MTL - American Manga God-Chapter 677 don't die

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After some debris that flew from the side was met by the magic beam, the staggered flame trails began to swipe over the flanks of the outermost spaceship, interweaving an explosive fire network behind them.

It's not that there is no larger debris flying over, and a scene that is almost miraculous appears——

A hand of frost that was bigger than the dark elf mothership suddenly appeared in the void. For the huge metal debris that is blowing in the face, the giant hand just grasps it, and the flowing icy breath is instantly injected into the debris. The strong grip and absolute zero cooling, all of a sudden the debris becomes a heavy metal round cake. .

The giant hand dismissed it lightly.

I don't know how long it took.

Everyone's spirits are tense, as long as the leading Meimumu shouts "can't stand it", the driver behind will immediately take over and meet this terrifying challenge.

They didn't wait until Mei Jiecao couldn't hold on, but at the last moment they were about to pass through the wormhole, they were stunned by the powerful energy shock wave that erupted from the exit of the wormhole.

This is a composite shock wave that aggregates a large amount of light energy, cosmic rays, and strange energy that affects the mind.

Not to mention ordinary drivers, even Brother Hammer and Mei Jiexiao briefly passed out. Only the self-driving system is left in operation.

When Yoyo woke up, Brother Hammer saw Mei Mumu, who was weak and covered in sweat: "Hey! Mei, wake up!"

Normally, the Mage with stronger mental power should wake up first. Obviously, even if the strength has already jumped, Mei Mumu has to take care of such a large fleet, but it is overdrawn in mental power.

After being shaken a few times, Mei Jiecao woke up: "Did we succeed? In theory, if the navigation is correct, the exit of the wormhole should face Asgard."

"Yes! We did it!" Brynhild pointed to the front of the monitor.

An irregular existence that has absolutely nothing to do with celestial bodies appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

From the point of view of physics, it is impossible for stars with other shapes such as triangles and rhombus to exist. It can be said that any large star is partial spherical (not completely standard spherical). The main reason for this is the universal gravitational force. Impact.

The existence of Asgard completely subverts the common sense of physics.

This is a world dominated by divine power, with such an almost flat continent traversing the pitch-black void.

A magical water element space exit connects the central part of Asgard, which makes the water body continuously emerge from the Asgard continent, which has no roots, and then spread around the continent, pouring from the edge of the continent into the void, forming A magnificent sight.


This is the kingdom of the gods of the Aesir - Asgard! It can also be called [Asgard]!

"Mei! How are you?" Thor glanced at the familiar Asgard, then looked at Mei Mumu nervously.

"Hey! It's just a little over-consumed. Let me rest for a while, the magic circuit in my body will turn itself around for a while, and my magic and mental power will recover a lot. If I want to play against a guy of Hela's level, I at least have to rest. It's been a long time." Mei Jiecao smiled bitterly: "However, you may not be able to wait, right?"


"I can feel that a very powerful evil creature has been resurrected! I can sense that evil breath from afar. It is a powerful existence second only to Hela."

Sister Bu suddenly interrupted: "It is very likely the legendary magic wolf Fenrir."

Thor clenched his fists: "Have I killed a few monsters!?"

"No! I can feel that Hela is approaching a place where tens of thousands of civilians gather... The one who guards it is... Heimdall!?" Mei said from the beginning, while casting spells.

At this time, his [Mage's Eye] had already flown into the undefended Asgard and flew over a mountain.

A mirror image appeared in front of Thor and others.

The first thing that catches the eye is the corpses near the main gate of Asgard, followed by the guards who died in battle at the gate of the Golden Palace, and then Thor saw Hela and the executioner brother, breaking a huge mountain gate .

The six-story-high door slammed down and became a bridge between the cliffs.

Seeing that Hela was about to step over the bridge made of the gate and enter the palace on the mountain, at this moment, it was obvious that Hela discovered the Mage's Eye in mid-air, and turned her head and waved her hand.

Knife light flashed!

The mirror image was finally fixed on Hela's fierce and expressive eyes.

When it comes to commoners, Thor can't stand it anymore, these are his people. They have laughed, frolicked, saddened, and suffered together with Thor. It is precisely because of their belief in Thor and their loyalty to Odin that they rejected Hela's rule and chose to hide in the mountains. Seeing that Hela was about to find him and slaughtered, how could Thor hold back?

Thor knew that the guy from Sarkar couldn't be absolutely reliable. He knew even more how terrible Hela was.

Compared with the current self and the previous Hela, at most half a catty.

So how scary is Hela going back to Asgard with full power?

Afraid not to go straight to the heavenly father, right?

At that level of battle, at most, Mei Mumu can help. Others are not qualified to come over and even cannon fodder. If they encounter Hela, they will be instantly killed.

The problem is that Mei Mumu has long been exhausted in order to bring a bunch of spaceships here.

No matter what May had done before, just because he was able to come when Asgard was in danger, Thor would take it.

"Hi! My brothers and sisters, my friends! Thank you so much for coming when Asgard was in danger of demise. Hela is strong, probably already a fatherly powerhouse. So I hope you do The thing is - when I deal with Hela, help me rescue all the Asgardians first. [Gods Ragnarok] Of course I don't want it to happen. As the leader of Asgard~ I have to prepare for the worst."

Thor swept across the audience, looking at his new friend and his old brother, with a bright smile.

Meimumu smashed Thor's breastplate with a punch and made a "bang" sound: "Tor, don't die!"

As if a flash of inspiration, Thor's IQ skyrocketed, and he suddenly smiled mysteriously at May: "May, I don't care what you see through the [Time Gem]. I just want to see more Asgardians rescued. If you can do this, you can take Asgard's treasury as you like!"

Mei Jiexiao was embarrassed on the spot——

Hold the grass! Brother Hammer, if you say that, don't you become me, Mei's integrity, and a villain! ?


Before Mei Jiexiao could react, Thor jumped into a dagger fighter dashingly, and flew away by himself.

Widow sister just laughed and said, "Hey! Someone counts, this time a villain meets a gentleman. Are you moved?"