be included in the review stage by Nova Corps.

Of course there are several prerequisites:

The first is to have an advanced civilization with cosmic technology. Primitives who drink blood are not good enough.

The second is the willingness to work hard to maintain interstellar peace, such as those civilizations that invade other planets at will.

In the end, of course, it is hard power. How many fierce people can your civilization or race provide for the legion, or the star fleet.

Of course, Mei Jiecao didn't want to join the Shit Nova Corps. After all, no one wants to have more than one old man who cares about him.

But he doesn't want to enter, it doesn't mean that the heads of other countries on earth don't want to enter!

When someone from Mei reported that there was such a powerful interstellar organization that seemed to be able to have a hard time with Thanos' dark order, the Security Council formed by the countries of the earth suddenly moved!

They almost unanimously passed the agreement, borrowing Mei Jiexiao's space communication system, and issued a kneeling request to the Nova Corps.

Once again they didn't notice, and the U.S. had reservations about it.

In the Office of the President of the White House, Yelena waited on May's festival and was doing a census.

Why population?

Does anyone still have a population?

After the investigation was over, although she was still wearing a dignified suit and skirt outside, Yelena had become more and more arrogant in the "private" place of the office, which was directly empty.

In other words, when Sister Mao becomes the President of the United States, no matter how many times I watch it, I feel happy!

Yelena tied her hair and lit the stereo screen casually. While arranging herself, she looked at reports from various countries: "You are so confident that the countries of the earth will not cause trouble?"

Mei Jiecao smiled: "The backer of the Nova Corps... is not reliable!"

"People have absolute confidence, otherwise they wouldn't broadcast online how they mobilized the army to fight Thanos." Mao Mei raised her eyebrows.

Mei Jiecao continued to laugh while rubbing the Ural Peak: "Confidence is a good thing. Even if I take 10,000 steps back and the Nova Corps kills Thanos, it's also a good thing for me. At least I don't have to be so frightened, I can rest assured to do mine. Little people. Save the earth, and even such a difficult thing as the universe, don't need to be on my shoulders."

Ye Lina's beautiful eyes blinked: "Oh! The power of the Lord of the Earth, are you really willing?"

"It's really worth it! The king of the world is too troublesome. 'There are always people who want to harm me', understand? I'm lazy. With that time, I might as well learn more about the depths of my own Valkyrie?" , If it wasn't for the enemy, he would have had **** with the Valkyrie already.

A large group of Valkyries are absolutely willing, but he can only deal with Yallweite and Sister Bu.

The Nova Corps is for absolute justice, to eliminate any forces that disrupt the peace of the universe.

Joining such an old-fashioned interstellar organization is actually not in line with Mei's mission.

Too constrained.

And it is easy to give bad associations to other countries of the earth.

But personally, he really hoped that Nova Corps would succeed.

But hope...

Very slim!

But the big guys from all over the world don't know wow!

Seeing the live broadcast of Nova Corps openly releasing the attack on Temple 2 to the whole galaxy, I thought Nova Corps was super awesome.

In fact, until this moment, the Nova Corps' assault on the Templar No. 2 went so smoothly that even Xandar 500 Superman felt it was too much. Along the way, none of the five obsidian generals who have a vicious reputation in the interstellar space were seen.

It's just that the closer you get to the throne of Thanos, the more intense the resistance. Not to mention the biochemical soldiers, even the serious Qitarui warriors began to fight, looking like they were going to shed their last drop of blood for Thanos.

As a result, only the top 500 of the Xandar Legion can really kill the huge central area where the Throne of Thanos is located.

"Huh?" The huge central area has a dome that is at least twenty stories high.

In the middle of the huge hall that was too empty, there was only a simple throne. Thanos leaned on his side, supported his cheek with his left hand, and the golden glove on his raised left hand made many heroes of Xandar feel ominous. hunch.

The glove of Thanos is so eye-catching that the heroes even inadvertently ignore the four black generals standing beside Thanos.

"What are those gloves?" The former [Supernova] hung up, and the current centurion Richard Ryder instinctively felt something was wrong.

It's not his fault. After all, such things as intelligence are misplaced and delayed.

When the Earth's Security Council declared to join, it did inform the Nova Corps that two heroes of its own had been killed. The problem is that the news is a little less detailed, and despite the use of the word [infinity gems], it still doesn't get enough attention.

First of all, the earth is impenetrable in the universe civilization. Interstellar generally only recognizes the "civilization" of [Kama Taj], and does not take the countries on earth seriously. This is the tragedy of backward civilization.

Secondly, the legend of [Infinity Gems] is too extensive. Every year, there are countless gossip or a guy who wants to be famous and wants to go crazy claiming to have Infinity Really Infinity Gems, not just casual. found.

This caused the Nova Corps to ignore the information brought by Earth, a low-level interstellar civilization.

None of the centurions present were idiots, and they immediately felt that something was wrong from the powerful mysterious fluctuations emanating from the glove gem.

However, they have already hit here. Could it be that they will retreat casually because of the changes in the enemy?

What a joke!

The highest commander of the Xandar Star Nova Corps, a silver-haired old woman stood up, she was Irani Rael.

"Taoist! I, the commander of Xandar Nova Corps, to you..." When he said this, many strong people noticed that the yellow gem on Thanos' gloves showed a strange brilliance.

Sure enough something happened!

"I surrender to you on behalf of the Nova Corps..."